Kryptonians: Man of Steel

Chapter 537 The black hole collapsed and Esdeath was swallowed

Chapter 537 The black hole collapsed and Esdeath was swallowed

In that chaotic battlefield, the existence of the black hole seemed to be a cosmic-level disaster engine. It not only distorted the surrounding space, but also swallowed up all matter and energy.

As the black hole forms, an irresistible gravitational force begins to act, like a pair of invisible hands, slowly pulling the surrounding matter toward the center of the black hole.

These materials are extremely compressed by the strong gravity at the edge of the black hole, forming a high-density ring of material.

This ring of matter is like a huge metal wheel that begins to rotate at high speed under the gravitational pull of the black hole.

As the rotation speed increases, this material ring gradually forms a huge material vortex, like a roaring tornado, sucking everything around it into it.

The power of this vortex is so powerful that it can continuously suck in surrounding matter and energy, making the black hole continue to increase in mass.

At the same time, the collapse of the black hole also triggers a violent energy response in the surrounding environment. At the edge of the black hole, the inhaled material and energy begin to undergo reactions such as nuclear fusion and nuclear fission under extreme pressure and temperature.

These reactions release huge amounts of energy, forming streams of fiery energy.

These energy flows are like fiery snakes, meandering around the black hole, forming a huge energy field. This energy field seemed to ignite the entire battlefield, bathing everything around in blazing firelight.

Esdeath's pupils shrank.

This form of existence transcends humankind’s traditional understanding of matter and energy, and seems to be a brand new, unknown force.

Finally, as the black hole's mass continues to increase, the gravitational force inside it will become stronger and stronger.

This powerful interaction can lead to collisions and annihilations between matter, releasing large amounts of energy and particles.

In this extreme environment, matter and energy lost their original forms and transformed into a completely new form of existence.

Esdeath could clearly feel the invisible force, which was like a pair of huge claws, slowly but firmly pulling her into the dark abyss.

This means that inside a black hole, particles of matter will constantly appear and disappear, releasing huge amounts of energy.

Secondly, due to the extreme compression of matter inside the black hole, the interaction between matter becomes extremely strong.

In this energy explosion, the hungry wolf also felt unprecedented impact and shock. He seemed to be in an endless ocean of energy, surrounded and swallowed by endless energy.

The surrounding air seemed to be swallowed up by the gravity of the black hole, becoming extremely dense.

These beams wreak havoc on the battlefield, destroying everything around them.

When gravity reaches a certain level, it will trigger an unprecedented energy explosion. This explosion released all the matter and energy inside the black hole, forming dazzling energy beams.

However, the interior of a black hole is the most extreme place. As the mass of the black hole continues to increase, the pressure and temperature inside it have also reached unprecedented heights.

Under the influence of this force, a series of complex physical effects begin to occur inside the black hole.

First of all, due to the extreme compression of the material inside the black hole and the high-temperature and high-pressure environment, the material begins to undergo quantum fluctuations.

As the black hole continues to collapse, surrounding matter begins to be sucked into it, forming a huge vortex of matter.

Esdeath could see that the inhaled matter was extremely compressed at the edge of the black hole, as if being crushed by endless power.

Esdeath faced a real black hole created by the Black Hole Collapse Punch. This is not a simple energy phenomenon, but follows the real physical effects and laws of black holes in the universe. When the power of the Black Hole Collapse Punch reaches its peak, space and time begin to distort around Esdeath. This distortion is so severe that the light bends as it passes, forming strange beams of light.

These beams of light dance at the edge of the black hole, as if they are the miraculous work of nature, and people can't help but be in awe.

The edge of a black hole is an extremely distorted space-time region. According to the general theory of relativity, any matter and energy will be attracted by the strong gravity of a black hole and cannot escape.

As the black hole continues to collapse, the pressure and temperature inside it have reached unprecedented heights.

In this extreme environment, matter and energy lost their original forms and transformed into a completely new form of existence.

According to the theory of quantum physics, quantum fluctuations may occur inside the black hole, with matter particles constantly appearing and disappearing, releasing huge amounts of energy.

When the power of the Black Hole Collapse Fist reached its peak, a huge beam of energy shot out of the black hole and headed straight for Esdeath.

This beam not only contains the huge energy inside the black hole, but also carries matter particles that have been compressed to the extreme.

These particles move in the beam at speeds close to the speed of light, forming deadly streams of energy.

The power of this beam is so powerful that it seems to be able to destroy everything. Esdeath could feel the pressure brought by the energy beam, and she understood that this was a critical moment of her life and death.

At that moment, Esdeath used all his strength to resist the powerful energy beam.

However, the power of the black hole was so terrifying that her defenses were defeated in an instant.

The powerful energy beam swallowed her up instantly, and her figure gradually disappeared at the edge of the black hole.

Esdeath, who was swallowed into the black hole, seemed to be in an endless dark world.

She could feel the endless gravity and twisted space around her, as if it was tearing her into pieces.

Her body was constantly being pulled and compressed in the black hole, and the pain was almost unbearable.

However, Esdeath did not give up.

She knew she had to persevere or she would sink into this dark abyss forever.

She used all her strength to resist the strong gravity and look for a chance to escape.

However, in this extreme environment, Esdeath's body also began to undergo some wonderful changes.

Her cells began to rearrange themselves under extreme pressure, and her energy began to undergo fusion and fission at extremely high temperatures.

Then Luther appeared next to her.

"How about it, do you need me to take you out? In fact, you have the ability to go out on your own."

Luther crossed his arms and looked at Esdeath and said.

When Esdeath saw Luther appearing, she was immediately reassured. With Luther in charge, there was no way Esdeath would just go out like this.

(End of this chapter)

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