Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 421 The 6th Complex

Chapter 421 The Sixth Complex

Luther asked Clark to meet with the people of his motherland.

Because they are future teammates, the smiles of the people of the motherland never stop.

"First meeting, Superboy."

The people of the motherland extend their hands.

"Hello, fellow countrymen."

Clark said with a bright and cheerful smile, and stretched out his hand to hold the hand of the motherland.

I don’t know why, but the people of the motherland feel that their smiles are made fake.

He had no reason to hate Clark's smile.

Luther was not surprised when he saw their inner thoughts.

The relationship between the people of the motherland and Clark is that of looking in the mirror. The difference is that even if the people of the motherland look in the mirror, they are only humiliating themselves.

Even after being trained by Luther, Clark still maintains his good nature. At most, he can imitate Batman and maim people instead of killing them.

Even though Luther taught him to deal with the threat so that the super criminal would not be able to harm other people, Clark listened, but he was unwilling to kill, so he beat the other person until he was crippled and never committed a crime again. ability!

Frankly speaking, Luther felt that this was much crueler than himself.

For a moment I couldn't tell whether it was good or evil.

In particular, the appearance of these cripples will waste a lot of resources, which is equivalent to continuous consumption of garbage.

However, as long as Clark is happy, Luther can't tear it apart.

How pointless that is.

"Starting from today, natives of the motherland, Little Superboy, you two will go on a mission together to increase the topic. We will follow you in all aspects for filming and live broadcasting. Remember not to hurt innocent passers-by in front of the camera, do not use foul language, and keep smiling. .”

The filming team is professional, and they know very well how troublesome things like America’s human rights organizations are, so they will try their best to avoid this kind of situation in superhero videos.

But now that America is surrounded by demons and demons, and the importance of superheroes is increasing day by day, there is no need to worry about certain aspects of public opinion.

They didn't know that it was Luther who brought over the concept of the weirdos from the One Punch Man world.

In addition to the monster cells, the world of One Punch Man will also have its own monsters. Luther copied and materialized this concept, and finally applied it to the land of America.

Weirdness was incubated through negativity, a very important and real energy in DC, and now it's fully blossoming.

Anyway, there is no shortage of negative energy in the land of America. It was Luther who suppressed it, so that there was no big scene of hundreds of dragons from the beginning.

A hundred dragon-level monsters could be born from the very beginning, which would be a huge scene of earth-shattering.

But today's superheroes can't stop shouting, so it's better to slow down. If this kind of thing is not vented, it will only accumulate more and more. In the future, maybe a hundred god-level weirdos will come out.

Don't be in a hurry, just hold back the big one first!

A rhinoceros monster is on the rampage, and it is the target of the Motherland and Clark today.

The police in America were powerless. Even though they dispatched helicopters to shoot with onboard machine guns, the rhino monster was not afraid of machine gun bullets and even asked them to cancel a helicopter to settle the bill.

So we can only turn to Superman Company for help.

Superman Company and America currently have a cooperative relationship and do not belong to the official department. After all, whether it is the military-industrial complex or something else, they have formed a collective, and it is not that easy to squeeze in. Even if the Luther family itself has power in the military-industrial complex.

The so-called military-industrial complex refers to a huge interest group composed of military departments, military-industrial enterprises, some members of Congress and defense research institutions.

Because the military-industrial complex involves not only the military, but also defense companies, and even Congress, its impact is extremely far-reaching.

The military-industrial complex has also made it difficult for America's defense economy to operate without private enterprise.

America’s practice has proven that among the large contractors of America’s Department of Defense in recent years, the top three are Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Northrop Grumman.

Among them, Lockheed Martin mainly produces military aircraft and missiles and is a so-called "pure" defense contracting company. Northrop Grumman is also a "pure" defense contracting company in America, focusing on the production of various types of defense contracting companies. types of missiles.

Boeing is actually a "semi-" defense contracting company. The company mainly produces civilian aircraft, but it also accepts orders from the American Department of Defense.

According to statistics, in 2007 alone, the three major defense contractors received contracts of US$278 billion, US$225 billion, and US$146 billion respectively from the American Department of Defense.

In addition, General Dynamics, Raytheon, and the British company BAE Systems have also become major recipients of U.S. defense contracts.

As a complex and huge organization, the military-industrial complex actually controls the defense policies of American and European countries because of its close ties with the U.S. and European militaries and Congress.

The Luther family not only has power in the military-industrial complex, but also in the other five major groups.

These five major groups are not the state group and the federal group. They are divided into five major groups. They can be called five mountains that weigh on the people of America.

The first big mountain is the military-industrial complex.

The second mountain is the medical complex.

The third mountain is the legal complex with lawyers as the core.

The fourth mountain is the Wall Street financial complex.

The fifth mountain is the education-media complex.

Because Luther came earlier, his idle layout allowed the Luther family to have interests in the five major groups and have a certain say.

But this is not enough for Superman Corporation to enter and become part of the military-industrial complex.

But it doesn't matter, the ambition shown by the Luther family now is to become the sixth largest group!

Not a superhero group, but a "superhuman complex"!

To put it simply, all super humans unite and become a new interest group complex.

And this super human complex may be much more terrifying than the military-industrial complex, because the power of super humans highlights their mutation and uncontrollability.

Once successful, the Luther family can become the men who control America behind the scenes and replace the industrial complex.

The five major groups would definitely not agree to this kind of thing. However, they openly refused, but secretly came to express their support.

They are accustomed to hedging their bets, trying their best to prevent the birth of new interest groups while at the same time wanting to have a place in the new interest groups.

They feel that this is a test. If they fail, the failed interest group will naturally be eaten by them.

(End of this chapter)

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