Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 321 Nick Fury: Nine-headed snake discovered!

Chapter 321 Nick Fury: Hydra discovered!

What's worse is that because of the Hydra prison robbery incident, Nick Fury directly handed over these Hydra agents who were finally caught to Tony to take away.

Tony naturally wants to place these Hydra agents in a place where no one can find them.

This is the Battle Fortress that Luther discovered after he returned!

This is a place created by Tony after careful consideration. Not only does it have fire support to deal with alien invasions and powerful enemies on the ground, it is also a space prison, which is very suitable for holding super criminals and super villains.

There is no need for him to bother designing any gravity prisons. There are gravity-free spaces everywhere in space.

Although Nick Fury also wanted to know where Tony had taken the people, he finally endured it, but he felt that Tony might not be professional enough in interrogation, so he wanted to interrogate, cooperate with Tony, and take turns to bring up a prisoner. Conduct interrogation.

Tony thought twice and agreed to this cooperation.

At this time, the ghost agent sent by Nick Fury returned.

Nick Fury had to suppress the interrogation work.

It just so happened that Pierce was closely monitoring Nick Fury's actions at this time, trying to find the whereabouts of the captured Hydra agents.

And then it was missed.

A burst of light and shadow suddenly appeared in front of Nick Fury. The intricate light and shadow flashed away, and then it was like a ghost appearing in those horror movies. After the flickering of the film, the ghost appeared in front of him.

"Debriefing, Agent!"

Nick Fury was not frightened and gave the order calmly.

After all, he has used ghost agents to perform a lot of black operations, and Ava appears so quietly every time because she is only responsible for herself and Pierce.

Nick Fury was satisfied after seeing that there was no Cosmic Cube in the Ghost Agent's hand.

My order is to monitor the situation and find out whether the Cosmic Cube is a trap or the result of an accident in the Hydra experiment.

Therefore, it is not suitable to take away the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, as it is easy to lose this clue.

Faced with Nick Fury's instructions, the ghost agent directly raised his hand and pressed a special button on his helmet.

Then a slot next to the mechanical compound eye of her helmet popped out, containing a miniature memory.

Since the ghost agents want to carry out black operations that are shady and do not even require legal procedures and evidence, then Nick Fury and the others naturally have to control all the actions of the ghost agents during their missions.

Every time she puts on this helmet to perform black operations, the helmet will automatically record video and audio while wearing it.

Despite the small size of this memory, it is actually enough to store 10000T of files, ensuring continuous power-off recording even during long-term operations.

"Everything about the mission is here."

The ghost agent placed the memory on the table in front of Nick Fury.

"Okay, you go back and have a rest first. You have worked hard this time. Don't worry, SHIELD's research project on your treatment plan has made progress. I will send someone again to urge them to get the results quickly."

Nick Fury nodded and said.The ghost agent nodded, feeling as if he was a little more alive again. His emotionless words and coldness just now finally made him feel like a living person.

Then like a fragment, the ghost agent disappeared.

Every time she went on a mission, Nick Fury would say it was urgent, and then kept saying there was progress. As a result, nothing had been seen for so many years. If it weren't for the fact that every black operation carried out was a heinous and unpardonable crime. , she couldn't hold on at all.

Nick Fury opened the memory with a complicated mood and inserted it into a player interface.

This player is physically disconnected from the network, so there is absolutely no possibility of leakage. If you do not know the password of the storage and the password of the player, the data inserted into the interface will be automatically destroyed.

Nick Fury's memory is still very good. He can clearly remember a lot of messy passwords from SHIELD. The particularly important password is his one eye, the one covered by the eyepatch.

The picture in the memory was very shaky and bumpy at the beginning. This was due to the electromagnetic wave disorder caused by the ghost agent's travel, which has never been solved.

However, Nick Fury still watched patiently. After all, he couldn't let others see the video, so he could only observe it himself to see if the ghost agent did anything illegal.

I watched this for an hour and then got straight to the point.

The Cosmic Cube has explained what it is and what it looks like, and has also given the ghost agent a detector, so the ghost agent found the Cosmic Cube easily. Looking at the current angle, the ghost agent should be invisible and recording the situation.

Nick Fury widened his one eye and saw that there were Hydra logos everywhere in this base. No, they were the evil patterns of Hydra!
Not only that, there are SHIELD agents who walk openly, smiling, taking off the SHIELD logo and putting on the HYDRA logo.

Nick Fury's pupils were about to burst.

Of course, these were not arranged by Luther, and Luther did not create a base to fool Nick Fury.

On the contrary, something that already exists can be more convincing.

For example, this military base on the surface is America, but it is actually a military base borrowed by SHIELD from America, and then it was discovered that it was a Hydra base!
All this seems to be a coincidence, but it is a coincidence that Luther can arrange based on his understanding of Nick Fury.

Precisely because it was a coincidence, Nick Fury would not doubt the authenticity of the information.

After all, how could outsiders know that he had such powerful espionage weapons as Skrulls and Ghost Agents?

"SHIELD has been corrupted!"

When Nick Fury saw this scene, he was angry, but not surprised.

No wonder SHIELD's vigorous pursuit, coupled with the assistance of Tony Stark and others, could not find any trace of Hydra.

Nick Fury had actually already made speculations in this regard at that time, but it was naturally impossible for him to conduct a round of review just because of speculations. Isn't that a joke? This is an operation that can shake people's hearts.

Now, Nick Fury has the answer, Hydra has corrupted S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"How many agents have been corrupted?"

Nick Fury narrowed his eyes. He felt that the only people SHIELD could trust now were Coulson, who was brought up by him when he was still an intern, and Black Widow, a job-hopping Hawkeye who became a monk halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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