Quenched long order

Chapter 131 Flames

Chapter 131 Flames
Who is it?

Saul recalled quickly.

The other party was able to sneak into the house without being noticed by anyone... He chose to hide his identity, he was not an ordinary person.

The other party knew that Mance's family was affected by the disaster...not Mance's neighbors, but someone who knew about the disaster.

Mysterious, powerful, and knows more about the King of the Black Realm than he does.

No figure appeared in Shaoer's mind. He can be sure that he has never seen the other person. Even if he has, the other person probably just passed by his eyes without any intersection with him.

He shook his head and didn't think about it any further.

"The other party just reminded me that there should be no obvious malice."

"It doesn't make much sense to think about these things now. The guards at the center of the Medal of Honor, plus what Rooney said, he couldn't have done this to deceive me, and it doesn't make sense. It is basically certain that it is not fake."

"I'd better avoid the limelight first. If people from the investigation team find me, I'm afraid things will really be as Kraut said."

"Go to Kraut first, talk to him and leave. As for this map, if the content marked on it is true, it can also be handled by Kraut. He is a large-level quencher and has solved it. Sandman is stronger than me."

After thinking clearly, he glanced out the window, but no one was following him.

After putting his clothes, water bottle and other items in his backpack, he left the Owl Hotel.

However, when he left in the carriage, he didn't notice that in the shadow not far away, a pair of green vertical pupils were watching the carriage go away.


On the road, Sauer always had a feeling of being watched. This feeling appeared and disappeared from time to time, which made him even more uncomfortable.

He urged the coachman to be faster.

In an instant, he felt as if he was fleeing, but as soon as he thought of this, he suddenly realized that he was indeed fleeing.

In the afternoon, near the evening, when they left Mance's house, Sauer and Kraut temporarily separated.

Saul was in charge of the Medal of Honor Center. He was going to inform Rooney of Mariela's entrustment, and then the previous conversation took place.

On the other hand, Kraut is doing the follow-up processing of alchemy experiments, such as entrusting relics and disaster items, and for example, the funeral of his son Naveen, and reminiscing about the past, etc.

However, before the two separated, Kraut told Sauer his address in Westwood Port, and directly gave Sauer the door key.

Under the staring eyes, Sauer came to the door of Kraut's house. After paying the carriage fare, he quickly ran to the door, took out the key and opened the door.

The house is full of dust, spreading in the air.

There were no footprints on the black dust on the floor.

Kraut hasn't come back yet.

Saul sighed softly, and was about to close the door and leave, but a strange voice came from upstairs.

"Saul, I want to talk to you."

It was a sound he had never heard before.

The voice is round and full, and the words are correct and round, giving him the illusion of a broadcasting accent.

After the other party took the initiative to speak out, Sauer knew that the other party had no malice, at least not for the time being, and he also wanted to clarify this matter. Now that the other party had spoken, he naturally couldn't miss this opportunity:

"who are you?"

He asked the most crucial question.

"My name is Bury, the person who left the mark on your map." The person named Bury began to explain.

"What do those marks mean? The location of the other statues of the King of the Black Domain?" The marks on the map appeared in Sauer's mind.

There are still six issues to be resolved...

He blinked, and then, the ability of air perception began to increase, and gradually extended upwards along the stairs, like a tentacle. However, to his surprise, after reaching the second floor, the ability of air perception was overwhelmed by a force Blocked, can no longer move forward.

The opponent can indeed avoid the exploration of air perception.

Saul thought to himself that it was almost certain that the other party was the one who left the mark on his map.

"Yes." Bury said with certainty.

"Why don't you tell the Westwood Port garrison? You can tell the Medal of Honor Center." Sauer asked back.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, he continued:

"You want to talk to me, but you don't even want to show your face."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and saw that the street was extremely quiet and no one was approaching.

After discovering that he could not use air perception to explore the other party, he spread the range of air perception ability to prevent others from approaching. After all, to some extent, he is now being wanted.

Rooney's side may have been exposed.

"I..." Burry replied with some hesitation, "...I'm not safe, it would be dangerous to get close to me."

"Okay, okay." Saul waved his hand, not paying attention, "Whatever you want, this is your freedom."

He put his hand down, frowned slightly, and continued: "Well, Bury, let's get back to business, you asked me to help solve these things? Right?"

"I want to destroy those statues, otherwise Westwood Port will be destroyed. The garrison is not reliable. I need to find a reliable person to help me." Bury's voice seemed far away.

Sauer felt very strange, and then he felt that something was wrong, and there was a burning feeling in his body from the inside out. This extremely familiar feeling was exactly the feeling that the soul was affected by disaster.

It was extremely dangerous, as if there was an extremely sharp knife resting on his neck.

He retreated subconsciously, away from danger.

