
Chapter 148: Guagua ascends to the third level of lotus platform!

Chapter 148 Guagua ascends to the third level lotus platform!
Ye Hanjun took a nap for a while and then got up to catch monsters.

Since he told the people in the village, he is a scholar and came to Mass Burial Mountain for research.

Then catching the two demons can be regarded as "keeping one's word".

"Hey Hey Hey!"

After some searching, I relied on my keener perception of demons and fierce creatures.

Lord Yehan discovered a young "Bat-Winged Demon".

It only has the realm of clay sculpture, hanging upside down on the rock wall, and is no more than the size of a fist.

There was no need for Hua Zhu to catch it. The Darkest Abyss opened, and the little guy was so frightened that he lost his grip and fell down.

Ye Hanjun stretched out his hand to catch it.

After touching it twice, the little guy with the downy hair on his head was greatly reduced in fear.

"Be good, or I'll stew you."

"Hey hey hey..."

The young bat-winged demon made a strange cry and did not dare to move.

Ye Hanjun played with it for a while and stuffed it into his pocket.

The ones that are too big are inconvenient to carry, so if you want to grab them, grab the low-level ones.

Or, grab something edible so it's easier to deal with later.

As for the bat-winged demon, it carries a large amount of disease-causing bacteria, so there is no need to taste it.

However, through training and training, he can become a tool demon like a homing pigeon, and he can communicate with his disciples over a long distance.

No matter how bad it is, acting as Guagua's companion can be regarded as a devil's use.


After searching for a long time, Ye Hanjun found another special little guy.

This is a demon species that has not been mentioned by Qin Hou.

It looks like an eyeball and can float slowly in the air or rotate 360 ​​degrees without any dead ends.

This is the "beholder".

This kind of demon has no attack power, and even its defense power is pitifully low.

But it is a natural tool demon. It only needs to take out a few drops of blood and keep it warm for seven days.

This guy can be forcibly domesticated, and will only recognize one human being as his master in his life.

"Funny little guy."

Gently rubbing the eyelids of the beholder, the latter shrank and was so frightened that he did not even dare to open his eyes.

Ye Hanjun bit his finger and started the first day of warming up.

The abilities of the Beholder and the Shadow Flower are somewhat similar.

One is to store the picture and can read it at any time.

One is to pair up males and females for timely sharing.

Although a clay sculpture-level beholder may only be able to store three to seven days of images, after that the previous images will be continuously overwritten.

But this kind of demon has good concealment ability and insight.

Whether it is used for guarding or tracking, there are certain ways to use it.

After playing for a while, Ye Hanjun regarded it as a ball and stuffed it into another pocket.

——Done, it’s time to go down the mountain.

After going around in circles for a long time, Ye Hanjun no longer wanted to go back the way he came.

He wanted to find a nearby exit and then look for directions after going out.

However, contrary to expectations, the senses that spread out suddenly detected an object that seemed to be metal, and it was not small in size.

With a trace of doubt, Ye Hanjun cleared away the monsters along the way and walked to the source of the strangeness.


After tearing off the wildly growing vines, there was a large iron gate with a height of more than 20 meters in the darkness.

This is definitely not a natural product, it is obviously something forged by humans. It is like a secret base built in the heart of the mountain, revealing every trace of mystery and antiquity.

Ye Hanjun pushed hard twice, but it didn't move at all.

Summon flower candles, condense hurricane sand hammers, and detonate the power of the two mixed elements with all your strength.

--boom! ! !

As if it were shattered, the big iron door opened with a big hole.

Ye Hanjun waited for a while and saw the dust gradually falling, and then he crossed the gap and explored inside.

"Has anyone ever lived here?"

Hua Zhu was also observing, feeling doubtful.

The space inside the iron gate is about several hundred square meters.

There are obvious traces of human habitation. Although the layout is a bit simple, there are rows of scrolls, rows of utensils... a dazzling array of things.

Ye Hanjun grabbed a scroll and felt a trace of soul power.

[Secret report from the Black Snake Cult: In the 356th year of the Giant Frog Dynasty, in the Imperial Capital, Guantian Tower, Emperor Tang failed to attack the 6th level, and the contracted spirit "Giant Frog" had no hope of ascending...]

