iron throne of ice and fire

Chapter 186 Green’s proposal

Chapter 186 Green’s proposal

Junlin, Linhe Gate (Mud Gate).

Jacelyn Bywater, captain of the gold-robed Riverside Guard, saluted Tyrion Lannister, who came to inspect the defense: "Your Majesty the Prime Minister."

Tyrion looked Ser Jacelyn up and down and said with a smile, "I like your simple and clear greeting."

Ser Jacelyn comes from the last branch of the Bywater family of the royal family. He participated in the siege of Pyke City during the suppression of Balon Greyjoy's rebellion. He lost his right hand in the battle. After the war, he was rewarded by Robert for his merits. I was made a knight and later became an officer in golden robes.

Sir Jacelin seemed not to have heard Tyrion's friendly joke. He just turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation to the front.

Ser Jacelyn was very tall. Tyrion reached out and patted his thigh: "I like you even more, Sir."


On top of the city wall, Tyrion looked at Blackwater Bay for a while with his little hands behind his back, then turned to look at Jacelin and said, "Sir Jacelin, if the enemy comes from the sea, they will attack from here, right?"

Sir Jacelyn has grayish brown hair, sunken eye sockets, high brow bones, and a broad jaw like a pumpkin.

After a pause, he replied seriously: "Your Majesty Prime Minister, every place in King's Landing may be the target of enemy attack. The direction of Mud Gate is just more likely than other places."

Tyrion's eyes moved and he looked at the little squire standing aside with his chest puffed out.

"Pod, I want to speak with Ser Jacelyn alone."

"Yes, my lord."


Tyrion leaned on the parapet. He glanced at Jacelin's iron fake right hand and said leisurely: "As far as I know, you have been the captain of the Mud Guard for three years?"

"Yes, Your Excellency."

Tyrion said seriously: "Ser Jacelyn, are you qualified to be the Commander-in-Chief of the Golden Robe?"

Jacelin stared at Tyrion for a while and shook his head slightly: "Master Prime Minister, no one can replace Lord Green. He is deeply loved by the soldiers in gold robes."

Tyrion grinned: "The person standing in front of you is the Lannister Prime Minister. Everyone doesn't like the golden dragon."

Jacelin shook his head again: "Lord Green is very fair, and the soldiers trust him."

Tyrion nodded slightly... What the person in front of him meant was that the golden dragon alone could not gain true love.

"Do warriors understand warriors?"

Tyrion first sighed with emotion, and then said: "Sir Jacelyn, Green and I are good friends. He recommended you to me... Well, this is a secret, but I believe in your honor."

Jacelin's eyes showed doubts.

Tyrion shrugged his shoulders and said: "The new prime minister needs a trustworthy commander-in-chief in gold robes. Unfortunately, your Lord Greene carries the legacy of Robert I, and I have no reason to keep him."

Jacelin seemed a little unbelievable: "Your Majesty Prime Minister, why did Lord Green leave King's Landing?"

Tyrion smiled and said: "Hey, don't get me wrong, this is not expulsion, this is the highest honor. The next time we meet, Earl Green will most likely be sitting on a chair in the Royal Council."

Jacelin lowered his eyes and glanced at his iron right hand: "This is indeed a good thing, Prime Minister."

Tyrion suppressed the smile on his face and said solemnly: "So... the new commander-in-chief in the golden robe, are you willing to dedicate your highest loyalty to the new prime minister?"



The next day, the throne room.

Sitting around the long table of the Royal Council were Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Pycelle, Varys, Green Kleb, and Lancel Lannister.

The government affairs reported by Maester Pycelle were boring. Greene admired the wood grain on the table motionlessly. Lancel quietly observed him and followed his example.

Queen Cersei raised her hand and interrupted impatiently: "That's enough, today is not about discussing trivial matters."

After a pause, she said angrily: "Did you also receive Stannis's letter? I will punish him for his despicable villainous behavior!"

After Cersei finished speaking, Pycelle and Varys took out letters from their pockets and placed them on the table.

Tyrion's upper body was almost lying on the table, he reached out and pulled out the letter, and read it with interest.

While watching, he said: "Haha, the content is the same as the ones I saw yesterday. Except for the name, I didn't expect him to be quite clever."

Pycelle's sleepy eyes opened slightly: "Your Majesty the Queen Mother, everyone in the Red Castle has a share."

Tyrion touched his chin and said, "Could it be that every noble family in the kingdom has a share?"

Varys glanced at Queen Cersei and said respectfully: "Queen Cersei, my little bird tells me that Prime Minister Tyrion's speculation is very likely to be true."

Queen Cersei's body trembled slightly with anger: "I will burn all these letters. I will not keep any of them. I will never let any news reach the ears of my son and my father."

Tyrion sighed: "Sister Queen Mother, I think Stannis has already sent birds to Casterly Rock... As for burning the letter... what's the point? You can't take back the water you throw out, I think. Those letters sent out can no longer be collected.”

He spread his hands and said, "Besides, to be honest, what was written in the letter is actually not that bad."

The lioness turned around, glared at Tyrion with her wide green eyes, and scolded: "Tyrion, do you have any brains? Have you read what Stannis wrote? He called my son a boy, and... How dare you accuse me of promiscuity and adultery!"

Tyrion almost blurted out: He is telling the truth!At the critical moment, for the sake of his own life, Tyrion shut his mouth tightly... His mouth must be at the back of his mind.

