
Chapter 128 Guagua advances, machine water gun!

Chapter 128 Guagua advances, machine water gun! (6200 words)

Lord Yehan showed a hint of relief.

Someone once did an experiment, and with the help of the Stiff Mushroom, the probability of Grimace Moth activating the hidden bloodline skill is only about 30%.

In other words, out of ten ghost face moths on average, only the healthiest and best three can become stronger through the right medium.

"Spiritual Stinger" - this is a powerful spiritual attack skill!
After mastering it, the two tentacles of the Grimace Moth suddenly come together, and can shoot out an energy stinger that is more than ten meters away.

This poisonous thorn does not need to penetrate the flesh, as long as it hits the prey's head, it will erode the opponent's brain like a virus.

Afterwards, the brain will issue wrong instructions, whether it is limb stiffness or limb twitching, the overall combat capability will drop sharply in a short period of time.

"so smart?"

Su Mei's eyes are shining brightly:
"Scared fans are at a disadvantage when they encounter scales and thick hair. "

"This "spiritual stinger" directly attacks the soul, and it is really difficult to guard against it by surprise. "

"And 90 lines...the strength is so high!"

"With the blessing of this skill, Xiao Li is now qualified to leapfrog and fight with some clay sculptures and win, right?"

Lord Yehan smiled and remained silent.

Su Mei's judgment is completely correct. For clay sculptures, direct attacks on the spirit are really difficult to parry.

Especially the stupid savage spirits, who are physically strong, their common weakness is the soul.

Facing the same mental stinger, they suffer more serious injuries, and fall into abnormal states such as fear and confusion for a longer time and deeper degree.


Grimace Moth can understand part of human language, and when he woke up, he was amazed.

Randomly caught a wild beast of the same level nearby, and it triggered the "spiritual stinger" it had just learned.

In an instant, the wild beast foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground, as if suffering from epilepsy.

After waiting patiently for 30 seconds, it barely regained its strength. When it looked at Grimacing Moth, it turned pale, desperately trying to break free from the shackles of the insect net.

"The flight speed of the mental stinger is not fast enough, the effective distance is not far enough, and self-consumption cannot be ignored. These three are disadvantages."

"But the advantage is too strong, it can almost become the key to deciding victory or defeat or turning things around..."

Li Jingming, who folded his arms and thought, already had various tactics in his head.

Constantly disassemble and organize, and analyze the most reasonable collocation.

It was further discovered that with this single skill alone, the comprehensive combat power of the Grimace Moth has increased by at least 1.5 times, and it can already rank among the best spirits at the same level.


The mudblade mantis, who was still bound but gave up struggling long ago, stared at the grimacing moth with its translucent compound eyes.

The low-level Zerg that I didn't pay much attention to at first, now it feels...a bit dangerous!
This kind of strange touch in the dark is a rare and fresh experience for it.

"La la la! La la la! I am a little flower seller!"

"La la la! La la la! One flower! Two flowers! For my wife! For my mother!..."

In the distant swamp, a melodious singing sounded suddenly.

When the singing sounded, the crows on the tree flew away in panic, the sleeping mud rabbit woke up with a start, and the fighting tigers and leopards stopped fighting at the same time.

Mr. Yehan moved his ears, and there was a trace of seriousness on his calm face:
"Retreat quickly! Get out of here quickly!"

"This is "Ghost Flower Girl", with such an ethereal voice, I'm afraid I'm stuck in the realm of Xiazhao's consummation, and I'm only one step away from ascension and evolution! "

Hearing that, both Su Mei and Li Jingming shuddered, and their childhood memories were instantly recalled.

The ghost flower girl is an existence that is often mentioned in fairy tales and has a great reputation.

Especially the familiar "Song of Selling Flowers", when the melody is played, it is said that everyone can hum a cheerful tone.

But the ghost flower girl who endows a beautiful meaning in fairy tales often represents horror in real reality.

In reality, if a person who can listen to the entire song has no ability to kill the ghost flower girl, there is a high probability that he will be entangled by the ghost flower girl.

