Chapter 135
Margaery Tyrell folded her hands in front of her belly, looked at King Robert with her elk-like eyes, and said: "The quiet knight suddenly stood in front of me. His behavior is easy to make people... There was a misunderstanding, and Earl Green had to step in to defend..."

As she said that, she glanced at Green gently, and then said: "Because of the timely handling, the misunderstanding has been solved, my majesty."

After explaining, Margery lowered her head slightly.

She didn't show anything strange on her face, but she couldn't calm down in her heart, because Margaery had noticed that King Robert only had pure appreciation for her, and only had the reaction that a normal person would show when seeing beautiful things.

Apart from these, Robert showed no other emotions after seeing her appearance, such as what they thought were joy or excitement.

Duke Renly's information was wrong... Margaery suddenly felt hesitant in her heart when she thought of her important responsibilities in the family. If she could not become queen, then her value... would her family continue to value her?
What should I do... Margery suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Your Majesty Robert, Miss Margaery is kind-hearted and doesn't want to cause trouble to you, so she speaks tactfully! In my opinion, his behavior is very reckless, which is related to the reputation of the Tyrell family lady."

Margaery heard Earl Green's voice.

At some point, Green was standing beside her, and while he was speaking, he quietly held her arm with one hand.

Margaery came back to her senses, and then she realized that her body was actually shaking.

Margery heard Green continue to say: "You can't just let him do whatever he wants just because he is an important minister, right?!"

Why did I suddenly lose focus?Margery took a breath and calmed down.

Green felt that Margaery stopped shaking, so he let go of his hand, looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

Margery's eyes happened to look over, and their eyes collided.

Green: Little girl, cheer up!

Thank you for your concern! !Margaery couldn't help but glance at Green quietly.

Margaery was in charge of transporting supplies worth 50 gold dragons to the Crab Claw Peninsula, and Green did not want to affect Kleib's strategic reserves due to some accidents.

Because of the wrong information provided by Lord Renly, the dream of a queen that the Tyrell family had planned for a long time has now been temporarily shattered, without the need for planned follow-up actions.

It is their dream to be upgraded to a queen family, and the Tyrell family will never give up easily. Green thinks they will start other plans soon.


"Damn it, I won't listen to the slanderous words of the king's vassals, let's leave it like this!"

King Robert cursed first, and then settled the matter according to what Margaery said.

Green shrugged. Of course, it was the king who had the final say on how to deal with it.

Duke Eddard looked at Green.

Duke Eddard had learned from King Robert that Green was now Queen Cersei's steward, but he did not defend Ser Ilyn because he was a Lannister. He had a heart of honor.

Dark hair and brown eyes...these appearance characteristics of the ancestors, plus the fact that he was the child he saved, made them naturally close to each other.

Duke Ed looked at the well-dressed soldier Kleb again, and he nodded secretly, this child is growing up very well.

The fine wine and food prepared by Green in advance at Baris Tavern soon attracted King Robert away.

Duke Eddard listened to the loud laughter coming from the tavern, and he shrugged helplessly.

"Jory, go to the carriage and bring the children."

Jory Cassel was the captain of Lord Eddard's guard. It was rumored that he was the first to tear off Catelyn Tully's dress during the wedding of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully.

Not long after, Green met Sansa and Arya.

Sansa Stark has thick maroon hair and blue eyes. At the age of 11, she is already a little beauty.

Arya Stark looks like a Stark, with dark brown hair and gray eyes. She is still very thin at the age of nine.

Green's eyes moved slightly. When they and Margaery greeted each other, he discovered that Arya was left-handed.

Green leaned sideways and stretched out his hand toward the door of Paris Tavern.

"Beautiful ladies, please come inside. The delicious food will relieve your fatigue."

Margaery took the initiative to take Sansa's arm, and they entered the tavern together, talking and laughing.When Arya passed in front of Green, she stopped and raised her head to look at Green.

Green lowered his eyes expressionlessly and looked back, getting a mischievous expression from Arya.

Green smiled and said: "Come in quickly, Miss Stark."

Duke Eddard shook his head helplessly, walked over and patted Green, looked at Arya trotting, and said: "My little daughter likes to play and is a little naughty."

