Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 428 The Flower of Time

Chapter 428 The Flower of Time

Jirachi: "Mark, are you saying that the sacred tree is sick?"


Mew and Lucario looked at each other.

Although Meng always neglected his duties and sneaked out of the space of the Sacred Tree, causing damage to the Sacred Tree, they never considered that problems would occur if the Sacred Tree was separated from the Dream, which was an abnormal thing.

Yes, if the sacred tree is normal, why does damage occur as long as Mew leaves?

Mark clapped his hands: "Okay, we still need to investigate to find out what exactly is wrong with the sacred tree.

Not only Jirachi and I, but also Mewtwo, which has your genes and has also mastered the real [Power of Waveguide]. Maybe it can diagnose the sacred tree better than me. "


Meng Meng looked at Chaomeng in confusion. The latter did not speak, but nodded slightly to Meng Meng.

After being subdued and taught by Mark, Chaomeng suppressed the violent genes in his body, and his usual behavior was quite kind.

But no matter what, Chaomeng is somewhat of a no-no, giving him a cold feeling.

This is what Mewtwo is like at this time.

However, Mark knew that Chaomeng was actually very concerned about Mew's affairs, and he and Mark had privately discussed ways to help Mew some time ago.


As if sensing Chaomeng's heart, Mengmeng nodded heavily to Chaomeng, and then nodded to Mark.

Then, please!

Dream swims lightly in the air, like a fish, constantly swimming around the entrance, while generating light pink fluorescence.

Soon, a huge stone gate appeared in the eyes of Mark, Jirachi, Chaomeng... and at the same time they saw the beautiful world opposite the stone gate.

It is already obvious that the Shimen of Shimen Forest should be named after this.

Then, when Mark realized something.

He has already stepped into the beautiful world inside the stone gate with elves such as Jirachi, Mewtwo, Green Caterpillar, and Victini.

For Mew and Lucario, there is nothing special about the world they have lived in for thousands of years, it is just ordinary. But for Mark and others, this is not the case at all.

"Huh? Has Jirachi come in already?"

Jirachi blinked and looked for the stone door, but after searching around for a while he found nothing, so he set his sights on a nearby flower bud.

To be precise, it is a giant blue-purple bud, nearly one meter in diameter.

As Jirachi stretched out his hand to touch it, the huge blue-purple bud spurted out a wonderful fragrance, and then quickly spread its petals.

Not far away, Victini got into a bubble that floated from nowhere, flying in the air with the breeze.

Similar things can be found everywhere in the world.

For example, there are super-large dandelions. Jirachi can catch the dandelions and fall down like a parachute. Another example is the huge elastic mushrooms. On top of the colorful mushrooms, Victini jumps on and keeps jumping.

Faced with all kinds of novel things, Jirachi and Victini had the most fun.

Obviously the two little guys can fly freely, but Mark really doesn't understand why these two guys are having so much fun.

Among all the elves, Yeib is the most reserved.

Faced with these unknown things, Yeib acted very carefully.

However, it was Ye Yibu who made Mark notice a strange plant.

The plant is blue-purple in color, has a crystal texture, is somewhat similar in shape to bamboo shoots, and is similar in size to bamboo shoots.

As Ye Yibu accidentally touched the plant, the shoot tips above the plant rotated slightly, and a white mysterious light ball rose.

As the light ball appeared, Mark, Chaomeng, and Yeib nearby saw a picture. In the picture, Ye Yibu held the blue bamboo shoot in his hand and looked at it curiously. As a result, a Jirachi came out from behind and snatched the blue bamboo shoot away from Ye Yibu's hand.

Yeib tried to beg for it, but Jirachi showed no sign of giving it back to Yeib.

Normally, at this time, Ye Yibu would appear disappointed and sad, but in the video, Ye Yibu was not disappointed at all. Instead, he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary and showed a shocked expression.

The picture stopped playing. The white ball of light returned to the bamboo shoots, and everything returned to calm.


Ye Yibu looked at the bamboo shoots below in confusion, then stretched out his forelimbs and shook them slightly.

The blue bamboo shoots were a little loose. Ye Yibu shook it twice more and easily got the bamboo shoots out of the soil.

The little guy curiously played with the bamboo shoots in his hands, thinking about how this thing played the picture, when a Jirachi suddenly shot out from behind.

Jirachi, who was playing dozens of meters away, noticed the movement and immediately rushed back and snatched the blue bamboo shoots from Ye Yibu's hand.

"What is this?"

Jirachi held the bamboo shoots and looked up and down, but he didn't see the reason.


"Why is this guy Yeyi Buyi so stingy when his master is dead? Jirachi will just take a look at it and return it to you in a moment!"

Ye Yibu had a look of resentment on his face, and was just about to continue begging for that strange bamboo shoot, when he suddenly realized something and showed a shocked expression - wasn't this the scene he just saw?

"Eh? Yeyibu, what are you doing?"

Jirachi floated to Ye Yibu's side, stretched out his hand to shake Ye Yibu's eyes, and then looked around.

Not only Ye Yibu, but also the Green Caterpillar, Mewtwo and other elves looked puzzled. Only Mark pinched his chin lightly, as if he had thought of something.

Jirachi held the bamboo shoots, flew to Mark and said, "Mark, what is this thing? Why do you seem so surprised?"


Victini, who was not far away, also came over. Because he and Jirachi ran far away, Victini did not see the image of the bamboo shoot not long ago.

Mark said: "If my memory is correct, its name should be called the Flower of Time. The Waveguide Hero can use the Flower of Time to trigger the miracle of time."

The information about the Flower of Time was not obtained by Mark from searching for information in this world.

It's something mentioned in the Pokémon animation before Mark's time travel.

At this time, flowers of time seemed to be everywhere in the sacred tree space. A few meters away, Chaomeng discovered something first and picked another flower of time from the soil.

As Chaomeng picked up the Flower of Time, another ball of light emerged, and another picture appeared in front of Mark and the many elves.

Unlike Yeib's prediction of the future, Mewtwo's Flower of Time shows scenes from the past.

In the culture container, a young Chaomeng was sleeping. Suddenly, the alarm bell of the culture container rang loudly. The body of the young Chaomeng in the container kept trembling, as if something was going on.

The intelligent AI Xiao Ai suggested that Dr. Filmin give up the half-cultivated Mewtwo. As a result, Dr. Filmin did not listen to the AI's advice and rescued the dying Mewtwo...

"It turns out that Mewtwo was small before!"


The two little guys didn't notice the key points in the image, nor did they notice Chaomeng's constantly shaking body.

Obviously, after this period of time, Chaomeng has fully understood how lucky he is to be able to come to this world...

(End of this chapter)

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