The "flower selling" and "ghost roses" mentioned in her lyrics are all made of human or intelligent souls!
The price of buying flowers - is your own life!

This kind of murderous spirit of the underworld, unexpectedly appeared in the yellow mud? !
"Judging from the sound, it should be a wandering wild spirit, and the possibility of having a master is very low."

"It's good that Xiazhao is consummated. Although she is powerful, she can only be active at night. If she hears the singing, stay away in time, and there will be no great danger."

While fleeing, Mr. Yehan was making up lessons for the two disciples.

He was deeply impressed by the ghost flower girl, mainly because he has a sister who is four or five years older than him, and she is considered to be one of the more talented members of the family in recent years.

During the trial of the night, she contracted the "ghost flower girl", and then mutated and evolved into the "cradle princess".

A "Song of Selling Flowers" still has a chance to escape.

A "lullaby", there is silence for ten miles around, and there are peaceful and peaceful sleeping faces everywhere, even if a knife is stabbed between the eyebrows, it is difficult for the lower spirit to regain consciousness.

With such a spirit, she also has a sufficiently ruthless personality.

This half-sister, Ye Lingwu, passed the night trial with a high evaluation, and truly has the surname "Ye".


After escaping from the hunting area of ​​the ghost flower girl, he found a place to rest in the middle of the night.

The next day, when the sun rose, it meant that the three of them had entered the yellow mud swamp, and their adventures had come to the third day.

On this day, with the help of medicine, Pink Ostrich's injury improved significantly.

And the mud blade mantis, also under Li Jingming's training, loosened half of the insect net and regained its right to move freely.

As for the other half, the pair of machetes must be tied to prevent it from suddenly violently injuring people.

Of course, there is a rope extending from the bug net, and the other end is tied to Li Jingming's wrist, so he can find out in time if there is anything wrong.

In this way, the ignorant mantis is like a parrot tied with a flying rope.

Sometimes walking slowly with the team, sometimes flying above the heads of the crowd.

It didn't lose its temper.

As long as it sees Huazhu or Lord Yehan, it will be in a mess and dare not make mistakes.

To Li Jingming, because of the sweet slime and the grimacing moth who accompanied him and was also a Zerg, the big mantis also somehow looked familiar, at least he didn't show any hostility on the surface.

Cultivation plan for non-staff dependent spirits - step by step.



On the muddy land, there are footprints of wild animals everywhere.

Lord Ye Han raised his eyebrows, and suddenly felt a strange feeling reflecting his soul.

After thinking about it for a while, it doesn't seem to be dangerous.

Driven by curiosity, he changed the established route and led the team to explore the road to the right.

Soon, a rotten quagmire leaped into view.

The quagmire is not deep, and you can only submerge your knees if you step on it. If you pay attention, you can't be trapped by it.

But what is interesting is that there is a plant growing in the mud, which is shaped like an octopus.

There are a total of eight vines extending from the center, twined in pairs, and twisted into four twists.

At the tip of the twist, there are four bud-like cages, each two meters wide, containing something vaguely.

"It turned out to be cement seal grass?"

After staring intently for a while, Mr. Ye Han's eyes flickered, and he introduced with great interest:

"This is a kind of demon spirit, especially like 'falling in love'."

"It is a spirit monster reincarnated from a plant, and has low-level intelligence since its birth."

"But its lifespan is very short, at most three years for clay sculptures."

"If you can take a photo like the lucky Feisheng Xia in front of you, it will only be extended to ten years."

"When the lifespan is over, the soul of the cement seal grass will disperse, but it will not die completely, but will drop its rank and become an ordinary plant again, continuing to grow in its original position."

"What a special demon spirit..."

Su Mei was surprised and couldn't help asking:
"What does it mean to fall in love? The demon spirit that is reincarnated from a plant...does it also need to fall in love in order to reproduce?"

"No." Yehan-jun's eyes became a little strange: "The cement heart seal grass...the brain is not very smart."

