Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 188 Lightning Bird, Arrive!

Chapter 188 Lightning Bird, Arrive!

Facing the coward's stern questioning, Sid was not angry, but showed an expression of interest.

Same as Roger, the tall Thunder minion.

Although Sid's strength was several orders of magnitude stronger than Roger's, he still couldn't understand what the coward said, and he just thought that the bold coward was very interesting.

In addition, West Germany also remembered a rumor from the Roma Federation.

It is rumored that the coward of the Roma Federation is a kind of elf similar to the carp king of Shia and the ugly fish of the Atali Empire. After evolution, it will also undergo earth-shaking changes.

As for what the cowardly worm will evolve into, there is no definite information so far. There is only some news that it is related to the cowardly worm's character.

Could it be that this timid bug has the possibility of evolution?
Without thinking too much, Sid looked at Bankiras behind him and said, "Bankiras, what did that coward say just now?"

"Cool Kira, Ku Kira, Kira."

"I murdered your master?" Sid raised his brows slightly: "Is your master from those people from Manzhou Province? They have cultivated an interesting elf..."


The coward tilted his head with a puzzled expression.

Sid looked at the affairs officer next to him and said: "Those people in the Roma Federation will be restless if they are not calm. They still behave like this at this time. They should know nothing, but the exchange team sent by the Atali Empire. Keep an eye on me.

As for this coward, bring it to its owner, check its owner, and if there is no problem with his identity, let his owner join the reserve team of the Royal Guards. "

After Sid finished speaking, he continued to look at the coward and said, "No one wants to murder your master, and your master is not worthy of my murder. It's just a pawn being used without knowing it..."

In fact, those trainers from the province of Manzhou who came to make trouble were secretly recruited by the royal family of Shia to confuse the public and conceal the real purpose of the thundering plan.

Soon, the affairs officer walked up to the coward and led the coward away.

The coward showed doubts on his face, but nodded anyway.

Its owner, Mark, told it not to trust strangers' words. Humans are not elves, and they often make up some lies.

The coward doesn't know whether the words of this unprovoked human are true or false.

But anyway, it's better to see it with your own eyes...

The coward was about to follow the officer to leave when he suddenly saw a human rushing over: "Deputy head of West Germany, Dr. Li Mubai has just detected that the threshold of the summoning instrument has been reached, and the Lightning Bird may be summoned at any time." .”

"Oh? How is the capture device ready?"

"It's already ready."

Sid showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and immediately walked quickly to the location of the summoning instrument.


In an underground secret room of the pickup power plant.

Just when West Germany thought that Dewey was retreating bravely to avoid being killed, Dewey actually did not leave, but hid in the pickup truck power plant.

Looking at the screen in the secret room, Dewey chuckled and said, "Simon from the Royal Guards, Tai'an from Manzhou Province, the lunatic, unexpectedly came two heavenly king trainers, Lily Lan, what do you think of them? Are you underestimating the Lightning Bird?"

"This... subordinates don't know."

"That's the legendary elves, forget it, you'll find out in a while, they actually believe that the capture device can work, I don't know if they are naive or stupid, but anyway, these have nothing to do with me By the way, how is Raymond doing?"

"The vital signs are stable. In the past few months of his disappearance, the lightning ability in his body has increased by 35%. The summoning device is currently functioning very normally."

Dewey nodded.

The so-called Raymond is actually a part of the lightning bird summoning device, which is also the fundamental reason why the Minglei Project cannot lack Raymond.

Because without Raymond, the Lightning Bird couldn't be summoned at all.

Minglei Power Plant, established 350 years ago.

Before the founding of Xiya, it existed.

In fact, this summoning device was originally unusable. It was an abandoned experimental product of the Lance Empire, the predecessor of the Kingdom of Shia.

Until Dewey discovered Raymond and learned of Raymond's identity.

It's not Raymond's identity as a person with special lightning abilities, but Raymond's surname, Flotos.

752 years ago, a traveler named Flotos accidentally rescued the lightning bird group by chance.

Flotos gained the friendship of Lightning Bird.

And this friendship has always existed in the blood of the surname Flotos.

"I didn't expect that the Minglei Project would really succeed."

Dewey let out a sigh, and then looked at Leib, who was more than ten meters away.

"Reib, the lightning from the Lightning Bird may come at any time, are you ready?"


Sitting on the metal table, Eevee gave an affirmative response.

With the metal platform as the center, densely packed metal wires are connected. These metal wires extend from the underground secret room to the outside of the secret room, covering the entire power plant.

Yes, Dewey's goal is not to catch the lightning bird, but the mysterious and powerful lightning inside the lightning bird.

In fact, Dewey originally planned to let Lei Meng's electric shock monster use the lightning collection device used by Leib at this time, which can be regarded as a compensation for Lei Meng.

Unexpectedly, Raymond actually betrayed him.


Pickup truck power plant, after finishing the arrangement of the deputy head of the group, Sid, the affairs officer took the cowards to the place where the trainers in Manzhou province were being held.

As a result, after watching the two batches of detainees, the affairs officer suddenly found that the coward had disappeared by his side.

Following the officer all the way, the coward didn't feel the breath of the master Mark.

Obviously, the purple-haired man should have lied to it.

However, the coward felt another kind of familiar aura.

It turned into water mist and traveled down the power plant for about 30 meters. The coward came to an empty room and saw the combination of the electric shock monster and two self-explosive magnet monsters.

Well, it's John's three elves.

The two self-explosive magnetites still looked cowering, dazed in the corner of the cage, but the electric shock monster's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and it kept tearing the cage with both hands, but it was still helpless to trap itself in the metal cage.

Seeing Mark's coward approaching, the Electric Shock Monster unconsciously took two steps back, but soon realized something.

"Eh, eh, huh?"

"Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp."

The electric shock monster turned pale with shock: "Huh?"

Not only was its owner caught, but was Demon Mark murdered?
So, what about Mark's green caterpillar?

And what about the extremely powerful Kiraqi?
Thinking of this, the Electric Shock Beast immediately asked: "Eh, eh, eh?"

Hearing the words of the electric shock monster, the coward was stunned for a moment.

Yes, there is also the green caterpillar and Kiraqi, the wishing star. Someone wants to murder its owner, so it should work with the green caterpillar and Kiraqi to find a way!

But how does it contact the green caterpillar and Kiraqi?

The coward was thinking hard, when he suddenly heard an incomparably loud bird song.

In an instant, the sky over the pickup truck power plant was covered with thunderclouds, and within a range of hundreds of kilometers, violent and strange electric charges permeated wantonly.

The same is true for the room where the cowardly worm and the electric shock monster are located. The blue-purple violent charge fills the room. With the breathing and movement of the cowardly worm, the electric shock monster, and the self-explosive magnetite, there are continuous crackling electric shocks.

In addition to these free charges in the air, what came with them at the same time was the extremely heavy coercion...

(End of this chapter)

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