Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 432 deserves vigilance and high vigilance!

Chapter 432 deserves vigilance and high vigilance!

Little Bat's purpose in joining Superman Corporation was impure, and after joining the Teen Titans, Little Bat became even more comfortable and got what he wanted.

Naturally, the young little bat would not realize the problem, but instead thought that he was lucky.

He still lacks a lot of beatings to grow up.

Luther would love to be the one to beat him up from behind.

Through his own observation, Little Bat has determined that the four people in the Teen Titans are very dangerous superhumans.

Even if they are superheroes, Little Bat will not relax his vigilance. Little Bat does not need to think about how dangerous it is for super humans to lose control. Those terrifying and powerful weirdos are the best examples, and they all fell to Super Humans. The hero's hands.

So, if superheroes who are more powerful and more terrifying than them are out of control, how serious the damage will be caused?

The soldier boy, a native of the motherland, is no longer something to be wary of in Little Bat's profile, but has become a "must be wary".

Naturally, their characters cannot be hidden from Little Bat. Even if he is not the most powerful detective in the world in the future, Little Bat is already consciously learning this knowledge. He is not only tinkering with artificial muscle suits and learning other things, but Learning in this area has not fallen behind.

In addition, without the time-wasting part of pretending to be a playboy, he almost spent nearly twenty hours a day studying, and the rest of the time was spent resting and eating.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being Batman. If ordinary people did this, they would be injured.

Therefore, through his own study of psychology and personality analysis, Little Bat has determined which person in the Teen Titans is likely to lose control.

For example, if he pays most attention to glory and cheers, has a lot of vanity, and is good at pretending to be a native of his motherland, once something embarrassing happens to him or his personality is destroyed, he will probably lose control and even develop to kill people. Maintain your image.

With his ability, it would be very troublesome and tricky if he loses control, so Little Bat must work out a plan against him as soon as possible.

The most serious one is Soldier Boy, he has no moral bottom line!

Little Bat is very surprised at this. A guy without any moral bottom line can actually become a superhero. The problem of Superman Company is indeed huge!

Soldier Boy is not even as good as the people of the motherland. After all, the people of the motherland can at least deal with the weaknesses in image and face. Soldier Boy doesn't care about this aspect at all. All he cares about is Captain America. If Captain America hadn't become a superhero If so, he might become a super criminal!

The lack of any moral bottom line means that he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals at any cost. The same is probably true for defeating super criminals. It is very likely that he does not care about casualties and battle damage at all, just to defeat the opponent.

"The problem is huge, we must be vigilant!"

Little Bat looked at the data he entered into the computer.

Neither Soldier Boy nor Homelander made a secret of their superpowers, and it was all stated in Superman Corporation's propaganda.

Both of them are superpower templates with almost no shortcomings. The natives can even fly, which makes them even more difficult to deal with.

In comparison, the more powerful Supernova and Captain America are also worthy of vigilance, but they can't find any flaws in their character.

After all, the current Little Bat is not the black-deep cripple or old silver coin that he will be in the future, so he still has a good impression of characters like Supernova and Captain America.

The monster named Batman also needs growth time and fear as nourishment to become a monster. Now he is just a little monster.

Little Bat even naively thought of using Supernova and Captain America to limit the possibility of Homelander and Soldier Boy losing control, as well as targeting the Fantastic Five!

He was always said to be a fan of the Black Bat, which made Little Bat very unhappy. Naturally, he had a plan to deal with the situation where the Magic Five lost control.

There is no personal grudge, it is just for the sake of world peace and human safety!

Anti-Fatherland uniforms and anti-Soldier Boy uniforms are already being produced. Lex has a similar idea to Little Bat, especially after absorbing the ideas from Little Bat's artificial muscle suit technology, Lex has also started to get started in this aspect.

Artificial muscle itself is not a difficult thing to get started with. The threshold is low and it is not as fake as exoskeleton armor. There has not been a real combat exoskeleton armor for so many years. They are all alternative porter uniforms.

Although the threshold is low, not everyone can get started, not to mention that Little Bat has miraculously improved the materials of artificial muscles, and this is how he has an artificial muscle suit that is actually a black technology.

Lex's idea is to combine artificial muscles and exoskeleton armor to create a more powerful armor that combines the two!

When the time comes, he'll be able to punch Bat-Bat and kick the Teen Titans.

Two high-tech superheroes interact with each other and watch out for each other.

At this time, they have another mission. A strange man appears and threatens the safety of the entire city of Los Angeles.

In the danger level defined by Superman Company, this is already up to the level of A-level monsters and super criminals.

Superman Inc. has established a level of danger for an endless stream of super criminals and weirdos and monsters.

The lowest level is the general security level, but there is still a risk of death.

There is no way, who allows this to be a free America, life and death every day?

It's a D-level hazard that can kill anyone.

Level C is a hazard that will cause a large number of deaths.

Level B is dangerous enough to affect a city.

Level A is the danger of destroying a city or even multiple cities.

S-class is a danger to an entire country.

After all, there are no countries in the world of One Punch Man, only more than twenty cities are left, so there is an S-level level.

Then there is the D+ level, + means more powerful, and ++ means super dangerous.

But no matter how many + signs there are, it will not exceed the strength limit of the current level.

The only ones who can handle Class A danger are the Teen Titans and the Fantastic Five.

The Fantastic Five are very busy, so it's the Teen Titans' turn to appear.

"A+ level danger, that is to say, this weirdo can destroy Los Angeles and destroy several cities. Where did such a powerful weirdo come from?"

Little Bat attaches great importance to intelligence. He studies the information provided by Superman Company and secretly mobilizes his own satellite to observe the situation in Los Angeles.

Then he saw a target in Los Angeles who fit the bill because of his size.

(End of this chapter)

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