"On weekdays, it is very gentle. Even with the fighting power of Xiazhao level, it will not harm any living things. It only needs to absorb nutrients from the mud to maintain growth."

"However, it will 'come into heat' every night of the full moon."

"No matter what type of flesh and blood creature Jieshi is, as long as he gets close to it and accidentally touches its vines, it will 'love at first sight'."

"This is quite outrageous. If you passed by on a full moon night, you took it as a vine and accidentally stepped on it."

"In the cognitive world of cement seal grass, you just like it."

"To maintain that liking, it won't let you leave here."

"It will pierce your heart with vines, and then secrete a cement-like liquid. In just a dozen seconds, you will become a human statue, allowing you to 'seal your heart and lock your love' and stay with you forever its side."

"Hey!" Goosebumps appeared on Su Mei's arms, "This is not dating, it's perverted!"

"There are four flower cages here, don't you love the other when you see one, and never know how to say no?"

"It's like this," Mr. Yehan laughed dumbly, "The cement heart seal grass can seal up to four creatures, and the following full moon night will have no effect on it. One king and four queens are happy enough in its world."


Su Mei didn't know how to complain.

You say cement-sealed grass is infatuated, it likes one when it sees one.

Call it promiscuous, but it only likes four, and doesn't want any more.

To sum it up, this guy is still too perverted. He has a brain circuit completely different from that of human beings, which conforms to the magical laws that are full of wonders in the universe.

"The dead cement heart seal grass should leave good things behind..."

Mr. Yehan stared at the dark, smelly and dirty quagmire for a while, and made a mental struggle.

In the end, he still pointed at the grimace and said:

"Li Jingming, you go."

"Use a weapon to cut through the vines in the center and dig all the way down. Be careful not to use too much force. Slow down and be careful."

"There should be an oval 'egg' at the root of the cement seal grass. That's its heart. If you fetch it, it will be of great use to me."

"Okay!" Li Jingming stretched out his hand, Grimace Moth landed, grabbed his shoulder and flew straight to the center of the quagmire.

At first, he didn't seem to want to step into the quagmire, for fear that poisonous insects and the like would lie dormant.

But when he found that he was hanging in mid-air and it was difficult to dig down, Li Jingming had to land on both feet and get muddy all over his body.

Fortunately, he has no cleanliness.

Without even frowning, he carried out the excavation work very patiently.

It took a full half an hour before he returned to the side holding the heart of the cement seal grass.

"Guagua, do me a favor and provide a bath service."

Lord Yehan opened the bottle cap and pointed to Li Jingming who was emitting a terrible stench a few meters away, and made arrangements.

"Eye?" (ˇˇ)
The little tadpole tilted his head.

It was the first to learn the word "bath".

Correspondingly, "soaking", "scrubbing", "bathing"... these things that are often done, can be understood at all times.

However, it seems that I haven't bathed other big tadpoles yet...

With small eyes wide open, Guagua opened his mouth as thick as a little finger, like a water gun in the shape of a small tadpole, sizzling up and down at Li Jingming.

Not to mention, as expected of the tadpoles brought up by Mr. Yehan, his bathing skills are amazing.

Whether it's clothes, shoes... or nostrils, hair... Guagua is not sloppy at all, and washes it over and over again.

In the end, if Li Jingming hadn't reached out his hand on his own initiative, indicating that the skin might peel if it continued to wash.

Guagua then closed his mouth and canceled the spell casting of Water Bomb.

And those little eyes that were still full of meaning fell into Ye Hanjun's eyes, which was really funny.


Mr. Yehan pierced his heart, and as expected, there was a shiny translucent liquid hidden in it.

This is the life essence left by the cement seal grass, as long as the shelf life does not exceed 50 years, its effect can be compared to that of a spiritual spring.

In order to ensure that there was no corruption, Mr. Yehan carefully poured a mouthful into his mouth, but he didn't smell any aroma or taste.

But after swallowing it into the stomach, the internal organs cheered, and for just a moment, the skin of the whole person glowed with faint fluorescence, and a flash of light pierced the fundus of the eyes, and it radiated like lightning.

