Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 510 Time Paradox

Chapter 510 Time Paradox

Mark's action efficiency was as fast as ever. After making the plan, he immediately took the elves into action.

Three hours later, the number of interrogated bandit camp residents increased from 253 to 87. The rest had been burned to ashes and buried in the snowy mountains by Mark and the elves.

Later, the entire bandit camp was covered in a fire and burned.

In the night, a little boy, led by several villagers, fled the bandit camp in panic.

It was young Laika. As for the villagers who fled the village with Laika, they were the few people in the village who had not done anything bad.

After these people were interrogated with memory potions, some of their memories were tampered with by Mark and then released.

Next, these people will leave here together with the young Laika, and then the climate here in the permafrost snowfield will become colder and colder in the next few decades. Finally, decades later, the middle-aged Laika will search for the legend. The King of Mid-Plenty returns to the snowfields...

"Mark, why did you take Laika away and burn this place down? Wouldn't it be better to just ask King Lei Guan to help and freeze Uncle Laika and bury him in Qingxi Village?"

Although he acted according to Mark's instructions, Jirachi didn't understand why he did so, and the same was true for the little dream beside him.

In fact, not only Jirachi and Mew, but also Mi Yang, Green Caterpillar, Celebi, and Hogg, the insect-catching boy in the snow, were all very confused.

Because the camp of Hogg’s brother Phyllis was also raided by Mark.

"Because, it's a time paradox." Mark pointed to the little boy Laika who was gradually disappearing in the night and said: "The Laika we rescued in the past was a middle-aged man, but if he becomes a frozen child in the future, he will be removed from the sky by us. What will happen if we dig it out at the bottom of the mountain?"

Since Mark has already taken action against this bandit den, wouldn't it be better for everyone to take action together?

Mi Yang on the side realized something: "I know, Uncle Laika will disappear, because Uncle Laika's past has changed. Without those things that happened later, he would be gone."

As for the middle-aged Laika himself, he is not confused about this.

The animal trainers and elves who planned to attack the bandit's den had all fallen asleep at this time.

Among them, Hogg, a boy catching insects in the snow, is even more confused.

Jirachi and Mengmeng exclaimed, if this is the case, doesn't it mean that they indirectly killed Uncle Laika here?

If we had not encountered the frozen Laika when we captured the ghost horse, how could we have returned to this place three thousand years ago to do what we are doing now? "

Jirachi blinked, looking a little confused.

Mark gently touched the heads of the two little guys and continued to explain along with Mi Yang's words: "The disappearance of Laika is just the result of a time paradox.

The real paradox is that we have conducted a time travel that would not have happened or could not happen.

Mark looked at the puzzled elves around him, and then glanced at King Lei Guan.

Jirachi suddenly said: "Yes, if we had not encountered the frozen Laika at that time, we would not have been able to travel through time and space and return here, and we would have no reason to come here..."

Because after thinking for a while, he secretly poured the memory potion on himself, and at this time he had forgotten everything.

"Can't do that."

Little Dream nodded continuously: "Miyo, Miyo!"

Mark said: "So, if the little Laika there is directly frozen, then after we go back to the future, in addition to the disappearance of the middle-aged Laika, there will also be a time bug in our world."

Mark squinted his eyes, frowned and analyzed: "I still don't know what impact the bug will have after it appears, but there are some speculations that it may have some bad effects on the stability of our world, and it may also lead to the emergence of Some chaotic spaces can lead to certain disasters. If it is like Mi Yang in Parallel World No. 1, just to stop his father in order to change the direction of the world, the price is affordable.

What we are doing now is just a small thing that has nothing to do with the historical process, so it is better to try not to cause a time and space paradox, so as not to indirectly cause a greater disaster because of our actions to save Laika. "

Mark said, gently touching Celebi's head.

"I only gradually figured out all this after traveling through time and space. So in the future, you should try to be more cautious when helping others travel through time and space. I know you are kind-hearted, but good intentions can sometimes lead to disasters."


Celebi blinked his eyes, looking dazed, and fell into deep thought along with several elves.

However, the green caterpillar, which was constantly transforming from the [Primordial Chrysalis] and the [Ending Chrysalis], was the first to figure everything out.

"Hiss, hiss?"

Then Mark set fire to the bandit village to restore the fire in Uncle Laika's memory?

Mark smiled and said: "Yes, we must try our best to restore everything in Laika's memory, so that there will be no time and space paradoxes or bugs. This is also why we temporarily knocked out Phyllis and the animal trainers. .

Normally, Little Laika will escape with more tribesmen, but now all the powerful tribesmen have been killed or frozen by us, so Little Laika will most likely die under the pursuit of Felice and the others. Lose. "

After Mark finished speaking, he looked at the King of Plenty who remained silent next to him and said, "Is there anything else I missed?"

King Lei Guan did not speak, but looked directly at the shadow of little Laika that was gradually disappearing.


Along with a roar, a set of images appeared in Mark's mind again, which was exactly the future that King Lei Guan had glimpsed.

In the future, little Laika will live a peaceful life on the outskirts of the snowfield, and then as the weather becomes increasingly cold, middle-aged Laika will go to the depths of the snowfield and continue her journey to find King Lei Guan...

The picture in my mind played for a long time, but the real time only passed for a moment.

"It seems that there is no problem." Mark turned to look at Celebi and asked: "Logically speaking, we can continue to travel through time and space now, but I want to stay here for a while, and how long can we stay here at most. "

Celebi came to his senses and quickly began to feel it.

According to everyone's original intention to travel through time and space, Uncle Laika's intention was the strongest, Jirachi ranked second, Mi Yang and Mark were almost third, and Green Caterpillar and Dream ranked last. At that time, everyone could probably stay for about three days.

At this time, Mark's desire to travel through time and space has come to the forefront, and this desire is very strong, and he can probably stay for about ten days.

"Beep, beep, beep~"

Celebi quickly gave the answer.

"In this case, let's stay here for another ten days and do some practical training." Mark said and looked at Hogg, the insect catching boy in the snow who was looking around not far away: "Meeting is fate, do you want to come with us? ?”

"Ah? Yes, I want to come together!"

Although he didn't understand what the legendary animal trainer was talking about, Hogg nodded very quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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