Chapter 85 Loyalty (4700)

Saying goodbye to Green, Samwell took his younger sister and younger brother and set foot on the return journey. During the return journey, the three brothers and sisters laughed together.

As soon as they returned to Horn Hill, Samwell and the others had no time to tidy up when they were called into the study by their father, Earl Randall Tarly.

This time his father's scolding was more severe than ever, and he even wanted to drive Samwell out of Horn Hill.

Samwell trembled all over, the confidence he had just picked up was completely shattered by ruthlessness.

With a bang, the door of the study was suddenly pushed open.

Samwell's mother, Melissa Florent, appeared at the door of the study with Tara Tarly and Dickon Tarly.

"That's enough, Lando! I arranged it! Dickon and the others want to watch the martial arts competition. They are still young and need my brother's protection!"

"My eldest son can't protect his family."


Horn Fort.

The clear sky was suddenly covered, the sun disappeared without a trace, and the clouds in the sky were getting lower and lower.

Samwell Tarly looked at the suddenly changing weather, his eyes were empty, and he murmured, "It's going to rain."


The communication between Samwell and Green was a very rare and happy time for Samwell.

Samwell never expected that Green, who had put down his sword, would be very knowledgeable.

Together they discuss various topics including history, myths, and legends.

Green also made a point that still thrills him in retrospect, saying that knowledge is the sharpest edge in the world.

At that time, the cowardice in Samwell disappeared.

At that moment, Samwell's face was full of confidence.


In the afternoon, while his father was away, Samwell went to see his mother.

Melissa Florent looked at Samwell, who lowered his head and dodged his eyes, and put down the embroidery in his hand, and comforted: "Sam, it was my mistake that caused you to be blamed by your father. Mom is sorry."

Melissa's gentle voice made Samwell's eyes blush instantly.

"Sam, trust your mother. Although your father is strict, he loves you very much."

Samwell looked up at his gentle mother, with tears in his eyes: "Mom, I found the courage, I want to leave Horn Hill."

Melissa exclaimed in surprise, "Sam, you..."

Samwell's flushed eye sockets were filled with tears, and the crystal clear teardrops rolled and fell down his cheeks.

"Mom! I'm a coward! But I'll make you proud!"



Highgarden, the Plant Labyrinth.

Last night, at a small-scale banquet, Green chatted and drank with the Duke of Metz all night.

The dinner ended with the Duke of Metz's unconsciousness.

Green strolled in the garden, smelling the scent of roses, but what he smelled was the smell of golden dragons.

Green found a shady wooden bench and sat down.

Green stretched and leaned his back against the back of the chair.

Although the scale of the banquet yesterday was small, the specifications were very high.

After talking about the matter, it was relatively late, and the Duke of Metz regrettably could only call the vassals who were in the castle.

Under the earnest gaze of the Duke of Metz, Green talked about the unknown art of war of the Duke of Metz.

Serious Green is very scary, coupled with self-consistent logic, many nobles at the banquet believed Green's words.

The cheerful Duke of Mace kept stroking his beard, and the originally trimmed triangular beard changed its shape.

There is still a big banquet tonight... Green looked up at the white clouds in the sky, and rubbed his swollen head with his slender fingers.

Although, after a bit of hard work, Green has gained a lot.

In the six-day ring competition, he earned more than 1000 golden dragons.

For Little Rose's "consulting fee", Green earned three thousand golden dragons.

In the morning, Manager Roselle reported to Green that he had already negotiated a deal to buy grain from High Court.

Thinking of this, Juan Wang Green was full of blood again instantly.

Because of Prime Minister Jon's one-month appointment, Green must leave tomorrow, and tonight he will continue to name his favorite Duke of Mace.

[That summer, Green put his hands in his pockets and looked around, but found no opponent]

Thinking of Duke Jon, Green's heart was sharpened again, and the name of guardian of the Crab Claw Peninsula could be put on the agenda.

Green knew very well in his heart that compared to Emperor Joffrey, the canonization of King Robert's period had better gold content and was more recognized by others.


I don't know how long it took, Green cleared his mind, closed his eyes and meditated, and moved his ears.

The voice came from not far behind Green.

Through the voice of speaking, Green has already guessed the identities of several people. They are the pillow maids group of Little Rose.


Meg Tyrell, who was a bit fat, said loudly, "Are you still playing games?"

Meggle Tyrell is a member of the offshoot of the Golden Rose family, and she likes to play kissing games with her cousins.

Eero Tyrell, who was slender and bright-eyed, said, "Meige, I'm so tired today."

Eero Tyrell is also a member of the offshoot of the Golden Rose family.

"Well, I played so crazy last night that I just want to sit and do nothing now."

The one who spoke was Menedith Crane from the Crane family.

