After rebirth, I have an extra sister

Chapter 200 Song Ci’s cousin

Chapter 200 Song Ci’s cousin

Let me state one thing beforehand.

Perhaps it was fate, Aunt Song and the deceased Father Song were both named Song.

In addition to a pair of elderly people, the Song family's patrilineal family also has two sons and a daughter.

Song Yuxun is the daughter of the uncle of the Song family.

Father Song, who has passed away, was the second eldest son in the family...

Neither of the two sons gave birth to a male child, but both were granddaughters.

The only daughter gave birth to a grandson, but unfortunately it was a grandson who always dissatisfied the elderly.

Song Yuxun and Song Ci not only have similar looks, but also have the same family situation. They are both not very favored beings, but their attitudes towards life are different.

Song Ci is a proud and arrogant person with a certain degree of strength. She wants to prove herself and has been proving herself.

Song Yuxun, on the contrary, still wanted to prove himself when he was a child, but now he has begun to show off, loves to play, loves to travel and chase stars, and pursues his true self.

No... The winter vacation is here, and a person comes directly to City C from another province.

According to her own description, during the Spring Festival, there was a concert of the popular boy band "Clover" in a neighboring city. As a fan, Song Yuxun hurried over and took a look at her cousin.

Although Song Yuxun was a loser, she longed for her cousin, who had shown a genius side since childhood.

When she was a child, after Aunt Song was bullied by her family, the eight or nine-year-old Song Ci left directly with her mother. Her grandparents actually tried to persuade Song Ci to stay. This girl was very determined and must leave with her mother. Over the years, her grandparents have cared about her. , let her go back to live there, but she won’t go back.

I thought that if I had no future in such a third- and fourth-tier city, I would definitely be ignored by everyone, but I didn’t expect that I would be ranked No. 2 in the city in the high school entrance examination.

In appearance, the longer, the more beautiful.

Intellectually, he is becoming more and more like his dead father.

Getting closer to perfection.

Over the years, Song Yuxun has kept in touch with Song Ci. They call or chat on QQ once a month. The two have a sisterly relationship.

During the summer vacation, Song Yuxun heard that Aunt Song was remarrying and that she had a son of a similar age. He became anxious at that time. If he hadn't been attending a summer camp abroad, Peipianpidian would have come to kill him.

High school will start again later, so I can only hold it in until now.


Song Yuxun, when I saw my cousin for the first time today, I felt a little different.

That perfect cousin actually rode a motorcycle skillfully. Forget it was a cool men's motorcycle, but it turned out not to be one, but a shabby-looking women's motorcycle.

Don't think too much, I must have been led astray by this backward town and this cheap brother who appeared in the middle.

In fact... before this meeting, Song Yuxun had a very bad impression of Anting. In addition to his contempt for the natives of the small town, he also had a certain relationship with Song Ci. The two sisters had always kept in touch. Song Ci had more than once I complained about Anting in front of my cousin.

There is a bad student in the class, a very annoying boy.

That very annoying boy has entered junior high school and is still in the same class as me.

That annoying guy confessed to me.

That annoying guy who confessed to me became my cheap brother.

Now, Song Yuxun finally saw Song Ci's cheap brother, the so-called nuisance, with her own eyes. Her appearance changed a bit. He was 1.7 meters tall, good-looking and well-built.

Even so, it still couldn't make her completely change.

It can be regarded as the inherent arrogance and prejudice of city people towards country people.

Before meeting, -1 point.

After meeting, I reluctantly gave it a score of 59.

at the same time.

Anting's first impression of Song Yuxun was neither very good nor very bad.

Although she has a bad personality, it can be seen that this girl really likes Song Ci. Since she is good to Song Ci, she can't hate her.

Love the house and Wu.

Three people and one motorcycle.

Anting was the driver, Song Ci was in the middle, and Song Yuxun sat at the back.

The place to have late-night snacks is none other than the food stall at the intersection of Bauhinia Street.

"Hey, isn't there a decent restaurant?"

Song Yuxun got out of the car and looked at the food stall with a frown on her face. She couldn't get used to eating in this kind of place.