"Come, everyone who sees has a share."

Mr. Yehan held the egg-shaped heart and poured a mouthful into the mouths of Li Jingming and Su Mei respectively.

He even fed flower candles, grimace moths, and pink ostriches, and even drank a sip of the mud blade mantis.




Two people and four beasts, either close their eyes and feel the changes in their bodies to their heart's content, or half-close their eyes with an intoxicated expression.

"This psychic liquid has no specific effect."

"But it can be confirmed that it is not harmful. After taking a sip, it seems to be able to wash away the impurities in the body."

Lord Yehan exhorted the two disciples:
"Pay attention to the state of your skin in the past few days. It may produce a lot of oil, and then secrete some gray-black mud. When the time comes to wipe it off, your body may be a little more relaxed than before."


Seeing that everyone has a share, but there is no one of their own, the little tadpole jumped half a meter high, and was particularly interested in the things in the hands of the big tadpole.

"Don't worry, the rest is yours."

Mr. Ye Han smiled, this kind of spiritual liquid is only effective for the first sip, and drinking any more is a waste.

When he saw the dead cement heart seal grass, he wondered whether this pure natural life liquid would be more effective for Guagua.

Now, it seems to be very close to the guessed result.

The little guy is not only curious, but also has a strong desire to explore. He really wants to jump in his heart and go swimming directly.


The pure white tadpole got his wish.

Like discovering a new continent, it flicks its tail and swims happily in several fist-sized hearts.

After swimming a few laps, Gudonggudong started to drink water.

The body a few centimeters in size swallowed like a cow, nearly one liter of liquid disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Belly up, the little tadpole lay shapelessly inside the moist egg-shaped heart.

Two rice-sized eyes opened and closed, and soon dozed off.

Mr. Yehan appraised its state and saw the words "satisfied" and "full", and confirmed again that this thing is a higher-level spiritual substance for pure white tadpoles, which is helpful for its level. promote.

"This time... will it grow legs?"

Suppressing the expectation, Mr. Yehan held an empty heart, slowed down the pace of exploration, and hunted the beasts he encountered.

"Yeah..." (●˙˙●)

On the fifth day in the Huangni Swamp, Guagua finally woke up.

It had a long sleep, and when it awoke it was rejuvenated.

Seeing himself change from six centimeters to ten centimeters, the little guy was elated, and subconsciously spit water towards the sky above his head.


A series of water bombs rushed into the sky like afterimages, and the leap distance was at least 100 meters.

This is not over yet, with an interval of almost only 0.01 seconds, the water bombs are fired one after another, followed by the third, fourth, and fifth series... as dense as machine guns.

Guagua's eyes widened suddenly, watching in disbelief, countless water bombs scattered in the air like fireworks, and when they fell down, they were all soybean-sized water droplets, like a rainstorm.

This is my masterpiece?
Guagua shook his tail, turned his head to look at the tadpole, and saw that there seemed to be an emotion called "surprise" in his eyes, and the frequency of tail flicking instantly accelerated.

"At once……"

Mr. Ye Han finally realized the feeling of being uncomfortable.

After drinking the pure natural spiritual liquid, the little tadpole spent a day and a night digesting it, and when he woke up, he was upgraded.

It progresses from a small clay sculpture to a clay sculpture master.

But it still doesn't have long legs, but it's bigger overall.

A full ten centimeters, almost catching up with the cross-section of the palm.

Among the tadpoles, if the seniority is ranked according to the body size, it is definitely at the upper level.

To evaluate it as a "little tadpole" is somewhat imprecise.


Guagua is very happy.

After Mr. Yehan's unreasonable teaching mode, it also understands the meaning of the word "growth".

It seems to be one step closer to becoming the "big tadpole" in my mind!

Guagua jumped one meter high, and the bubbles he spit out became as big as balloons.

Mr. Ye Han repeatedly looked at the property panel twice, and found that the little guy didn't understand the new skills.