Arlan Tyrell, who is also a branch member of the Golden Rose family, timidly said: "Since you are tired, take a rest, Miss Margaret will be busy for a while, do you want me to play the wooden harp for you?"

Meg Tyrell waved his hand and said, "Okay, Yalan, aren't you tired? Let's sit down and rest for a while."

"Thank you, Meige."


"Hey, did you pay attention to the Duke of Metz at the banquet yesterday? I've never seen him so happy."

"Of course I saw it, as long as you have eyes, you can see it."

"Mei Ge, why are you talking like that?"

"Don't be angry anymore, we will definitely play games with you in the afternoon."

"Oh, I think it's because of that foreign guest."

"You mean the bard?"

"Bard? Hahaha!"

All the sisters laughed together.

"Everyone was attracted by him and stole the limelight."

"As the queen's envoy, his tongue has been beating all night, I think it's not easy for him."

"Elo, I understand you, you are only tolerant of knights who have a crush on you."

"Baron Green is from the Crab Claw Peninsula. Some people at the banquet yesterday privately said that all the people in the Crab Claw Peninsula are half-savage nobles."

"Savage? He doesn't look like him no matter what!"

"His high-strength sword skills, could it be the mysterious power from the savages?"


"Shh, I heard an amazing secret, I just want to tell you, remember to keep it secret."

"Don't worry, sister!"

"Don't pretend, just say it!"

"Duke of Mace, may go to King's Landing..."

"The Lord Renly..."

"Duke Renly? Why did you suddenly mention him? Are you hiding something, okay you, I only give you one chance, share what you know with the sisters!"

It turns out that Gaoting has no secrets either!

The corners of Green's lips curled up slightly, and he lay silently on the bench, folded his hands behind his head, closed his eyes, and continued to eavesdrop passively!


Red Fort, Tower of the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Jon's health was deteriorating, and finally alarmed King Robert Baratheon, who was addicted to hunting, and he had to return to King's Landing.

Robert stared at the old Jon Arryn who was leaning on the bed for a while, and laughed wildly: "Jon, you are better than I imagined, seeing how lively you are, we can go to the Women's Branch together at night. "

When he was young, Robert had a well-groomed face, a tall figure and a bold personality. His eyes were clear and charming, just like a girl's dream lover.

After wearing the crown, Robert's excessive indulgence in food and drink made him gain weight beyond repair, his waist became as amazing as his height, and he was panting and sweating when he walked a little.Although the thick black beard covered Robert's double chin, but nothing could cover his round belly and thick dark circles.


"Heh...cough cough!"

Jon couldn't help laughing, but his throat tickled and he coughed.

Robert laughed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Jon stopped coughing and said, "You fat man who can only sweat!"

"Fatty? Are you saying I'm right? How dare you speak to the king like that, Jon?"

As he said that, Robert couldn't help laughing again with an angry face, and continued: "Fuck you, you can always be right!"

Robert restrained the smile on his face, and said in a serious tone: "Jon, you need to get well soon, I know very well what kind of a fool I am, a fool like the mad king. If you don't help me, everyone God will not forgive me."

Jon shook his head weakly: "You are different from the Mad King, you are much better than him."

Robert didn't know why he suddenly mentioned the Mad King. Thinking of the Mad King, Robert couldn't help being angry: "Gods should be damned! I only want Lyanna, but you force me a shit crown! I only want her You can return to my arms, and everything will be the same as before!"

Jon listened to Robert's complaints quietly, though he had heard it countless times.

Robert, who seemed to have vented his anger, asked with a hey smile, "Jon, do you know the proverb about the king and the prime minister?"

Jon nodded slightly, and replied: "The king dreams, and the prime minister dreams."

"A girl I slept with told me they have a better analogy for commoners: the king eats, the prime minister shits."

With that, Robert patted his belly and laughed.

Jon covered his mouth and coughed a few times, and said: "The people live better than us. What they mean is that the king is responsible for enjoying the food, and the prime minister is responsible for serving the king's shit after the meal, and also helping the king wipe his ass by the way."

Robert laughed again.

"Jon, you are so boring, always so serious, but... this time you made me laugh!"


After a pause, Jon said: "Robert, you have to make a plan early and choose a new Hand of the King who can assist you. My body can't last long, and I can't give you too much time. It can't be because I didn't prepare." , let you govern the country yourself?"

Robert stared at Jon for a while, and said in a helpless tone: "You know, I tried it, sitting on the Iron Throne to manage state affairs is a thousand times more difficult than winning the throne.

Legal arbitration is a tiring job, and liquidating the treasury is even more troublesome... and those endless petitions, I sit in that damn iron chair all day listening to their complaints, listening to my brain numb, ass sore.

Everyone asks for money, or land or legal arbitration... They are all full of nonsense, but my imperial ministers are not much better.