"Tang Huang?"

Mr. Yehan was very interested.

There is only one "Tang Emperor" in Giant Frog Pond, and that is "Tang Hao".

If it hadn't been for this man to open up the territory, Giant Frog Pond would still be a barbarian land.

It was with this king that the Giant Frog Dynasty was established about 800 years ago.

Ye Hanjun put down the first scroll and grabbed a few more.

[Secret report from the Black Snake Sect: In the 236th year of the Giant Frog Pond, Emperor Tang’s Sword killed the mud demon and put an end to the disaster. Later, he picked a life-extending elixir from the mud demon’s lair and swallowed it on the spot...]

[Secret report from the Black Snake Cult: In the 382nd year of the Giant Frog Dynasty, the second prince explored the Evil Dragon Cave, never returned, and was suspected of being killed...]

[Internal report of the Black Snake Sect: In the year 499 of Giant Frog Pond, Emperor Tang was old and consecrated the fourth prince as the crown prince...]

[Internal report of the Black Snake Cult: In the year 519 of the Giant Frog Pond, Emperor Tang was old. In order to ensure the prosperity of the dynasty, he brought the giant frog to the cities, killing ruffians, exterminating thugs, and punishing cults... The leader of the Black Snake Cult died, and the three protectors died. The Snake Cult was disbanded...]


Ye Hanjun took a moment to read all these scrolls.

What is recorded in it are all things that happened in the past, spanning dimensions from 150 to 530 years of the Giant Frog Dynasty. There is no too scattered news, they are all relatively important events.

And this was basically the turning point in the rise and fall of the dynasty.

The Giant Frog Dynasty prospered because of Tang Emperor Tang Hao.

After his death, the fourth prince who was originally named the prince "suddenly" died. All the princes and princesses died in the fight for the throne, and in the end only three parties benefited.

These three parties are now the Red Frog Country, the Blue Frog Country, and the Grass Frog Country.

"Black Snake Cult..."

Ye Hanjun roughly knew the origin of this secret base.

In the last years of Emperor Tang's reign, he swept across the country and used powerful means to kill demons and eliminate evil.

Although he put all his efforts into it, it was all in vain.

But the "Black Snake Sect" was defeated because of this.

This should be a dark organization whose strength cannot be underestimated. It usually does some dirty work such as assassinations and needs to obtain all kinds of intelligence.

The leader is dead, the protector is also dead, and the remaining members will naturally be unable to make a difference.

However, one of the protector's sons survived, hiding his name and fleeing everywhere.

After going around and around, it seemed that I had escaped... near the Mass Burial Mountain?

Ye Hanjun saw some manuscripts, which contained some messy notes.

The owner of this base went through a very painful dark period due to the death of his father, feeling depressed and at a loss as to what to do.

He harbored hatred towards Emperor Tang, and this hatred did not diminish even after his children took over the dynasty.

But unknowingly, in middle age, after trying many times and finding that he was unable to restore the Black Snake Cult, he gradually accepted his mediocrity and incompetence.

Later, he took several wives and built a small village near the mountains and rivers.

But he did not tell them anything about the Black Snake Cult. Instead, he reproduced, farmed and hunted, and lived the life of an ordinary householder until his death.

"So that's how it is..."

The clues were connected together, and Ye Hanjun suddenly understood.

It turns out that the mass burial village was established by this "Qin Fang".

This is a piece of history that has been buried. If we hadn’t come here by accident, no one would know this story.

Ye Hanjun took out the worn jade token from the dimensional space bag.

Then he picked up a jade tablet of the same size from the table, but with a black snake head carved in the center for a simple comparison.

Sure enough, this jade tablet used to be a token of the Black Snake Cult.

Qin Fang erased the mark and used it as an ordinary jade token to communicate between villagers...

Turning his eyes slightly, Ye Hanjun walked towards the innermost room of the base.

The scroll mentioned that the Black Snake Cult was wiped out and its main assets were put into the national treasury.

Qin Fang fled here, and the only money he had was finally left to his wife and children to use it to expand and develop the village.

