I'm a dragon, I only want to steal princesses

Chapter 357 The Empire’s Fleet

Chapter 357 The Empire’s Fleet

In the early hours of the morning, Ganon opened his eyes after only three hours of rest.

At the edge of the watcher's surveillance range, the first flying dragon cavalry flying in for reconnaissance was captured.

"My lord, they are coming." Baphomet's voice sounded in the cellar.

Garnorn climbed up from the pile of treasures, gold coins sliding down from the gaps in his scales like rain.

He activated the teleportation of the root circle and teleported his huge body to the top of the tower.

The reconnaissance force did not rush deep and quickly returned after discovering the location of the first fort.

The Imperials did not let him wait too long. In less than ten minutes, the knights began to invade his territory and attack the defense fortress occupying the main road.

Then a fleet of airships entered his territory from the southeast and quickly formed a formation. Judging from the appearance of the flagship airship, this one should be the one that the empire built first according to the information provided by Anya. The strategic airship Conquest.

Two airships half the size of the Conquest accompanied it on either side, and nine smaller ships surrounded it.

After a while, another group appeared in the southwest. The flagship was another large airship of the same class as the Conquest, the Triumph. This ship was escorted by twelve small ships.

Ganon did not find the giant among the watchers, so he tried to find Fred on two large airships.

Fred is in the legendary realm and carries an artifact. As long as she is on the ship, it is easy to find her.

But Ganon searched around and couldn't find her. Instead, he found Lucio on the Conquest airship in the southeast, and then found a slightly less threatening individual on another ship, although he looked like a human. , but the watcher recognized her essence——

A demon, this is obviously Fred's companion demon Isis.

The empire's two strategic airships carried Lucio and Isis respectively, but the two most important targets, the most powerful giant and the supreme leader Queen Fred, were missing.

"My lord, please formally grant me the authority to command." Baphomet asked Ganon for instructions.

"Leave it to you." Ganon replied decisively.

If he directly participated in the battle, he would not have the energy to take care of the entire battle situation.

Moreover, he knew that he did not have enough military knowledge to command a battlefield of this scale. Leaders who did not have enough talent but wanted to interfere with the army often had to pay expensive tuition on the battlefield.

Since Baphomet had been chosen as the tower master, he should have certain leadership skills, so Ganon decided to give it to her first.

Garnon handed over the command to Baphomet, and Baphomet's orders had the same effectiveness as Garnon. She could freely call upon the tower's large-scale spells and various authorities, and she could also control An individual who signs a prisoner's contract.

As soon as Ganoen authorized it, Baphomet put the tower on alert, and the tower shook slightly, as if an ancient bell was making a deep sound.

"The enemy invaded on a large scale and all personnel were on alert. All the defenders of the outer fortress evacuated to the inner defense line in an orderly manner, and the inner troops gathered at the predetermined defensive position."

The vibrations of the tower conveyed Baphomet's voice like a radio.

At the same time, Baphomet also used his communication power to quickly convey different instructions to each person in charge. When she maintained the operation of the tower, she often operated more than a dozen or twenty golems on multiple lines. It was not difficult for her to pay attention to the conditions of various areas within the tower at the same time and issue precise instructions.

"Is it that simple to abandon the outer defenses?" Ganon asked Baphomet.

"In the face of such a scale of attack, those temporary fortresses may be vulnerable. Not only will they not be able to buy time, but they will also waste their defensive strength. It is better to concentrate the troops within the reach of the tower's magic and give the opponent a head-on blow." Baphomet replied calmly, "Master, please believe me."

"Okay." Ganon decided not to interfere more and focus on his own battle.

Since he did not find Fred and the Titans, he never dared to act rashly. However, when the large forces built defense lines on the east, west, south and south sides of the tower, he activated the power of "War Song" and let out a dragon roar to increase everyone's strength and power. morale.

After Ganon gave up its outer defenses, the empire's army quickly broke through the first line of defense and marched straight in. Then Ganon saw fire rising in the distance. The Imperials burned the farms and villages they passed along the way. This loss was basically expected.

Ganon was still focused on finding his target, and suddenly found that the formations of the two airship fleets were becoming more and more loose.

To those two giant airships, the other smaller ships were like frigates.

The denser the fleet, the denser the artillery fire network, and the stronger the frigate's protective effect on the flagship.

Spreading out like this seemed to expand the attack range, but it actually gave Ganouen an excellent opportunity to attack.

If we can take advantage of this opportunity to destroy a large airship first, especially the Conquest that Lucio is riding on, and completely destroy it while getting rid of Lucio, the imperial army without its commander will become a mess, then This battle is basically half won.

"Like a dream, like an illusion, shadowless and invisible." Ganon tried to recite the "hymn" belonging to the God of Destruction.

He transformed into the form of a shadow dragon and sprayed mist breath from all over his body.

Normally, this form would only make his figure blurry, as if he were covered in camouflage, making it difficult to distinguish him from a distance.

But this time he used the "invisibility" power extracted from the invisible cloak. His body was completely invisible, and no trace could be seen. Even smells and sounds, and all information were blocked. Ganon could even Letting his body penetrate other objects wantonly, he is now like a disembodied ghost, and no one can see it.

Flying like this, no one on the empire side would notice that he was approaching the airship. This invisibility would only be lifted the moment he launched an attack.

He could make the Conquest airship explode and fall in an instant. Lucio might have a chance to escape from the airship, but now he and Ganon had almost no chance of winning.

But before he set off, Baphomet suddenly called out to him: "Please be patient, my lord, this may be a trap by the enemy."

Ganon, who had just made himself invisible, stopped and spoke to Baphomet in his heart: "What trap?"

"I'm not sure yet, but their actions are a bit strange in terms of tactics, as if they deliberately made stupid mistakes to lure you over." Baphomet replied.

"Maybe they are prepared for counterattack, but they don't know that I can become invisible." Ganon means that even if this is a trap, he can still make it effective.

"They may not be able to do anything to you, but they can still threaten many things. My intuition tells me that you should not leave the Endless Tower yet. Please be patient and calm," Baphomet said.

After thinking for a long time, Ganon continued to stay at the top of the tower, dormant and waiting for the opportunity to act.

The airship flew faster than Ganon imagined. After they dispersed, they quickly spread out evenly in a half circle six or seven kilometers away from the Endless Tower.

"What do these imperial people want to do?" Ganon was a little confused.

At this distance, the tower's large-scale spells are not inaccessible, but it is difficult to cause relatively large damage.

And the artillery technology of this era should be difficult to shoot accurately at such a distance. When lined up like this, it seems like they have become living targets waiting for Ganoen to fly over and destroy them one by one.

But thinking of Baphomet's advice, Ganon still didn't dare to act rashly.

After a while, the watcher showed the demon Isis boarding the deck of the Triumph, raising her hand and starting to cast a spell.

An abyss gate suddenly appeared directly above the bow of the Triumph, and Ganon quickly zoomed in on the abyss gate.

Behind the Gate of the Abyss is not a group of demons waiting to be summoned, but another Gate of the Abyss nested within it.

Through the two abyss gates, Ganon saw the face of a giant. The giant was setting up his bow and preparing to shoot an arrow. Through the abyss gates, he aimed at the Endless Tower!

(End of this chapter)

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