Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 434 Mark’s shocking revelation


Ye Yibu looked dumbfounded.

Just now, its body seemed to be under some kind of control, and it came to a nearby shelf and hit the old sailor on the head with its forelimbs. Then the old sailor looked back at it with a stern face.

Yeyibu was still thinking when he suddenly heard a voice next to him, it was Jirachi.

"This old man is completely nonsense. Yeyibu, go and beat him again!"


With a look of grievance on his face, Ye Yibu saw the invisible Jirachi being held in Mark's hands and being rubbed, while Mark also stood in front of him.

"Sorry, this little guy likes to make little jokes with humans, so don't pay attention."

Listening to Mark's words, Sailor Lao Jiang's expression changed and he smiled: "So that's it."

"What a naughty little guy. Don't make fun of people like this again."

Lao Jiang said and touched Ye Yibu's head with his hand, and the latter also breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, Ye Yibu felt that he was going to be taught a lesson, but he didn't expect that this old man would let him go like this.

However, although the other party let him go, but...

Ye Yibu shouted: "Boom, boom, boom!"

Like Jirachi, it was actually unhappy with Sailor Chiang's words that smeared Mark. However, because of its own personality, it would not act casually like Jirachi.

But if you use your mouth to protest, it’s still okay!

Sailor Lao Jiang asked doubtfully: "What does your leafy cloth say?"

Mark sighed: "It said that Mark was not an elf hunter, nor was he evil."

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Mark touched his face and continued: "Also, it said Mark is not that fierce. Mark is gentle and good-looking..."

Sailor Lao Jiang looked suspicious and said: "Has your Ye Yibu seen that elf hunter Mark?"

"Boom, boom..."

Yeyibu, who was still talking, suddenly realized something and stretched out his forelimb to cover his mouth.

This time when they went to the Divine Grace Continent, Mark warned them in advance not to reveal their identity casually, so as not to offend the legendary elves of the Divine Grace Continent.

Yeyibu was originally worried that Jirachi would be exposed, but he didn't expect that he would be exposed first.

"You guy who killed his master, you actually..."

Jirachi's spiritual message came to an abrupt end.

Mark continued to rub the invisible little guy in his hand vigorously, and then said to Sailor Old Jiang: "When I introduced you before, I told you that we are from the Kingdom of West Asia. In fact, we are from the Fallen Leaf Province in the west of the Kingdom of West Asia. "

Sailor Lao Jiang realized something: "You mean... you have met the rumored elf hunter Mark?"

Mark smiled and didn't answer.

Sailor Jiang took a deep breath: "So, the thousand-year-old wishing star that appeared in the west of the Kingdom of Shia really happened?"

Although he was very sure in his boast just now, Lao Jiang was actually not completely sure about the authenticity of the news.

Mark nodded: "Yes, I have personally seen Jirachi, the wishing star that has lasted for thousands of years."

Lao Jiang was surprised: "Really? Do you have any photos of Jirachi?"

Mark opened his phone and found a photo of Jirachi playing games to show it.

In fact, a lot of photos of Jirachi have been exposed recently. There are not just hundreds or thousands of photos of Jirachi playing games on the Internet, but dozens of them, and they are of different versions. .

However, most of these photos are artificially synthesized photos.

This is true. Among the most widely circulated photos of Jirachi recently, eight out of the top ten are composite images.

News reports about Mark and Jirachi are widely circulated, and they are all exaggerated and bizarre false news.

Yes, although Mark announced the news of conquering Jirachi and registered it in the illustrated book, this is not the most widely circulated news about Jirachi.

Currently in the Principality of Yilan, the most widely recognized news about Jirachi is the version in which Mark, the elf hunter with a sinister face, poured Ecstasy into Jirachi.    …


Cabin lounge.

Mewtwo and Mark alternately felt the panicked Fiona.

Although they have known each other for some time, Princess Lilith's Fiona still acted a little reserved when facing Mark and Mewtwo.

Similarly, Fiona was in the same situation when facing the Armored Warrior, Little Lightning Bird, Biting Land Shark, and Bankiras.

On the contrary, when facing elves such as Jirachi, Green Caterpillar, Victini, and Yeib, the little guy can quickly relax.

It can be seen that Fiona is an elf who values ​​her appearance.

As long as the other person looks cute, Fiona will relax. On the contrary, if the other person looks stern, Fiona will always be on edge.

Although she can feel the other person's heart, Fiona is still affected by the target's appearance, which is a bit strange.

Without thinking much, Mark cooperated with Mewtwo to cut off Fiona's senses and once again guided Fiona to feel the sea.

As before, Fiona made little progress.

"It seems that turning Fiona into Manafei is obviously not that easy. We can only wait for the next Canghai Festival..."

Mark and Chaomeng looked at each other and sighed.

A few meters away, a few little guys playing with their mobile phones also let out sighs.

But the feeling is that things are different.

What these little guys were feeling was none other than the outrageous news about Mark and Jirachi that was going viral on the Internet.

"These bad guys actually describe Mark like this. Mark is not like this!"





In the face of many rumors on the Internet, several little guys shared the same hatred and complained for Mark one after another, even the always cowardly Yeyibu did the same.

"It would be nice if Jirachi had a big wish, but let all these rumor-mongering guys have diarrhea and let them spread rumors randomly!"

Ye Yibu suddenly thought of something: "Boom, boo, boo?"

"Ye Yibu, you mean to hold a press conference? Yes, it would be nice if we held a press conference to explain. Why are you so smart today, Ye Yibu?"


Jirachi said and hugged Yeib, then flew to Mark excitedly.

"Mark, Mark, Yeib is right, let's go back and hold a press conference, then those people will stop talking nonsense!"

"Actually, even if there is no press conference, the rumors will stop after a while, but it is also possible to hold a press conference."

Mark said as he glanced at Yeib not far away, then continued to look at Jirachi and said: "There is another thing. I think it's time to tell you and Yeib."

"whats the matter?"


The two little guys approached Mark in confusion.

Mark touched the heads of the two little guys one after another: "Actually, Yeyibu has become my elf."

"Becoming Mark's elf...this guy whose master died?"


Not only Jirachi, but Yeib himself also looked surprised... (End of this chapter)

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