But there is another important thing, which is part of the Black Snake Cult inheritance.


Hua Zhu violently destroyed the iron door on the inside.

It was empty inside, with only one metal table in the nearly [-]-square-meter area.

There was a special crystal instrument placed on the table, about a person's height. The black liquid inside was like a pool of stagnant water, motionless.


The tadpoles floated and looked curiously.

The crystal instrument is spherical, and nine-tenths of the black liquid that was supposed to be filled inside has evaporated, leaving very little remaining.

Then, there is an oval-shaped egg lying inside.

There are black patterns all over it, like a child's graffiti, and the visual experience is more abstract.

"It's a little tricky..."

Ye Hanjun looked around and screened them carefully, frowning slightly.

This egg has a unique meaning to the Black Snake Cult.

It is the descendant of the contracted spirit of the leader of the Black Snake Sect - the Human-Faced Demon Snake.

This kind of snake is cruel and murderous. It is not a savage beast or a demonic beast, but a branch of the Hell Favored Spirit - a magical beast.

"It has not decayed for more than 200 years and still retains vitality..."

"But it's obvious that there is something wrong with its development, otherwise it would have broken out of its shell long ago..."

Lord Yehan thought hard and hesitated.

There are two ways to deal with this snake egg.

First, find a way to hatch it.

This plan consumes materials and labor. The deployment of auxiliary spiritual materials and subsequent care require not only a large amount of spiritual stones, but also a lot of energy.

But the good thing is that as long as he can hatch the human-faced demon snake, this demonic beast, which is born as a jade baby, can become his strongest non-staff combat power at this stage.

Second, eat it.

The eggs of the Man-Faced Demon Snake will definitely not taste good, and may even have certain side effects on normal spirits.

But this kind of spirit egg liquid, which was born as a jade baby, has extremely huge life energy.

Huazhu, Mo, Grimace Moth, Pink Ostrich, Armored Horse... Even muscle zombies can be absorbed and refined.

With such huge benefits, those negative effects are completely tolerable.


Guagua rotates around the crystal instrument and seems to be particularly interested in the liquid inside.

Lord Yehan's expression changed.This is the spiritual fluid used to nourish snake eggs.

Although it has a dark attribute, the tadpole always only likes purity, and the specific element is not important.


He took out the blood-sucking dagger that had been gathering dust for a long time and made a hole in it.

The little tadpole cheered and dove in.

It swam and swam in the big instrument, and soon began to drink tons and tons of water.

The body, which was more than ten centimeters in size, actually swallowed all the remaining spiritual liquid, and its belly bulged and turned into a ball.

"Hey... hiccup!"

The little tadpole burped and looked at himself in confusion as he became fatter.

Its screams became weaker and weaker as its eyelids drooped and it fell into an uncontrollable drowsiness.



White jade-colored fluorescence bursts out from the tadpole's body, like a flickering breathing lamp, changing the intensity of the light rhythmically.

"Is this about to ascend?"

Ye Hanjun rubbed his hands, his calm mood rippled.

He watched the little guy grow up.

When I first encountered it, it was only two centimeters in size and not conspicuous at all.

Slowly, the clay sculpture is completed, the clay sculpture is completed, and the clay sculpture is completed.

Now, are you finally going to aim at Kasumi Teru's womb and reach another level?
Ye Hanjun was half expecting and half worried.

At the beginning, he judged that pure white tadpoles would undergo a process of metamorphosis.

However, after three minor levels of advancement, in addition to getting slightly larger in size, the tadpole is still a tadpole, its tail has not become shorter, and it has not grown any forelimbs or hind legs.

Ye Hanjun can no longer judge how the little guy is growing.


Ascension and advancement are different after all!
Maybe we can get some clues from the big level leap?
Ye Hanjun sat on the table and waited quietly.

Hua Zhu is also very patient. One plier is around the wind element and the other is around the sand element, training on element manipulation all the time.

One day later, the Doomsday Messenger was so hungry and thirsty that he took the initiative to seek abuse.

I have to say, even if the Three-Eyed Crow doesn't help it repair its injured body.