Green noticed that when Lord Eddard mentioned Arya, a smile appeared on his serious face.

"Duke Ed, this is a good thing. Brave girls know how to take care of themselves."

"I hope so."

Before entering the tavern, Green looked back at the figure taking care of the horses in the distance and said: "Mengton, give that man a jug of wine."

Mengton followed Green's gaze and blinked his dull eyes, saying, "Yes, Mr. Green, I will send him there right away."


Inside the pub.

King Robert raised his chin and drank a full glass, then placed the wine glass on the table with a thud.

"Green, you're well prepared."

He looked at Green and continued: "Did you know in advance that Ned would arrive here today? So you were able to prepare for this?"

As King Robert spoke, he grabbed the roasted lamb leg with his big hands, put it to his mouth and took a big bite of the meat, as if he was asking a casual question.

As the host of the small banquet, Green had the honor of being seated very close to the king.

After King Robert finished speaking, Green noticed that many eyes were focused on him.

"Your Majesty Robert, my men are not good at inquiring about information, so I had to find Lord Varys."

He further explained: "I spent a lot of time telling Lord Varys the story of Duke Ed and Kleb, and then he told me the general direction. I am also trying my luck today, but fortunately I am not lucky. good."

King Robert didn't seem to care what Green said and loudly asked the waiter to pour wine for him. The atmosphere of the banquet soon became lively again.

Green looked at Arya who was secretly running beside him, and said, "Miss Stark, do you need my help?"

Arya clasped her little hands behind her back and said: "Earl Green, my name is Arya Stark, you can call me Arya."

They had already introduced each other by name, and Arya, probably worried that Grimm had forgotten her own name, repeated it again.

Green smiled and said: "Okay, Miss Arya."

Arya asked curiously: "Is it fun in the Red Keep?"

Green thought for a while and said: "There are many fun places in the Red Castle, and you will also meet many new friends, but..."

He looked around, lowered his voice, and continued: "But there are a lot of bad people, so be careful."

Arya felt that she had learned a big secret, and her little face was a little excited: "I will keep it a secret!"

Green smiled and nodded. …………

Menton brought the barbecue and wine flask to where Stark tied the horse.

"Good day, my name is Menton Weishui. I brought you some food."

Upon hearing the introduction of the visitor, the dark-faced young man turned his head and said, "Good day, my name is Jon Snow. I'm here to help."


After eating and drinking, King Robert made an excuse and left the tavern first.

Green guessed that their King must have gone to study military affairs.

After King Robert left, they quickly left the Baris Tavern and continued towards King's Landing.

On the way, Green asked Duke Ed for his experience in managing the territory, and by the way introduced the situation of the Crouber Territory and the current situation of the Crab Claw Peninsula.

He told Lord Eddard that the Krab family had established its dominance over the Crab Claw Peninsula and was about to end the years of chaos.

Soon after, Earl Green, who had tens of thousands of soldiers (domestic people) under his command, was confident that he would become the most effective royal vassal of His Majesty Robert.

When he ended the topic, Duke Eddard patted Green's arm happily.

As they approached King's Landing, they met Garlan Tyrell and Loras Tyrell.

The two of them came to meet Margaery.

Garlan Tyrell, also known as Garlan the Valiant, is the second son of the Duke of Mace. He has little interest in gaining honors and the like, so he is not as famous as Loras.

Garlan looks very similar to Loras, but he is taller, stronger, and has a beard, making him look more heroic.

As for Loras... he was still so handsome that he captivated Sansa the first time they met.

At this time, Sansa had romantic fantasies about handsome princes, noble knights and love, and often dreamed of the love stories described in stories and songs.

Loras was at the age when the scar healed and he immediately forgot the pain. Before he left, he looked back at Green provocatively.

Green was very pleased. He understood Loras's eyes and saw each other in the tournament!
It's a pity that there is only victory or defeat in the Game of Thrones... Green sighed secretly as he looked at the high-spirited young man.

Greene took the Starks to the towering bronze gate of the Red Keep before saying goodbye and leaving.


