Quenched long order

Chapter 162 Encounter

Chapter 162 Encounter
Martha went to the garrison in a carriage.

On the carriage, she squinted her eyes slightly as sleepiness kept coming over her. Even though she had slept in advance before the action yesterday, her physical strength was already exhausted after a night of running around.

Because she was worried about accidents, she didn't dare to stay at home for a long time. After all, she killed a follower of the Black Territory Cult, and the people of the Black Territory Cult must have noticed her existence.

Although she is an astrologer and has been hidden in the starry sky, but because she is not a quencher, her soul is not strong enough, so her astrology level is not high, and she can only avoid temporary tracking. A lot of clues have been laid down, so even for a while, it may not be effective.

Now, the best way to liberate her from the crisis is to spread the matter widely and let the Westwood Port officials come forward to solve it. In this way, the people of the Black Territory Sect will definitely consider the transfer first. So as to divert the attention from her. After all, the reason why the people of the Black Territory Cult tracked her was precisely because the hiding place of the Black Territory Cult was very likely to be leaked, and once the news had spread, it would be too late to catch her again. It doesn't make sense, at most beware of follow-up retaliation.

This is the most important thing at the moment, go to the work place of the garrison——Ximu Port Crisis Management Center, but people still like to use simple and popular names.

In the shaking of the carriage, Martha felt drowsiness hit like a tide, and she tried her best to resist, but for some reason, she felt that she was more tired than usual after staying up all night to study, and this kind of fatigue was not just the result of overwork Tiredness, and the tiredness after the soul is affected, she rarely experiences this feeling, usually, only when encountering a disaster, she will feel this feeling.

In a trance, she lost consciousness, and her soul and body seemed to slowly sink into the bottom of the sea from the stormy sea. It was a feeling of peace of mind. It seemed that at this moment, she didn't have to think about anything, and she didn't have to worry about anything. All she needed to do was feel comfortable. Slowly sank to the bottom of the sea in the cradle, quietly sleeping.

Suddenly, a miserable face appeared in her mind. This face was slightly blurred, but she could still see clearly. This face was distorted by pain, the eyes were frightened, and there was a trace of remorse in it.

The distorted face gradually became clear.

This is her own face.

The death she saw was exactly how she was stabbed to death by followers of the Black Domain Order in the underground space.

There was a sudden palpitation, her chest seemed to be pierced by an awl and kept stirring, waking her up from a deep sleep.

She quickly opened her eyes, gasping for breath, her forehead was covered with sweat, the scene just now still remained in her mind, she quickly looked around and found that she was still in the carriage.

Safe for now.

She opened the curtains and took a look. The carriage had been moving forward for a long time. As an iconic clothing store appeared in her eyes, she also determined her position. At this time, the carriage only needed to travel two more streets to go smoothly. Arrive at your destination.

"Just now...did I fall asleep because I was too tired?"

Martha sighed lightly, thanking herself for waking up in time, but the face that died of terror just now was still imprinted in her mind, as if it was a warning from her soul, if she failed, it was very likely, this would be the result .

She doesn't want to die, at least, she wants to live on until her dream is fulfilled.

"I must prove myself and let those who look down on me admit that they were wrong in front of me."

Having said that, she clenched her right hand tightly.

When the carriage arrived at its destination, the driver reminded him softly.

Martha handed the fare she had prepared to the coachman. After getting off the bus, she walked quickly to the Ximu Port Crisis Management Center. On the way, she looked around from time to time to see if there were any suspicious people. After looking around, she Not found.

Entering the hall, she immediately saw the staff on one side. She stepped forward and briefly explained the situation. However, because she was worried that she might be eavesdropped and that others around her would notice, she used her words more euphemistically, but in the end she could only get one Declaration form.

In this regard, she also has a little understanding.

Typically, only applications from the Sheriff's Department and the Medal of Honor Center are given priority first.

"This matter is very important and related to the safety of the entire Westwood Port."

"You mean the black mist?" the staff asked back.

"No." Martha shook her head, "It's not convenient for me to say here, this is my identity certificate." She took out her astrologer's certificate.

