Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 150 Adding Points, 183 Years, Martial Arts Master

Chapter 150 Adding Points, 180 Three Years, Martial Arts Master

Noticing the changes in the dream world, Mark immediately took action.

For a long time, every time in the dream world, except for the main sprites, he would not deliberately pay attention to other sprites, so the practice efficiency of these sprites was not high.

But this time, Mark's self-awareness is very clear.

He immediately greeted the green caterpillar, Ba Dadie, and the wonderful frog seed, and arranged the practice plan of the three elves.

Since the dream world is weakly connected with Qingxi Forest, the safest way to practice these three elves is to practice natural dances and continuously gain the power of the forest.

Although the forest in the dream world is far inferior to the real Qingxi forest, the harvest that has accumulated over time cannot be underestimated.

Unfortunately, for Mark's suggestion, except for the green caterpillar, Ba Dadie and Miao Frog Seed did not accept it.

The two elves agreed that practicing [defend] is what they should do. Only by defending the opponent's attack can they attack better.

As for the practice of natural dance, that is a matter for the future, it is better to practice [holding] now.

In fact, not only the Butterfly and Frog Seeds, but also the Green Caterpillar have similar ideas.

Although with the combined skills of [Hundred Styles·Defensive] and [Hundred Styles·Jieqie], Green Caterpillar has achieved a very high level of achievement in [Holding] moves, but Green Caterpillar feels that it may go further.

Just relying on the fetters brought by the [heart-to-heart] with Mark, the green caterpillar trusted Mark unconditionally, so he decided to spend a few hours every day practicing natural dances and absorbing the power of the forest.

Mark also realized something in the process of communicating with several elves.

In the dream world in the past, although the elves would enter the state of doing their own things in the later stage, there is a major prerequisite for entering this state.

Take the stag beetle, for example.

In the previous dream world, stag farmers would practice flying every time, but before practicing flying, they would practice the content of adding points with Mark every time. Only after they found that they could not keep up with the rhythm would they choose to practice flying.

The same goes for other sprites, even the two-in-one Magnemite.

Although my brain is not very good, I have always been foolishly swaying around, but at the beginning, the two-in-one Magnemite's dangling position was very close to Mark, and then gradually flew away as time went by. Far.

Soon, Kiraqi, who was wandering around, flew back. Kiraqi didn't see the reason for the environment here.

As for the training of elves, Kiraqi didn't have any good suggestions.

In the end, Mark could only use a stupid method - persuading the elves every day, using words to influence his elves.

It turns out that this persuasion does work.

After a month of continuous persuasion, the green caterpillar agreed to spend half a day every day practicing natural dance, Ba Dadie agreed to practice for an hour a day, and Miao Frog Seed only agreed to practice for 10 minutes a day because the time with Mark was too short and the bond was not deep. .

As for cowards, Mark had already practiced martial arts with several elves in the process of persuading them.

Then a month later.

Mark's persuasion efficiency to the green caterpillar, the frog seed and other elves has dropped.

It's not that Mark is unwilling to persuade a few elves, but that he has fallen into a state similar to senile dementia, and all the memories related to "dream world" and "practice space" will be constantly forgotten from his mind.

If Kiraqi hadn't kept reminding him, then 27 days would be the limit of his memory retention.

But even with Kiraqi reminding him, the speed of his forgetting is getting faster and faster. Often after Kiraqi reminds him, these memories will be forgotten by him again in less than ten minutes.

After that, Kiraqi fell into a deep sleep.

More than two months have passed, and Kiraqi returned to the cocoon of sleep, and a large stone was formed next to Mark, and then the stone disappeared.

Without Kiraqi's reminder, after only one day, Mark completely forgot everything, he didn't even remember Kiraqi turning into a stone, and focused on the cowardly martial arts practice.

In some respects, in this state of concentration, the cultivation efficiency of Mark and Coward is even faster.

By continuously feeling his own waveguide, one afternoon two years later, Mark successfully fired a [wave missile] at the coward.

[Wave Missile] is not very powerful, and it is easily defended by the coward's [Hold (Hydration Defense)].

But it was this [wave missile] that made the coward's martial arts practice advance by leaps and bounds.

Different from the [Wave Missile] used by Kiraqi, Mark's [Wave Missile] is not just a simple energy bomb, but also contains his own martial arts system.

In this way, over the past four years, the coward has developed a kind of internal breathing technique of his own.

After taking a deep breath, Mark can spit out a column of air more than ten meters long.

The coward's body structure is different from that of humans, and it cannot spit out a column of air like Mark, but it can eject a circle of white air waves with the help of the valve in its abdomen.

In Mark's martial arts system, breathing is the foundation.

After mastering the breathing technique, the martial arts that represent cowards have truly been introduced.

After another three years, the coward developed his own Ming Jin.

Seven years later, Coward continued to develop his own dark energy.

Then, under Mark's continuous teaching and mutual research, after 86 years, the coward finally realized his own energy and became a martial arts master.

With the skill of transforming strength, the effect of [Hold (Hydration Defense)] of Cowardly Worm has been increased by more than ten times. Both the defensive effect and the response speed have been improved in an all-round way.

But Mark knew that this was not enough.

Because of the example of Mark, and the continuous exposure to [wave missiles] for decades, in less than three months, the coward realized his own [wave missiles].

However, for the martial arts system that integrates the power of [Bo Missile] into itself, the coward's talent is really average, and he has continued to practice for several years, but there has been no progress.

In contrast, Mark's progress is very obvious.

After nearly a hundred years of practice, Mark has basically integrated the power of [Wave Missile] into his body. Even ordinary fists and feet can produce a huge increase under the blessing of [Wave Missile].

The only shortcoming is that it is not perfect enough, and it needs to practice over time.

In the end, after some consideration, Mark decided to settle for the next best thing, and asked the coward to directly integrate his hydration skills into the Huajin system. After the integration was complete, he continued to practice the waveguide.

Time goes on.

Another decades passed.

Just after Mark fully integrated the power of [Bo Missile] into his martial arts system and became perfect, another three days passed.

The timid insect finally integrated its own hydration skills into the Huajin system and ushered in a transformation.

As Mark imagined, the coward can switch his body and water flow anytime and anywhere to resist all physical attacks.

Not only physical attacks, but even energy attacks also have a certain defensive effect.

Then, just when Mark wanted to make the coward go a step further and integrate the power of the waveguide into the coward's martial arts system, the coward disappeared in front of Mark.

Maybe it was because of the over-excitement of the improvement in strength that the coward left the dream world directly.

"It still failed..."

Watching the coward leaving, Mark realized something and let out a sigh.

Then, along with Mark's sigh, a familiar buzzing sound appeared, and this time the dream world was added to the end...

(End of this chapter)

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