After rebirth, I have an extra sister

Chapter 390 The life about to be born

Chapter 390 The life about to be born

Although Zhou Haojing promised.

But in fact, after the class ended one day, he and Qin Wenxuan went to the administration building together to submit the class group day activity information and asked the counselor for a bursary application form.


Zhou Haojing is the person in charge of boys; Qin Wenxuan is the person in charge of girls, which are positions held during military training; after the official start of school, Zhou Haojing is the monitor and Qin Wenxuan is the league secretary.

We are going to the group day event soon, so naturally we have to submit the information.

"Zhou Haojing, how do you get the poverty scholarship application form?" As a class beauty and a native of a first-tier city, Qin Wenxuan's appearance and temperament are both online.

Zhou Haojing whispered: "Just listen to it and don't talk about it everywhere."


"That guy Anting recently formed a band and played music with others. He was holding a tattered guitar in the dormitory. I couldn't stand it. I thought it would be difficult for a child from a poor family to have some talent, so I helped him get a scholarship."


Zhou Haojing's character is somewhat similar to that of Wang Zihong in high school. He is also a person with a strong sense of superiority, but he is a little different.

The sense of superiority is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can increase your self-confidence and do things with twice the result with half the effort; if you use it poorly, it can easily hurt others and harm yourself.

Zhou Haojing obviously controlled things very well, and he had the benevolence of a strong man in his heart. He replied: "If you can help a classmate, help him if you can."

At this point, Zhou Haojing remembered Anting's attitude and thought that Anting couldn't let go of his dignity, so he simply said: "Forget it, I have his student information, so I can fill it out for him by the way."

"Okay!" Qin Wenxuan was also enthusiastic.

Two persons and one total.

Under the tree on the side of the school road, facing the classmates' information on the laptop, he helped Anting fill out the poverty scholarship application form.

Anting is still the same as before, not filling in Aunt Song in the mother column, nor filling in "individual" or "contractor" in the father's occupation column.

"It's a single-parent family again, and the father is still unemployed. What is this guy trying to do..." Zhou Haojing sighed with emotion.

Qin Wenxuan was also a little moved, "I didn't expect Anting's situation to be so difficult."

Zhou Haojing and Qin Wenxuan are both natives of City B. They are children who have never experienced hardship. They are not much worse than their classmates from kindergarten to high school.

It was the first time I saw a boy with this kind of background, and I couldn't hold back my sympathy.


Zhou Haojing and Qin Wenxuan filled out the Anting poverty scholarship application form, and happened to see the class assistant Liu Qianqian passing by on a battery car. They arrived just in time and quickly called her to stop.


"Class assistant!"

Liu Qianqian heard someone calling her, the battery car stopped, and the person got off the car and walked over.

"What's wrong?"

Faced with the senior student's question, Zhou Haojing took the lead and said: "Sister Liu, this is the application form for our class's poverty stipend. According to regulations, it will be handed over to you for review first."


School counselors and staff are always good at being lazy. In order to reduce the workload, students are asked to hand over the poverty bursary application forms to their class assistants first, make sure they are correct, and then hand them in together.


At this moment, the two people's actions were reasonable.

Liu Qianqian was a competent assistant to the head teacher. She was very happy to take the application form. When she took a closer look, she noticed a magical name.


"Does this person... need financial aid?"


Before the Spring Festival, in the first half of the spring game, the version was updated and the equipment was greatly changed. Zhu Jiajun did not adapt to the new version and played well, losing one game and winning one.

After the Spring Festival, in the second half of the Spring Festival game, maybe I met my friends, or maybe I made an agreement with my senior sister. This guy seemed to be fully charged, unbelievably strong, and he was making great progress all the way.

In the regular season, except for losing the first game before the Spring Festival, they won all the rest.

Create a record in this division-16-1! ! !

In the playoffs, they even took away their opponents 3:0 twice.

On the day of the spring finals, the club activities in the secret base were changed to watching the game. Anting and his friends found a multimedia classroom, ordered takeout, and watched while eating.    Everyone was dumbfounded.

Anting muttered: "Damn it, this fat guy is incredibly strong."

Gao Fei nodded blankly and said, "It's time to get chicken blood."

Even Qiao Liang, a master player, was a little surprised, "I used to think that Zhu Jiajun's gaming skills were very good, but I didn't expect that he could become stronger..."

Coincidentally, Palm Company plans to hold the first Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) this year.

As the champions of the Spring Festival, the GT team was naturally invited to represent our division and compete with the spring champions of other divisions.

Maybe it's because the venue used for last year's World Championship is more convenient, and the location is once again in the United States.

Since the agreement between Zhu Jiajun and Shen Huanyue is the World Championship, this time it is just the mid-season invitational competition, so it will not be counted.

Even so, Zhu Jiajun was still very happy and nervous. Not only did he post on Weibo, he also chatted with his friends in the group for a long time.

"After one year of fighting, I finally went abroad!"

"Do you know? This is my first time going abroad..."

“You can also meet internationally famous players.”

In the group, Zhu Jiajun rarely posts continuously. If he posts several long paragraphs in a row like this, it can be seen that he is too excited.

Everyone, including Anting, responded one by one.

Anting: "Congratulations!"

Gao Fei was shameless and said: "Hey hey hey, when you win the championship, don't forget to mention me."

Song Ci, Qiao Liang and Bao Weiwei all expressed their blessings.


It’s only April now, and the Mid-Season Invitational only officially starts in May.

Anting had to think about one thing - whether he should go abroad to watch the game. As Zhu Jiajun's best friend, he should witness his debut on the international stage.

It's a pity that I can't get away.

On the one hand, it is academic inconvenience. After all, the mid-season invitational tournament is in May, which is still far away from the summer vacation; on the other hand, it is...

Just when Anting was thinking about this, the phone in his trouser pocket rang, and the caller ID was dad.

I couldn't help but be startled...


The young man roughly guessed what was going on. He smiled and picked up his phone, "Hey, dad..."

An's father's nervous, anxious, and excited voice came from the other end of the phone, "Tomorrow is your Aunt Song's due date. I'll send her to the VIP inpatient department. The baby hasn't been born yet, but I want to tell you in advance and see if you can You can’t take the time to come back and see your brother or sister.”


Sure enough, I came here for this matter.

Don't misunderstand Anting, he is very much looking forward to the arrival of this new life.

Upon hearing this exciting news, my heart beat a little faster.

"Well, okay, where is Song Ci?"

"I called her last night, and she will come back... You know, that child is very good and well-behaved. She values ​​her mother the most... I asked her to fly to City B to meet you first. You can come back together then."

In Song Ci's heart, the most important person has always been her mother.

Anting replied: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Anting explained the matter to his friends in an excited mood, saying that he would have to leave for a few days.

Everyone knew that Aunt Song was pregnant early in the morning. Even so, they were still very surprised when they heard that she was about to give birth and asked Anting to go back quickly.


Anting still needs to ask for leave from the school. After all, it is not the weekend. Since there is a legitimate reason, it is better to follow the formal process. There is no need to worry others and cause trouble to the school.

Ever since.

Anting called the class assistant Liu Qianqian and planned to take a leave.

(End of this chapter)

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