Quenched long order

Chapter 108 Furniture and Comparison

Chapter 108 Furniture and Comparison

Sauer reached out to take the plate in Rooney's hand. In his eyes, there was no moldy food on the plate, only a little residue that hadn't been cleaned. He stretched out his right hand and touched the surface of the plate. Then, he asked:
"In your eyes, does my hand go through moldy food?"

Rooney stared wide-eyed at the plate containing the moldy food, nodded heavily, and asked, "Your hand went right through it, isn't it, is it true?"

He was very confused, and leaned forward, imitating Sauer with his right hand, also reaching into the plate. However, when his hand was close to the plate, his finger knuckles were slightly bent, obviously touching the entity.

There was a retching sound.

Rooney quickly withdrew his right hand, shook it, and then wiped it on the table. After that, he raised his right hand, sniffed it lightly, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

This scene was seen by Sauer. Unless Rooney deliberately acted, otherwise, what Rooney saw was what he showed.

Different people, in the same house, see and touch things, and there will be such a big difference.

Saul put the plate down, looked around, and said softly:

"That's right, what you saw was exactly what Mance's house was like before you left, and what I saw was what I saw after you left and after I changed the layout of the house. I'm afraid the second discovery by the security officer was the same. When he came to investigate Mance's house for the second time, he also encountered the same situation."

"The problem is, just knowing this doesn't seem to help much, let's continue to look."

He turned away from the kitchen and headed for the living room.

Rooney took two quick steps and followed Sauer. He realized that the man named Saul in front of him, although he claimed to be a novice, was not like a novice in all aspects. At least, in terms of observation, he had already surpassed many disaster hunters. The only disadvantage was that he did not know the origin of Sauer. However, Westwood Port is an open and inclusive city.

The two entered the living room.

Sauer looked at the furniture layout in front of him, pointed to the table and chairs closest to him, and asked about Rooney's situation.

The two exchanged the information in front of them, which once again confirmed the conclusion just now.

"Sit down and try?" Saul wanted to see if this disaster had such a magical ability.

Rooney nodded, took two steps, and sat down. However, in Sauer's eyes, the chair was one meter away from Rooney. Where Rooney sat, there was only air. However, Rooney just sat on the air. Then, he relaxed his body and lay on his back slightly.

Even though he already had psychological expectations, Saul was still quite surprised. Then, he took a few steps and sat on a chair beside him. This time, the surprised person became Rooney.

"It's really possible..." Rooney stood up, came to Sauer's side, and waved his hand under Saul.

Sauer looked down at Rooney's right hand, and he found that Rooney's right hand went straight through the leg of the chair, as if, this chair and Rooney already existed in two different worlds, but stayed together for some special reasons.

There is no doubt that special causes are disasters.

Saul stood up, he walked to the window, looked outside the house, the sun was shining brightly, and occasionally passers-by walked by the road in front of the house.

"It's still daylight you see?" He turned to Rooney and pointed out the window with his right hand.

Rooney nodded and didn't say much.

Shaoer turned around and planned to go to the bedroom to have a look. Suddenly, he found that something was wrong with the chair beside him. He clearly remembered that when he was in Mance’s house to experience it last night, he pointed the chair by the window at the window, but now, the chair was facing the direction of the corridor, which was completely opposite to when he left yesterday.

Is there anyone else here?
Sauer immediately vetoed this conjecture, not because he had a way to determine whether other people had come, but because Rooney's behavior just now proved that the layout of the house would be fixed at the moment he left the house, that is to say, even after he left, someone came to Mance's house and moved the chair. In his eyes, the chair by the window must also face the window, not the corridor.

Curious, he stretched out his right hand and gently placed it on the back of the chair.

At the same time, a familiar feeling appeared in his heart, very slight, but it was indeed the feeling of burning soul.

The soul energy was released slowly, and with the release of the soul energy, the chair began to shake violently. He let go of his hand, took two steps back, and fixed his eyes on the shaking chair in front of him.

Rooney noticed Sauer's situation, and he asked:

"What's the matter? The expression is so serious, did you notice it?"

In his eyes, nothing has changed.

Saul nodded and briefly explained his discovery. Hearing what he said, Rooney was fully alert, but in his eyes, he could only stare at the ordinary chair.

With a scream, the shaking chair stopped, and its appearance changed.

The chair is still a chair, but the material is completely different. It is no longer wood, but human limbs. The four legs of the chair have become the appearance of human hands and feet. On the seat is a flattened face, which seems to be Mance's face.

The color of the chair has also changed to flesh-colored and black, with a little blue in it. Looking carefully with the bright sunlight outside the window, one can find that the color of the chair seems to be the color of muscles and clothes. On closer inspection, you can even see tiny moles on the flesh-colored.

"Ahh... help... save... I... ah... ah..."

Perhaps because he sensed that Saul was aware of his existence, Mr. Mance, in the screams, was mixed with a faint cry for help.

Saul swallowed his saliva, and carefully looked at the person in the shape of a chair in front of him. The effect of the air perception ability was activated, and all of them gathered on Mance in front of him. He could feel that Mance was breathing, and the chair surface was slightly undulating, which was the proof that Mance was still alive.

He felt a chill.

"What did you see?" Seeing Saul's shocked expression, Rooney asked quickly. In his eyes, the chair was still the same.

"I found Mance." Saul turned his head, his pupils constricted, "He turned into a chair... The other missing people should be the same. They are still in this house, but they turned into furniture."

