Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 428 Keep standing up and doing sit-ups

Chapter 428 Keep standing up and doing sit-ups

"Captain America is certainly no match for Supernova."

The native said with folded hands.

Although his relationship with Supernova is not very good, at least he and he are partners and work together. Of course, the people of the motherland have to speak up for Clark.

"What a coincidence, I feel the same way. No one is Steve's opponent."

The soldier boy said not to be outdone.

And he wasn't lying. After all, he had seen how terrifying Captain America was when he was at full strength.

When there is no upper limit, Captain America can only surpass him, but when there is an upper limit, Captain America can always follow and surpass him.

Superboy is very powerful, but he is absolutely no match for Captain America!

"Then we'll see."

The native said with a sneer.

Soldier Boy is also waiting to see. He can't wait to see the scene where Superboy is pressed to the ground and rubbed by Captain America, slapping the faces of his countrymen.

Clark grabbed Captain America's shield, and Captain America took the opportunity to get close to Clark.

He was in a heroic and fearless state at this time, and his strength and speed had been greatly improved.

Captain America struck first, using a short-distance attack. He was extremely fast, closing in, and used a vicious low side kick.

Clark had quick eyesight and quick hands, and dodged the kick with lightning speed. At the same time, he used force to grab Captain America's foot and slammed him into the ground.

Captain America turned over, strode towards Clark, opened his arms, shouted loudly, and the sound of fighting as long as deafness came from his belly, driving the storm energy in the air, and struck dozens of punches in a row , Clark gained another surge of energy and resolved the continuous onslaught.

Clark and Captain America fought, fists and kicks flying at a speed that was dizzying.

The two are equally powerful, and every move is exquisite and looks very gorgeous.

The fists of the two collided instantly, making a dull sound.

They separated, taking their time to confront each other again.

Clark strode forward and punched Captain America in the chest. Captain America twisted his body angrily and punched Clark in the face.

The strength of the two offset each other, their fists danced rapidly, and the thunderous collision echoed on the battlefield.

Clark and Captain America collided heavily, and there was a heavy collision sound from their fists and footsteps.

Neither side backed down or showed weakness.

Their legs and feet kept moving, attacking quickly and with high morale.

Every move makes people feel powerful.

Captain America's arm muscles were strong and strong, and when they hit Clark's face, it caused a violent shock.

Clark's fist was like a meteor, passing through the air and hitting Captain America's chest, leaving him breathless.

Clark and Captain America were dazzling with their lightning-fast fists and kicks.

Clark's moves are fierce and powerful, and his momentum is compelling. Every punch and every kick exudes infinite power.

Captain America, on the other hand, is more flexible and agile, which makes him look particularly powerful.

His moves may seem light, but they still retain the essence of profound kung fu.

"I didn't expect that Captain America is close to the level of a fighting master."

Luther actually thought about going back to the Marvel Universe and bringing over a copy of the current Steve.

But this Steve's growth surprised him. So I gave up.

Clark's fist hit Captain America like a cannonball. The latter quickly ducked sideways, turned around and used his agility to backhand a palm, hitting Clark hard in the face.

Clark's eyes widened, this blow made him feel strongly passive.

He took a few steps back with the help of the recoil, and kicked Captain America with both legs, but the latter still easily dodged.

The two charged and collided quickly, making a deafening roar.

In an instant, Clark hugged Captain America at extremely fast speeds and pushed him towards the wall.

The walls made an unpleasant thud.

Captain America pushed Clark away with a backhand blow. He used the rebound to move slowly against the wall and swooped back like a bat.

He kept attacking, but Clark still blocked it powerfully, but the more he fought, the more surprised he became. He felt that Captain America's strength was still increasing and his speed was getting faster!

He clamped his hands around Captain America's neck and tried to push him to the ground.

Captain America dodged Clark's attack, turned quickly, and rushed towards him, approaching step by step.

Clark struggled to stand up and delivered sharp punches and knees to Captain America. Their bodies collided with each other and the ground made a "collapse" sound.

Clark kicked to the side, but Captain America turned around to avoid it, and hit Clark hard in the back of the head with a backhand palm.

Clark yelled, and his head was suddenly hit hard by a huge force, but he was not knocked down. Instead, he returned a palm and collided with Captain America's giant palm.

As soon as the fists and kicks of the two people exchanged, the whole world seemed to tremble. The powerful impact surged in the air, causing cracks in the surrounding walls.

Their power has exceeded the upper limit of what this room can bear.

Clark and Captain America's fists and kicks intertwined, and the roar continued.

Clark suddenly punched out with his right fist, and Captain America reacted smartly, dodging and dodging easily.

Seeing this, Clark suddenly kicked his left foot. Captain America sidestepped alertly, and struck with his right fist at the same time. Clark sidestepped to avoid it.

The two men were constantly switching between offense and defense. Both sides were of equal strength and there was no winner or loser.

The fists intertwined quickly, hitting the opponent's body with a dull sound.

Clark's strength is undoubtedly unparalleled, but Captain America's reaction is equally fast, and the muscles on his face are bulging, full of power.

Every punch, every kick, and every arm swung by the two men were constantly colliding with each other.

As the battle continues to accumulate, the momentum of both sides becomes more and more threatening.

Clark punched the opponent violently, like an arrow off the string.

Captain America turned aside, met Clark's fist, and restrained him.

Clark did not give up. He turned around suddenly, exerted force with his legs quickly, and immediately hit Captain America with another elbow.

Captain America's reaction was also very quick. He retracted his fist in time and avoided the blow.

The battle between the two has reached a fever pitch.

As time went by, the two men's movements became more and more unpredictable, and they moved back and forth on the court.

Clark's fists and kicks swept in like a storm, instantly forcing Captain America into a blind corner.

Captain America was not afraid, and after standing firm, he punched Clark hard in the face, causing Clark to fall heavily to the ground instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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