
Chapter 117 Windwalker Ji Yan

Chapter 117 Windwalker Ji Yan (6000 words)
The Lieyang Bird with a wingspan of ten meters is undoubtedly only at the realm of Jade Baby Xiaocheng, one level lower than the Bloody Sparrow.

However, this kind of barbaric spirit of light attribute has a certain restraint effect on dark and evil beasts.

Plus two other generals whose strength is unknown, and Mo Xuan, Wang Xinfei's guardian.

If the ghost hand doesn't want to capsize in the gutter, there is a high probability that he will choose to retreat.

Averting his gaze, Mr. Ye Han no longer looked at the blazing sun bird fluttering its wings, and urged the armored horse to continue running.

The generals in the sky didn't have time to pay attention to them at all, and rushed to the center of the trial area in a hurry.

Then, it is obviously not something that can be done in a short period of time by relying on armored horses to cover a distance of several days and flee directly to the base.

Mr. Yehan's idea is to further increase the distance and find a more secluded place to hide.

As long as the battle is over and the dust falls to the ground, their lives will be saved.


The armored horse ran hard.

Grasping Wang Xinfei's shoulder with one hand and supporting the two people behind him with the other, Mr. Yehan, in the midst of the fast-moving wind, thought about it and said:

"What I can tell you now is that the goal of the Four Ghost Mercenary Group is not only to capture Wang Xinfei alive, but also to kill me."

"But I didn't reveal too much ability in front of the public. To the outside world, apart from the identity of the blood contract holder, the new family member became the teaching assistant."

"Because there are too few clues, I can't confirm for the time being who I provoked and who harbored great malice towards me."

"But the opponent obviously misjudged my strength seriously."

"If there is no accident, I will maintain the status quo in the future. Before I find out about this matter, I will try to keep a low profile and try to gain time for development as smoothly as possible..."

"Blood Pact Holder?"

"Master Han's two functions and powers are both awakened on his own initiative?"

Wang Xinfei didn't dare to turn her head back, the male body behind her was too hot, and the threat hidden in those dark eyes was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, she was stunned and stunned, and even Li Jingming, who was being carried by Grimacing Moth and flying at a low altitude, the two new disciples all had trance expressions.

How many things did Master Han hide?

A high level of authority with a dark attribute, a high level of authority with an education and nurturing type, these are exaggerated enough, and I dare not even dream about it like this.

He is actually the holder of the blood contract...

According to the calculation of the dual authority, it can't be one, it should be two...

What kind of prominent and ancient family is it that can breed such a descendant? What kind of motivation and purpose does he have when he comes to the giant frog pond?
Wang Xinfei and Li Jingming could only guess wildly and dare not take the initiative to ask these secrets.

I heard Lord Yehan say again:
"Just check the confession to avoid accidents."

"If Hu Linlin and Sun Houbing wake up, we agree that they were attacked by a strange beast that suddenly appeared in the dark, and they both fainted at the same time, and then gather the strength of the team to take them away, so that they can survive. ..."

"As for the depths of the underground cave, if a teacher asks what happened, you can tell me that I led you to flee everywhere, and by provoking the hidden rays of the sun, you will become a dark creature, use it to block ghost teeth, ghost hunting, and successfully gain time to survive .”

"Then, just before fleeing the cave, it was Wang Xinfei who, in desperation, used the explosive orb to destroy the cave and buried them all."

"And then, Ghost Fang Ghost Hunting, Dark Creatures, whether these guys are dead or alive, is no longer our concern. We are always running for our lives, so we are lucky to survive..."

Mr. Yehan spoke clearly.

A calm tone, as if things really happened like this.

Wang Xinfei and Li Jingming listened attentively, nodding from time to time, and carefully wrote down every detail.

"Regarding the special power disciple, there is a passive power "secret covenant", I am not worried about you leaking it. "

"However, after this incident, we can become a little closer than before because of the relationship of sharing weal and woe."

