Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 447 Raditz can also show off

Chapter 447 Raditz can also show off

Luther was puzzled as to why Raditz, who was defeated at Marvel, was like a duck in water at DC.

"Pie-face is not that strong. Thor and Hulk can't stop Raditz's attack. Why can they win?"

Luther said, glancing at Patriot and Soldier Boy, both of whom were lying on the ground, pretending to be dead.

After all, as long as they are not stupid, it is impossible for them to think that they can defeat Raditz.

Just kidding, Soldier Boy's most powerful chest cannon can only destroy a building, but Raditz, with one Qigong wave, destroyed most of the city, and even now a third of America has been destroyed by him.

An alien has such terrifying power that Soldier Boy would be crazy to sacrifice for America.

Even if he wanted to sacrifice, whether he could block Raditz's Qigong wave was still a problem.

The people of the motherland are afraid.

Raditz was like a god descending to earth, frightening the people of the motherland who were originally fearless and unconvinced no matter who they were.

This is the result of a pure body crushing flow when encountering numerical monsters.

In the words of the country of big river crabs, Raditz broke the hearts of the people of the motherland and created inner demons. If he can't solve this inner demon, he will never be able to stand up in the future.

Also fishing are the wise woman Lex and Batgirl Blush.

Lex said that a genius brain like his should not be sacrificed here, and he should find a way to deal with the Saiyans.

The same was true for Bruce. The still-growing little bat was taught a harsh lesson by Raditz, and was so shocked that his hands trembled and his whole body became numb.

He began to doubt his original purpose. With a mortal body, could he really compete with aliens and enemies as powerful as gods like Raditz?

The battle entered a fierce stage, and both sides launched a rapid offensive.

Fist shadows all over the sky intertwined, and the air was filled with a fierce atmosphere of battle.

Every time fists and feet collided, the air seemed to pause, and then violently tumbled.

The temperature rose significantly, and shock waves spread out, like ripples on the water, spreading out one after another.

The battle entered a more intense stage.

Captain America, Wonder Woman, Superboy, and Supergirl attacked Raditz with all their might, each of their punches and kicks carrying astonishing power, but Raditz stood tall like a mountain.

Suddenly, Raditz let out a deafening roar, and a powerful energy wave burst out from his body and spread to all sides. Wherever this energy wave went, the air seemed to be burning, big trees were uprooted, and buildings were blown to pieces.

Upon seeing this, Supergirl immediately flew forward and used her powerful strength to try to resist the energy wave. Her fists were clenched, and her whole body was emitting a dazzling light, colliding head-on with the energy wave.

At the moment of impact, the air seemed to tremble, and an invisible shock wave spread to all directions. Rocks on the ground were shaken into pieces, and trees in the distance were uprooted and swept into the air.

Wonder Woman saw this and immediately blocked the shock wave with her shield. The shield emitted a dazzling light and collided with the shock wave, making a deafening roar.

Captain America and Superboy also joined the attack, and they attacked Raditz with all their strength. Their attacks became more and more fierce, as if they were going to knock Raditz to the ground.

Other superheroes also joined the attack, and they attacked Raditz with all their strength.

"It's too slow. This level is completely inadequate!"

Raditz laughed heartily.

"You can't hit my weak fist even if I stand still!" He suddenly stretched out his hands and pressed Captain America's fist tightly like an iron pliers with five fingers.

Captain America tried to break free, but Raditz was incredibly powerful.

"Come on, what are you waiting for? Why should you hesitate if you have the advantage in numbers?"

Raditz taunted the other man while kicking Captain America hard in the stomach.

Captain America bent over in pain, and Raditz took the opportunity to launch an even more violent attack.

In a fierce duel, every tiny move is particularly important.

Raditz's eyes always remained calm, and his body twisted flexibly like a snake, cleverly avoiding his opponent's attacks. His figure was as fast as lightning, sometimes appearing behind this hero, and sometimes suddenly appearing in front of another hero, catching them off guard.

Superboy and Supergirl attack together, their fist shadows intertwined with amazing power.

However, Raditz easily dodged their attacks. He jumped up and rolled in the air as nimbly as a dance, avoiding their fatal blows. His movements were elegant and confident, as if he had everything under control.

Wonder Woman used her shield to block Raditz's attack, but Raditz was incredibly powerful. He grabbed Wonder Woman's arm and squeezed it hard. Wonder Woman frowned in pain.

But he didn't stop, he continued to taunt Wonder Woman.

"Woman, you are too weak!"

Despite facing powerful opponents and pressure, Wonder Woman did not give up.

She lashed out at Raditz with her shield, trying to break free of his hold. Her eyes were firm and resolute, and her will to fight was not shaken by Raditz's taunts.

Captain America also joined the attack, attacking Raditz with all his strength. However, no matter how he attacks, Raditz can easily dodge or block his attacks.

Raditz continued to taunt the other superheroes.

"Do you, Earthlings, only attack in this way?"

His voice was full of challenge and sarcasm.

However, the other superheroes were not swayed by his taunts.

They know that Raditz is very powerful, but they also firmly believe in their own power and justice. They gritted their teeth and continued to attack Raditz.

Their attacks became more and more fierce, but Raditz remained calm and collected. He nimbly dodged attacks and launched counterattacks at the same time. Every counterattack is full of strength and skill, so that other superheroes have to go all out to deal with it.

This battle has been going on for a long time, but neither side has any intention of giving up. They came and went, and the sounds of fists and feet kept ringing. The air was filled with the fierce atmosphere of battle, the temperature continued to rise, and shock waves surged.

Suddenly, Captain America punched Raditz in the stomach.

Raditz's body trembled slightly, but he quickly adjusted his posture.

A smile appeared on his lips.

"Not bad, not bad! Still has some strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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