Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 510: New Year 3 is still being updated, reward me generously!

Chapter 510 is still being updated for New Year’s Eve, reward me generously!

No. 18, as a female android, is so powerful that it completely exceeds Saitama's imagination.

Her fists and kicks were infused with energy, and each swing had the power to tear the air and shake the earth.

Saitama, as a warrior who can only attack with fists and kicks, although his moves are simple, they contain infinite power.

Each of his "ordinary punches", "continuous ordinary punches" and "serious beating" seems to be able to break the world and penetrate time and space. However, when facing a strong enemy like No. 18, Saitama's moves seem a little inadequate.

The fight between the two broke out instantly, and their fists and feet collided with each other, making a deafening noise.

Every attack seemed to tear the air apart and distort the surrounding space.

Their speed was so fast that it was impossible to see their figures clearly, and only afterimages could be seen flickering in the air.

The two fists collided in the air, making a deafening sound.

Powerful force burst out at the moment of collision, and the surrounding air seemed to be torn apart by this force.

The energy gathered in her fist directly dispersed Saitama's power, causing Saitama to take a few steps back.

Saitama did not give up because of this, he immediately adjusted his state and prepared to attack again.

Powerful power burst out at the moment of collision, and the entire battlefield was enveloped by this power.

Upon seeing this, Saitama immediately realized the terror of this power.

So, he took a deep breath and assumed a "serious beating" posture.

This ionization phenomenon interferes with radio signal propagation and even affects satellite communications and navigation systems.

Saitama felt a sharp pain in his fist, but he did not flinch, but continued to push forward.

However, the strength of No. 18 is beyond Saitama's imagination.

At the same time, the energy generated by the battle also led to increased ionization in the atmosphere.

He knew he had to show his true strength to deal with this blow.

This turbulent airflow not only affects climate patterns, but also triggers local meteorological changes, causing terrifying weather such as storms and cyclones to wreak havoc.

The two attacks collided in the air with a deafening bang.

Electrons escape from atoms under the action of energy and form charged particles. These charged particles scatter in the atmosphere and affect the structure and function of the ionosphere.

On a macro scale, their battles produced significant changes to the surface and landscape.

This Qigong wave emits strong energy fluctuations, as if it wants to swallow up everything around it.

Each punch or kick is accompanied by an intense release of energy that rapidly diffuses into the surrounding air in the form of heat and kinetic energy.

At this moment, No. 18 suddenly gathered a stronger energy.

Air molecules vibrate violently under such a powerful energy impact, causing local temperatures to rise sharply, forming heat waves and airflow turmoil.

Atmospherically, their fighting energy was raging through the air like wildfire.

She clasped her hands together and condensed a huge Qigong wave.

The powerful impact not only cracked and collapsed the ground, but also triggered earthquakes and tsunamis.

This geological activity not only changes the topography, but also has long-term effects on groundwater resources and crustal stability.

In addition, the vibrations generated by the battle spread like ripples, affecting surrounding buildings and infrastructure, triggering a series of chain destructive effects. In the microscopic realm, the movement of molecules and atoms has been disturbed as never before.

The huge energy generated by the battle tears the chemical bonds between molecules, making the originally stable molecular structure unstable.

These torn molecules and atoms scatter in the air and undergo complex chemical reactions with other molecules in the air to form new compounds.

These chemical reactions not only change the composition of the air, but also produce toxic or harmful substances, posing potential threats to the ecological environment and human health.

Additionally, their battle affects the gravitational field.

The strong energy and momentum change the surrounding gravitational distribution, causing the local gravitational field to be distorted.

This distortion not only affects the trajectory of the object, but also causes tiny distortions of space and time.

While this effect is imperceptible at the macroscale, it has a significant impact on particle motion and quantum phenomena at the microscopic scale.

The vibrations and shock waves generated by the fighting also damage the soil structure, affecting plant growth and soil fertility.

At the same time, when the torn molecules and atoms react chemically with other molecules in the air, they generate a large amount of heat and harmful gases, leading to air pollution and an intensification of the greenhouse effect.

The energy fluctuations generated by their battle even affected other planets in the universe.

Waves of their attack spread throughout the universe, causing gravitational disturbances on surrounding planets.

This disturbance not only changes the orbit of the planet, but also causes drastic changes in the climate and environment of some planets.

This change is also a disaster for some creatures on the planet.

No. 18 was surprised by Saitama's strength.

"You guys are really thick-skinned."

No. 18 recognizes Saitama, he is too strong and too hard.

No matter how fiercely she attacked, he seemed to feel nothing.

It was like a hard stone that had been tempered countless times. No matter how hard she hit it, it only caused more scars on his body, but did not really make him succumb.

Saitama's body was covered with scars and his clothes were soaked with sweat, but his eyes remained firm.

He stood up with difficulty, each movement seeming to be in great pain.

"What a fierce battle."

Saitama said with difficulty, facing the attack from No. 18, he felt like a small sailboat in a violent storm, or the kind of raft simply made of trees after drifting on an isolated island. Facing such stormy waves and tsunami and There was a big storm and it could fall apart at any time.

He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had such a painful fist.

No, I must have never experienced such a painful fist in my life!

Every time No. 18's fist fell on him, he felt a sharp pain coming from deep inside his body, as if his bones were about to be broken.

However, despite the unbearable pain, Saitama showed no intention of backing down.

After all, this is a fist attack with added ki, which is almost like real damage to Saitama. His health points and armor are full, but in the face of critical hits + real damage, it is still not enough.

"But I won't admit defeat!"

Saitama has been looking forward to the battle for so long, and his eyes are shining with determination, which is his belief in himself and his expectations for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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