After rebirth, I have an extra sister

Chapter 238 Stacked together

Chapter 238 Stacked together

Just when Anting left Song Ci behind again, the hot search lists on major forums had been updated.

Among them, the scarf with the strongest atmosphere in the rice circle is used as an example, and other forums will not be discussed for the time being.

"The mysterious guest at the last show of Clover Tour Concert turned out to be A" - an entry topped the hot search list at an alarming speed.

As the boss behind the scarf, if Anting wants to be ranked number one in the hot searches, all he needs to do is make a phone call.

As an ordinary person, he would not dare to touch public opinion on domestic or international official events; but he can freely manipulate public opinion on entertainment industry gossip.

But...these hot searches are not Anting’s operation, but a true reflection of the outside world.

The enthusiasm of netizens pushed this entry to the top of the hot search list.

This shows that netizens were shocked by A's sudden appearance at the Clover concert.

In addition to the most searched terms, there are also...

"Mysterious Man A's First Offline Activity"

"Ace of Spades..."

"A Gate"

"We have so much luck"


The most interesting discussion has caused widespread discussion.

Mysterious Person A may not be one person, but four people.

Think about it, the last time the MV appeared was the Ace of Hearts, this time the mysterious guest is the Ace of Spades.

Fans have serious doubts, as well as the Ace of Diamonds and the Ace of Clubs.

“I originally thought A was one person, but now that I think about it, it’s probably a combination, right?”

"Is there a total of four A's..."

"Awesome, I like this setting."

Although some sharp-eyed people have noticed it and pointed out that although they are wearing masks, they are obviously the same person, so how can there be four people? However, more fans are willing to make up their minds and even suspect that A is a quadruplet.

No matter what, there must be more than one A.

Anyway, it’s just a kind of fun.

In this incident, the biggest beneficiary was Xingchen Entertainment and its group Clover, which attracted a wave of popularity.

There is nothing to envy, jealousy or hatred.

Agreeing to let the mysterious person A serve as a guest without any rehearsal is inherently a gamble. If the coordination is not good, it will be easy to make a joke and the concert will be ruined.

As far as the results are concerned, the concert was very good, and the bet was a winner.

This is a well-deserved reward.

Taking advantage of this popularity, Clover launched team scarves.

Many fans of A left messages under Clover's scarf.

"Bao, have you seen the mysterious person A?"

These days... the Internet is not that smelly, and the hostility is not so strong. Idol stars are still willing to communicate with fans online without worrying about saying the wrong thing, offending the crowd, and being blocked directly.

What's more, the average age of Clover is underage, so they don't have to think too much and just answer directly - "Well, I met you in person."

"What does he (they) look like? Is he a foreigner? Or is he a mixed race?"


The outside world has always labeled A as an ugly man. Now that he heard that Clover saw him, he would naturally bring up the past and gossip about A's appearance.


These questions about appearance are actually meaningless.

When you make a real-name comment on a person’s appearance in the outside world, normal people will not say ugly, especially if the person is a public figure. Even if you tell lies with your eyes open, you still have to say - handsome!

Clover replied: "A is very handsome! Very good-looking!"

Fans lamented - Clover has high emotional intelligence, this must be a polite statement.

So ever.

The label that Mysterious Man A is an ugly man has not been broken yet.

Clover was quite helpless. What they said was true. Brother A was really handsome, but no one believed it. Only a lot of fans of their mothers, sisters and girlfriends praised them for their high emotional intelligence.

Someone else asked: "Is A a combination?"

Regarding this question, Clover became playful. The three underage boys were probably suffering from secondary school syndrome. They liked this setting very much and replied: "Well... yes."

Ever since, the internet has exploded.

And in fact.

Anting is temporarily unaware of the turmoil in the online world.


after one day.

Anting and his friends took Song Ci with them on a long-distance bus from City A back to the small town.

After some struggle, Song Ci decided not to leave, but to stay and spend some time with his friends, headed by the boy.

Unfortunately, actually there is still a little bit.

As people move towards higher places, Song Ci, who has always been a perfectionist, makes a contradictory move.

The girl with long, straight black hair who always wants to walk in front and stand on high places learns to slow down, cater to the pace of others, and quietly enjoy her youth.

The balance deep in her heart finally tilted towards the boy.

After learning that Song Ci changed his mind and stayed, the friends were very happy, especially Bao Weiwei and Qiao Liang. The two of them hugged Song Ci, one on the left and the other on the right, and kept rubbing their faces.

"Song Ci Ci."

"Song porcelain."

Song Ci was a little helpless at the enthusiasm of the two girls. She was not the heroine of the heroine novel.

Zhu Jiajun is equally happy. Compared to Bao Weiwei and Qiao Liang, he values ​​Song Ci more, not about love, but about friendship.

If Anting protects himself from the dark side, then Song Ci, who was the squad leader in junior high school, protects himself from the bright side.

A little bit like my mother.

Gao Fei's personality is relatively free and easy, he can walk or not, respect him.

As for settling down.

Aunt Song had no objection. She had thought about it from the beginning and respected all her daughter's choices, whether she left or stayed.

Of course...ask yourself, as a mother, you still want your daughter to be around.

The only unhappy person - Song Yuxun.


I was happily attending a concert and meeting my idol A, but then my cousin was stolen.

Although he was angry, Song Yuxun was not a stupid person. He had sharp eyes and could tell no matter how stupid he was - his cousin really liked this place and the people here.

No matter how ignorant and reluctant I am, I know in my heart that at this point, I can no longer poach her.

Forget it.

Anyway, there are still two years left, and my cousin will take the college entrance examination, so she will still leave by then.

As for our hero An Ting.

He was very pleased with himself for not looking back this time, and felt a sense of completeness. He knew that he had made a selfish decision, but this was good.

