iron throne of ice and fire

Chapter 272 Copper and Black Iron Sword Crown

Chapter 272 Copper and Black Iron Sword Crown

Hearing Tyrion's assurance, Edmure Tully tapped his chin.

Tyrion blew a long whistle and said lazily: "I almost didn't sleep all night. Myer's legs are really... I can't stop even if I want to."

He grinned with a lewd smile on his face: "Continue in the evening?"

Edmure wanted to agree immediately, but he knew that he couldn't leave tonight's banquet early... In fact, you can have some fun quietly during the banquet, and others would just treat it as entertainment... But others can, but he can't , because he is the heir to the Duke of Riverrun... everyone is staring at him.

Edmure suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart. As the heir to the Duke of Riverrun... he could only sneak out of the city to have fun like a thief after the sun sets... Who understands the pain?

To be honest, Edmure didn't like the Lannister dwarf when he first met him, and felt that even talking to him was an insult.

But after a little contact, Edmure had to admit that Tyrion was... not bad, he was very good at playing, and he also learned... a lot of new things.

The most important thing is... he can stay in the inn chartered by Tyrion in Riverrun in an upright manner in the name of entertaining the envoys from the Red Keep.

Thinking of the "interesting things" in the past few days, Edmure once again lamented that Tyrion was really good at playing, and it was a shame to meet him so late.

Tyrion will not stay in Riverrun for long, he must cherish it... Edmure Tully nodded slightly reservedly, and then left with his chin held high.


Tyrion looked at Edmure's hurried back, and he smiled happily.

When Edmure looked at the beauties he had brought to Riverrun, Tyrion could see that... this was a big boy who had been "repressed" for a long time, and of course he was "prescribing" the right medicine.

After many contacts, Tyrion also found that Edmure himself was a kind-hearted person. If there was no chaos among the kings, he would definitely be Joffrey's "well-behaved" Duke of Riverrun in the future.

As both heirs, Jaime is much luckier than Edmure. Although Lord Tywin is strict, he is indeed very tolerant to him.

Tyrion raised his eyes and looked at the blue sky, maybe... When Jaime put on his white robe, although Duke Tywin did not express it specifically, he already knew in his heart that Jaime had given up his identity as the heir to Casterly Rock.

Tyrion felt that he had given a satisfactory answer when he performed the duties of Prime Minister on behalf of his father.

Surrounded by powerful enemies, he preserved the Iron Throne and glory of the Lannister family, and saved hundreds of thousands of people in King's Landing. Tyrion felt that he was now qualified to sit across from Lord Tywin and talk.

Tyrion took steps forward with his little hands behind his back, and hummed a tune happily.



At the gate of Riverrun, Robb Stark sat on a tall horse with a black and smooth mane, and Edmure stood respectfully in front of the crowd.

King Robb shouted: "Lord Edmure, our kingdom will never forget the warriors who sacrificed their lives bravely in the Battle of the Red Fork. It is because of the power of the North and Riverrun they showed that Tai It's also because of you that Wyn Lannister was so frustrated that he had to turn back to Stannis."

The crowd burst into laughter and agreement, and Edmure himself, who tried his best to maintain a humble manner, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Robb raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "But we cannot let down our guard. The Lannister will definitely attack again. For the peace of the kingdom, we must continue to fight."

"Long live the King in the North!"

"Long live the Lord of the Trident!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, King Robb entered Riverrun, surrounded by his vassals from the North and the Riverlands.

When they were about to arrive at the main castle of Riverrun, Roose Bolton from the Dreadfort suddenly came on horseback and blocked King Robb's path.

The surroundings became silent for a moment because of the "accident". Earl Luce sat on the horse and saluted his chest, saying: "Your Majesty the King, I came here on the order of Lord Ed."

Before Robb could respond, the Great Jon next to him shouted angrily: "Roose Bolton, get out of here! You're fucking blocking King Robb's way!"

King Robb raised his hand to stop the Great Jon who was about to continue speaking. He looked at the Earl of the Dreadfort who looked like an ice sculpture: "Earl Bolton, how is my father?"