Just the accelerated recovery effect of the contract space can make it quickly accumulate vitality and become lively again.

Three times, five times and two times, Hua Zhuqian laid him down and threw him back with a happy look on his face.

In this way, another half day passed, and the sleeping tadpole triggered a new change.

A clear and translucent white jade light enveloped the tadpole's body.

This turned its body into a cocoon of energy and light, and even with Ye Hanjun's perception, he could not detect the deep changes inside.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey..."

Without warning, there was wind in my ears, and there was an obscure and incomprehensible voice.

After identification, it turned out to be a mysterious language similar to Sanskrit sounds. It was hard to hear clearly and the specific meaning could not be identified.

But how can the flesh and blood resonate with it and the soul vibrate with it, symbolizing the ordinary.


White light rain fell from the sky, and the dark room suddenly became illuminated.

Indescribable pressure came from all directions, as if it wanted to wash away all pollution and subdue all demons and ghosts.


Golden rays of light fell one after another, shaped like nine miniature divine pillars, surrounding the cocoon of light, with stars guarding it like the moon.

Immediately afterwards, the peaceful and sacred aura occupied Ye Hanjun's entire perception.

When looking at the cocoon of light again, great majesty emanated from it, as if the slightest disrespect could lead to punishment from heaven and earth.

"Ding ding ding--"

The bells and drums rang together, the harp and harp played in unison, and the Sanskrit sounds in my ears turned into the sound of ritual music with melodious joy.

The light cocoon melted and disintegrated little by little, and the creatures inside finally revealed their full appearance.

That's a...frog?

Ye Hanjun's eyes widened and he waited for a long time. Will Guagua not be able to escape Guagua's fate after all?

As if she had a tacit understanding, Guagua called out, and the crisp sound was even better than a bell.

The sandstorm witch Hua Zhu, who had been waiting for a long time, looked surprised.

The Ascension of the Familiar Spirit to Xia Zhao should not be able to trigger major changes in form, making it difficult to compare with the Ascension Evolution.

However, after Guagua slept for two days and one night, when he woke up, his overall changes were earth-shaking.

——It turned into a frog!

A crystal clear white jade frog, as if it had just been fished out of the water!
It looks well-behaved, with its upper body straightened out and its streamlined back smooth yet soft.

The lower body is sitting on the ground, but not on the ground, but on an emerald green third-grade lotus flower.

The lotus platform is about half a meter wide and can be suspended in mid-air without any restraint.

There are three leaves and three petals on it. When it shakes gently, the Buddha's light ripples like blue waves, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds linger around the ears. It is truly magical and unparalleled.


He croaked and looked forward with eyes that were far clearer and brighter than those of a child.

With just one glance, Lord Ye Han fixed its image in his mind. As long as his soul does not suffer severe damage in this life, he will never forget it.

"Qualification verification!"


[Race Name]: Enlightenment Frog

[Chaos Seal]: "Clean"

[Major]: Pure Path/Pure Path/Transformation Path

[Rank]: Embryo of Xiazhao·Xuyin
[Chaos Spirit Pattern]: 280 pattern "Water Cannon", 290 pattern "Unmoving as Jade", 300 pattern "Transformation"

[Core Personality]: "Innocent"

[Current status]: Novelty
[Contract relationship]: None



It was so shocking to the sense organs. When I saw the attribute panel, I was even more shocked.

Enlightenment Frog...this name is so special!

The main direction of cultivation is to add a new "Path of Change" based on the original "Pure Path" and "Pure Path".

Ye Hanjun was a little unfamiliar with this name, so he secretly deepened his impression.

Next, the rank, although there is no leap forward like Huazhu.

But the little guy is growing rapidly at every level.

From clay sculpture Xuyin to Xia Zhaoxuyin, it is a whole span. Compared with efficiency, how many creatures in this world can compare with it?
Chaos Spirit Pattern, this deserves special attention.

The little guy has a total of six skills in the clay sculpture stage.

In addition to "immovable as a stone" which is innate, "floating bubbles", "water invisibility", "machine water gun", "flash" and "reaction water gun" are all acquired.