Addressing the eclectic thinking of human nature, Anting said: "If you don't want to eat at food stalls, go to street stalls, such as barbecue, stinky tofu, spicy hotpot..."

The little girl was caught in the trap, "OK, here it is!"

When Uncle Wen saw the two Song Cis, he was stunned and quickly wiped his eyes.Seeing this, Song Ci quickly explained, and then the misunderstanding was resolved.

We were all at the intersection of Zijing Street, so close to home. Anting originally wanted to call his father and Aunt Song and go out for a late-night snack together, but Song Ci asked him to stop.

Song Yuxun silently put on his headphones and pretended not to listen to anything.

Song Ci explained: "Yuxun, I don't want to eat with strangers."

"Where's Aunt Song?"

Father An is a stranger, but Aunt Song is not, right?
Song Ci shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Song Yuxun admired his dead father Song very much, but he didn't like Aunt Song who came from a small town. He always felt that this woman was not worthy of his family.

Song Ci had already informed her mother of Song Yuxun's arrival and said she would stay with Song Yuxun in the old house tonight.

Aunt Song agreed.

Anting was speechless, too lazy to dwell on this unruly young lady in the arms of a princess.


Uncle Wen brought out all the fragrant dishes. Song Yuxun, who originally looked disdainful, swallowed a sip of saliva, his body was more honest than his mouth, and he ate silently.

If it weren’t for Anting’s presence, he would probably have devoured it.

It was obvious that this girl was starving after traveling such a long distance.

Anting did not give up the opportunity to confront the other party, and muttered: "It smells so good."

Song Yuxun gave Anting a hard look. She hated this boy.

After the three of them had filled their stomachs, Anting looked at Song Yuxun who was wearing headphones and asked, "Song Ci, how long will your cousin stay?"

"A few days. She will go to a neighboring city to attend a concert next week. After the concert, she will go home to celebrate the New Year."

The Song family's family values ​​are very strong, and they must go home during the Spring Festival.

Although he was wearing headphones, Song Yuxun still heard Anting's question and took them off while saying: "Cousin, do you want to go to Clover's concert with me? I'll buy you a scalper ticket to go see it!" "

Clover, as the name suggests, is a popular three-person boy band. They debuted as child stars around the age of ten. It has been five or six years now. The members are between 15 and 18 years old. They have not set foot in the film and television industry for the time being. They are just in the music industry. They have no great works, but The popularity is inexplicably high, with a large group of mom fans and sister fans.

Can be regarded as the first generation traffic star.

I don’t know what’s so great about it, it’s just that it’s very popular.

The scalper tickets of this group are probably very expensive. You can't get them for less than 2007 yuan, which was 2000 yuan in 16. For a [-]-year-old high school student, Song Yuxun is really good to his cousin.

Anting always felt that he had heard the name of this group somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

"No, don't spend this wasted money."

Song Yuxun insisted: "I remember you like music very much..."

"I just like listening to music, but I don't chase stars..."

Song Ci really likes listening to music. Every time she rides in the car, she puts on headphones. She is also willing to spend money to buy songs for her favorite singers, but she is not willing to spend a lot of money and time to attend concerts, at least not at this age.

She's not that rich and doesn't like clovers that much.

Perhaps because she was afraid that Song Yuxun would continue to insist, Song Ci made a rare joke, "I won't stop you from seeing your boyfriend."



Facing the popular boy group Clover, Song Yuxun is neither a fan of his mother nor his sister.

But...girlfriend fan.

I have been chasing it for several years.

Song Yuxun blushed a little at first, and then explained: "Cousin, you can't keep up with the version anymore. Clover is already an ex-boyfriend, and I have a new boyfriend."


next second.

Song Yuxun took off his Sony headphones. On the one hand, the girl listened to music loudly, but on the other hand, the headphones were a bit old and had some sound leakage.

Anting on the side was drinking Coke when he heard a familiar singing voice.

as predicted.

Song Yuxun said proudly: "Mysterious Person A is my current boyfriend. I have already moved on to another relationship."


Anting sprayed Coke on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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