Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 217 Victini’s power of cause and effect!

At Mark's suggestion, Jirachi soon conducted a test of strength with Victini.

After a few minutes.

Under the restraints of Jirachi's [Psychic Power], Victini broke free several times to no avail, and finally gave up the struggle.

As Jirachi removed his restraints, the little guy immediately lay on the ground panting heavily.

Yeyibu came over at the right time and handed Victini a pomelo fruit planted and grown by it. The latter quickly picked up the fruit and started to chew it.

Jirachi glanced at Victini in confusion, floated in front of Mark and said, "Is it really the phantom elf? Jirachi is obviously very weak, and it is in a normal state, but it is not as good as Jirachi." many?"

Mark looked at Victini holding the fruit.

Although Victini's superpowers are not as good as Jirachi's in a weak state, he is still a level stronger than Baddie.

Of course, with this level, he is still not qualified as a fantasy elf.

Mark analyzed: "If my guess is correct, unlike you, Victini should be a phantom elf that has not yet grown up, and the reason why it injected that kind of power into my body is to allow itself to grow. "

"Tini, Tiny?"

Victini came over confused, with a puzzled face. Didn't it have this idea?
Mark smiled and explained: "Both humans and elves are born with the instinct to eat, but neither human babies nor newborn elves know the meaning of eating.

The same is true for you choosing me to be [the person chosen by the Victory Star].

You just follow your body's instinctive actions, but you don't know the meaning of doing so.

If my guess is right, as I win, so will your power.

If I can continue to win, you may be able to grow into a true star of victory and gain the power and authority of the phantom elf. "

Victini blinked. Although some things were unclear, it seemed to be what Mark said.

But what exactly is a Victory Star?
What does the phantom spirit mentioned by Mark and Jirachi represent?
"Tinnitini, tinitini?"

The little guy quickly inquired.

Mark didn't hide anything, and quickly told Victini about the setting of Victini in the pre-travel Pokémon animation, and gave some analysis and suggestions for Victini's growth.

Like Jirachi a few months ago, Victini is still in the rough.

Although there is a lot of power in the body, it is completely untapped, otherwise he would not be able to fight back when facing Jirachi.

Victini listened intently at first.

Then not long after, Victini dozed off.

Even though Kiraqi continued to shake Victini's body, Victini did not become awake, and fell asleep not long after.

In this regard, Mark did not interfere.

Each elf has its own characteristics. It seems that Victini in this world is the type who gets sleepy as soon as he learns.

Two hours later.

The three little guys, Victini, Jirachi, and Yeib woke up one after another.

Well, after Victini fell asleep, Jirachi and Yeib were also infected and slept together.

Jirachi then asked Victini about his invisibility.

Victini didn't hide anything about this and directly taught Jirachi the technique. Mark also released all the elves except the giant Ivysaur to learn this technique together.

Specifically, this is the use of super powers.

Other than that, no more...

Victini, as always, asked questions and didn't know anything.

Mark could only participate with Baddie, asking and guiding Victini. As expected, Victini soon dozed off again.

But no matter what, after continuous inquiries and feelings, Bada Die already had some insights.

It is estimated that if this continues, in a few days to a month or so, Ba Dadie will understand this principle, and Kiraqi will be able to grasp it accordingly.

time flies.

Because it was during vacation time, Mark and the elves did not continue studying.At the suggestion of the armored warrior, Green Caterpillar, Big Butterfly, and Little Lightning Bird watched a horror movie again.

As a former coward, when the armored warrior was a coward, even listening to the music of horror movies would make him faint. However, after evolving, the armored warrior changed his past and fell in love with this kind of movies with suspense and horror elements. Film and television works.

Not only do I like it, but this kind of film and television works with horror elements will also have the effect of exercising its courage and strength.

The same is true for Baddie. This kind of film and television work with horror elements will have a tempering effect on its [psychic power].

As for the green caterpillar and the little lightning bird, they simply like the atmosphere of horror movies.

In general, Mark's elves love horror movies.

Even Jirachi is like this.

However, the little guy still prefers games to horror movies. After waking up, Jirachi had already played games with Victini.

Yeibu secretly watched the screens of Jirachi and Victini from a distance as always.

Compared to the game master Kiraqi, Victini is actually not very good at games, and he is also very good at playing games.

In fact, Victini had played the same game that Jirachi was playing several times before.

The result was a miserable loss.

It hated the feeling of losing, so it stopped playing much later.

But now, it's different.

Not that Jirachi took Victini all the way.


While Victini was playing the game, he looked at Mark behind him from time to time.

With it picking Mark on a silver platter today.

Not only did the power in its body become stronger, it also gained a strange power that could not be described in words.

Just like Mark crushes his opponents on the battlefield, he can crush his own opponents in the game.

Sometimes, a magical move will appear in its mind inexplicably, and it can predict the opponent's movements in advance and fight back.

Sometimes, its opponent will suddenly disconnect or make a mistake that kills it.

In short, its skills are obviously much inferior to Jirachi's, but it can take off in every game and win.

Victini's abnormal performance in the game quickly attracted Mark's attention.

After some inquiries, Mark quickly picked up the Rotom phone and teamed up with Jirachi, Victini and Bulbasaur in Mount Miaomiao.

Unlike Victini.

Mark's opponents didn't disconnect or act stupidly, but the strange feeling Victini described did.

Victini's power takes effect from time to time, and some inexplicable way to end his opponent always appears in Mark's mind.

Somewhat like the ability to predict.

But it's more than that, it's more like an effect related to the law of cause and effect.

Mark was soon experimenting with the elves.

Not just moba mobile games, as long as there is a relationship between victory and defeat, such as chess and card games, competitive sports such as table tennis and billiards, this effect will also appear.

Naturally, this power will also have an effect in the elf battle competition, guiding him to victory.

So... what about actual training in daily life?
Can we use this power related to the law of cause and effect to optimize the battle of the elves?
Mark squeezed his chin lightly.

While thinking, Mark suddenly noticed something and looked in the direction of the window.

And long before Mark turned to look at the window, the green caterpillar and the armored warrior had been looking in the direction of the window for a long time.

Soon, a ghost-type elf with a flashing red eye and a very gloomy-looking ghost came through the window and rushed straight towards Mark... (End of this chapter)

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