Roose Bolton's slender voice sounded: "Although Lord Eddard has regained the Gulf of Cailin, Greyjoy's ironborn are still raiding across the north. He has to sit in Winterfell and mobilize the few remaining troops. Soldiers from the North are here to protect our home."

Buzz! Hearing Count Luce's words, the lords from the north became uneasy.

"Ten Balon Greyjoys are no match for my father."

King Robb stared at Lord Roose and said, "I will summon you in a while, Roose Bolton."

Hearing this, Roose Bolton nodded slightly, then lightly kicked the horse's belly, pulled the reins... and slowly moved out of the way.


In front of the fireplace in the small hall of the main castle, Robb Stark stared at the flames in the fireplace and said: "Uncle, I can't see the heart of Earl Bolton. I can't trust him. I always have."

Brynden Tully quipped: "No one can see through an ice cube."

King Robb smiled, was silent for a while, and said, "My father trusts him very much."

Ser Brynden shook his head slightly and said, "Ned also has people he likes and people he doesn't like, but he trusts every one of his northern vassals."

King Robb nodded, thought for a moment, and said with some doubts: "Why did father send Count Luce here? Most of the northern lords don't like the Dreadfort, and father knows this very well."

Sir Brynden pondered for a moment and said: "Perhaps Ned values ​​Earl Bolton's wisdom more. He understands the North. When the descendants of the ancestors of the North hold swords in their hands, they rarely consider other things. "

King Robb couldn't help but smile: "This is one of the reasons why they don't like Earl Luce."

Sir Brynden smiled kindly and suddenly said: "Perhaps, my father hopes that you will make a choice as soon as possible. Earl Bolton is here, at least you can hear different advice."

After a moment of silence, King Robb asked: "Choice?"

Ser Brynden stared at King Robb for a while. He pointed at the bronze and black iron sword crown that King Robb wore and said, "My child, have you thought to meet your father?"

King Robb leaned back in his chair and said without hesitation: "When the time comes, my father will be the King of the North and the King of the Trident."

After hearing Robb's answer, Ser Brynden asked: "What if... your father refuses to wear the king's crown?"

King Robb opened his mouth and said: "Lannister almost killed his father. We are already mortal enemies. The Stark family has no other choice." Ser Brynden sighed: "Ned and Robert are brothers, yours Father will not seize the Iron Throne left by his own siblings."

Seeing Robb's silence, he added: "While you were taking a bath, I went to inquire about Lord Bolton. It was said that Lord Walder refused to let the Dreadfort troops pass through the Twins. He could only come with some guards. "

After a pause, he continued: "Marquis Walder is expressing his dissatisfaction with Jenny's matter. He is vaguely reminding... The Twins of the Frey family are very important to you, and he is waiting for your friendly response. King Robb.”

Ser Brynden saw Robb's clenched fists, and he said slowly: "Before you call Edmure, King Robb..."

A pair of deep blue eyes looked straight at Robb: "Are you sure you want to cancel your engagement with the Freys and take Jeyne Westerling as your wife?"

King Robb nodded slowly and said, "Jenny and I will hold our wedding in Riverrun, Ser Brynden."

Although he already knew the answer, Ser Brynden still sighed secretly.


"His Majesty."

Edmure first saluted, then sat on the chair next to Ser Brynden, and said excitedly: "Uncle, I am at the Red Fork..."

Edmure, who smelled of alcohol, showed off his military exploits to his uncle like a child.

At King Robb's signal, after all the servants in the hall left, Ser Brynden frowned and said, "Stop it, we have heard enough of your showing off, Edmure."

Edmure was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully: "What are you showing off to, uncle?"

Ser Brynden looked at his nephew and said, "What I mean is that you should thank King Robb for his tolerance. He acted for you at the city gate to prevent you from embarrassing yourself in front of your own vassals."

His tone became stern: "If it were me, I would scold you mercilessly for your stupidity, and I would never praise you for your many achievements!"

Edmure said in disbelief: "In the battle at the Red Fork Crossing, countless warriors sacrificed their lives to repel the Lannister. You should respect them, uncle."

Then, he moved his eyes to King Robb and said with anger in his voice: "What's wrong, no one deserves to win except the Young Wolf Lord? I took away the glory that belongs to you, Robb?"