"You can also use the rhetoric of the great fear hidden between life and death to explain the change in your mentality. From now on, you have a stronger yearning for power, instead of the stars holding the moon and returning to the greenhouse flowers again..."

"Of course——Li Jingming is fine."

"Wang Xinfei, don't get too close to me on the face of it. Your side is the main source of trouble. Before I have accumulated enough strength, I don't want to get into the muddy water on your side. Please bear this in mind."

"I see." Wang Xinfei responded, "They are still independent individuals, and they will only gather together when necessary. Is that what you mean?"

"Describe it as you like."

Mr. Yehan was noncommittal, and asked again:

"What about your marriage?"

"Now that Mo Xuan is not around and the battlefield is in chaos, please describe it concisely and let me know first."

When this question was mentioned, Wang Xinfei's condensed eyes were slightly loose.

She hesitated for a few seconds, and the voice of muttering to herself was blown into her ears by the gust of wind:

"More than 200 years ago, before the "Giant Frog Dynasty" was divided, my family was one of the great nobles in the dynasty. "

"Later, because of Emperor Tang's fall, the thriving dynasty was in turmoil."

"Under a series of wars, in the end it was the eldest prince, third prince, and sixth princess of the dynasty. The three winners divided up the inheritance of Emperor Tang and established the Red Frog Kingdom, the Blue Frog Kingdom, and the Grass Frog Kingdom respectively."

"The patriarch of the Wang family at that time, that is, my great-grandfather, chose to attach himself to the third prince and let the flow naturally become the backbone of the Blue Frog Kingdom."

"But it's a pity that time has passed, and after great-grandfather passed away, although there are many third-rank powerhouses in the clan, they are powerful."

"But based on the fourth rank, the only one who can really be the pillar is the aging Wang Lutai."

"The Wang family has never had fresh blood, broke through the barrier of the third rank, and realized the sublimation after changing jobs..."

Wang Xinfei sighed softly, showed a bitter smile, and explained helplessly:
"Wang Lutai is my grandfather and the previous head of the Wang family."

"He had the foresight. When I was born, he made a marriage contract with the royal family of the Blue Frog Kingdom."

"As long as they get married smoothly, the Wang family and the royal family of the Blue Frog Kingdom will be further bound together, and there will be more resources for support."

"At that time, the current patriarch of the Wang family, that is, my father Wang Qiusong, will have a very good chance of ascending to the fourth rank..."

"Did you only know about this marriage contract recently?" Ye Han-jun asked.

"Yes." Wang Xinfei lowered her gaze, "Compared to other brothers and sisters, my eldest father loves me more since I was a child. Whatever I want, he will try his best to help me achieve it."

"But I only recently discovered that this kind of doting is a cage used to confine me, making me always live in a world wrapped in dreams, innocent and ignorant."

"Whether it's my grandfather or my father, in their eyes, I'm actually a tool, a tool that has value only for marriage."

"They don't care about my future, and they don't even want me to have too much strength, in case it is difficult to control."

"They only need me to live in peace and stability until I am 20 years old, and then marry the current second prince of the Blue Frog Kingdom."

"That's why, in the past, when other brothers and sisters were serious about laying the foundation, I was the only one who could skip classes and go out to play casually without any restrictions."

"I didn't know it before, I thought it was a preference."

"But later I realized that this was a deliberate indulgence. They only needed my face and body, and after sacrificing it, they would become a family."

Yehan-jun clicked his tongue, "So, you who can't accept the marriage, your mind is awakened, and you want to take the initiative to escape from your comfort zone."

"You want to become stronger than your father and grandfather. Only in this way can you prove yourself and redeem your own destiny?"

"That's what it means." Wang Xinfei nodded sullenly, "But... I'm going to be 18 soon, and I have less than three years left."

"Originally, I was trying to struggle without seeing any hope."

"Now, because of Master Han, I seem to see a little bit of hope..."

"In this case, you should pay attention."