"Then what do you want..." The staff looked at Martha.

"I want to see your person in charge." Martha whispered.

"Captain Hume will not see you without an appointment..." Before Martha could speak, the staff continued: "However, I can take you to see Deputy Captain Jason, but he has a bad temper. I hope what you said is Really, otherwise, your next stop might be to see a doctor.”

Martha nodded.

The staff stood up and led Martha to the back.

Martha followed the staff to Vice Captain Jason's office.

Before he entered, he heard a roar coming from the office.

"What! Are they really not afraid if they dare to attack the reserve team members? Check it out for me. You must find it out. If you can't find it, go check out the relics. The third hand is so obvious, it's impossible to fake it. I know that guy's level. It's very possible that there will be relics left behind, so keep an eye on the black market, you bastards!"

The staff waited for the voice to fall, and gently knocked on the door.

"Who?" Jason's rough voice came out.

"Vice-captain Jason, an astrologer named Martha insists on reporting something important to you. She believes that this matter is related to the safety of the entire Westwood Port..." Speaking of which, the staff paused and added Said: "It's not black mist."

"Let her in!" Jason's voice was much softer.

The staff gave Martha a "good luck" look, then turned and left.

Martha took a deep breath and walked into the office.

As soon as she entered, she saw a disgraced man running out. This man was still wearing the uniform of the garrison.

"What's the matter?" Jason stood behind the desk. He had an unkempt beard, a hulking back, and piercing eyes.

"It's like this -" Martha was about to speak, but a voice came from behind her.

"Jason!" A male voice came into the office.

After hearing this, Jason had a sullen look on his face, but when he saw the person coming, a smile appeared on his face. Afterwards, he walked out from behind the office and walked towards Martha, passing by behind Martha, and the back The men hugged each other, "Ralph, why did you come to see me so early today? I'm working now, so I can't leave for the time being. How about this, tonight, go to the pub and have a drink."

"Hahahaha, I just solved something this morning, so I happened to come here, so I came in to see you. I heard that the Golden Dawn Society is in a meeting and is trying to solve the black mist issue. I don't know what's going on, so I came to you Ask." Ralph's tone was familiar with Jason's.

However, in Martha's ears, this sound sounded like the roar of a wild animal, making her tremble.

Ralph's voice... was exactly the same as the voice she heard last night when she was hiding under the statue of the King of the Black Domain. It was the male voice explaining the situation to the leader.

The Black Territory Cult has already found it, and it is right behind him!
Martha swallowed, and the sweat on her forehead slid down the side of her face. "Oh, I don't know either." Jason sighed.

"Oh, by the way, this is..." Ralph's attention fell on Martha.

Martha felt like a rabbit being stared at by a hawk, every hair on her body was filled with fear, even the air she breathed was full of fear.

"She? Martha, she said she wanted to tell me about a disaster that would endanger the entire Westwood Port. Just as she was about to say it, you came." Jason seemed to remember his work, and he walked back behind the desk, "You Let's talk, Ralph can rest assured. I have been friends with him for several years, and he often sponsors the garrison... Speaking of which, it is thanks to enthusiastic businessmen like them, otherwise, with the little money from Lord Martin, how can It’s enough money, not to mention solving disasters, even drinking is by the glass.”

When it came to the latter, Jason was a little angry.

"Vice-captain Jason is overrated. These are the things we should do. After all, the safety of Westwood Port depends on everyone in the garrison. If you can't even guarantee your own quality of life, how can you protect us civilians..." La There was a smile in Ralph's tone.

"That's right!" Jason agreed with Ralph's words very much. He spread his hands, "I'm always hungry, not to mention ability, walking is a problem. Can I eat air to fill my stomach?"

Martha didn't dare to answer, but she didn't dare to leave either.

In order to meet Vice-captain Jason, she already said that this matter would endanger the entire Westwood Port, and Jason has a bad temper, and people from the Black Territory Church have already found her. As long as she draws attention, she will definitely be arrested. eye on.

Had to... deceive the past.

"By the way, what exactly is it? If it endangers the safety of the entire Westwood Port, then it has something to do with me." Ralph walked up and stood beside Martha.