However, the 36-pattern "water bomb" has been upgraded to the 88-pattern "machine water gun", and the spraying distance, speed, and power... have doubled and doubled.

This kind of strength is the level of clay sculpture mastery.

If Guagua was as indifferent as before, spraying all his brains at his nose, Mr. Yehan estimated from his heart that the probability of dodging at such a short distance would be less than one-tenth.

And once at such a short distance, with a fragile body against a whole set of "machine water guns", he would have to lie down for at least three to five days before he could breathe a sigh of relief from the serious injury.

Guagua - really grown up!

Although I scratched my head and scratched my head, I began to wonder whether the "pure white tadpole" had a process of metamorphosis.

But in front of the facts, Guagua can already fight grimacing moths and pink ostriches.

With its weird moves, and the instinct to move at will, if you add a bug and a bird together, maybe you can't beat it.

Such as "Scare Powder", the signature skill of Grimace Moth, it is likely that Guagua stands there and lets the powder blow, either it does not stick to its body, or it blends in a little, but it is difficult to be purified by the pure and flawless characteristics of Jing Zhiling. room to play.

To some extent, the ever-growing Guagua seems to represent invincibility in another dimension.


"Yay! Yay!"

The little tadpole hiding in the floating bubble, the speed of controlling the bubble's flight has become faster again.

It habitually circled Ye Hanjun in circles, and soon ran to the side of the flower candle, seeking the little black hat's help.

Li Jingming and Su Mei, who were drenched all over by the "rain made by melons", looked slightly dull.

As early as a long time ago, they knew that the little tadpoles around Master Han were no less magical than witches, otherwise they would not be able to continue to cultivate as Master Han's non-staffed spirits.

However, because Mr. Ye Han has not revealed the "clean beast" for the time being, the two of them are only regarded as some kind of rare demon spirits.

Although psychic, but still young, it is difficult to play a decisive role in actual combat.

Now, things seem to have changed?
Just now, the water column rushing up into the sky is as powerful as a bamboo, if it hits the body of the spirit, can it really be easily taken care of?

The two thought about it seriously, and it was difficult to deceive their hearts.

"Guagua advanced, today is worth celebrating."

Mr. Yehan smiled, pointed in another direction and said:

"I sensed a wandering "colossal boa constrictor", which should be a perfect clay sculpture. "

"This kind of snake is delicious, and the taste is more tender than chicken. Cook a pot of soup, and today's dinner will be settled..."

"Yay! Yay!"

The little tadpole didn't play enough, and refused to return to the water bottle which had become a bit narrow again.

Lord Yehan didn't force it to go back, and took it to hunt the giant python.

"Guagua, beat it!"

When the command was given, the little tadpole turned his head and did not obey the command.

The tadpole didn't perceive danger, nor did it perceive that the tadpole was in a bad mood. It was always carefree and free from too many constraints.

No, seeing that thick and long boa constrictor and that big tail that was also swinging back and forth, the little tadpole looked back at his own tail, thinking for a while.


There is an active attack on this side, and on the other side, a giant boa constrictor that thought it had bumped into food rushed over with its body swaying.

boom!A shield appeared, and the boa constrictor struck, which ignited its anger smoothly.


Guagua did some research and found that he and the big maggot seem to be not the same species.

Seeing that the big maggot was about to jump over and bite Mr. Yehan, Guagua stood up and used "Floating Bubble" and the linking skill "Flash" to circle around the big snake's head crazily.

After a few strokes, the dazzled big snake became dizzy.

Suddenly hearing a puff, the tadpole jumped to 20 meters in the air, and took the initiative to burst its own bubble.

It falls freely, with its tail up, its head down, and its mouth open. It is a "machine water gun".


He also raised his head, looking for the little tadpoles that were flying around and constantly provoking it. The giant boa constrictor was opening its jaws wide, threatening to bite.

As a result, all the water guns that had been shot were shot into its mouth, and the two longest snake teeth shattered with a snap.

In such pain, the eyeballs of the giant boa constrictor turned white, trying to avoid it by twisting its huge body, and then looking for a new opportunity to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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