Cersei knew that Stannis's accusation was completely true, but she still acted like this, which opened Tyrion's eyes. He saw the shining light of wisdom in his sister's beautiful golden hair... Well, at least she Not exactly a moron.

Tyrion looked at Green: Was she so powerful before?

Green stared back: the lioness roared.

Boss Cersei is very talented in acting, and Green has a lot of personal experience, so he will not be surprised at all.

Lancel felt that it was time for him to show off, and he said loudly: "Your Majesty the Queen Mother, how do you want to deal with it..."

Lancel's excited voice gradually weakened under Queen Cersei's cold gaze, and his straight upper body shrank back.

Tyrion pursed his lips, paused, and coughed lightly.

He said seriously: "Queen Cersei, Stannis needs an excuse to accuse Joffrey of illegally holding the Iron Throne. We already know what he is planning to do... Do we still expect him to write something that will make us feel comfortable after reading it?" ?"

Queen Cersei said bitterly: "I will never allow others to call me a daughter-in-law!"

Good sister, Stannis didn't say Jaime paid you... Tyrion pursed his lips tightly, it was very hard for him to bear it.

Tyrion wanted to slap himself in the mouth... To be honest, I haven't finished the golden robes yet!
Tyrion lowered his head and gestured to read the letter. His eyes suddenly trembled slightly and he murmured: "Flatter the Lord of Light and shine brightly..."

He raised his head, glanced at everyone, and said, "What a strange and unfamiliar wording."

Varys smiled faintly and explained aloud: "Prime Minister Tyrion, this sentence often appears in the letters and documents of the Free Trade City. It means something similar to what we often use. Under the witness of the gods, the light here The king refers to the god worshiped by the red-robed monks, also known as the Heart of Holy Flame, the god of shadow and fire.”

After pausing for a moment, he said with a smile: "As far as I know, several years ago, Lord Stannis's wife, Lady Selyse Florent, seemed to have fallen into the trap of the red monk."


Tyrion laughed, flicked the letter, and said: "Lord Varys, I'm starting to like your little bird... Well, it seems that her husband has also followed suit. We can use this to deal with him. , please ask the High Septon to expose the horror of Stannis's betrayal of the Seven Gods in public..."

Queen Cersei interrupted impatiently: "That's enough! We must first stop this dirty thing from spreading."

Lancel's morale was immediately high: "Queen Regent, please issue an order. Anyone who dares to spread rumors will have his tongue pulled out."

Academician Pycelle stroked his white beard and said, "If you move faster, you can kill the rumors quickly."

Green's brown eyes moved slightly and looked at Maester Pycelle... Are you forcing me to cut something again?

Based on the number of letters Stannis sent out, rumors soon spread throughout the city. How many tongues would he have to pull out before leaving King's Landing?

Just as Green was about to speak, Tyrion spoke first.

"Sister Queen Mother, pull out your tongue. At most, it will stop them from talking, but it will not change their thoughts. It will also make everyone feel how afraid you are of those ridiculous rumors."

Queen Cersei said contemptuously: "Then I would like to hear your good ideas."

Tyrion smiled with a smile on his face: "Anyone with a little common sense would regard this as a poor excuse made up by Stannis to seize power and usurp the throne."

He added: "Don't do anything. Let them talk. It will disappear naturally in a short time."

Queen Cersei said coldly: "Coward, you are just sitting back and waiting to be killed!"

Tyrion showed what he thought was a sweet smile to his sister: "Sister Queen Mother, does Stannis have any evidence? It's obviously groundless, where did he go to find evidence?"

Queen Cersei frowned.

Green turned to Queen Cersei, who seemed to be thinking, and said: "Queen Cersei, it is wise for you to have concerns. Most people will not choose to judge the authenticity of rumors, no matter how ridiculous they are."

After listening to Green's words, Queen Cersei's expression improved a lot: "My Earl Green, continue speaking."

Green nodded slightly and said slowly: "Duke Stannis just made up the story, but what if we released a more interesting true story?"

He glanced at the people present and continued: "The truth about the death of Prime Minister Jon Arryn, why the gentle wife poisoned the Prime Minister's husband, and the heir to the Eagle's Nest was actually an illegitimate son born through adultery. Discover the truth The prime minister’s husband died after his wife silenced him.”

After a pause, he added: "This matter was the result of a personal investigation by former Prime Minister Eddard Stark. Another important witness is the former Finance Minister Petyr Baelish who escaped from the dungeon."

Green spread his hands and said with a smile: "I think this is the fun that people really like, not to mention it is a real story."

Lancel excitedly grabbed one of Green's arms and said, "Green, I remember we used this method when we solved the rumors in Queens District last year. You are still smart!"

Green's face was gentle: "It's different from the last time. The news released this time is a truly interesting story."

Varys smiled and said: "Queen Cersei, I have to say that the story told by Earl Green is so attractive. At least I am really curious now."

Pycelle nodded, his maester's necklace swaying softly: "Everyone loves Prime Minister Jon... Alas, the truth is always cruel, so pitiful."

Tyrion laughed playfully: "Sister Cersei, why don't you tell another story about Stannis and put a green hat on him."

Queen Cersei showed a rare smile towards Tyrion, and he was a little flattered.

Green raised an objection: "Prime Minister Tyrion, the story of the Arryn family is enough to suppress the rumors this time, and the story of Stannis can wait a little longer."

The smile on Tyrion's face gradually faded: "Earl Green, you mean..."

Green nodded and said, "When Duke Stannis becomes king."

(End of this chapter)

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