iron throne of ice and fire

Chapter 143 Hunter and Prey 4

Chapter 143 Hunter and Prey 4
Maester Pycelle was very considerate, and Green took in the unconscious monk during the night.

Jeffrey of the Survey Corps first fixed the repairman, then woke him up, and made a cut on his wrist, allowing the blood to drip into a pre-placed wooden bucket.

Tick ​​tock, Jeffrey asked someone to cover Xiu Fu's eyes and made another gesture.


The next day, it was slightly brighter and the sky showed a hazy light blue.

Green put down Xiu Fu's written testimony and tapped his slender fingers on the table several times.

On the day that Prime Minister Jon passed away, a masked man suddenly came to Xiu Fu. First, he gave him a large sum of gold dragons, and then said that he had done something. The masked man promised that he would get the title of knight.

The task given to Xiu Fu by the masked man was very simple. When Duke Eddard came to find him, he told him that Prime Minister Jon had been secretly investigating King Robert's illegitimate children in King's Landing before his death. He occasionally heard him say...caste Tough.

Why didn't Xiu Fu suspect the masked man?

Hugh accidentally spied on Earl Petyr and Lady Lysa's affair, but he did not choose to report what he saw to Prime Minister Jon, but used this incident to threaten Petyr.

Xiufu guessed that the masked man was Petyr's subordinate, and the golden dragon he received was hush money. This mission was a test and reward for surrendering to Lord Petyr.

Everyone knows that Earl Petyr has always been generous... Xiufu feels that he has won the bet. Not only has he gained wealth, but his dream of becoming a knight is about to come true.

Greed blinded Xiu Fu's eyes, and he even began to investigate the secret between the king's illegitimate son and his strong caste... After he had the title of knight, he also wanted to get a fief, so Xiu Fu wanted to become a real noble.


Green's pupils shrank. The cunning Petyr had already grasped the truth about the royal bloodline in advance. He was prepared to use this matter to create a chaotic situation and let it become his ladder of advancement.

Petyr leads Duke Eddard without leaving a trace to find out the royal bloodline issue that Prime Minister Jon was investigating before his death. When Duke Eddard discovers the truth about the royal bloodline, he will identify the murderer of Prime Minister Jon as Queen Lannister.

As for the evidence of murder... it was no longer important at that time, and no one would pursue it, because the matter of tarnishing the royal bloodline was more important.

The running wolf pounces, and the golden lion counterattacks.


Green closed his eyes. He knew that Duke Eddard's impartiality would definitely give Petyr a chance to defend himself. With Petyr's cunning and close proximity to Hugh alone, it would be difficult to make him submit.

It is difficult to pin the charge of poisoning Prime Minister Jon on Petyr and Lysa's adultery evidence alone... Green opened his eyes, he smiled and shook his head slightly.

He seemed to have forgotten just now that this is Westeros, and everyone is a player in the Game of Thrones. What real evidence does he need? !Lord Green knew in his heart that he had not wronged Petyr.

Sunlight poured into the silent room through the window.

Green stood up, and he was going to find Varys, the intelligence chief, to convince him to give Petyr a last-ditch kill.

If Varys refuses to cooperate...then let Petyr go temporarily and kill Varys...then Green and Petyr will join hands to create chaos.

Green picked up the sword and put it on his waist. As a lord, he wanted to think calmly and try his best to cooperate with Varys. This person was still useful.


Green led the guard out of Hook Alley and pulled the reins to slow down the horse. He spotted the crowned stag and the golden rose flag in front of him.

Renly Baratheon, Loras Tyrell, and Margaery Tyrell rode in surrounded by guards.

Renly is handsome, Loras is handsome, Margaery is charming... the picture is beautiful and very high-profile.

It's a pity that James is not here... Green raised his hand to signal the guards to move to the side of the road, give way to the avenue, and wait for the team on the opposite side to pass.

Lord Renly walked past the Greens with his chin held high, ignoring the dozen or so bright blue robes of Clayburgh.

Margaery's beautiful eyes glanced lightly, Green tilted her head... There was a polite smile on his face, her little hand holding the reins tightened, and she looked away without any real reason.

Loras looked sideways at Green.

Loras was wearing a light blue silk coat and a belt made of golden roses. The gentle morning light seemed to give him a golden halo, which attracted attention.

Green's eyes moved slightly to meet Loras' gaze.

Green raised an eyebrow: He was defeated.

Loras's eyes were filled with anger: Wait and see!


When Green passed by Maegor's Tower Gardens, he saw Joffrey Baratheon and Sansa Stark walking together.

Joffrey changed from his usual arrogant expression, and the smile on his face was gentle and polite.Sansa, her long chestnut hair combed back to shine and wearing a blue velvet gown, seemed completely smitten with Joffrey.

