Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 150 The Good Man Luther

Chapter 150 The Good Man Luther

"Where's Carter?"

Steve has figured out what happened now, he ended up sleeping under the ice, only to be found and discovered 70 years later, and then salvaged.

"Ms. Carter is now very old and has been admitted to the nursing home of our S.H.I.E.L.D."

Nick Fury knew that Steve couldn't let go of many things, but the one he couldn't let go of was probably Carter.

But now Carter is old.

Steve meets with Carter, and he feels out of place.

S.H.I.E.L.D., Tricurve Wing Building, in a room with a very high level of secrecy.

Nick Fury is using the advanced projector from Stark Industries in the room to explain to Steve what happened over the years and the situation of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Of course, Nick Fury didn't know that the room was under the watchful eye of HYDRA, with Alexander Pierce also watching.

He knew that Steve was awakened by Nick Fury's thawing, and for some reason, Hydra didn't stop Nick Fury from doing it.

Maybe S.H.I.E.L.D. and its top operatives haven't been infiltrated?
For example, Coulson who is fully responsible for this matter.

"Captain, we need you."

Nick Fury then said to Steve that he is the most important part of his Avengers.

So Nick Fury didn't want to see Steve sinking down like this.

"I don't understand, why did you wake me up?"

Steve asked, he felt that this era was out of place with him, that he no longer belonged to this era.

"Hydra still exists, and they have grown stronger, Captain!"

Nick Fury throws heavyweight talk.

Steve's expression changed slightly.

"Hydra? But isn't the Red Skull already solved by me?"

Steve still remembers that the Red Skull was wiped out by the Rubik's Cube, or maybe it was sent to an unknown place?
Anyway, with the disappearance of the Red Skull, coupled with the situation at the time, how could Hydra still exist?
"Hydra now has no Red Skull, and they have a new leader named Black Caesar!"

"He is more dangerous than the Red Skull, and now Hydra has become very dangerous!"

Nick Fury said to Steve, and by the way took Steve to see the various Hydra events that have happened so far.

Steve's face was serious.

"Hydra may have developed a lot of power during the years of disappearance, including these superpowers."

Nick Fury pointed to King Kong and others with a big gold tooth, and even the video of Bronski turning into an abomination is on it.

In fact, what Nick Fury is most worried about is that Bronsky was acquired by Hydra, and then Hydra solved the problem of mass production of Hulk soldiers, which is the worst!
Originally, Nick Fury thought that the Hulk could not be copied, but after seeing General Ross and the others successfully created a second Hulk, Nick Fury realized that the Hulk plan was feasible.

The problem is now that Hydra has snatched Bronski, which leads to what happens next that no one can predict.

He has also been worried about this issue. What if Hydra mass-produces Hulk?
Even if they have Hulk, they even have Luther who is stronger than Hulk, but how can Luther solve so many Hulks by himself?
"I'm no match for them."

After reading these materials, Steve realized that Hydra 70 years later was even more terrifying than before. How could he be an opponent of these guys, just a super soldier?

"I know, Captain, but I have a plan for you."

Nick Fury is back with his Avengers plans.

Then two people appeared on the projection screen.

One is a guy who was very impressed with Steve.

"I remember this guy, Tony Stark, he yelled Long Live Hydra?"

Steve frowned, his first impression of Stark was not very good.

"In fact, Tony Stark has clarified this matter."

Nick Fury is also very troubled by this matter. Tony Stark would actually shout Long Live Hydra. At a time when the Hydra terrorist attack is panicking, this video of Tony Stark can be said to push him to On the cusp.

Many big shots who were greedy for the steel suits all went off the stage one after another, but Tony didn't care about them at all, he had the confidence.

Luther and the Emperor Company are on his side, so what is there to be afraid of?

He knew how much the big men in America were afraid of Luther messing around, so he placed a lot of weapon orders for Luther. Of course, all these weapon orders are now cancelled.

Even if it is not invalidated, Tony can't figure out how to deal with Luther, this guy is not normal.

Tony's clarification is that Hydra is doing something, don't believe it.

In fact, Tony had already prevented Hydra from doing this, but he didn't expect Hydra to have a video record, obviously he didn't see the video recorder at that time!

Still so high-definition picture, simply.

Fortunately, Luther didn't say anything, and he acted as if he believed in him very much, so that Tony didn't say anything, but he was still very moved.

"Is he Howard's son?"

Steve saw the important place and breathed a sigh of relief. Howard's son, it shouldn't be Hydra, that would be too ridiculous.

"That's right, he invented a weapon that changes the times, the Iron Suit!"

Nick Fury showed the scene of the battle between Tony's steel suit and the steel overlord, as well as classic shots of various steel suits.

"If we had weapons like this back then, the Red Skull would never have succeeded."

Steve said with emotion after reading it.

"With this steel battle suit, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with Hydra, but it's not enough."

Steve shook his head.

"And then there's the biggest surprise of the century, a genius so far unmatched."

Nick Fury still admires Luther very much, although he deflated himself and refused to meet with him, making himself unable to even enter the gate of Emperor Company.

However, Luther is also known as the most promising genius in this century to solve various human terminal illnesses. In fact, Emperor Company has produced a special drug for AIDS and recommended it to charitable organizations. According to his investigation, this charitable organization It should be normal, not the kind of money laundering.

And they are aimed at patients with blood transfusion infection and maternal-fetal AIDS infection. The charitable organization has purchased this AIDS specific drug in large quantities, and tens of thousands of patients have regained their lives so far.

Steve also saw about the charitable organization, and his favorability for Luther immediately went up.

Even though he knew that Tony was Howard's son, he still had a bit of a grudge in his heart. In comparison, Luther was much better.

(End of this chapter)

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