Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 34 An Unbelievable Wish

Chapter 34 An Unbelievable Wish
"I see, Luther."

The Great Elder smiled and nodded, and then he asked Nai Lu to ask the elders of each village to send the Dragon Balls.

"Big elder!"

Neil glanced at Luther and said anxiously.

Before, he felt that he could crush Luther to death at any time, but now, he felt that Luther could crush himself to death at will, so he was very worried about the safety of the Great Elder.

"Don't worry, Neru, if he really meant it, he can do it now."

The elder said.

Nai Lu was still not at ease, but in the end he went to inform the other elders.

"I suggest you, Elder, create more combat-type Namekians. I have a special ability to see the future. In the future, the Namek planet will be destroyed in the hands of the cosmic emperor Frieza."

Luther thought for a while, and finally told the information.

"Really, Luther, you are such a good boy."

When the elder heard this, he thought about it, and then smiled and said to Luther.

Luther also had his own little thoughts, the Namekians were too outrageous.

In the original plot, Piccolo, a weak scum with a combat power of less than 4, merged with Nai Lu, a Namek with a combat power of 110, and it became a combat power of [-] million!
I don’t know how many times this has been turned over, and the latter is even more outrageous. The artificial human that even the Super Saiyan can’t beat, Piccolo can be crushed after assimilating with the gods, and it will explode Cell’s first form.

The assimilation of three combat-type Namekians can reach this level. If the elder listens to Luther and creates more combat-type Namekians, then Frieza may have to face super Namekians with a combat power of [-] million!
"I know that the Nameks have the ability to assimilate and increase their strength, and Frieza's power is beyond imagination. After Neru is combined with a fighting-type Namek, he is no match. I think the best way is to create more fighting-type Namek assimilation to deal with Frieza."

After Luther said it all, he simply continued to tell the First Elder more information.

The Great Elder didn't speak, he was thinking about whether Luther was credible, but he even knew that the Namekians could assimilate each other and become stronger, so it seemed that Luther's words were credible.

And the powerful enemy that Nai Lu and a combat-type Namek could not deal with combined made the elder even more shaken.

When Neil brought back the Dragon Balls, the Great Elder had already made a decision, he wanted to create more fighting Nameks!

He also knows Frieza, the king of the universe, and has a Frieza army, so more fighting Nameks are needed to protect the Nameks!

"Little Luther, tell me your wish."

The great elder asked Neil to summon the Namek dragon Bolonga, and then said to Luther.

Luther couldn't learn the Namekian language through telepathic communication in a short period of time, so he could only make a wish through the Great Elder and Neil. He also knew that this was the restriction imposed by the Great Elder on himself.

"My first wish is to get superpowers from all over the universe!"

Luther's first wish made the elder's eyes widen, mainly because he had never seen such a wish.

"Little Luther, are you sure you want this wish?"

The Great Elder couldn't help asking.

"Yes, Great Elder."

Luther nodded.

So Neru told Polenga about Luther's wish.

The next moment, Polenga answered.

"Sorry, this wish is beyond my ability, please make another wish."

Neru translated and told Luther.

"Then let me learn the magic of the whole universe!"

"Sorry, this wish is beyond my ability, please make another wish."

"Give me a spiritual tree seed, the kind that can be planted, not dead."

After Luther was rejected again, he suddenly made an irrelevant wish.

Neil was taken aback, but he repeated Luther's wish.

This time Bolunga did not refuse, and along with the light, a seed fell into Luther's hand.

"What is this thing, why would he wish for this thing?"

Neil and the Great Elder were very curious about this question, but obviously Luther would not tell them.

The spirit tree, also known as the spirit tree.

"This fruit was originally a food that only gods could eat."

"After the tree takes root, it will absorb all the nourishment of the earth and bear fruit, but the land of this planet will turn into a barren desert. After hundreds of years, not even a single grass can grow on the land."

Darles can open the Ten Times World King Fist after eating one, and Sun Wukong, who has [-] fighting strength, shows how deep the potential of this thing is.

However, Luther does not think that the fruit of the spiritual tree has no upper limit and can be strengthened infinitely.

Just kidding, if it was really that powerful, Dales wouldn't have only a little fighting power before meeting Monkey King and the others.

The most reasonable guess is that the vitality of the earth is beyond imagination, and the fruit of the spiritual tree that absorbs this vitality is also stronger than that of other planets, which is why Dales and the others have such a terrifying degree of strengthening.

In other words, the quality and quantity of the planet's vitality determines the quality of the fruit of the spiritual tree.

And since it is food eaten by gods, the upper limit is likely to be the level of gods, but I don't know whether it is Kaiwangshen or Dakaiwangshen.

After all, when the King of the World in the original plot just came out, Piccolo exclaimed that he was invincible and surrendered directly.

The fighting power is definitely much stronger than Dales.

But it doesn't matter, Luther thinks that he can study the purification, extraction and synthesis to create a better strengthening agent!
Maybe you can also study with Chaoshenshui, Marvel's heart-shaped grass and other good things from other worlds.

Carefully putting this seed into a capsule, Luther began to think about what he wanted, and the remaining two wishes should not be wasted.

"I want learning materials on magic from all over the universe, including the Demon Realm and the God Realm!"

Neru has become numb, and he seems to be okay with Luther's wish?
However, can he really learn the magic encyclopedia of the entire universe?
"Your wish has been fulfilled."

Originally, Luther thought that this wish might not come true, but he didn't expect that Polenga was so powerful that he directly instilled him with the magic knowledge of the entire universe!
Ordinary people are probably dead from brain overload.

But Luther took it all in, and started browsing, and he found that Majin Buu was using magic that might have come from the Kaioshin he devoured.

Shapeshifting magic!It can also be called Transfiguration, which can turn living things into what you want. After all, Majin Buu also turned people into clay, obviously anything can be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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