Now, "Fixless as Stone" is suspected to be upgraded to "Fixless as Jade", the effect is unknown.

"Machine Water Cannon" is upgraded to "Machine Water Cannon". Based on the strength of the 290 pattern, the actual power must be terrifying.

Otherwise, all four skills are forgotten.

Ye Hanjun felt a little regretful, but he also knew that this was a common phenomenon of ascension, and all living beings had to face such a baptism.

But... "Transformation"?
The name is not difficult to understand. This Chaos Spirit Pattern... actually has 300 patterns?
Ye Hanjun was very surprised.

The "Crazy Sand Flurry" and "Tiangang Sand Shield" that Hua Zhu originally mastered, one is an unparalleled skill, and the other is a capped extreme skill.

You can ascend to Xia Zhao, one is forgotten, and the other is weakened. If you want to maintain the unrivaled skill strength of the same level, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

Unexpectedly, once Guagua ascended, he would actually acquire an extreme skill that was suspected to be a racial skill?
No matter what its actual effect is, with such intensity, you just need to look forward to it and don't need to worry about it.


The white jade frog, less than half a meter tall, lowered its head and blinked with its bright emerald eyes.

It also seemed curious about its own completely different body structure.

Just ...

Something seems wrong?

Why didn't he turn into a tadpole?
As if he didn't believe anything, Guagua raised his head again and stared at Lord Yehan.

After croaking twice, he turned around and looked at himself again. His big eyes finally looked a little dazed.

What went wrong? ? ?
Growth and growth, it turns out that it doesn’t happen according to the giant tadpole?

With this thought in his mind, there was a pop, and a golden light flowed all over his body.


Ye Hanjun was startled, his whole body was stuck in place like a log, and he didn't know how to speak.

In front of him, a figure suddenly appeared.

He is almost 1.9 meters tall and has no exaggerated muscles, but he is also well-proportioned and slender.

The key is, this guy is naked and frank, without any clothes on.

He has a pair of dark eyes, a head of short to medium curly black hair... His eyebrows, his skin color... Why are they so familiar, like looking in a mirror?
"What the hell..."

Ye Hanjun murmured to himself, and the eyes of Hua Zhu not far away were like an earthquake.

Two adults appeared in a hundred square meters of space?
One changed his skin color, reshaped his face, put on a wig... and was fully armed.

The other one was naked. Although his appearance was the same as his real body, his eyes always felt too clean, as if he had never experienced the beatings of life and was as innocent and pure as a naughty child.


Ye Hanjun, who was naked, was dancing and didn't understand what was going on.

Before taking two steps, "he" fell to the ground with the back of his head on the ground.


Like a balloon deflated, with a flash of golden light, the Enlightenment Frog sitting on the three-pin lotus platform reappeared, and his panicked look suddenly stopped.

"Could this be the "Transformation Technique" of 300 Patterns? "

Ye Hanjun licked his lips, as colorful lightning flashed through his head, making him unable to calm down.

"Interesting, very interesting..."

"Although the eyes are different, the words and deeds are also very inconsistent. I feel something is wrong at a glance..."

"But if I close my eyes, with my perception, I can't tell immediately that you are a false human body..."

"The blood radiating out and the pulse beating at a constant speed... are too real. How does it look like a fake?"

"Quaa?" (灬°ω°灬)
Guagua tilted his head, not quite understanding.

It could only faintly notice that the tadpole... seemed to be praising itself?
He wanted to wag his tail, but suddenly found that his tail was missing.

Guagua showed an expression of deep thought, then heard a pop, golden light flashed, and a pure white tadpole appeared on the spot.


The little tadpole screamed happily, and the familiar feeling finally came back. He opened his mouth and blew bubbles, and immediately floated into the air.

"Can I still change back to myself?"

Ye Hanjun opened his mouth, feeling that he had gained too much these past few days.

I am very satisfied with conquering the messenger of doom, Mo.

When Guagua ascends to the sky, I don’t know if it’s the end of his metamorphosis, but he still turns into a frog shape.

But this frog-shaped thing can change over and over again. There are many ways to study the gameplay and expand the tactics... I can't think of it all in one day or one night.

(End of this chapter)

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