I'm a dragon, I only want to steal princesses

Chapter 425 The Pearl of the Elf 1 Clan

Chapter 425 The Pearl of the Elf Clan

The gate of the abyss opened, and Ganon, who had transformed into a human, passed through the gate first, followed closely by Salil and Mikael, and the last one to pass was Tyrast who bent down and walked in.

His size is half smaller than usual, less than eight meters tall.

Giants do not have this level of deformation ability. This is the result of Ganon using his "dominance" power to manipulate his body and temporarily return it to the growth stage. The purpose is to make Terras, who was originally nearly 20 meters tall, Not too conspicuous.

After absorbing the divinity of the Crown of Rebirth, the power of the divine seal in the Temple of the Earth Mother has been fully restored. In addition to gaining the power of "rebirth" that can quickly restore the dying body, the powers of "dominance" and "reproduction" have also been gained. After growing up, the power of "Lord" can now be used to transform the bodies of other targets.

Before the war began, Ganon did not want to be discovered in advance by either party.

If they are discovered first by giant dragons such as the Blue Dragon King, they may become the primary target.

And if they were discovered by the Elemental Federation, they might be regarded as intruders. They had just lost two military fortresses and a dock town. They would definitely be in a state of tense nerves, and everyone would be in a state of panic.

Ganon took the lead and looked at the dark elf agent who was saluting not far away, and made a gesture to him. The other person stepped forward and took out a map with a look, and explained to Ganon the current situation in the Federation of Elements, as well as their current situation. location.

"What to do next? Find those ancient dragons?" Mikael asked.

"There's no need to fight them directly. It's less than ten kilometers from here to the capital of the Elemental Federation. We'll go there when they arrive." Ganon said.

"Are you going to wait until they start to massacre before you take action?" Michael frowned slightly, and Salil also showed a hesitant expression. As angels, they still have some justice.

"We are not here to enforce justice or do charity, at least I am not." Ganon replied calmly, "We will wait until the targets of those ancient dragons are locked and then attack them halfway, so that the risk for us is the lowest. "

"There is still time. We can urgently contact the defenders over there and ask them to set up defenses and cooperate with us. This is the highest winning rate." Mikael expressed his opinion.

"It's not just a day or two since I called on them to join forces with me to fight against the Dragon Ascension Nest. When the empire was threatened, they chose to stand by and watch." Ganon said.

"Are you having a personal affair?" Mikael sighed with some disappointment.

"Just a little bit, don't you think I'm still here to help? You should understand that the main reason is not me, but that these mages don't have any trust in me, the red dragon." Ganon said.

"Today is different from the past. They are the ones in crisis now. I think it should be easier to talk to them over there. If you have any concerns, let me be the intermediary. We at Paradise Mountain have no conflicts with them." Mi Kyle said.

Ganon thought for a moment and replied: "As for the middleman, I actually have a better candidate. Well, since you said so, I will make one last attempt to communicate."

At the same time, in the capital of the Elemental Federation, in the New Winter City Fortress, the Speaker of the Magic Council, Karin Eagle Helmet, was anxiously commanding the troops while inspecting the puppet dragon waiting to take off on the flying field.

The three-headed ancient dragon invaded the territory of the Elemental Federation without any warning and launched a straight attack towards New Winter City.

Now the city is facing literal destruction.

The most serious dragon disaster recorded in history was a battle between two ancient dragons in a human country. They fought for hundreds of kilometers and razed to the ground two towns along the way and the villages in between.

One Taikoo dragon can easily destroy a heavily defended town. The dragon disaster caused by three Taikoo dragons is unprecedented. The key is that they seem to work together to coordinate the attack. He knew that this was the "Dragon Ascension Nest", a force formed by an extremely powerful ancient blue dragon that his student, King Offfield of Late Summer, had mentioned to him several times. The dragon disaster raging in the empire basically confirmed it. There does exist such a group of dragons in the north.

But the Element Federation has not taken this matter seriously because so far, there is no sign that the situation has spread to the Element Federation.

And when Offfield recently mentioned that there might be a fallen god behind the blue dragon, he and the members of the Magic Council were still skeptical about it.

This news comes from the mouth of a red dragon that occupies power at the border between Muxia and the Dragon's Back Empire. The red dragon once kidnapped the empire's little princess, and also used some... It can be said that it was some despicable means. Mu Xia had to rely on him, and even had to dedicate Mu Xia's pearl, the pure and lovely elf princess, to him.

Carlin couldn't help but think of Offfield's children. When Offfield paid official visits to the Federation of Elements, Lampard and Isabel would occasionally accompany them.

He spoke highly of Orfield's children. Although they belonged to the royal family of Late Summer rather than the Eagle Helmet family, in Carlin's eyes, they were still promising young people who inherited the bloodline of the Eagle Helmet family.

As a mage and leader, Karin was known for his rigor and unsmiling smile.

But as an elf noble, he can be regarded as a kind elder. He always looks at those young people who have inherited the excellent blood of the elves, have outstanding talents, and are diligent and motivated with admiration.

Lampard is more talented in magic than his father, and given time, he may be able to touch the legendary field in his later years.

As for Isabel, she not only has the talent of a druid like her mother, but more importantly, she has perfectly inherited the elegance of the elves from appearance to interior. She is beautiful, dignified, elegant and decent, and can be called the best among princesses. The princess is the pearl of the entire elven clan.

But now, this pearl has been snatched away by an evil dragon. The noble bloodline originating from the Eagle Helmet family will be tainted by an evil dragon!

poor child. The thought of this made him doubly sad.

However, after all, he is not the only one who has the final say in the Federation of Elements, and the red dragon has not yet directly threatened the interests of the Federation. From his position, the interference he can make is limited.

But at least, if the evil dragon wanted to extend his hand to the Federation, he would never agree.

He and some members of Congress even suspected that the red dragon itself had something to do with the raging dragon disaster.

Now, he has no time to think about the empire, Mu Xia and the red dragon. New Winter City is facing three ancient dragons. If it does not get support, it will definitely not be able to protect itself.

"Speaker Carlin!" His secretary rushed over quickly and reported to him eagerly, "His Majesty King Offfield of Twilight Summer has arrived outside the East City Gate and said he wants to talk to you!"

"What are you talking about?" Karin frowned.

Even if Mu Xia sends an envoy just to arrive here, he will have to go through many border reports and cannot appear outside the city all at once.

As for Orfield, it is even more impossible for him to come to New Winter City unnoticed. What's more, as a king, what does he intend to do here at such a critical time?

"It's true. I've confirmed it directly! It's His Majesty Offfield himself. He also brought His Royal Highness Princess Patriz, and then..." The secretary swallowed his throat when he said this, "And... There is a red dragon!!”

(End of this chapter)

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