Rebirth, this is how it should be!

...the first day back home.


On midsummer night, after Anting finished handling personal matters, he received a call from Zhang Jing. The latter came up and joked: "You really made a big fuss."

"Ha, it turns out you know it too."

Know that I am A.

"Well, He Yi and Zhou Rui told me at the annual meeting. Don't worry, they only told me and not anyone else."

The original intention of the birth of mysterious person A was to seize Station A. The accounts were donated by He Yi and Zhou Rui. Those two people knew Anting's identity early on.

At this year's annual meeting of the secret base, under Anting's instruction, both Zhou Rui and He Yi attended, and various business lines intersected for the first time.

After going back and forth, the two people told Zhang Jing about this matter.

Regarding the fact that Anting was A, Zhang Jing was very shocked at first. After thinking about it, he accepted this setting very calmly. He sighed: "I don't know how many abilities you still have?"

After knowing each other for a year, the boy seemed to never run out of cards.

"No more, this is all my strength." Anting pretended to be weak, giving people the feeling that not a drop is left.

Actually... I'm telling the truth, Anting has no cards left.

The young man's tone directly amused Zhang Jing.

He could tell that the young man was in a great mood.

But he still had to interrupt the other party's good mood at an inappropriate time and said: "An Ting, although you are very happy, we still have to talk about business."


Already knew.

Zhang Jing would not call him for no reason. As soon as the phone rang, there was work.

Zhang Jinghui reported: "It's already August. As early as June, the secret base had announced that it had won the provincial market. We have been repairing for two months and now we must consider the next step."

Expansion is inevitable, and it is impossible to stand still. If we do not advance in business, we will retreat.

The question is which province will you settle in?
The person doing the talking is always Anting.

This step is very important.

While Anting was deep in thought, Song Ci came up with a basin of hand-washed underwear after taking a bath as usual.

Her long, straight black hair was still moist. Her upper body was in a light pink short-sleeved T-shirt. What was surprising was that on her lower body, she was wearing shorts, unprecedented shorts.

Although her height and figure are not as good as Qiao Liang's, the girl's legs are well maintained by wearing trousers year after year and day after day.

Pink and white...

It's a bit insulting to play with your legs for a year, but I guess you can play with them for a lifetime.

Anting was so stunned that he ignored Zhang Jing on the other end of the phone.

It wasn't until Zhang Jing couldn't help but remind him that he responded and replied: "Leave that question to me, I will think about it seriously, so for now."


After hanging up the phone, the young man sitting on the wicker chair was still looking at Song Ci wantonly.

This made the latter feel a little embarrassed and said, "Stop looking! It's so rude!"

"Well... I can't help it, because it's rare. Except for the night when there was a typhoon and power outage, this is the first time I've seen you wearing shorts at home."

Last year, on the night of the typhoon and power outage, Song Ci took advantage of the darkness and sweltering heat to wear shorts in front of the boy.

"Don't think too much. After all, we've lived together for so long. I'm thinking it's time to let go of some unnecessary vigilance."

In the past, Song Ci lived with her mother in a community house. On hot summer days, she would actually wear shorts at home. Mainly because after moving in, she lived with a teenager, and she lacked a sense of security and was wary, so she never wore shorts like this.

As time went by and after so many things, it was time to let go.

That's what happened.

Anting did not refute the arrogant girl, but transformed into a ruthless repeater, "Yes, yes, yes."

"Smelly brother!"



Song Ci was drying clothes silently, but Anting didn't take any time off. He ran to the flower pot in the corner of the balcony and picked a few strawberries.

There are many plants planted on the rooftop, including strawberries.

Not much, but still there.

When Anting finished washing the strawberries, Song Ci had already dried the clothes and sat down on another wicker chair without going downstairs. Unknowingly, she also liked to watch the night sky here.

The night sky on Bauhinia Street is beautiful.

And An's house happens to be in an alley facing the street, with a wide view.

Paired with a large shed covered with vines, and colorful small bulbs intertwined with the vines. , is even more beautiful.

"Here, eat strawberries."


between words.

Song Ci took the strawberry from the boy's hand, and in an instant, their hands touched, playing with the girl's heartstrings.

Next, Song Ci noticed Anting walking towards the balcony door, "Where are you going?"

"Don't worry, I won't disappear. I'm just going to get a hair dryer to help you dry your hair, little sister."

"Oh, stinky brother."


Anting came back with a rechargeable hair dryer, stood behind Song Ci, and silently helped her blow dry her hair.

The girl with long black hair looked up, looking up at the young man's face slightly, her thoughts drifting away.

First of all, we must understand one thing. Although Anting left Song Ci, the two did not reveal their feelings. Whether it was the interlocking fingers at that time or the hug on the subway, it was all caused by the crowds.

In layman's terms, there is no confession.

Take a step back.

Song Ci knows her own heart to some extent. It turns out that I like this boy, but I don’t know what I like about him, and I don’t know whether the other person likes me.

In addition, there are some more objective troubles.

How should we overcome the relationship between siblings and move forward together?

The girl with long black hair and straight hair was thinking about emotional issues for the first time in her life.


Why is it this guy?

"What are you thinking about?" Anting asked.

Hearing the boy's question, Song Ci said duplicity, "I'm thinking, why are you so annoying?"

Anting smiled, "I have always been disgusted by gods and ghosts."

Song Ci laughed accordingly.

Last year's spring breeze has gone and returned, bringing the fragrance of flowers.

On the clothes drying pole, boys' underwear and girls' underwear were hung next to each other.

Blow left, parallel…

Blowing to the right, still parallel...

Suddenly, they fell to the ground and were piled on top of each other.

We still don’t know what the wind blew that night?
(End of this chapter)

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