Mr. Yehan considered it carefully and said:

"For your father, for your grandfather, you are a very important bargaining chip."

"In a short period of time, you can become stronger, but you can't show too amazing talent."

"For example, the power given to you by respecting the master precepts, hide it well for me. Whether it is related to me or to yourself, it is not suitable to be easily exposed."

"On your father's and grandfather's side, it's okay for a young girl to resist her fate, it's reasonable and normal."

"As long as it's not too much of a threat, they'll just laugh it off."

"However, you will either be so powerful that you can escape from their control, ride on their noses and no longer be restrained by them."

"Or, you can be mediocre and stupid, reduce their defensiveness, and let them think that you will be safe and secure, and obey your fate."

"Follow Master Han's instruction."

Wang Xinfei let out a breath, cleared away all distracting thoughts, and responded solemnly.

"Turn right, there's a tree hole there."

Mr. Ye Han guides the way:
"Just hide there and wait patiently for rescue."

"You guys explore the power to become stronger, and then wake up Hu and Sun."

"I want to squint for a while to recover my physical condition, don't disturb me..."


On the night of the sixth day of the trial, what accompanied all the students was no longer black, but red like blood.

This night is destined to be unforgettable.

Until dawn, a faint light appeared on the eastern horizon, and the light blue sky was gradually lit up.

Lord Ye Han's steady breathing stopped suddenly.

He opened his eyes, and the blood in his eyes faded a lot.

Although the body has returned to the half-dead and broken state when he stepped into the academy.

But after taking the powerful medicine, his energy and energy did not appear particularly sluggish, and there was a hidden edge in his calmness, which made people dare not underestimate him.

"call out--"

The flamingo glides slowly overhead.

There were sporadic claw marks all over its wings, and there was a brief fight, but the injuries did not look serious.

Mr. Yehan led the four students to an open place, and lit a firework gun as a warning.

The blazing sun bird landed immediately, and the white stretchers lined up on the broad back were particularly eye-catching.

"There are still five students alive?"

The general, who was wearing hard armor and hadn't seen him all night but was already clutching his broken arm, bared his teeth and clicked his tongue slightly.

"It looks frightened, but the condition is still good, so lucky..."

"Come on, I'll take you back to the base, I'll talk about other things when the time comes, go back to a safe place and take a good rest..."

"Master Han!"

Su Mei, Zhao Li, Huang Dengshan, and Zhang Wu, who were sitting in a crowd, were still covered in mud, like four mud monkeys.

Seeing Mr. Ye Han, they stood up at the same time, with strong surprises on their faces.

"Are you a mentor?"

The general raised his eyebrows, very surprised.

"No, I'm a teaching assistant."

Mr. Ye Han shook the silver-white triangular badge in his hand, first nodded his thanks to the general, and then comforted several excited students.

After missing for one night, his four players, regardless of their injuries or mental appearance, were actually the best in the game.

On the stretcher lined up in a row, Tong Xuan, Zhi Zhengqing, Wei Hongying, Shen Jiaoyun, Lin Qingyun, two tutors and three teaching assistants stood out.

Although they were not dead, they were all unconscious, and their breathing became weaker and weaker.

Mr. Yehan had an illusion that with his current frail body, he could punch them to death with a punch.

"Assistant Teacher Han..."

The only teaching assistant who is awake and in good condition is Ying Xia.

She didn't stand up, she was still sitting cross-legged on the Riding Sunbird's back.

Looking at Mr. Yehan, apart from the suppressed sadness, there was a rich and complex look in his eyes.

Before Shen Jiaoyun passed out, she had already heard about it.

Ghost Ya and Ghost Hunter finally chased Ye Hanjun and the others.

They are bound to win Wang Xinfei, and the essential purpose of appearing here is to kidnap Wang Xinfei, and all the killings and disputes revolve around her.

But now, not only Wang Xinfei is alive and well.

The same is true for Li Jingming, Hu Linlin, and Sun Houbing.

