Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 498 Rebuilding the Earth’s Ecosystem and Environment

Chapter 498 Rebuilding the Earth’s Ecosystem and Environment

Boros was panting, and he hated that his battle could only last so long.

"Entering this state will consume my life force."

Boros said to Luther.

"I see, then the battle between us should be forgotten, right?"

Luther knew what Poros could and could not accept, so he said it deliberately.

"No! I have one last move. If even this move can't solve you..."

Boros began to gather energy.

"Oh? Then I'm looking forward to it."

"Be careful, with this next move, I will release all my energy and completely destroy you and the entire surface of this planet!"

Luther's whole body was surrounded by golden energy, and his body seemed to be integrated with the surrounding energy.

As the light beam extended, strong air waves spread in all directions. These air waves seem to have powerful energy, heating the surrounding air instantly, forming heat waves.

When Boros' "Star Collapse Roaring Cannon" was released, the sky was instantly pierced by a dazzling beam of light. The brightness of this beam of light was extremely high, making everything around it look eclipsed.

He clasped his hands together, and the golden light all over his body became more dazzling.

After Boros enters a meteor burst, he can fire a massive golden shockwave from his chest.

The air around the light pillar was quickly drawn away, forming a huge hole. The hole continues to expand, and the edges present a twisted and broken scene, as if the atmosphere is being torn apart.

He needs to concentrate and release all his power to unleash this skill.

The ocean also began to change under the impact of this force. The waves instantly evaporated into water vapor, forming a huge fog. The mist spread in the air, covering everything around it. In this mist, everything becomes blurry, as if entering another dimension.

At the same time, the mountains in the distance began to collapse under the impact of this force. Huge rocks rolled down driven by the air waves, forming a spectacular stone flow. Wherever the stone flow passed, everything was ruthlessly destroyed.

As the energy gathered, the surrounding air began to vibrate violently.

When the two forces met in the air, the entire space seemed to fall into silence.

The buildings appeared fragile in front of this force and were smashed to pieces. Trees were uprooted, flew through the air, and turned to ashes.

Finally, when the energy gathered to its peak, a golden shock wave with the same power as Boros' attack rushed out from Luther's hands and rushed straight towards the opposite light beam.

The energy unleashed by Boros and Luther was like two stars colliding with each other, triggering an unprecedented energy confrontation. The power of this force is far beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures.

"The Big Bang!"

These heat waves continue to roll and collide, releasing a deafening roar that makes people feel heart-stopping.

Luther also felt the power of this force. There was no fear in his heart, only expectation.

And this move is powerful enough to destroy the surface of the planet.

In the atmosphere, the intersection of the two energies forms a huge energy vortex.

This vortex continuously swallows the surrounding air molecules, causing them to instantly heat to extremely high temperatures.

In this process, air molecules are ionized into plasma, which emits dazzling light. The entire sky was illuminated by this light, as if a second sun was ushering in.

As the energy vortex continues to expand, it begins to produce strong disturbances in the surrounding atmosphere.

The originally stable atmospheric structure became fragmented under the impact of this force.

Then the energy vortex triggered an earth-shattering explosion.

The energy generated by the explosion was extremely powerful, as if it would explode the entire planet.

This force is so powerful that it has exceeded the limits that nature can bear. It has had a profound impact on the atmosphere, surface, biosphere, and molecular movements in the microscopic realm.

First, this energy caused unprecedented damage to the atmosphere.

At the moment of energy impact, the high-temperature and high-pressure air waves spread instantly, causing the air molecules in the atmosphere to gain huge kinetic energy in a very short period of time.

These molecules collide with each other while moving at high speeds, causing the entire atmosphere to become extremely violent.

The originally stable atmospheric structure instantly collapsed under the impact of this force, forming a chaotic airflow area. In this area, the temperature, density and pressure of the air have changed drastically, as if it were a huge boiling furnace.

As energy continues to diffuse, the main components of the atmosphere, such as oxygen and nitrogen, also undergo chemical reactions.

In an environment of high temperature and pressure, these gas molecules gain enough energy to break the original chemical bonds and form new compounds.

These compounds diffuse rapidly in the air and further react with other surrounding gas molecules, forming a chain reaction.

The energy released by these chemical reactions further aggravates the instability of the atmosphere, causing the entire atmosphere to fall into a state of chaos.

In addition to its impact on the atmosphere, this energy also wreaked havoc on the surface.

At the moment of energy impact, materials such as rocks, soil, and water on the earth's surface gain tremendous energy.

These substances heat up and expand rapidly under the influence of energy, making the surface of the earth uneven.

As energy continues to diffuse, the minerals in rocks and soil undergo phase changes.

Some common minerals such as quartz and feldspar are converted into molten silicates at high temperatures. These molten rocks flow on the surface, forming a vast lava sea and patches of flowing lava.

This lava flows freely on the surface, swallowing up everything around it.

In this catastrophe, all life on the surface suffered catastrophe.

Whether it was a dense forest or a vast grassland, they were all reduced to ashes under the impact of energy.

The water in living organisms evaporates rapidly at high temperatures, turning them into shriveled bodies. Even those creatures hidden deep underground were not immune to this disaster.

Underground rocks and soil become extremely hard under the action of high temperature and pressure, crushing these creatures to death.

In the microscopic realm, this energy also has a profound impact on molecular motion.

At the moment of energy impact, the molecules in the air gain huge kinetic energy and begin to move at high speed in space.

These molecules constantly collide with surrounding molecules during their motion, causing the molecular motion throughout the space to become extremely violent.

The powerful energy allows the electrons in the atoms to gain enough energy to jump to a higher energy level.

(End of this chapter)

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