They're either clueless or knowingly lying, I'm surrounded by idiots and sycophants and it drives people crazy.

Jon, I met the cunning Maester Pycelle before I came here, I told him that if I couldn't cure my Hand, I would smash his head, and he promised me he would restore you to health .

You see, Jon, I'm better suited to governing with a Warhammer.Therefore, you have to rest assured and recuperate, and leave the chores to others in advance. Although they are idiots in the heat, they can still help you run errands. "

Jon shook his head slightly and said, "Ed Stark."

Robert stood up. "You are so stubborn."

"Robert... ahem!"

"Enough, I will think about it, I have a headache now, and I don't want to hear your nagging anymore!"



Crab Claw Peninsula, Kleber's Old Land.

With regard to food pressure, following Green's reply, people in Kleiber's territory quickly stabilized.

The vassal knight Mason Baker greeted Peer Pili, who was also a vassal knight, and Emparo, the commander of the Thorn Corps, in the new-style Kleber Farm.

Ma Sen, who was tall and strong, spread his arms and said, "Old man, long time no see!"

Pell, with a new scar on his face, and Masson hugged.

The result was a clacking and banging of plate armor, a warm greeting from the Crab Claw Peninsula.

Mason and Per separated their bodies, and smiled at Emparo again: "Welcome, Empero!"

Although the current Emparo is the commander of the Thorn Corps, he is not a knight. Facing Mason and Pell, his identity is quite different.

Emparo touched his chest and saluted: "Good day, Sir Mason."

Emparo leads her Thorn Corps, and has proved her strength with combat exploits.

Marson knew in his heart that with the lord's trust in Emparo, when the right time came, Green would be canonized as a knight.

The combat power of the Kreb Moutwives is not weaker than that of men, and with the establishment of the Thorn Legion, which is dominated by the Mance Women, Kleb Mouth's reputation has grown.

In addition, Kleber's territory has more women than men, which is different from most places in Westeros. To some extent, equality between men and women has naturally formed.

We are all brothers fighting together!
Mason nodded with a smile: "Good day, let's go in together. I think you must miss the marigold ale very much. I have prepared it a long time ago."

The three of them took a step forward.

The three line up side by side, from left to right are 175cm Emparo, 185cm Masson, and 195cm Pell.

Three people formed a slash.

During the walk, Mason looked sideways at Per, and suddenly said: "Pell, the new decoration on your face looks good, isn't it difficult to deal with the counterattack of the mountain savages?"

Mason's words and tone revealed his deep concern for his old friend.

Pell, who knew Mason well, could hear the strong sarcasm in Mason's words.

Pell snorted, looked back at Mason, and said coldly: "I heard that you have an adopted son, named... Darius?"

Mason snorted coldly: "Old man, don't be jealous, that is Lord Green's trust in our family."

Pell, who has always been free-spirited, forced a strange smile in order to mock his old friend: "Old man, my information is not closed, and I know that this is all thanks to your eldest son, Martial."

Masson and Pell glared at each other.

The two of them are so naive... Emparuo quietly slowed down and opened the distance.

inside the house.

Pell drank a full glass of marigold malt wine in one gulp, and put down the glass with a bang.

"Mason, Emparo, I think it's time to enter the second phase of the eastward expansion plan."

Kleiber's eastward plan was divided into two phases.

The first stage is dominated by military conquest, supplemented by surrender.

The news transmission between the mountain savage tribes was lagging behind, and they were not given the opportunity to contact and unite. They took advantage of the recovery of the old land and quickly defeated the relatively large savage tribes.

The second stage is mainly recruiting and surrendering, supplemented by military conquest.

After conquering large-scale savage tribes, the rest are small and medium-sized savage tribes, and the spoils they get from them may not even be enough to send troops.

In fact, according to the atmosphere of the Crab Claw Peninsula, no one would calculate these things. No matter what kind of battle it is, as long as there is a battle to fight, it is perfect if it can be won.

Sometimes Mason and Pell don't understand some of Green's arrangements, but their identities are retainer knights, and they don't question them, they only execute them.

For the vassal knights who have been loyal to the Kreber family for generations, loyalty is honor.

Mason shrugged: "I have no objection. I am in charge of the placement of prisoners. For me, the more prisoners, the greater my contribution. Entering the second stage, the number of prisoners will definitely increase. As long as there is no problem with the timing, I will Happy to support!"

Pell's gaze shifted to Emparo.

"Sir Pell, I have no objection. This time, the Thorn Corps will cooperate with the Investigation Corps."

Pell nodded calmly, thanking Emparo for his support, and the meeting ended!
In the near future, the highest-level military meeting belonging to Kleber's territory, Pell, Mason, and Emparo, each said a sentence, and it ended like this.

 Wait for me to speed up, ask for a monthly pass to push!

(End of this chapter)

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