In front of the Prime Minister's Tower, just as Duke Ed was about to order his two daughters to be brought in to rest, a young man who claimed to be a royal attendant came over.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, it is an honor to meet you! Grand Maester Pycelle has convened an emergency royal meeting. I hope you can come here if it is convenient."

Even the strong Duke Eddard felt exhausted after days of traveling. All he wanted now was to take a hot bath, have a roast chicken or duck, and then have a good sleep on the feather bed.

Moreover, the timing of Pycelle's council was unpleasant to him.

Duke Ed frowned and said coldly: "Let's change it to tomorrow."

The imperial attendant stroked his chest and nodded, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty Prime Minister, then I will tell the imperial ministers that it is inconvenient for you to attend."

"damn it!"

Duke Eddard cursed in a low voice. He understood the meaning conveyed in the words of the lord chamberlain. The other lord chamberlains were waiting for him alone... This was not Winterfell, and the chamberlain chamberlain was not his vassal. He didn't want to just come here. Offend those people.

Duke Ed still suppressed his anger and said calmly: "I will go see them right away. But please wait for me for a while and let me arrange the children."

Duke Eddard called over Vayon Poole (Stark's butler) and said: "Vyon, I'm going to attend the royal meeting. I'll leave this place to you. Set up my daughter well. Also, tell Jory to let them stay in the room. Here, Arya is not allowed to run around."

After giving the instructions, Duke Eddard glanced at Jon not far away and walked over.

"Jon, look after the sisters."

Jon moved his lips, but nodded silently.

"Good boy, you should also have a good rest."

Eddard noticed that Jon's face was less gloomy, and he curled up the corners of his lips. Maybe the decision to take the "bastard" away from Winterfell was the right one.


Throne Hall.

The door was pushed open, and after Duke Ed strode in, he found four royal ministers waiting for him.

Varys, whom Duke Eddard disliked the most, was the first to approach and reached out to grab one of his hands.

Varys' tone was very happy: "Duke Stark, it is a great honor to see you again. Varys is at your disposal."

Lord Eddard smelled the sweet smell of corruption on Varys. It smelled like flowers growing on a grave.

Duke Ed's expression was cold: "From now on, you will have more work to do."

After saying that, he took his hand out of Varys's clammy palm, ignored Varys, and walked towards Renly.

Renly was just a seven-year-old boy when Robert first took the throne. Now he has grown up and looks very much like Robert.Every time he saw Renly, Lord Eddard would feel as if he had gone back in time and saw the heroic Robert standing in front of him.

Lord Renly nodded to Lord Eddard, and he showed a hearty smile: "Ned, I am really happy to work with you."

"Me too, Renly!"

Lord Eddard and Lord Renly hugged each other affectionately, and Varys who followed them looked at the scene with a smile.

After the two separated, Petyr said, "Duke Stark, I have always wanted to meet you over the years...I think Lady Catelyn has mentioned me to you, right?"

Petyr changed from his usual elegance, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

Duke Ed said coldly: "She did mention..."

Lord Eddard had never liked a complex person like Petyr, and the content of Petyr's words made him angry.

He continued: "Lord Baelish, if I remember correctly, you are more familiar with my brother Brandon."

Lord Renly laughed and said, "He must be impressed."

When there were rumors that Catelyn Tully was engaged to Brandon Stark, Petyr challenged the much older Brandon to a duel in order to prove his deep love for Catelyn.As a result, Brandon defeated Petyr easily. If not for Catelyn's request, Petyr would have died on the spot.

Petyr shrugged and said, "Indeed, I still have his memory on my body. It seems that Brandon mentioned me to you?"

There was a hint of anger in Ed's voice: "When he is furious, he will mention you!"

Petyr looked at Duke Eddard, who was suppressing his anger, and raised the corners of his lips: "Everyone said that the Starks in the North are made of ice and will melt as soon as they cross the Neck. I thought you Starks were made of ice." The people at home are not that popular, it seems the rumors are wrong?"

"Lord Baelish, you can rest assured that Stark does not intend to melt too soon."

Lord Eddard glanced at Petyr coldly, walked towards the long table, and sat down in the Prime Minister's seat.

Duke Ed said seriously: "My lords, I have kept you waiting for a long time. Please take a seat."

(End of this chapter)

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