Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 66 The identity of the old man Qian, the grandson of the king of heaven

Chapter 66 The identity of the old man Qian, the grandson of the king of heaven
"Plant a tree?"

Old Man Qian looked shocked.

Mark did not mention the matter of planting trees. He may still be suspicious of Mark's rhetoric, but when it comes to planting trees, his memories have been brought back again.

Because his grandfather once took him to plant some trees and flowers in the village.

Suddenly, old man Qian remembered something again.

For a long time, his impression of his grandfather was basically that he had a powerful fighting spirit, but he ignored what his grandfather did on weekdays.

Yes, since he can remember, his grandpa has been very popular with wild elves, and there was even a wild bobo that fell on his grandpa's palm and was teased by his grandpa.

So Mark has acquired the same power as his grandfather?

No, not just Mark.

Mapus, the insect master trainer 200 years ago, his grandfather, and Mark at this time, did they get the same power, the same power related to the forest?
Mark looked at Uncle Qian's shocked expression and scanned his surroundings.

The breeder Lin Erniu had already left, and besides the green caterpillars, there were only him and old man Qian nearby.

Thinking back to Uncle Qian's various help to him, Mark did not continue to hesitate.

He will not reveal the cheats of the traverser on the Yulingshi panel, but he can tell Third Uncle Qian about the [Power of Qingxi] he has mastered not long ago.

Thinking of this, Mark stretched out his finger, condensing a touch of emerald green fluorescence.

Mark said: "Third uncle, I know what I just said may be difficult for you to understand, but the blessing of the forest really exists, and the green fluorescence on my finger is the embodiment of the blessing of the forest, which has some healing effects.

By the way, if you think about it, this kind of power can be acquired, and when I got this power, I realized a kind of dance.

If you practice this dance in the forest, theoretically you should be able to obtain the blessing of the forest, but the effect will not be as strong as mine.

In addition, due to individual differences, there may be some differences between the forest blessing you have obtained and my power..."

Watching the emerald green fluorescence of Mark's fingers, old man Qian's already wide eyes widened further.

It's not surprising that Mark used such supernatural power.

Instead, he suddenly remembered that his grandfather had also used similar power, but he was too young at that time, so he could not remember many things clearly.

In his memory, the green fluorescent light on his grandfather's palm was slightly white, while the green fluorescent light on Mark's fingertips appeared more emerald green.

Old man Qian was still remembering, when he suddenly realized something and remembered what Mark said just now.

Old Man Qian mechanically turned his head in Mark's direction, his body trembling slightly, and said, "You... you just, you just... seem to have said that I can also learn this kind of power?"

Can this power be taught to others?

His grandfather, one of the thirteen knights of the round table who once followed Arthur the Great, was a king-level fighting trainer.

What even his grandfather couldn't do, Mark, a worry-free brat, could do?
And just tell him so easily?

How can this be?

Old man Qian couldn't believe it, but he heard an affirmative answer from Mark.

Moreover, Mark, this stinky boy, analyzed it for him in a serious manner, saying one thing after another.

Mark squeezed his chin lightly and said: "Yes, as long as you can persevere, you should be able to learn it.

If you want to learn this kind of power, I think the initial threshold should be character and character. You must reach a point of fit with the forest in some aspects, and your character and character, I think it is completely fine.

I can take you to practice dancing in Qingxi Forest at that time. If I help you correct it, your learning progress should be guaranteed.

But you are old after all, if you do this kind of dance, even if you eat oranges and oranges for conditioning every day, it is easy to be overwhelmed, so it may take a little longer.

If you can practice it for an hour a day, you should feel this power in about six to eighteen months and be able to do some guidance..."

Old man Qian asked with doubts on his face: "Half a year to a year and a half?"

Mark nodded: "I don't know how your comprehension ability is, so I guessed an approximate time. If your comprehension ability is very strong, the time required will be relatively less, otherwise it will take more time..."

Mark wanted to continue explaining, but was suddenly stopped by old man Qian who realized something.

The old man Qian looked around guardedly and said, "Stop talking, are these things you can talk about casually? And your fingers, hurry up and put away that natural force on your fingers!"

"Don't worry, Uncle Qian, there should be nothing else around here except the green caterpillars."

As Mark said, he took off the small electric motor hidden on his back. Seeing that he was getting closer to Old Man Qian, the latter trembled more and more, and finally fainted from fright, and was then put into the elf ball by Mark.

"Third Uncle, this coward is not only timid, but also has a very keen sense of the outside world. If a stranger or an elf approaches, its body will definitely tremble strongly."

The old man Qian took a deep look at Mark, frowned and said, "Don't trust the power of elves too much, and be careful in everything, first settle these green caterpillars, and you can talk about these things when you come back with me!"

Old man Qian acted quickly, took Mark and arranged the batch of green caterpillars in a fence, and quickly took Mark home.

Mark originally thought that old man Qian would take him to talk in the house, but found that old man Qian touched a secret switch, opened a tunnel in the kitchen, and led Mark into a basement of nearly [-] square meters.

Different from the primitive simplicity of Qingxi Village, this basement is full of sense of technology. The walls of the basement are made of silver alloy material, and the lights above the basement will automatically turn on as soon as you enter the basement.

On the side of the alloy door, Mark saw a long metal table supported on the wall, on which were placed a pile of stones of different colors, which seemed to be evolutionary stones, and there seemed to be at least 100 of them.

Next to the evolution stone, Mark also saw a yellow armband with a yellow thunderbolt logo printed on it, but he didn't know what it was.

Didn't stare at the armband for too long.

Mark shifted his attention to two dusty machines. One seemed to be a molecular cooking machine, that is, an energy (Poké) cube maker, which could extract the nutrients of tree fruits and combine them to form energy (Poké) cubes; Mark didn’t know the other one. There was no information about this kind of machine in the few textbooks he read.

Seeing Mark's doubts, old man Qian introduced: "This one is an energy cube maker, which can make energy cubes from tree fruits; the other is a tree fruit component analyzer, which can be used to measure the nutrients of tree fruits, but according to Dr. Locke, in addition to fruits, ordinary plants and trees can also be tested.

They were brought over by Dr. Locke seven years ago. The disadvantage is that they consume too much power, so I have basically never activated them in these years, but recently the Elf Center was established, and the Alliance built a substation on the west side of the village. Maybe a cable can be connected after a while..."

Old Man Qian thought of something, glanced at Mark with a resentful expression, and threw a black disk on the table towards Mark.

Mark took the disk and asked in confusion, "This is... a move trainer?"

 Not a [grid] learner.

(End of this chapter)

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