Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 183 The Era of Chaos Begins

Chapter 183 The Era of Chaos Begins

Lizard serum is of course also on sale, but the price of lizard serum is not affordable by ordinary people.

So there is werewolf serum, which is cheap and practical.

How cheap is werewolf serum?

It's only $100 million each!
Although it is still astronomical in the eyes of people at the bottom, it is still acceptable to those who are interested.

Werewolf serum can transform a person into a legendary werewolf. It may not be as powerful as a lizardman, but its speed is definitely much faster than that of a lizardman. It can dodge bullets according to the movement of the enemy's muzzle without injury.

And the regenerative ability is also very exaggerated, as long as the head is not smashed, even the whole body can be regenerated.

After all, even if the head is broken, even if it is regenerated, it is equivalent to a formatted personality, without memory, and becomes an idiot.

The influx of these werewolf serums soon caused turmoil across America.

There are too many people who want to get something for nothing. America is the capital of bank robbery in the world. There are 2400 bank robberies a year, 44 times a week, and 9 times a day. Every 48 minutes, there is one bank robbery.

America is still in a state of American freedom and peace. The hatred between blacks and whites is at an all-time high. Various riots and zero-dollar purchases continue on the streets. On average, three armed robberies occur in the city every day. Two people were shot dead.

In such a big environment, werewolf serum and lizard serum would not worry about sales.

In particular, the big event called "Lizardman Carnival" became the best advertisement.

There are even hydra looking for hydra to buy lizard serum and werewolf serum.

Black Caesar treats everyone equally, no matter who wants the goods, they will sell them directly!

The most bought here is the leader of a hydra.

Daniel Whitehall!
One of the supreme leaders of Hydra has always been obsessed with the obelisk of S.H.I.E.L.D. He has lived for many years on the organs of Shockwave's mother. He was also a high-level Hydra during World War II, but his power is much worse than the first three. Hydra After the snake is split, it can only be a district leader.

He met Luther in his official capacity and even threatened Luther.

It was also Whitehall and Pierce who proposed to develop Luther into Hydra, but the matter was left alone.

Now Whitehall thinks he sees an opportunity.

Lizard Serum and Werewolf Serum!
Whitehall has been trying to get back his stolen obelisk.

The history of Hydra is much longer than imagined, but it is only known to the world because of its most powerful flag, the Red Skull.

Even Nick Fury and Howard didn't know that the Hydra they eliminated was just one of the heads.

Hydra is very obsessed with supernatural power, even the Red Skull, a modern snake head, is no exception. This may have a lot to do with Hydra's family history.

Following Mustache's orders, Red Skull searched for items from various myths and legends. However, he did not find the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, or the Spear of Destiny. However, according to Asaph mythology, he found the legendary Dragon Jewel in Northern Europe. ·Cosmic Cube.

Then everyone knows what happened next.

As a disciple of the Red Skull, Whitehall was deeply influenced by the Red Skull, and he also found his Dragon Orb, the Obelisk of the Kree.In ancient times, I don’t know what Ancient One was doing at that time, whether it was the period when Agamotto had the final say, a group of radicals from the Cree Empire came to Earth.

During this period, because of the war with the Skrull Empire, the Cree Empire also provoked the Shia Empire, another three major empires.

There are hundreds of intelligent alien races in the Marvel Universe, and there are three known as the Three Great Empires of the Marvel Universe, which are the Cree Empire, the Skrull Empire, and the Shia Empire. The conflict does not involve Earth, especially the Kree and Skrull.

Going to war with two empires at the same time, the Kree Empire was naturally in a tight war and suffered heavy casualties.

The Skrulls are lucky to say that the Kree Empire developed from the technology obtained from the Skrulls after all, and they know everything about the Skrulls, but the Shia Empire, as the youngest empire, is very fierce and strong, mainly because of them. There is a captain of the royal guard called Gladiator.

That guy is a replica of Superman. Before Big Pie Face was born, the sword fight would often result in the entire fleet of the Kree Empire being wiped out.

Although the Kerry Empire created Captain Marvel later, the first Captain Marvel was not an opponent in sword fighting.

The Kerry Empire needs a lot of cannon fodder to deal with two-line warfare, so they genetically modified the people on Earth in this period. I don’t know why, so many big bosses on Earth in this period don’t care about their affairs. Asgard Also ignored.

Not long after the transformation started, it was stopped by the faction formed by the pink-skinned Cree and some blue purebred Cree.

However, the device used by the Cree to modify the genes of the people on Earth is left on the earth by the obelisk they call the "Prophet".

I don't know why I didn't take it away, maybe it was the same as the American soldier who withdrew, and felt that it would be better to buy a new one or make a new batch of new ones.

The Hydra found the obelisk according to the legend, and the Red Skull felt that it could change the world, just like the Dragon's Jewel.

Then, for the first time, he did not occupy the obelisk to conduct research. You must know that he turned his face when Mustache asked him for the Rubik's Cube.

The obelisk was handed over to Whitehall by the Red Skull for research. Later, the obelisk was intercepted by Peggy Carter and her roaring commando.

The above is the story of Whitehall, the snake head and the obelisk.

He has no idea what the obelisk is for, but blindly believes that the obelisk can produce weapons of mass destruction.

Luther wondered if there were ready-made nuclear bombs. If he wanted weapons of mass destruction, would he bother to study this obelisk?
If you say that you are pursuing stronger power and evolution, then Luther will look at you even higher.

Now Luther feels that the goals of these villains are very petty, just like playing house.

In other words, it is a misunderstanding of thinking.

"I placed an order for one hundred lizard man serums and one thousand werewolf serums at one time. Is this snakehead planning to fight?"

Luther looked at Galvatron's information with a click of his tongue.

"He is trying to snatch a mysterious item called the Obelisk, which is kept in the secret warehouse of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Galvatian even built a map model of the secret warehouse, and projected it in front of Luther through a virtual projection.

There's a mycologist stationed here, no wonder Whitehall wants so many serums.

(End of this chapter)

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