Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 544 Elf candidates for competition

"The other Celebi, is it the dark Celebi from parallel world No. 57? Or is it the heterochromatic Celebi from young Mi Yang from parallel world No. 1?"


Upon discovering Celebi's movements, Jirachi and Mew, who liked to join in the fun, were the first to come over.

"La beep beep~"

Celebi shook his head.

It had encountered both of those Celebis, but the Celebi it felt was not those two.

"What's that Celebi?"


Celebi shook his head again. It only felt it for a moment, and then it couldn't feel it anymore. It only vaguely felt that the location of another Celebi was in the northeast, far away.

As for the exact distance, the specific location, and whether Celebi was an enemy or a friend, Celebi couldn't tell why.

Mark pinched his chin lightly: "I have a guess. After this period of practical training, Celebi's perception is relatively reliable. Since it feels it, it should be another Celebi.

As for the origin of that Celebi, I guess it may be from the Rainbow R organization. "

"Are they the bad guys from the Rainbow R organization!?"




Not only Jirachi and Mew, but also the green caterpillar, Victini and other little guys, as well as Aya, who Mark regarded as a humanoid elf, all showed expressions of indignation.

Jirachi used Little Wish continuously on the spot to distribute equipment to the people and elves in the room.

During this competition trip, although Mark brought memory potions, the amount was too small and was obviously not enough to deal with the Rainbow R organization.

Two silver starlights fell, first a large box of enhanced memory potions appeared, and then a dozen silver hypnosis guns appeared.

Several little guys cooperated skillfully and distributed equipment to everyone and the elves in turn. Even the confused ninja girl Chiharu Kitazawa was given a few bottles of potions and a hypnotic gun.

Kitazawa Chiharu had a vague impression of this kind of potion and hypnotic gun. When she first started "actual training" in that extremely real dream world, Jirachi and Mew gave her this potion, but later she I have never seen this potion again.

But what exactly is this potion used for?
Just now, Jirachi seemed to be talking about the different-colored Celebi and the dark Celebi, and also mentioned parallel worlds. Could it be that there is more than one world?
What is the Rainbow R organization?
She had heard about the R organization before. It seemed to be an evil organization hidden in the Kingdom of Shia, but she had never heard of the Rainbow R organization. Could it be that the R organization split off?
Mark's voice interrupted Miss Ninja's thoughts.

"It's okay to have these memory potions and hypnotic guns in case of emergencies, but now is not the time to think about these things, right?"

As he spoke, a sound suddenly came from the TV, and all the little guys present turned their heads.

——The No. 3 player from Area 2 of Group C was drawn.

A young trainer who looked a bit old flashed on the TV. He was 28 years old and his name was Tiger. He was a trainer from the Foros Empire. The main elf was the King of Heaven known as the "Roaring Evil Tiger" Level blazing roaring tiger.

The 28-year-old Tiger is just in the age range of a young trainer, but in the TV screen, Tiger looks at least in his forties, giving people the impression of a middle-aged bully.

"Mark Mark, is this uncle our opponent in the first game?"



Mark nodded, responded to the elves around him, and then opened the Elf Illustrated Book to check the information. "Looking at his information and past competitions, he should be a trainer who specializes in the vicious type. The vicious type can restrain super powers, which makes him a relatively unfavorable trainer for us. However, there is still a gap between his strength and ours, so there is no need to worry. "

Mark said, looking at the little guys around him and continued: "In that case, let's decide on the elves that will play in tomorrow's game. The game is a classic 6v6 rule. The venue is randomly selected before the game starts. Considering that there are many elves who have never played. If you have participated in the game, in the next first game I will let the elves who have not participated in the game play first.”

Following Mark's words, the Green Caterpillar and Victini immediately lowered their heads. The Lightning Bird, which had just emerged from the Poké Ball, screamed in dissatisfaction and returned to the Poké Ball.

In contrast, Jirachi, Mew, and Hupa waved to Mark one after another, and soon began to push and fight with each other.

Mark shook his head helplessly: "Don't grab it. There are six spots in total. If we compete tomorrow, you three will be Jirachi, Mew, and Hupa, as well as Mewtwo and Lei Guanwang. As for the last spot..."

The Poke Balls around their waists trembled one after another, and Mewtwo and King Lei Guan responded.

Mark's eyes finally focused on Yeib, who had a little desire in his eyes and secretly glanced at Jirachi.

Although he is not very good at fighting, under the influence of many elves, Yeyibu has also developed some interest in participating in competitions, but because of his personality, he is somewhat reserved.

As for why he was secretly eyeing Jiraqi, Yeib was very worried that Jiraqi would suddenly say something and send him to the cheerleading team.

Seeing Ye Yibu's worry, Mark shook his head slightly, and was about to name Ye Yibu for the last spot when he suddenly found another little green guy flying in front of him.

This is not the sober-minded Semi who is good at making trash and eating garbage, but Celebi who has a serious expression and shows some fighting spirit.


Celebi also wants to compete.

In some ways, the characters of Celebi and Yeib are very similar. They are both little guys with somewhat weak personalities.

However, Ye Yibu has a simple and soft character, while Celebi is soft yet strong.

Looking at Celebi's eyes, Mark gently touched the little guy's head and shook his head slightly.

"This competition trainer must use his own elves. You..."

Following Mark's words, several elves on the side continued to echo, Celebi was not Mark's elf and could not compete.

Celebi showed a tangled look in his eyes, and then he seemed to have made up his mind and took out an empty elf ball from Mark's bag.


It can be Mark's elf!

Mark touched the little guy's head.

Unlike Mew, Jirachi, and Victini who took the initiative to get into the elf ball, Celebi seemed to be taking the initiative, but it was actually a bit angry. It had not yet fully thought about becoming his elf.

If Mark were to describe it, he would probably be similar to Xie Mi. The relationship with him was more than a friend, but not a partner.

It would be fine if he was forcibly subdued like Hupa and Chaomeng, but the current relationship between Celebi and him was not good, and he really didn't want to be subdued like this.

"About becoming my elf, I think it would be better for you, Celebi, to reconsider."

"In addition, even if you become my elf now, it will take a certain amount of time to register information at the elf center, ranging from a few days to a month. In other words, you have become my elf. Next time You won’t be able to participate in a game.”

"Of course, there is one more important thing..."

Mark paused slightly and picked up Ye Yibu who was hiding behind him.

"The last place in the competition has actually been decided, and it is Ye Yibu..." (End of Chapter)

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