Queen Cersei was preparing for Joffrey to successfully inherit the Iron Throne... Green withdrew his gaze and took steps in the direction of Maegor's Tower.

King Greene also has an errand to monitor Stark, and he must report to Queen Cersei every two or three days.

The contents of Green's report seemed to have nothing to hide. In fact, he used language skills to hide the key information. However, this method cannot last long. Lannister has many eyes and ears in the Red Keep. As long as time goes by, it will be easily discovered. question.


The Great Hall of Maegor's Tower.

The Queen's maid bowed and said respectfully: "Lord Green, Her Royal Highness the Queen has ordered that no one be allowed to visit you today."

Green glanced at the red-robed guard in the distance. He tossed a golden dragon lightly and slipped right into the maid's vagina.

The maid's face suddenly turned red, she hesitated, leaned over and whispered: "Her Royal Highness the Queen fell asleep only in the morning."



Outside the throne room, Duke Eddard frowned as he looked at the pale Sir James.

He said coldly: "Sir James, should I say I am very happy to have you protecting the king and the Iron Throne?"

Sir James smiled cheerfully and said: "Duke Runwolf, although King Robert is not in the Red Keep, we Kingsguard still have to keep vigil at night. I should be resting now, but I came here specifically to find you."

More than ten years ago, when Duke Eddard led his troops into the throne room, he saw the Mad King lying in a pool of blood, and Jaime, wearing bright gold armor, sitting high on the Iron Throne... He was wearing the white coat of the Kingsguard. The cloak, the golden sword spread across his thigh, the king's blood dripping from the tip of the sword, that scene is still vivid in his mind.

Hearing Sir James's explanation, Duke Ed's brows relaxed slightly: "What are you looking for me for?"

James shrugged and said, "We are old acquaintances, and now we are neighbors, so naturally we want to get close."

Duke Eddard didn't like this kind of teasing exchange. He said coldly: "Robert didn't ask me to serve as Lord Chancellor just to be your friendly neighbor."

James's smile froze, he paused, and said: "King Robert is planning to hold a grand tournament to celebrate your taking office. Maybe the two of us can compete with lances, and the golden lion and the running wolf. The spectators will certainly cheer enthusiastically in spite of themselves.”

Duke Eddard stared at the person in front of him. If the murderer who poisoned Prime Minister Jon was really a Lannister, then the person who did it would be Jaime Lannister... He had already destroyed it with his own hands more than ten years ago. He doesn't care about using other dirty means to achieve his own goals if he doesn't care about the honor of the Kingsguard.

"I may disappoint you. I will not participate in the martial arts tournament because I don't want the enemy to know my strength in advance during the duel."

He added: "And I don't like to be watched."

James' tone was sarcastic: "I didn't expect Running Wolf's tongue to be very dexterous... This reason sounds very sincere."

Duke Ed said coldly: "This is the fact. I will take time to watch your juggling."

As he spoke, his gray eyes glanced at the armor on James, and then said: "Your armor is very beautiful, there is not a single scratch. I hope you can keep it."

James clenched his fists and said: "Duke Stark, thank you for your concern. Don't worry, they can't reach me."

Duke Eddard moved his eyes to the throne room and said: "I know you are good at choosing your opponents."

Jaime no longer cared about the task Cersei had given him, and Lord Eddard stung the most sensitive place in his heart.

James sneered. He also looked at the throne room and said, "Duke Stark, you must have felt uncomfortable when you walked into this hall, right? I was here that day. Your father and brother were very brave. They You shouldn’t die like this.”

Duke Eddard was not as angry as James imagined, and his eyes became complicated: "James, you chose to stay out of the matter, but you have no shame at all."

James said in a deep voice: "The hundreds of people on the field at that time were willing to die. They were the best knights in the Seven Kingdoms, but did anyone say a word, did anyone lift a finger? No one. In the throne room As silent as a tomb...except, of course, for the screams and the laughter of the Mad King."

With a sneer, he looked at Duke Ed, and said: "When the Mad King was dying, I remembered the mad King's laughter when he burned your father to death. It made me feel like... avenging the tragic death of the person. Feel."

Duke Eddard snorted coldly and said: "A Kingsguard assassinated the king from behind and avenged others?"

Jaime said angrily: "King Aerys will order his pyromancers to light the wildfire buried under the city, and will turn the entire King's Landing into his pyre. He also ordered me to bring the head of my father Tywin..."

As he said that, he suddenly remembered the night when he was hunting in the royal forest... his conversation with Green.

After a pause, he asked: "Duke Stark, if it were you at that time, how would you choose?"

Duke Ed looked at the angry James, his eyes became sharp, and he replied coldly: "Maybe my choice will not be better than yours, but I will save my honor at the last moment."

(End of this chapter)

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