The dusty house in front of it seemed to have instantly turned into a monster's bloody maw. If it continued to stay at the door, it might be swallowed in one bite.

"I don't have time now, I will leave Westwood Port tonight..." Shaoer replied.

This time, however, Burry didn't answer and seemed to have left.

Saul was a little confused, but he found that the feeling of burning soul was fading rapidly.

The danger just now came from Bury.

"He is... Calamity?" Saul thought of Bury's answer just now, and he was glad that he didn't rush to the second floor, "It's not an excuse."

"Sauer?" Kraut's loud voice came from behind.

Sauer turned his head and saw Kraut standing not far away, with a spacious carriage beside him. The coachman was lifting two large boxes from the carriage and putting them beside Kraut.


Kraut opened all the windows in the house and checked carefully on the second floor.

During this period, Saul has been following Kraut.

Oddly, there are no footprints on the second floor.

"I won't tease you with this kind of thing." Saul took out the map, and the red mark on the map was particularly eye-catching.

Kraut nodded in agreement.

Later, Sauer informed Kraut of the whole incident, including what Rooney told him, and also explained his situation.

"You do have to go."

Kraut frowned, and opened the box as he spoke:

"If it's a tower-level quencher looking for you, or a person who specializes in astrology, it's only a matter of time before he finds you."

"Actually, he didn't locate you, and he didn't see your face. I was very surprised. I think Rooney may have lied. However, you said that you saw the guard of the investigation team in front of the door, which can be ruled out." This possibility."

"If people of this level really exist..."

Kraut's eyebrows twisted into the word "Chuan".

"What's wrong?" Saul asked puzzled.

"Among the people I know, there is only one who meets this requirement." Kraut blinked.

"Who?" Saul asked quickly, knowing more information about the other party, the more likely he was to evade pursuit.

"The prophet of the Kingdom of Pelos... Stuart." Kraut replied in a low voice, "but he disappeared 32 years ago."

"Prophet Stewart... Stewart Island..." Saul had to connect the two names, "Could it be that this island is named after him, I pay attention to the mining of minerals on the island, the efficiency is quite low , and the army stationed on the island doesn't care about money..."

"It's possible." Kraut nodded slightly, "However, if it's really him, it will be even more unfavorable to you, because behind him is the powerful Pelos Kingdom, and you..."

He looked Saul up and down.


After speaking, he paused and continued:

"...Of course, I will help you, but the two of us can't fight against the Prophet. You can only leave Westwood Port first, and then play by ear."

Saul nodded, regardless of whether the person who discovered him was a prophet or not, since he has this kind of strength, the situation should be the same.

Leaving is the best option right now.

Unless he wants to try the feeling of being questioned, and then experience the feeling of being hanged in the execution ground.

He doesn't want to hand over his life to strangers, not even people he knows. He wants to firmly control his life, hold this hard-won life tightly, and never let go.

"But where should I go?" Saul asked.

The entire Oren continent is very vast, but he feels that he has no place to stand on. It seems that this is the case when he wakes up from the mine.

"Don't worry, things haven't gotten this bad yet."

Seeing Saul's expression slightly decadent, Kraut smiled and comforted him:
"If you can reach the big level, the situation will be much better. Even if you don't consider the immediate crisis, as long as you plan to enter the door of borrowing life, you must reach this level."

"Have you heard of the road to quenching?"

he asks.

Sauer thought of his own experience in the library, a woman named Martha told him about it.

"heard about it."

He replied.

"But... this is a secret, right? Can you get it?"

Hearing what Saul said, Kraut felt a lot more energetic, and he replied loudly:

"Don't underestimate me, I also have some fame in Ximu Port."

"The road to quenching is not a problem. In fact, to put it simply, the road to quenching is the disaster that the quencher has experienced. It is equivalent to a log used to record the disaster situation."

"But you have to pay attention to one thing. What is written in the diary is not necessarily the real situation. Only what you see with your own eyes is the truth."

"You go outside Westwood Port first, and go to my house in the suburbs to rest for a night, and I will help you prepare supplies."

Kraut's voice carries a sense of pride, like a father showing himself to a child.

"Thank you, Kraut." Saul was a little lucky. In the woods, when Kraut pointed out that he was too withdrawn, he chose to take a risk and made this friend in front of him.

This world is not as dark as imagined.

"Thank you." After Kraut finished speaking, he seemed to think of something. "By the way, although you don't have time to study, I think you should be able to understand this simplest alchemy."

He took out the alchemy materials from the box.

Saul took a closer look and found that it was black toner.

"First of all, you need to lay out a general framework. The one I taught you is the simplest transformation circle, which can release the energy in the material."

While speaking, Kraut used toner to draw two very standard concentric circles on the ground.