Robb took off his crown, placed it on the table beside him, and corrected him coldly: "It's your Majesty, my uncle."

Edmure turned his face away angrily, neither looking at his nephew nor his uncle.

After a pause, Ser Brynden's rich and hoarse voice sounded: "Edmure, I heard that King Robb gave you an order to stay at Riverrun (Chapter 236), and that's all."

Edmure turned around and explained: "Uncle, I defended Riverrun and repelled Lord Tywin's army..."

Robb interrupted with a slightly sullen expression: "Repulsion does not equal victory, Lord Edmure."

He added: "Have you ever considered why the coalition forces from the North and the Riverlands stayed in the West for so long? You know that I don't have enough troops to break Lannisport or Casterly Rock."

"Why?" Edmure couldn't help but be stunned.

He tried to guess the answer, opened his mouth and said: "For...other castles? For gold? For cattle and sheep? Is it...for beauty?!"

Robb said with a dark face: "Do you think we went to the West to become bandits?"

After a moment, he said, "Uncle, I stayed in the West to lure Duke Tywin over."

Ser Brynden explained to Edmure, who was still puzzled: "The main force King Robb brought to the West was cavalry, and the Lannister army was mostly infantry.

I think...his original plan was for Duke Tywin to chase him to the seaside in the West, and then use the speed of the cavalry to slip past, cross the Golden Road, and occupy a defensive position with favorable terrain.

Launching an attack there, the Lannister will pay a heavy price... If Lord Tywin does not attack, he will be trapped in the Westerlands, always consuming the resources of the Westerlands instead of plundering the Riverlands. "

King Robb nodded and said: "At the same time, Stannis will directly attack the isolated King's Landing. But Lannister's return aid caused him to be defeated at King's Landing. Duke Tywin's only enemies are us. Yes, my uncle."

Edmure finally understood. He looked at his uncle, then at his nephew, and finally... weakly defended: "I have never heard of this plan..."

King Robb said tiredly: "I asked you to guard Riverrun... What is it about this order that you don't understand, Lord Edmure?"

Ser Brynden shook his head and said: "Edmure, you stopped Duke Tywin at the Red Fork River, and you held it for a long time...just enough to allow the Lannister army and the Tyrell army to retreat. Join forces and attack Stannis from behind when the time is right."

Edmure was exhausted and murmured: "I really didn't expect...I didn't want to at all..."

Suddenly raising his voice, he said hastily: "Robb, trust me, I will make it up to you. Next time there is a war, I will be your vanguard!"

"Is this compensation?"

Ser Brynden reminded: "It is an honor to be named forward, my nephew."

When Edmure didn't know what to say, King Robb stared at the crown on the table and said, "Uncle Edmure, the next war will come soon. After Joffrey's marriage to the Tyrell family, Lan Nestor will go to war again, I have no doubt about it. This time, they have the support of the Tyrells... Maybe I will also have to deal with the Freys..."

Hearing that Robb was going to deal with the Frey family, Edmure was surprised and said: "How can the Frey family be our enemies? You are engaged, have you forgotten?"

After a pause, King Robb replied: "I will marry Lady Jeyne of the Westerling family, uncle."

Edmure couldn't help but widen his eyes and blurted out: "Western? That shabby settlement in the West? Are you kidding me?"

After saying that, he thought about it again, and he was sure that Robb was joking with him.

"Haha!" Edmure laughed. Although it wasn't very funny, it was rare for a serious nephew to joke with him. As an uncle... he was very willing to join in.

Then, under the gaze of his uncle and nephew, he suppressed his smile in embarrassment.

Edmure said tentatively: "Isn't it a joke?"

Seeing his uncle nod, Edmure looked at Robb in disbelief and said, "Why, Robb, are you going to break your engagement? This is breaking an oath!"

Ser Brynden patted Edmure and told him to be quiet: "We will talk about the reason for this later. Let's talk about how to compensate Marquis Frey first. This is very important."

Edmure of the Tully family was puzzled: "Uncle, don't be joking. Old Frey is a notorious stingy man. How else can he compensate for this?"

(End of this chapter)

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