Chapter 16

Under the heavy rain of arrows from Kleiber's longbow, the wildlings' coalition army began to retreat without even touching the phalanx of Kleiber's spearmen.

The mountain wind is cold and stings the skin.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, and the sound of wailing was endless.

The killing still continues.

One of Kreb's men caught up with a fleeing mountain savage.The clan soldier tightly held the long sword in his hand, and with a puff, he stabbed the mountain savage's armpit hard.

The long sword pierced the savage's ribs and pierced into his heart. When the clan soldier drew out the long sword, warm blood gushed out.

Mason Cavaliers bravely rushed to the front line.

Facing a mountain savage's spear rushing head-on, he easily dodged sideways, took the opportunity to clamp the pole of the spear with one hand, and swung the long sword swiftly, beheading the savage's head with one blow.

The Kleiber longbowmen were divided into groups of 20 to 30 people, and they coordinated the strangulation.

The pursuit of the wildlings seemed to be a one-sided massacre.


After the war, heavy rain came suddenly.

Green's tent.

The rare and leisurely Green communicated with the commanders, and the atmosphere in the tent was harmonious.

Knight Pell, who was drenched by the heavy rain, hurried into Green's tent. Pell, who had always been calm, now had a look of anxiety on his face.

Pell stood in front of Green and bowed to salute: "Good day, my lord!"

Green's eyes moved, and his brows frowned slightly: "Loyal Pell Knight, you have worked hard all the way, is there an emergency situation?"

Green's steady voice calmed Pell's anxious emotions: "Yes, my lord! The Terror Fort has made a sudden move, and the Terror Fort has contacted the tribe of savages they have made friends with. There are at least 1 of them. This is the letter of war!"

Green took a look at the gauntlet handed by Pell with great interest, and said mockingly, "Heh, the Brunn family of Fort Dreadnest? The Kleber family broke the tranquility of the Crab Claw Peninsula?"

The Crab Claw Peninsula, which belongs to the king's territory, is indeed a land outside the law. There are conflicts of interests between the nobles, and they can fight whenever they want. No one will think of the Red Castle.

According to the laws of the kingdom, the nobles of the king's domain are not allowed to conquer each other without the order of the Red Castle.


Green got up and walked to the table covered with a large map. Everyone gathered around, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Everyone didn't wait too long. They stared at the map Green and pointed at one place: "Here, Crescent Valley. We are here to crush them!"

Crescent Valley is located about 20 miles northeast of Green's camp at this time.The exit and entrance of the Crescent Valley are about 100 meters wide, and the valley is relatively spacious, with steep sides.The entire valley is shaped like a crescent moon, and the people of Xiejiao Peninsula, who have profound cultural achievements, named it Crescent Moon Valley.

Green pointed to a flat place some distance from the entrance of Crescent Valley, and said, "Pell, send someone to reply to the Brunn family. Kleber will take over the battle. We will fight here."

According to the information provided by Pell, the location Green chose for the battle is relatively fair in terms of distance from the positions of the two parties, and Green is not worried that they will not respond.

There are also similar locations nearby such as the Crescent Valley, but Green just chose a place that is easy to accept for the Terror Fort.

If Dreadnought insisted on rejecting all the places Green chose, Green would simply give up the field battle, strengthen the defense of the camp on the spot, and rely on fortifications to fight defensive battles.

There are 1 people on the other side, and Kleiber has less than [-] people. If it is spread, it will not affect the family's honor.

What's more, Kleiber took the initiative to make an appointment for a field battle, and the chosen location has fully respected the tradition of the Crab Claw Peninsula.


As Green said, after confirming the location, the coalition forces of Dreadnest Fort and the Wildlings readily agreed.

The location of the decisive battle is very reasonable, in line with the tradition of the Crab Claw Peninsula, and no one suspects that there will be some conspiracy.

Although he ridiculed Green's youthful arrogance and overreaching on the surface, he still admired his courage to fight, which is very similar to the Crab Claw Peninsula.

Three days later, at the appointed time, Green took Emparo to lead the clan soldiers, together with auxiliary soldiers and Kleber soldiers disguised as surrendered captives, arrived at the battle location.

In the dark formation of wildlings, the banner with the crest of the Brunn family of Dreadnest Fort was extremely conspicuous.

Green observed that under the banner of the Brunn family, there were about 200 soldiers in a neat square formation compared to the wildlings around them.

The soldiers of the Brunn family have about 50 armors and 20 horses, and they are richer than the Kleber family.

On Kleiber's side were Green and Empero riding on horses, plus a few Green's guards.

The poor Lord Green looked at the phalanx of the Brunn family and sighed secretly. The iron armor and horses needed for the trip to King's Landing were almost enough, and there was no need to spend additional money, saving a lot of golden dragons.

Sure enough, hard work is better than hard work.

Green suddenly understood that it is estimated that the Ironborn comprehended the proverbs under similar circumstances as him.

Emparo also finished observing, and said: "Master Green, they add up to about 50 horses. It's a pity that Reina can't ride and shoot. If there is one more person, it will be easier to shoot them."

Green seems to be in a good mood, with a smile on his face: "I will send two horse guards to follow you, remember to keep a safe distance, the first target of the two of us is the cavalry who rushed up."

No one knew what was going on in Green's heart, and no one would have guessed that Green's sudden mood improvement was due to the equipment of the Brun family. At most, everyone would think that the warlike lord was excited about the upcoming battle.

Emparo said solemnly: "Understood, my lord, please rest assured!"

Green reached out and patted Emparuo's arm: "Well, I have always believed in you, and you should have a pair of plate armor."

Emparo, who was thinking in a straight line, had a rare and immediate understanding of the meaning of Green's words, and together with Green, they focused their attention on the phalanx of the Brunn family.



Valley, Gulltown.

(End of this chapter)

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