Mr. Ye Han——What a good way!
Ying Xia didn't know exactly what he did.

However, comparing the left and right, the members of the sixth team under the leadership of Mr. Yehan all hid in the crypt to avoid danger.

All students who are related to Mr. Ye Han have a very high probability of survival.

Is this the ability to respond to such a major emergency as the first rank?
The post of teaching assistant, not to mention "humiliating", seems to be somewhat unworthy of him...

Sighing softly, the exhausted Ying Xia has no desire to communicate.

Mo Xuan, who was lying on the sixth stretcher in a daze, struggled to sit up when she heard strange movements.

Seeing clearly that Wang Xinfei was standing upright without losing her fragrance, she breathed a sigh of relief, rolled her eyelids, and completely fell asleep.

"Your Excellency, what was the situation of the battle last night?" Lord Yehan asked the general.

The general called Zhao Li, smiled wryly, shook his head and sighed:

"Don't be optimistic. The thief is too strong. Even if we have a lot of people, we can't stop him, let alone kill him."

"He fled from the side of the swamp, and we chased him for a distance. We were worried that there would be new changes in the trial ground or the base, so we had to turn back and give priority to controlling the situation."

"What about his three followers? Ghost Fang, Ghost Hunter, Ghost Whip, are they dead or alive?"

"Ghost Fang and Ghost Hunter disappeared. Someone heard a bang, but we searched there and found nothing."

"But the ghost whip's body fell into our hands."

After a pause, Zhao Li looked at Lin Qingyun, who was unconscious, and said with some admiration:

"Speaking of which, you, Assistant Professor Lin, are very skilled."

"He almost killed Ghost Whip at a lower level."

"Later, Teacher Zhi Zhengqing rushed over and put the teaching assistants down from the back of the magic giant eagle. The two teaching assistants worked together to kill the ghost whip."

"I see."

Lord Yehan showed a hint of surprise at the right time, and said thoughtfully:

"Ghost Fang and Ghost Hunter were first entangled by the wild Xiazhao spirit I attracted, and then they were blown up by Miss Wang's treasure."

"At that time, we couldn't control too much. We didn't dare to look back. We just looked for a safe place and lingered."

"Thinking about it now, in the best case of luck, they died on the spot."

"Of course, I am more inclined. They suffered serious injuries and were forced to escape in desperation."

"Don't worry! If they are alive, they won't be proud for long!"

Zhao Li touched his broken arm, sneered, and said with a murderous look:

"These shady evil mercenaries, the killings in the past, at least happened in places we can't see."

"Now, he dared to reach out to the Canghai Pavilion and kill so many students and teaching assistants overnight."

"Including the two mentors, they seem to have survived, but one of the souls was defeated, and the other's life was cut in half. After recovering from the injury, they are destined to be useless."

"I think the Canghai Pavilion cannot tolerate such brazen and provocative behavior, and the higher-ups of the hospital are bound to be outraged."

"At the time of introduction, there will definitely be a fourth-ranked strong man who will personally hunt down and kill the surviving members of the Four Ghost Mercenary Group."

"With the dark and evil forces lurking in the Blue Frog Kingdom, there will be a round of reshuffle in a short time, with an eye for an eye, and violence with violence. If we don't frighten these young people, they probably don't know that Canghai Pavilion is one of the five giants of the giant frog pond. The gold content of one of the top colleges...”

Ye Hanjun smiled slightly, apparently agreeing with Zhao Li's point of view.

Deep down in his heart, he would never regard this external force as his rescue rope.

The so-called deterrence Xiao Xiaoxiao may be a good thing for ordinary students.

Going out to hunt, in view of the identity of Canghai Pavilion students, can reduce the occurrence of persecution incidents.

But—even if Ghost Hand is killed, there is another group of people spying on him with malicious intent.

Before the investigation is clear, the only way to gain a sense of security is to work hard to become stronger!

Talk, stop here.

