Chapter 224 Our mugshot

Adolescent children are amazing. One second they were inseparable, and the next second they were reconciled.

Gao Fei is very skillful. With that move, he really coaxed Senior Lin Yong. The latter felt guilty for slapping him impulsively and quickly took him to the drugstore.

"I'm sorry, Goofy, I shouldn't have hit you."

"It doesn't matter, I should fight."

After the two left, Song Ci and Anting left the bathroom and returned to the box.

Originally I wanted to sing, but now I want to chat for a while.

Song Ci, who has always been reserved, rarely took the lead in provoking the topic, saying: "It's so strange. We were obviously quarreling, why did we make up after just a kiss?"

For someone like her who has never been in love or even fallen in love, her brain's CPU is burned out and she cannot understand.

Logically, the problem is not solved - Gao Fei didn't like Lin Yong at first, so he got close to Lin Yong in order to serve as Zhu Jiajun's wingman.

This issue has not been resolved at all, so how can it be reconciled?
This is not reasonable.

Anting glanced at Song Ci and replied: "Because...from the beginning, that question was not important. What was important was that they liked each other at all."

The past is not important.

The future is unknown.

What matters is the crotch, no, the moment.


Song Ci was obviously a precocious girl who knew how to deal with people, but she didn't know much about love. After a while, she seemed to have thought of something and asked, "So, you were like that before?"

"Why is it like that?"

"It's just... you used to kiss your sisters suddenly after you had a fight with them?"

Hearing this, Anting rolled his eyes, waved his hands, and said disgustedly: "I won't do that kind of thing. Let's break up. Other girls will get involved soon."

This is the truth.

Anting didn't like those sisters much in the first place. Since they insisted on quarreling and breaking up, why didn't they follow their wishes?
Do you expect me to lick them?
At most, give some money and buy some small gifts, forget about anything else.

Song Ci put on a look of disgust and said: "Scumbag...if anyone likes you, it will be bad luck for ten lifetimes!"

"The An family is very generous and generous... It would be too shameful to work hard for a trivial matter." As he spoke, An Ting sat down on the sofa, looking up from the bottom up, looking at Heilongjiang through his light bangs. Long straight girl.

Anting doesn't understand anything about love.

Even if you say a hundred words of love, your heart will not be even a little closer.

"So, you try to be as cool as me, right? After all, you are also a member of my family."

Said it before.

An's father only graduated from junior high school and has made no achievements in the education of his children. His only educational policy is to develop a bold and generous character, never being in vain or being petty.

Song Ci stuck out his tongue in a rare and playful manner.

With her stingy character, she will never be able to learn how to make peace with her family.

"Stop making trouble and sing, there are still 20 minutes left."

Song Ci also knew that there was no point in talking anymore, so he replied: "Well..."

After answering, Song Ci wiped the microphone with a wet tissue, handed one to Anting, and said, "Let's sing together... Speaking of which, I have never sung a duet with you."

Anting did not refuse and took the microphone, "Don't hold back, I am A..."

I almost spilled the beans, but luckily I braked in time.




The song displayed on the big screen was "see you again" by Mysterious Man A.

Song Ci is indeed a person with different appearances. When there are many people, he sits silently on the sofa and looks very quiet and sings. When there is no one around, he sings standing up. It is most likely that YY himself is singing. meeting.

Is it a bit... boring?
While singing, Song Ci was actually a little distracted, so much so that he ignored the fact that the boy's singing voice was almost exactly the same as the original voice.

She stood aside, looking down from top to bottom, looking at the boy's lips with a slight overlooking angle, and the details about that night gradually became clear in her mind.

His lips are delicious.

It tastes like strawberry.

After thinking about it, I felt a little unclear about my inner feelings. I just felt upset and confused.

Mysterious Man A only sang two songs in total. He sang two more songs by Sister Milk Tea and then left. …

09:30 at night.

The moon and stars are scarce, and the night is alluring.

The two people, wearing summer school uniforms and carrying the same schoolbags, left the KTV and walked towards the bus stop in the city square.

Walking on the road, Song Ci coughed twice, and Anting suddenly realized that this girl had not drank anything at the KTV, and her throat was dry and itchy, so he led her to the secret base in the city square.

As soon as he entered the door, a cow cat named Xiao An ran over.

The little guy also recognized Anting and Song Ci.

Gu Xueli was not surprised by the arrival of the two of them. She held her chin with one hand and said, "What would you like to drink, little landlord?"

"Just a cup of milk tea."

"Aren't you going to drink?" Song Ci asked.

Anting shook his head and said, "I just had a drink at the KTV, but I don't want to drink it now."



In the minds of every friend, the importance of the secret base is different.

Regardless of Anting, the behind-the-scenes boss, Bao Weiwei should be the most important person. After all, there is a wall of memories that belongs to her; followed by Qiao Liang; and then Gao Fei and Zhu Jiajun. They often work part-time, so there will be more or less success. A little emotion.

Instead, it was Song Ci.

She is probably the least interested in secret bases. During holidays, even when she comes to Nancheng District, she usually runs to the library, that is, when she takes the bus home and passes by, she will come in and sit for a while.


This judgment is not necessarily correct.

At this moment, Song Ci was holding a cup of milk tea and drinking, looking very cute.

She might like to drink the products here, but she doesn't show it very much.


Song Ci originally wanted to go to the restroom, but who knew that the restroom in the store was occupied, so he went to the restroom in the square next door. It was now 09:30, and there was still some time before the square closed, so he could make it in time.

Anting went with her.

After finishing the work, thinking that the next bus was still half an hour away, he simply went to the game room on the third floor of the square. Song Ci was still obsessed with the dance machine rankings and wanted to overtake Qiao Liang.

Unfortunately, Qiao Liang's record is too exaggerated.

The difference between No. 1 and No. 2 is not the slightest difference as you think, but the difference is dozens of points.

Although she couldn't overtake her, Anting watched with gusto. The lively look of the girl with long black hair and straight hair was actually very beautiful.

After playing a few times, she realized that she couldn't overtake her, and after drinking half a cup of milk tea, her stomach jumped again. She gave up, took a few coins on hand, and put a dog doll between them.

When I had the last two coins left, what I looked at was a camera, the kind that specializes in taking mug shots.

The long, straight black girl's bright eyes flashed and she said, "An Ting, do you want to... try that one?"

Anting rolled his eyes and complained: "Obviously you want to give it a try, why do you want to pass it on to me?"

Song Ci did not respond, just said: "Don't forget it, I haven't photographed that yet."

Although Bao Weiwei always carries a camera, she has never tried this kind of headshot that is a little bit scary.

Perhaps because he saw that the girl wanted to give it a try, or perhaps because the boy had never taken a headshot since his rebirth, he complied with her wish, put in the coin, and walked into the photography curtain.

The space is very narrow, the bodies are almost pressed together, and the faces have to be close together to face the camera.

"I'm going to press the button...please show some expression...don't keep a straight face."


Song Ci showed his signature fake smile.

Seeing this, Anting couldn't stand it, so he stretched out his hand and poked the girl's waist. She was ticklish and her waist, armpits, soles of feet, and even many places were very sensitive.

"Pfft..." The girl with long black hair and straight hair suddenly broke through.


The screen freezes at this moment.

We in the photo are innocent and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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