"You don't have to draw such a standard. Simple alchemy arrays are not strict, but higher-level alchemy requires a more standard circle."

Immediately afterwards, Kraut began to draw signs in the four directions of the concentric circles. At the top, there was a small circle with a small dot in the middle; a curved arc was drawn on the left, and a cross was drawn at the end of the arc; On the right is a symbol that is the exact mirror image of the left; below, a small circle and a crescent moon tangent to the small circle.

"Four metal codes, remember these symbols, I believe there will be no problem for you."

Sauer nodded, carefully looking at the symbols of the four positions.

"Then there's the transformational structure of the center, and that's fine."

Kraut drew two equilateral triangles in the empty space in the middle of the alchemy circle, which happened to be combined to form a hexagram, and in the middle of the hexagram was a small circle and a smaller hexagram.

After finishing all this, he took two steps back and patted the toner in his hand.

"That's all right?" Saul carefully looked at the simple alchemy circle in front of him.

As soon as he finished speaking, the alchemy array made of carbon powder started to burn for some reason, and the light yellow flame gave off a warm feeling, and the burning alchemy array was also slowly rotating, the speed was very slow, but it was indeed rotating .

"This is just the beginning." Kraut's eyes looked at the simple but not crude alchemy array on the ground, as if he remembered the past, "Because the alchemy array itself is made of carbon powder and there is no activation device, it will automatically convert."

Saul looked at the alchemy array on the ground and once again felt the magic in it.

He didn't speak, imitating Kraut's action just now, using toner to set up an alchemy array on the side.

Soon, an almost identical alchemy array was set up. A few seconds later, a new flame appeared in the house, and the old flame gradually went out.

The jumping flames are like jumping elves dancing wantonly.

For some reason, Sauer thought of the night when he woke up on Stewart Island. The starry sky that night was very bright and carried a dream.


The director of the Medal of Honor Center anxiously rushed to the guard captain's office.

If everything said by the man named Crow is true, then the source of disaster named Bury will be the nearest danger to Westwood Port.

The unknown black mist is still at the sea level and has not approached. Moreover, I heard that various associations have begun to form manpower and are going to go to the black mist to find out the situation.

The investigation of the statue of the King of the Black Domain has just begun, but so far, no obvious findings have been found.

But now, I don't know when it will come to the source of disaster in Westwood Port. It is possible to create a "disaster of madness" at any time. , not even the dry bones will remain.

Rooney's conversation with Hume went well.

The point is whether what the crow said is true.

Crow did not follow Rooney to meet the captain of the defense, but left without saying goodbye halfway.

"Play by ear, Rooney, find that Saul first, and if you need anything, you can find me." Hume gave the order.

When Rooney walked out of the office, he already had an idea in his mind.


The dim light of the clear full moon fell on the road.

Sauer came back to the house on the outskirts of Westwood Port, where he would rest and wait for Kraut to deliver the supplies for the long journey, and then he would leave Westwood Port completely.

He looked at the edge of the woodland, but did not see the figure of the bandaged man.

There was no suspicious person in the forest, and Navin seemed to have rested in peace.

He looked around vigilantly, just like that, all the way into the main house.

The layout of the main house is still the same as when he left.

He found a chair and sat down, recalling the first alchemy array he had set up. In an instant, the memories in his heart came to mind bit by bit, and the phantom pain in his chest reappeared.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind.

"Can I, use air as a material for alchemy?"

Thinking of this, he began to use the ability to manipulate the air to let the air start to gather according to his own ideas. Due to the requirements for graphics, compared with the energy storage of the air cannon, the consumption of soul energy is not high, but it is more important for brain power. consumption is higher.

Until sweat appeared on his forehead, the most basic alchemy array he had just learned had already been formed with air as the material.

Nothing happened.

"Wait, is it because the air in other places hasn't been extracted cleanly?"

Sauer continued to try, but the method of extracting the air was extremely inefficient, not to mention the graphics requirements.

Until... a strange feeling appeared, he could feel that in the air he manipulated, there was a different force, this force was mixed in the air, parallel to the soul energy, it seemed that the alchemy array Already formed, everything is ready, just the last bit.

Inject a lot of soul energy!

Sauer increased the amount of soul energy. In the next second, flames appeared out of nowhere not far in front of him. The flames burned in the air, and the burning pattern was exactly the pattern of the alchemy array he had just learned. However, the flames appeared It disappeared shortly after.

A fresh smell entered the nostrils.

"It turns out...it's really possible..."

Saul looked at the flames that had disappeared in front of him. Although the flames just now were almost harmless, they were fire.

He doesn't need to rely on any other substances, only relying on the ubiquitous air, coupled with the ability of the quencher, can create flames.

At this time, a crow slowly stayed on the roof.

(End of this chapter)

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