The survival base does not belong to the Canghai Pavilion in essence. It is an armament system under the blue frog flag, responsible for guarding the stability of various regions.

However, Canghai Pavilion and Tianya Mansion, these two colleges are inseparable from the Blue Frog Kingdom.

Several generals of the third rank are dedicated to dealing with a series of trivial matters after the chaos.

They first notified the Canghai Pavilion and asked the academy to send mentors to pick up the survivors.

At the same time, continue to send people to search in the trial area, retrieve all human remains, and report any abnormal clues in time.

In this way, in the afternoon of this day, Mr. Ye Han, who returned to the survival base, learned the specific number of casualties in this man-made disaster.

Instructor group - all abolished!
The teaching assistant team - Wu Chong died in battle!Field race died!Lin Qingyun was seriously injured and died!

Both Shen Jiaoyun and Wei Hongying were seriously injured and half disabled, and only Ye Hanjun and Yingxia were in fair condition.

As for the student group, the 1st team led by Liu Xin, and the 4th team led by Hu Linlin, a total of 3 players were eliminated due to various reasons.

They who finished the trial halfway survived.

As for the one who continued to participate in the trial, only Hu Linlin survived.

Team 2, captain Li Jingming lives alone.

Team 3, Wang Xinfei and Sun Houbing.

The fifth team led by Qin Shui accidentally got lost under the confident guidance of Pu Chenlong.

Those who failed to reach the central area of ​​the trial in time did not encounter the most tragic massacre, and were very lucky that all of them survived.

Then, all the members were placed in the slaughterhouse, but all survived, only the sixth team led by Mr. Yehan.

29 students, so far, 13 dead! 16 live!
This number is not dazzling to Mr. Yehan.

He has protected as much as he can.

And those who survived, because of this extremely desperate experience, might have a different future...


Another night passed, and when the sun rose, five new guests appeared in the survival base.

The leader had a dreadlock, and a pair of blue eyes were withdrawn like wild wolves.

He was wearing a blue robe, and he simply stood there, with an invisible wind swirling around his body.

This added a touch of mystery to his temperament.

The aura emanating from every gesture is bottomless.

"Windwalker Discipline?!"

Ying Xia took a breath of cool air, her somewhat dull eyes instantly brightened.

"The hospital already knows about the Four Ghost Mercenary Group."

"The hospital has sent a certain vice president to cross the swamp and follow the traces left by the bloody sparrow."

"In addition, there are several teams of mentors who are going to several underground black markets to randomly hunt evil mercenaries with evil intentions. Those who can be uprooted will not be tolerated."


The heart that Ying Xia was holding fell back slightly, and a trace of joy on her face eased her worries:
"It is our fault for failing to protect the students."

"But the four ghost mercenary group... deserve death!"

"Go back and talk."

Ji Yan glanced at the crowd and frowned slightly when he saw the row of stretchers.

Taking two steps forward, when he noticed Tong Xuan, whose face was pale and his eyes could only barely open a gap, the corners of his eyes trembled slightly, and a killing intent almost rushed out of his body for a moment.

Although he reacted quickly and restrained in time.

But Lord Yehan still sensed it.

Windrunner has a strict discipline. Windrunner is not only his nickname, but also his authority.

Power level D, he is in charge of the wind element, and he is best at speed when paired with a contracted spirit with agility and attack attributes.

According to the gossip that he had heard before, his spirit was suspected to have reached the consummation of Yuying.

In terms of rank alone, it is already on par with those star mentors who are expected to break through to the fourth rank, but have not yet achieved the breakthrough.

It would take him at most one year of precipitation before he could obtain the same title and become one of the most popular and respected masters in Canghai Pavilion.

"Tong Lao..."

Ji Yan sighed softly and said slowly:

"I didn't expect to suffer such torture when I was old..."

"Don't worry, when I send you back to the academy, I will also hunt the evil mercenaries, and I will definitely send the head of that ghost hand to the child teacher..."

(End of this chapter)

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