Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 471: The realm of holding pills is achieved!

Mi Yang said blankly: "Conditional trust, what does this mean?"

Mark explained: "My dream training world, well, you can think of it as the special ability of the time traveler Sun Jun, but my progress is a little faster than his, and I can bring people to practice together in the dream training world, speeding up growing up.

Some time ago, Cresselia, the God of Dreams, helped me and brought my dream cultivation world a step further.

Originally, I could only drag the humans who had unconditional trust in me into the dream world of cultivation, only John, George and Aya.

Now I can also drag in some people who are qualified to trust me, such as your father in this world, Flaming, Ling Liushu, Uncle Qian... there must be dozens of people in total. "

"Dozens of people, then I..."

Mi Yang tried to explain that he really trusted Mark, but was interrupted by Mark waving his hand.

Mark said: "Don't be nervous. I know you trust me. It's just because of your past experiences that you can't let go of your subconscious guard... Let's sign a contract."


Mark said: "You can understand it as something that affects the subconscious, which can elevate the trust between you and me to a higher level, and this contract does have a certain binding force."

As he spoke, a light screen popped up in Mi Yang's sight.


[You have received an invitation for the in-depth test of the Dream Cultivation World]

[The following is the "Dream Cultivation World In-depth Test Agreement v2.13", you can click and view the content of this agreement, and sign this agreement]


[If you choose Yes, you will be deemed to have accepted and abided by all the contents of the agreement, and your menu interface will generate an entrance to the Dream Cultivation World]


"Is this... a contract?"

Mark smiled and said: "You don't think it's a contract like parchment in the movie, do you? Paper is just a carrier of words. In Dr. Filmin's words, when hyper-reality virtual technology fully covers the world, many Nothing is needed anymore.

But I’m not saying that things like paper and pen are completely useless. After all, the simpler something is, the more reliable it is. "

Mi Yang nodded blankly.

Although he didn't understand the situation, he still carefully observed the contents of the agreement and then clicked OK.

"Is it okay?"

"Well, it seems that this contract is working well. I will take you to the dream training world to have a look now..."

There was another buzz, and Mi Yang felt a little dizzy and his body shook.

And when Mi Yang opened his eyes, the world had become completely different.

It is still the original reception room of Qingxi Gymnasium, but it seems that everything has changed, and it feels like a mirror and a mirror.

Seeing Mi Yang's confusion, Mark explained: "This place doesn't look any different from Qingxi Village, but it is essentially a dream world. For now, you should be able to stay here for about fifteen days a day, and then it will appear. Rejection reaction, leaving this dream world of cultivation.

When you can stay here for about twenty days, it will be enough. By then I should be able to go to your world through the elf ball.

You can just practice here with me during this period. In the process of getting familiar with me, your subconscious trust in me will also increase, and it should not be difficult to reach the level of twenty days..."

Mi Yang nodded slightly.

Mark thought of something: "By the way, how long can you stay in this world this time."

Mi Yang nodded, then showed a panic expression: "I can't contact Celebi..."

"Don't be nervous. This is a dream cultivation world. It is in a state of suspension relative to the outside world. It is normal to be unable to contact us. When you came, did Celebi tell you how long you could stay this time?"

Mi Yang nodded: "Celebi said that this time because of the encounter with the dark Celebi chasing me, it overdrawn its power for me. It said it could stay for about a month this time."

"One month... that's enough. I'm already halfway through the progress of Baodan Martial Arts. In the real world, it will be almost completed in another twenty-three days..." ...


time flies.

In the dream training world, Mark continued to practice martial arts for more than 300 days every day.

In fact, if Mark wants to catch up on the progress, he can directly reach the realm of Baodan in just one and a half months of retreat.

This half month does not refer to the half month in the real world, but the half month in the dream cultivation world.

At present, his brain center has already processed everything. He only needs to replace the thousands of nerve trunks in his body with the power of waveguides and build an additional waveguide center.

But in that case, his people would be useless.

The human body is delicate and complex.

For example, all the blood vessels in the human body could circle the earth twice and a half.

Blood vessels are the material circulation network in the human body. Although Mark does not need to completely replace it with the power of waveguides, it still needs to be blessed with the power of waveguides.

Only in this way can the energy of transformation be transformed into elixir energy, and in the process of using force, the strength of the body can be quickly gathered at one point.

A network of blood vessels that can circle the earth twice and a half is undoubtedly a huge project.

In addition to the blood vessel network, there are also neural networks that are as complex as blood vessels and require him to replace them all.

In addition, there are the muscles of the body and the muscles that connect the muscles and bones, which are the basis of the body's power. Mark will operate every muscle fiber and connect it to the waveguide system.

As for the skeletal system, body fluid circulation system, respiratory and circulatory system, etc., although they are not so important, they still need attention.

And most importantly, all replacement work needs to be done in one go.

This is also the fundamental reason for Mark's weird behavior during this period, because all of this is Mark preparing for the final hug, and he must constantly adjust his body.

Finally, as time came to the eighteenth day that Mark revealed to Mi Yang.

Mark began the final step, a full-body waveguide replacement.

The first is the replacement of the brain. This step of replacement is the most important and takes the longest time to prepare.

Because if you make a mistake in this step, all your efforts will be wasted.

For example, if the brain's information processing module is not in contact, Mark will have symptoms of epilepsy from time to time. If it gets more serious, he will turn into human Cthulhu.

Another example is when there is a problem with memory reading. Depending on the severity, Mark will develop mild, moderate or severe Alzheimer's disease.

By that time, let alone failing to reach the realm of Baodan, Mark may even become disabled and unable to take care of himself.

Fortunately, Mark was fully prepared and everything went smoothly.

After 212 days in the dream training world, Mark finally took over the brain system from the waveguide and upgraded it.

And this also gave Mark an inhuman experience.

His IQ has not improved, but his brain's computing power and control sophistication have made a qualitative leap.

If his control of waveguides was at the micron level before, now his control has reached the nanometer level.

The qualitative change of the brain allowed Mark to greatly increase the speed of replacing the waveguide systems of the rest of the body.

Originally, according to Mark's plan, this time might last more than 1300 days in the dream world of cultivation.

But in reality, it only took less than one-third of the time.

Finally, on the twentieth day in the real world, Mark reached the realm of holding pills three days ahead of schedule... (End of this chapter)

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