I'm a dragon, I only want to steal princesses

Chapter 414 Do you have many question marks?

Chapter 414 Do you have many question marks?

Due to limited space, Ganon only transformed into the size of an adult dragon, but the coercion emanating from him was still extremely powerful.

He summoned the protective power of the Sun God, transformed himself into the form of the Holy Dragon of Light, and summoned a holy wall to cover the entire Papal Hall.

The Pope just looked at it for a moment and realized that the power of this kind of holy light had completely surpassed a legendary priest like him.

The other paladins, as well as the saint standing behind him, stared at this form of Ganoun in fascination. Any believer of the Holy Light would be impressed by the appearance of this dragon.

The holiness of the holy light, combined with the power of the dragon, creates an incomparable sense of power that makes people awe-inspiring. This golden holy dragon is so eye-catching that it even surpasses the Seraph who just appeared.

"This is god-level power. Have you really been recognized by the will of the Holy Light?" The pope's expression became serious, "In order to fulfill the mission of salvation? However, God has left this world for a long time. How did you get this A share of strength?”

The power displayed by Ganon can only be exerted by the powerful men in the divine realm who were chosen by the gods in the past.

But as a legendary strongman in a high position, he certainly knew the fact that the Sun God had long since disappeared from the world.

"If you are willing to spend some time, I can explain it to you slowly, but I hope it is valuable for me to spend time explaining it to you." Ganon returned to his human form.

The Pope thought for a moment and then nodded: "I understand. If your story is true, I will quickly handle all the conditions you have put forward."

The rest of the matter was a matter of course for Ganon. He proposed to have a secret conversation with the Pope, and then explained what he had seen and heard in the north, as well as part of the situation in the Endless Tower.

The Pope only summoned a few high-ranking cardinals to discuss the matter seriously. Finally, he returned to the Papal Hall and gave a reply to Ganouen: "We agree to your conditions and transfer the papal authority to you." I will hand over the staff to you, and then we will send troops to support the empire in fighting the dragon disaster, and we will try our best to provide you with some help in collecting artifacts."

"It's much easier this time." Ganon nodded, then stretched out his hand, "Give me the scepter."

"I agree, but the whole thing still needs to go through some simple procedures. I have to have all the cardinals hold an emergency meeting and then discuss what to say to the people. Otherwise, it will be so simple to hand over the scepter and return it to the empire. If I surrender, I may be forced to step down because I have lost my power and humiliated my country." The Pope smiled helplessly.

"Then when can I get what I want?" Ganon asked.

"Within today, I swear to the Holy Light." The Pope replied swornly, "Before that, you will be entertained in this palace and have a good rest."

Ganon nodded, and then Zhenna and Salil briefly chatted with the Pope. The Pope then summoned the internal affairs officer and took the group to the area where VIPs were entertained in the Papal Palace.

Then the Pope breathed a sigh of relief. After a while, Saint Emily walked cautiously into the Pope's Hall from the side door and spoke to the Pope: "Father... Your Majesty the Pope, they have..."

"I asked them to go to the other palace to rest." The Pope replied, showing a warm smile to his daughter, "Thank God, I almost thought I was going to lose you, but fortunately it was just a misunderstanding."

"Well, I didn't expect that we would have such an embarrassing misunderstanding." Emily lowered her head in shame, "I clearly aspired to become a real archbishop, but in the end I failed to maintain the sanctity of my heart. This is not only an insult to He also made a holy dragon who was blessed by the holy light, and also made a holy Seraph read the joke."

"Okay, this is all my fault. I will find a way to solve it. Don't think about it anymore. I have to go to a meeting now. You should also go and rest." The Pope still has important things to do, so he just comforted him a little. After saying a few words to his daughter, he left the Pope's Hall.

But Emily did not leave. Instead, she paced back and forth at the scene, imagining her previous misunderstanding and wanting to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

She is still young and has grown up under the influence of faith in the Holy Light. She is full of awe of the Holy Light of the Sun God.

When she saw Salil reveal the true form of Seraph, she was actually extremely excited. Being able to see Seraph, one of the highest dependents of the Sun God, was the dream of many believers. As for the red dragon, Ganon, since he could be chosen by the Holy Light, he must have some noble and righteous qualities. It seems that what the Empress of the Empire claimed was that the red dragon protected her when she was desperate and allowed the evil to The truth is that the former empress of the empire got the justice she deserved.

Considering that Ganon is a giant dragon, it is even more rare to be able to overcome his nature and possess such qualities.

And she actually speculated on the other party in that way, which was simply...

The more Emily thought about it, the more uneasy she became. After much thought, he decided to go and apologize to Ganouen in person.

Of course, she also had a small idea, which was to pay homage to the Seraph again.

She took a few minutes to prepare mentally, left the Pope's Hall, then inquired with the nearby guards, and immediately rushed to the annex where the distinguished guests were being entertained.

She left the main hall and walked along the corridor to the annex palace. As she approached a corner of the corridor, she suddenly heard a conversation:

"Don't act stupid! You promised to give me an answer right away... No! You're talking to me about business!"

This voice is...that Seraph!

Emily's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and then she heard a deep male voice again: "Are you so anxious?"

"I just don't like dragging my feet," Salil said.

The Seraph was talking to the Holy Dragon about something serious, and it must be a sacred topic related to the will of the Supreme Light.

Emily held her breath subconsciously. She realized that this did not seem to be an occasion for her to eavesdrop, but as a loyal believer of the Holy Light, she had an uncontrollable curiosity about this topic.

No, I just happened to find them and waited here for them to finish talking. This was not eavesdropping.

After much thought, her curiosity still got the better of her, so she crept over and leaned against the corner wall, peeking out half of her face.

Looking at it, she saw Ganouen in human form with his back against the wall, and Salil stood in front of him at an almost close distance, with one hand raised high and pressing against the wall beside Ganouen's face. on, as if not allowing him to escape.

After just one glance, Emily turned back again, blinked in confusion, and muttered in her mind: "Did I see it wrong? They are standing so close, why do they look so... so intimate?"

No, no, how could I make the same mistake again and use such dirty thoughts to speculate on two such sacred beings?

She immediately changed her mind and wished she could slap herself in the face to make herself repent.

By the way, they must be focused on arguing about something, so Seraph would unconsciously act aggressive. They must be discussing a very important resolution!

After thinking about it this way, Emily stuck her head out and looked carefully.

As a result, this time she saw Ganouen smiling and reaching out to flick the earrings on Salil's ears: "Okay, then will you be my woman, Salil?"

"Don't use such a casual tone for me! Say it again!!" Salil clenched her fists in dissatisfaction, pretending to hit her.

"???" At this moment, Emily felt as if countless question marks were popping up above her head.

(End of this chapter)

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