Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 404 Mark’s Gaze

"Someone is targeting me, could it be..."

Lily looked in the direction of Aya, and before she knew it, Aya had rushed nearly twenty meters away and jumped onto the courtyard wall.

In the distance, a man in black robe appeared. It was Wei Sheng, the killer who had been chasing her all this time.

The killer Wei Sheng is also known as the Masked Assassin.

He often appears in black robes and black masks. He is not a person with special abilities, but he can use some magic that even people with special abilities cannot do.

In recent years, after the killer "Huan" disappeared, the masked assassin Wei Sheng can be said to be the strongest killer active in the Kingdom of Shia.

In terms of fighting style, Masked Assassin Wei Sheng does not have the ever-changing skills of "Huan" and is not good at disguise. Usually after discovering the target, he will rush directly to fight head-on.

It's better to call it a masked warrior than a masked assassin.

In terms of strength, Wei Sheng is stronger than the top-ranked "Huan", but because of his upright assassination style, the efficiency and success rate of the assassination are lower.

In fact, the reason why Lilith was able to escape pursuit and get rid of Wei Sheng was because of Wei Sheng's fighting style.

"Aya, don't get close to him. He is the masked assassin Wei Sheng, an S-class wanted criminal in the Kingdom of Shia. He is very dangerous!!"

When Lilith realized something, she had already shouted words to Aya.

Uncle Qin and the team of guards had already died while resisting Wei Sheng. She didn't want to see anyone else die or be injured because of her.

This Wei Sheng is a trainer at the Heavenly King level, or even at the top of the Heavenly King level.

And Aya is just an ordinary girl who was deceived by this mysterious Qingxi Gym.

By the way, Qingxi Gym.

She just thought Qingxi Gym was dangerous before, but couldn't the dangerous Qingxi Gym help her?

Deputy Director Mark, Director Qian, Flaming, Evil Doctor Locke...

If these people can help her, they may be able to resist the masked assassin Wei Sheng.

by that time……

Lilith took a deep breath. She would hand herself over to these people when the time comes. Perhaps, this is her fate...

Without thinking for too long, Lilith took out her cell phone and planned to contact Qingxi Gym.

However, the scene that appeared in Lilith's eyes was somewhat beyond her understanding.

Aya appears to be talking to the Masked Assassin, and then suddenly Aya takes action.

The fight between the two was very fierce.

However, that's not the point.

The point is that Aya seems to have the upper hand.


Time goes back half a minute.

While Lilith was stunned, Aya had already had her first trial confrontation with Wei Sheng.


Aya, who was blessed with waveguides all over her body, was extremely fast. She appeared behind Wei Sheng in a flash and launched a whip kick.

The black-robed figure was kicked away by Aya's whip leg and hit the wall behind him hard.

After several months of continuous baptism in the dream training world, Aya's martial arts strength has reached half a step of dark strength. With the all-round increase brought by [Power of Wave Guide], Aya at this time can already be equivalent to an elite-level weapon. It is a fighting elf, and it is a relatively strong fighting elf in the elite level.

"Interesting little girl, are you the helper the Ninth Emperor's Girl has found?"

A voice appeared from the side of Aya.

Aya looked at the figure in black robe who was kicked to the wall by her. At this time, the robe fell apart and two bags of sand scattered out.

-She just missed her target.

Aya stuck out her tongue, looked around guiltily, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Mark isn't here.

In fact, the man in black robe just changed his body. It would be easy for her to detect it if she used the [power of waveguide], but she forgot.

If Mark discovers that she has made such a mistake, he will definitely criticize her very severely.

More than ten meters away, the masked assassin Wei Sheng had no idea what was going on in Aya's mind.

Wei Sheng licked his lips, showed a sick smile and said, "How about we play a game?" Aya blinked and said, "What game?"

Wei Sheng smiled and said: "In the chase game, I will give you and the Nine Emperor Girls one minute to escape, and then I will hunt you down. If you are caught by me within one minute, I will kill everyone in this village." Kill them all.

If you are caught by me within three minutes, I will kill half of the people in this village.

And if you can persist for five minutes, then I will let you rest for a day and come back tomorrow to continue the hunting game..."

Aya asked in confusion: "Why do you have to come to arrest us? Can't we arrest you? And why do you want to kill people in the village?"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Wei Sheng smiled strangely and his eyes flashed fiercely.

A Gengar filled with poisonous mist gradually gathered behind Aya, and then...

boom! !

Lucario appeared behind Aya and knocked out Gengar with one punch.

And this is just the beginning.

In Lucario's opinion, this Gengar may be a little stronger than George's Gengar in terms of physical strength, but its combat skills are much weaker.

Lucario easily found the movement trajectory of Gengar's spirit body after it was blasted to pieces.




More than a dozen [Wave Missiles] rose above Lucario's head, and then continued to shuttle through the surrounding space like boomerangs, or bouncy balls.

In mid-air, Gengar let out continuous screams and cries.

Lucario also jumped up in the process.

When the blue dog descended, he had already caught a struggling Gengar in his hand.

The masked assassin Wei Sheng was not shocked.

Because, two Gyarados came out of nowhere and used [Reverse Scale] against Wei Sheng who was hiding in the dark.

Wei Sheng was directly blasted away by the two elves, vomiting blood.

What's happening?

How did the other party find out where he was hiding and attack him?

Before he had time to think, Wei Sheng's body was caught by Zoroark, and then Zoroark punched Aya who rushed over.

Aya took three steps back, and Zoroark took half a step back.



Raichu and Cammy Turtle appeared one after another and bumped into a huge green figure, which was the quasi-god elf Bankilas and Wei Sheng's ace elf.

Unfortunately, Bankiras showed up too late.

Raichu and Kami Turtle were only responsible for the feint attack, and the real main attacker was Lucario who captured Gengar.

As Lucario kicked Zoroark away, Aya stepped forward and punched Wei Sheng in the nose.

When Lilith, the daughter of the Nine Emperors, realized something in the distance, the masked assassin Wei Sheng had already passed out.

"Aya actually defeated the Masked Assassin..."

Lilith's face was filled with disbelief.

A real fight without rules is not a trainer's game.

The cruel and despicable Wei Sheng can display strength far beyond that of trainers of the same level in real battles.

And Wei Sheng like this was actually defeated by the girl Aya who was crying in her arms not long ago?

Wei Sheng's Banjiras roared continuously, raising violent wind and sand.

But not long after, Bankilas' roar stopped.

Directly opposite Bankilas, a figure wearing a white coat appeared.

The figure hovered opposite Bankilas, staring at Bankilas calmly, and then, Bankilas looked away... (End of this chapter)

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