"Turned into furniture?" Rooney glanced at the chair, subconsciously took two steps back, "You mean, those missing people, the Mance family, the security guards..." Suddenly, he thought of something, "...and Mrs. Mariela, they have all become furniture in this house?"

Sauer nodded slowly with a serious expression on his face, and replied: "Nine times out of ten, this is the case. Moreover, we didn't find out when we first came, and only found out the second time. If I guessed right, we have actually been affected by the disaster. Although we don't know the specific reason, if we don't handle it well, we may also disappear, and end up in the same fate as the Mance family."

"...no...go...out...ah...go..." Chair Mance's shrill voice was mixed with the screams.

Saul heard this reminder, he turned his head to look at Mance's face on the chair, and asked quickly: "Tell me, what can I do to help you? What disaster have you encountered?"

Rooney didn't speak, just looked at Saul silently.

"... Ah... find...them..." The expression on Mance's face became more and more painful, as if every word he said would destroy his body and mind.

"Find them?" Saul opened his eyes wide and quickly understood the meaning.

They, of course, refer to the same missing people as Mance.

"To find them all?" Sauer added.

"Ah... yes..." Mance replied.

Saul took a deep breath, he already had an idea in his mind, and everything seemed to be connected in series.

He turned his head, looked at Rooney behind him, and said softly:

"If I'm not wrong, we need to find the missing person in the room. Before that, we can't leave the house. If I'm not wrong, the missing person turned into furniture precisely because the missing person was not found. This is the manifestation of this disaster."

"By connecting the cause and effect, we can basically deduce the whole picture of the whole matter. Before we entered the house of Mance's house for the first time, the disaster already existed here. However, it will not have any effect at this time. No matter how hard we search, it is impossible to find out. The same is true for anyone entering this house for the first time."

"However, the second time around, or rather, the second time with a longer interval, things were different."

"The different arrangement of the furniture that the two of us saw is precisely to ensure the accuracy of our arrangement of the furniture in the house. The purpose is probably related to what we need to do after entering the house for the second time."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and the picture of the house had already appeared in his mind.

"What are we going to do?" Rooney asked anxiously.

Saul took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly, and replied, "Find the difference."

He turned sideways, pointed to the chair Mance with his right hand, and continued:
"When I was standing by the window just now, I noticed that the chair was not in the right condition, because you saw moldy food on the plate in the kitchen, but in fact, after you left last night, I had already dumped the moldy food into the trash can. That is to say, I pointed the chair by the window out of the window last night. No matter how many people came after I left, in my eyes, this chair must be facing out of the window."

"If that's what happened to Mance, it could have happened to other people, his wife and son, the sheriff, or, perhaps, Mrs. Mariela."

"Since this disaster pays so much attention to rules, I think that when we find these people, most of the disaster will be resolved smoothly."

After speaking, he looked at the chair Mance again. Even though he had seen many polluted miners on Stewart Island, most of those miners had lost their minds. But now, even though the chair Mance looked painful, he could still maintain his basic rationality in such a posture. Just thinking about it was incredible.

"Okay, let's find them..." Rooney suddenly felt something was wrong, "Wait, wait."

He raised his right hand, placed it in front of his forehead, and continued:

"Saul, you did find Mance, but I didn't see anyone from him."

Speaking of this, Rooney stepped forward and walked all the way to the window. He put his right hand on the chair by the window, feeling the cold touch from the back of the chair.

"Could it be..." Rooney thought of something.

"We calculate separately." Saul said the answer gently.

"But I didn't remember the location of the furniture at all yesterday!" Rooney let go of the hand holding the back of the chair.

Saul put his right hand on his chin, thought about it carefully, then tapped his chin lightly with his right hand, and said:
"Do this first. I will find them all first, and then I will look at the situation of Calamity. If Calamity does not show up by then, I will reverse my actions last night. This way, you can also find them."

It is very difficult to simply remember the location of furniture, but if there is "experience", there are scenes and pictures in the mind, and it will be very easy to recall when seeing familiar things.

"Just do as you say." Rooney nodded repeatedly.

After that, the two searched in the house. Of course, it was mainly Sauer who was looking for it.

Soon, Shaoer found Mance's wife in the curtain of the bedroom. The body of Mance's wife was evenly distributed on the curtain. The head, body and limbs seemed to have been drained of flesh and blood. They were spread flat on the curtain, which was almost suffocating.

With the discovery of Mance's wife, the two screams mixed together, causing great disturbance to Saul.

"Ah... time... time..." Mance's wife seemed to know something, and tried her best to remind Shaoer.

Shaoer frowned slightly. The time that Mance's wife mentioned was definitely not an irrelevant thing. He thought for a while and thought that the "time" here should refer to the time limit for him to search for different furniture. If he didn't find it within the time limit, he might also disappear.


Does it also reduce time if you guess wrong?

Sauer was surprised. In fact, if there was no such regulation, he would not suggest that Rooney try all the furniture when he helped Rooney in the future. Anyway, there would be no loss.

"I see, thanks."

After thanking him, Saul immediately went to the next room.

Not long after, he found an incorrectly placed wooden horse toy in Mance's child's bedroom. This toy was also the child that had been turned into a wooden horse toy. At first glance, it seemed that a human skin-shaped cover had been put on the wooden horse toy.

With time running out, Sauer asked the child if he had any information to tell him. After receiving no meaningful reply, he went to the next room again.

The whole process was watched by Rooney. Facing the engrossed Saul, he felt that he seemed to have regained the feeling he had when he first became a disaster hunter. The kind of purity that was immersed in the incident wholeheartedly is a quality he does not have now.

(End of this chapter)

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