I'm a dragon, I only want to steal princesses

Chapter 347 Why is this dragon so big?

Chapter 347 Why is this dragon so big?

Morton's Golden Hammer flew into Ganorn's territory riding a powerful griffon, bringing only two griffin cavalry as followers.

After receiving the reply from the messenger, he set off with little hesitation.

Ganon was somewhat surprised to see such a scene from the Watcher.

Although the opponent is wearing a heavy armor helmet and cannot see his face, judging from the threat level assessed by the watcher, he is obviously a legendary strongman, and he also carries an artifact-level battle ax. However, based on the assessment of the watcher, this one is Compared with the supreme artifacts he had seen in the past, the artifacts were still slightly inferior. Most of them were ordinary artifacts that did not host divinity.

There is no doubt that this is the King of the North Mountain, Morton Golden Hammer himself.

He projected the picture and asked Mo La to confirm it.

"It's really here..." Mo La slapped her forehead with her hand and sighed, "What on earth is this old guy thinking?"

"At least the courage is commendable." Ganon commented.

"He just has no brains." Mo La rolled her eyes, "The empire won't share the news of its defeat with you. He doesn't know how powerful you are at all. He really doesn't know how to deal with a dragon. I’ll be scared.”

Generally speaking, Beishan Country is also a relatively secluded country, and little intelligence work has been done.

As for Ganon's information, the Empire will not share it with Beishan Kingdom until they agree to send troops to support them. It can be said that Morton Golden Hammer does not know much about Ganon's record, and naturally does not know how strong he is. He only knows that the empire has tried to conquer him but failed, but he does not know that the empire sent is not an ordinary dragon-slaying group, but an ace. Legendary warrior Lucio.

The empire probably never expected that Morton would personally go to the Red Dragon's territory to find out what was going on without finding out anything.

He is a legendary strongman with an artifact, and two extraordinary soldiers work together. The three of them are wearing high-performance steam armor and carrying dragon-slaying equipment. This lineup is actually enough to slay an ancient dragon.

But facing Ganouen, it is actually completely insufficient.

"So, what do you think?" Ganon asked.

"What do I think?" Mo La deliberately looked away, wanting to avoid the topic.

"He really wants to take you away, what are you going to do? Leave, or stay?" Ganouen continued to ask without giving her a chance to escape.

"Why don't you think about it? I finally escaped from the old thing!" Mo La replied without thinking.

"If the empire comes over, there will inevitably be a big battle. If you go back like this, you can at least ensure safety." Ganon said.

"No need, I still have some confidence in you, and I will look at the situation myself." Mo La scratched her head, and suddenly thought of something, "Then what do you think? Don't you care whether I leave or not?" "

"Of course I hope you stay, you are too important to me." Ganon said seriously.

Although she knew that Ganon was talking about her technical support, this line still made Mo La nervous: "How... important is it?"

"If it's so important that you want to escape, I'll probably tie you up and hold you here." Ganon replied.

"Haha, you are... joking." Mo La laughed dryly.

Ganouen just stared at Mora without saying anything.

"What the hell? You asked me just now and I thought you were respecting my opinion!" Mo La's eyes widened.

"To be honest, I just want to confirm whether I need to make preparations to kidnap you..." Ganon replied calmly, patting Mo La's shoulder with a hearty and bright smile, "But since you decided to stay, , then we are a united front - of course, I hope you are not lying to me."

"Hey, you threaten me like this and I don't know how to react." Mora muttered.

Fortunately, she had accumulated a little affection for Ganouen, so she was not particularly disgusted by Ganouen's toughness. If she were like Duke Dipu, when she heard this, she would definitely knock the opponent over with a hammer and run away as far as she could.

"I'm serious, I need you very much. If you have any conditions, we can discuss it. As for your father, I just hope that you will not waver after making up your mind." Ganouen only gave a few words of advice. .

Ganouen didn't know much about the relationship between Moura and her father, and saying anything to sow discord might only be self-defeating.

Mo La stopped talking and seemed to really start to think seriously.

"Anyway, I'm going to reply to your father like this. Do you want to go meet him together?" Ganon asked.

"Let's meet up for now." Mo La sighed.

"One more thing, if necessary, can I kill your father?" Ganon asked again.

"What!?" Mo La's eyes widened again.

"You know, if Beishan Kingdom agrees to cooperate with the empire to fight and he goes out together, it will be somewhat of a trouble for me. Now it is a great opportunity for me to eliminate hidden dangers, but I think I should ask you for the time being. opinions," Ganouen said.

"Are you being too honest?" Molla looked at Ganouen in surprise.

"Dolan pointed out that I killed his father, so I'm not sure whether the relationship between you and your father is as bad." Ganon shrugged, "If you mind, I don't want to be blamed for killing my father." I'll break up with you, but when it comes to war, I can't guarantee that I won't kill you."

Mo La held her head and thought for a while. This time she finally truly understood what Dolan Silonie meant when she said that their family relationships were different.

She really hated her father who almost ruined her life. If she hadn't been able to beat the old guy, she would have beat him till his teeth were all over the floor and spit in his face, but she never thought about it. It's up to you to kill your father with your own hands.

Finally, she raised her hands and said, "Okay, brother, if you ask me this, if I say yes, wouldn't it be the same as me instructing you to kill him? I hate that old ghost, but there is no need to do that. Come on, at least don’t let his death have anything to do with me, okay?”

"Sure, let's spare his life first." Ganon nodded, "Then let's go."

Ganon transformed into a dragon shape in the open space, took Mora into the sky again, and flew towards the direction of Morton.

He activated the power of "Dominator" and allowed himself to grow to the level of an ancient dragon, in order to achieve the purpose of exerting pressure.

So, when he appeared in Moton's field of vision, Moton was completely taken aback.

"Why is this dragon so big?" Moton subconsciously asked the accompanying general.

"Maybe... the information is a little biased?" the attendant replied nervously.

Regarding this red dragon entrenched in the border area, they had only heard about the fact that the other party killed the son of the Grand Duke of Xihe in the Late Summer War, and then wreaked havoc on the Principality of Xihe and killed the Grand Duke.

At that time, Ganoen was observed to be at the level of an old red dragon at most, and it was at the level where Morton could kill him head-on by picking up an ax and riding a griffon.

But now, such a big guy, which is above the level of an ancient dragon, is beyond their ability to deal with.

"So why is this dragon so big?" Morton still asked.

"Do you want to retreat? My Majesty?" Another attendant, obviously calmer, asked, "I think this may be a trap."

"No, keep going." Morton just looked over there and concluded, "I saw that stupid girl, she is on the back of the red dragon!"

(End of this chapter)

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