iron throne of ice and fire

Chapter 274 Green’s Justice

Chapter 274 Green’s Justice

Vale, Longbow Hall.

The air was filled with the stench of blood and burning as Green Kleb, surrounded by blue robes, surveyed the battlefield where the battle ended.

The ancient walls of Longbow Hall have witnessed the fierce siege battles. The originally strong walls are covered with arrow holes, cracks and scorched marks, which are the marks left by the fire and boulders.

Green came to the city wall. Various weapons and equipment were scattered everywhere on the ground, such as broken spears, curled swords and broken shields. The corpses of the defenders and siege soldiers were overlapped. They kept His face was distorted by pain and fear when he died.

At the edge of the city wall, the remains of the siege tower were still burning, and thick smoke was rising, as if it was a signal that this cruel battle was over.

Ian Hunter, who had ruled Longbow Hall for nearly sixty years and died suddenly last year, had three sons: Jerwood, Eustace and Harlan. Among them, Jerwood Hunter and Harlan Hunter died in the battle in the valley (Chapter 244 and 247 respectively), and Eustace died in today's siege.

Lean of the Hershey family spoke next to Green: "My lord, now...the legal heir of the Hunter family is Jancy Hunter, who married to the Twins City, and her husband is Edwin Frey. He is the great-grandson of Lord Walder Frey, and he has the right to inherit the Twins."

Twin River City... Green kept walking. He said as he walked: "Lean, under the rule of Kleb, there was no Hunter surname among the nobles in the valley."

After listening, Ryan Hershey's steps paused slightly, and there was a little excitement in his voice: "I understand, Lord Green."

The rewards and punishments of the Kleb Army are fair, and the soldiers are only divided into strong and weak.

The harvest season in the valley will be over in just over a month, and the tax exemption policy promulgated by Green will increase the supply of grains flowing into the market, which may be used by people with intentions as a weapon to suppress grain prices.

Green nodded slightly. He turned his head to look at Dras and said, "How many casualties did the Marko soldiers suffer?"

The war in the valley mixed with the fire of revenge on the Crab Claw Peninsula is bloody. Lord Green needs to lower the "temperature" in the valley, so... details are very important, which is to lay the foundation for long-term peace and stability in the future.

Dras replied respectfully: "More than thirty people died in the battle, my lord."

Their conversation also reached the ears of the surrounding soldiers who were "organizing" the battlefield. The keen Lord Green felt the intense gaze focused on him, but he continued to patrol without noticing.

After a pause, Dras Marco, the eldest son and heir of the old Earl of Anchorage, glanced at Lien who looked proud, and said: "Lord Green, the Marco family is at your disposal."

With a smile on his face, Green reached out and patted Dras, saying: "Don't ignore them, every soldier is precious, Dras."

Green asked patiently: "How many injured soldiers are there?"

Whether it’s the soldiers from the Crab Claw Peninsula or the soldiers from the valley, they are all Kleb’s soldiers.

After a pause, he said frankly: "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to this, sir."


This is really uncountable... The fifteen-year-old heir to the old anchorage scratched his head and said: "I estimate... about a hundred people."

In the study room of Longbow Hall, Green was waving the quill in his hand. He was writing a letter to Steward Russell of Seagull Town.

"I will remember it, Lord Green." Dras responded loudly.

As a result...if no corresponding countermeasures were prepared, Lord Greene's favorable policies actually caused losses to the farmers in the valley, and even brought him a bad reputation.

As a ruler, Green will not overestimate the greed of human nature. He needs Steward Russell to lead Kleb Trading Company to stabilize the grain prices in the valley. This is also a food reserve to deal with future crises.

Granary... The quill in Green's hand left the parchment and was stained with ink. Brushing, brushing, the quill began to swing again.

Put the written letter into an envelope and use blue sealing wax (previously it was called sealing clay in the book, but this chapter changed its name to sealing wax). The slightly darker blue color is the background color of Kleb's flag. After occupying Seagull Town, the wealthy Lord Green specially asked a businessman to customize it.

Green's move was based on the top nobles of the Seven Kingdoms, such as: the golden sealing wax of the Lannister family, the black sealing wax of the Baratheon family, the green sealing wax of the Tyrell family, and the orange sealing wax of the Martell family. The red sealing wax, the gray sealing wax of the Stark family, the Arryn family... don't mention it.

With a bang, Green stamped the swamp marigold seal on the blue sealing wax.

Lord Green placed the letter and leaned back on the chair. In fact, he prefers golden sealing wax. This may be the reason for Kleb to go to war with the Lannister? !

What would Westerosi historians call this war...the War of the Sealing Wax?


Dong Dong Dong, Brienne of Tarth pushed the door open and said, "Lord Green, Legion Legal Officer Vergil wants to see you."

"Invite him in."

Virgil hurriedly walked in, and after saluting, he said: "Lord Green, Captain Costa took his two captains of ten and a dozen soldiers and broke into a manor near Longbow Hall. The manor The owner was a cloth merchant. Costa and the others raped the women in the manor. The owner of the manor was seriously injured, and five of the manor servants died."

He added: "When our army was about to arrive at Longbow Hall, the owner of the manor voluntarily surrendered to you. According to Kleb's law, they are subjects under your rule."

Green's eyebrows raised slightly: "My legal officer, someone is hindering your disposal?"

After a pause, Virgil said directly: "The leader of the spearmen, Baron Drell Keifer, requested that Costa and the others be given a chance to atone for their sins on the battlefield."

The Keifer family is a noble of the Crab Claw Peninsula. After Green established the rule of the Crab Claw Peninsula, they voluntarily chose to submit to the Kleb family. It is rumored that... a member of the Keifer family once served as the Kingsguard of the Targaryen Dynasty. .

Green seemed to be curious: "Arbitrator Virgil, is Drell Keifer leading the troops to resist? Has anyone drawn a sword?"

Virgil shook his head and said: "Baron Keifer did not allow my law enforcement soldiers to arrest people. He blocked the camp gate with his guards. He wanted me to ask you for a chance to atone for their sins."

Green asked again: "Justice Virgil, what do you think?"

Virgil puffed out his chest and said without hesitation: "Master Green, you said that if you violate Kleb's law, you will only be severely punished."

Green tapped his chin, stood up, and said: "I have given you a fair and generous reward..."

He tied "Ms. Kongji" around his waist and continued: "Baron Keifer chose to rebel."

Virgil trembled his lower lip and said, "Conspiracy...rebellion?"

"It's tantamount to treason."

Green turned to look at Brienne and said, "Assemble the clan soldiers. Also, send someone to tell Emparo about this and ask her to keep an eye on those mercenaries."

Brienne nodded calmly, turned around and strode away.

Since Green led the Crab Claw Peninsula soldiers into the valley, and with the subsequent legendary victories, the Crab Claw Peninsula soldiers have gradually developed a sense of arrogance... They are the number one in the Seven Kingdoms.

It is good to be confident, but not too much, as it will make them uncontrollable. If Kleb's Law cannot restrain his soldiers, even the most elite soldiers will fall instantly.

Taking this opportunity, Lord Green wanted the Crab Claw Peninsula soldiers who had swept across the valley to cool down.

(End of this chapter)

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