Martha looked at Ralph. Ralph had an ordinary appearance, a small belly, a false smile on his face, and wore exquisite clothes, like a typical Westwood Port businessman.

"Martha, tell me, I'll send someone to deal with it right away." Deputy Captain Jason urged, "By the way, what I just said was just a complaint. As a member of the garrison, the safety of the citizens comes first. "

Two eyes fell on Martha.

Martha felt as if her clothes had been peeled off one by one, and her body was naked, and this was not the end. Then, she felt that her skin was also lifted, and her flesh and bones were pulled away until there was nothing on her body.

Tick ​​tick.

Time passed little by little.

The atmosphere in the office also became more solemn.

At this moment, Martha wished that time could go back to before, just like when she was in the underground space. However, she was now in the office of the deputy captain of the garrison.

She can only rely on herself.

"The thing is like this." Martha knew that she couldn't delay any longer. "I'm an astrologer. A few days ago, when I was doing divination, I observed the phenomenon of the red star leaping forward."

She took a small step forward and continued:
"If you are not clear, I can explain that Red Star Leap Forward, in simple terms, is a sign of something big about to happen in Westwood Port."

Ralph looked at Martha, always smiling, like a viper.

"Isn't that black mist?" Jason looked up at the ceiling, as if counting the time, "But you said it wasn't black mist."

Martha clenched her right hand calmly. She couldn't deny this, so she nodded and replied: "I don't think it's Black Mist. Although others think it's Black Mist, but no, Black Mist is indeed consistent with the Red Star Leap Forward." However, this is just a misunderstanding. The real disaster predicted by the Red Star Leap Forward is something else..."

"What is it?" Jason asked.

what is...

The statue of the king of the black domain?

No, it can't be said, Ralph is here, he and Jason are too familiar, once it is said, Jason can just say a few words casually, and it will be perfunctory.

The black mist can't say that either, I have already refuted this statement just now.

What other disaster will affect the entire Ximu Port?

To make them able to trust me, at least temporarily.

Martha felt that her brain was constantly heating up. Life and death might be between these few seconds.

"What... what?" The smile on Ralph's face was even wider. After he finished speaking, his lips twitched a few times.

At this moment, Martha looked at Ralph's lips, and was surprised to find that she understood the meaning of the other party.

Got you!

That's exactly what Ralph said.

"Yes..." Martha knew she couldn't wait any longer. She could already see the impatient expression on Jason's face, "...the Sandman incident."

Vice-captain Jason and Ralph showed surprised expressions at the same time. Among them, the expression on Ralph's face was even more exaggerated. In addition to surprise, there were also anger and fear.

"The Sandman... has reappeared." Martha's tone became serious. "Five years ago, the shadow that shrouded Westwood Harbor came to this free land again."

"Where? When? How many people were affected? How did you find out? Tell me everything. Don't miss anything." Jason looked anxious and kept tapping on the desk with his left hand.

"Sandman..." Ralph's eyes seemed to have traveled through time, returning to five years ago, the face that terrified countless people was deeply imprinted in his mind.

"That's right, Kraut... I remember that this guy seems to be back too. I have to contact him quickly..." Jason started to rummage in the desk drawer, but because he was too panicked, he pulled the drawer out. , the papers in the drawer were scattered on the floor, he picked up two pieces of paper, suddenly, perhaps feeling his embarrassment, he made a fist with his left hand and punched the table hard, and suddenly, there was a loud noise in the office.

Martha was terrified inside, but the expression on her face was very calm.

"Really?" asked Ralph, his voice clear. "Is it really the Sandman? Or something else? Or... are you lying?"

Hearing Ralph's words, Vice Captain Jason also stabilized.

"I swear by the stars, it's true." Martha took a step in Ralph's direction, "Last time, the Sandman took away nearly a quarter of the citizens. How many will it take this time?"

Ralph looked at Martha with a puzzled expression.

"Vice Captain Jason, please follow me." After she finished speaking, she walked out of the office at a leisurely pace.

(End of this chapter)

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