Quenched long order

Chapter 232 Distant Memory

Chapter 232 Distant Memory

Sauer lay on the soft bed, waiting for Daniel to begin the ritual.

17 seemed to appear just for this matter. After telling Shaoer to feel relieved, he melted into the darkness and left quietly.

After receiving a positive reply from Sauer, Daniel immediately began to prepare the materials needed to pry into the memory.

According to Daniel, the preparation process takes about an hour for the safety of both people.

The pleasant fragrance has filled the room, filling every corner of the room.

The door opened, and the mystic Daniel walked in with a cup of green liquid. He sat next to Sauer, handed the cup over, and said in a deep voice:

"Soft soul liquid can reduce the resistance of the tempered soul to prying into memories."

Sauer took the cup, and the strong smell of sour bamboo shoots hit his face, almost suffocating him. He took a closer look at the liquid in the cup. The healthy green color gave a dangerous feeling. There seemed to be various kinds of things in the liquid. Impurities, like insect shells and grass clippings.

He drank the soft soul liquid in one gulp.

Soon, a slight cold feeling filled his chest and spread to his limbs.

He had experienced this feeling before. When Berry taught him how to open the Moon Shadow Road, he let him drink a bowl of something called Moon Shadow Liquid. The two had similar effects, but the Moon Shadow Liquid had a stronger effect.

Sauer lay down again.

Daniel sat aside, silently waiting for the soft soul liquid to take effect. After about two minutes, he warned:

"For our safety, I will take you with me this time to peek into the memory. Strictly speaking, it is your soul. We will watch together. In your memory, I will appear as the peeping frog."

"If your memory is sealed, then we are likely to be attacked, and the disaster may appear in the memory. We must deal with it seriously, and we cannot be careless just because it is a memory, otherwise, an accident is likely to occur. "

Sauer nodded, "I understand."

"Then, let's get started." Daniel stretched out his right hand, and the Peeping Frog appeared in his palm. Then, the secret magic array arranged on the ground slowly lit up with white light, and in the center of the array was the shape of a giant bear. After that, he stretched out his right hand. out, put it next to Sauer's ear, and the peeping frog jumped out of the palm.

"Peeping frogs will get in through your ears," he added.

As Daniel's words fell, Sauer felt a soft, slippery object drilled into his right ear. Instantly, he felt a burning sensation in his soul, but this burning sensation was quickly suppressed by the clammy feeling.

As the soft, slippery feeling gradually approached his brain, Sauer gradually felt sleepy. The sleepiness was so intense that it even reached an abnormal level, almost making people want to resist subconsciously.

"Don't resist." Daniel reminded him at the right moment.

Sauer thought of Daniel's previous reminder that you need to stay relaxed when prying into memories, and this may be what the request was referring to at that time.

The sleepiness is getting stronger and stronger, but even if you give up resistance and fully accept it, you have not really entered sleep, but are in a state of being asleep, which is what Daniel calls half-dream and half-awake.

Unknowingly, Shaoer felt a faint white mist appear in front of him. The white mist spread and completely enveloped his body. Then, the white mist began to thicken, and some blurry figures appeared, but disappeared in the blink of an eye. .

He took a step forward and felt a strange feeling at his feet. He looked down and saw the Peeping Frog at his feet.

"Take me with you." The Peeping Frog opened its mouth and made Daniel's voice.

Sauer lowered his head to pick up the Peeping Frog and put it on his shoulder.

The thick fog ahead gradually dispersed.

"Go forward." Daniel urged.

Sauer walked forward, and not long after, he saw a locked iron door. This door stood on the ground, but it was not straight, but had some curves.

He came closer and pushed the door gently, but it couldn't be pushed open. He squatted down and looked at the keyhole carefully, but found that the keyhole was extremely complicated, and the internal space was larger than the outside, making it impossible for a normal key to open it.

"This is the seal. If it is in this way, the way to unlock the seal should not matter. As long as it can be unlocked, we can go look around..." Daniel said, looking around, but No trace of the key was found. There was only this iron door in the white mist. "No need." Sauer replied, and then he stretched out his right index finger and pressed it on the keyhole.

With his majestic ability activated, since he woke up after the exhaustion of the interrogation, his ability to make tools has become more sophisticated. Moreover, it is not difficult to directly let the air generate the key in the lock cylinder. Even, if necessary, he can directly let The air pushes the lock core and unlocks the door.

There was a snap.

The iron door opened in response.

"Wow." Daniel praised.

Behind the iron gate, white light overflows.

Sauer took a deep breath, pushed the door open with both hands, and walked in.

The white light gradually faded, and everything around was occupied by darkness.

"I feel it, we are entering memory." Daniel said.

Suddenly, a burst of white light lit up in front of them, and the white light quickly approached. In other words, the two of them were approaching quickly.

When the white light dissipated, Sauer found himself sitting in a tent. In front of him was a clay pot that smelled of herbs. In the pot, an unknown black liquid was bubbling.

"Saul." A soldier wearing an investigation team uniform ran in, "Is the medicine ready?"

Sauer frowned and wanted to do something, but found that he couldn't control anything.

"This is memory, we are just spectators," Daniel said.

"Okay, take it and drink it. Remember, tell them, each person has a bowl, and they can't drink more. There is only a dose difference between medicine and poison. Drinking one more bowl will cause you to die a day earlier." After the memory of Shao Er, Then he handed the clay pot to the soldier.

"I know, I know." The soldier muttered impatiently, not paying attention at all. "By the way, the regiment leader said that if he has anything to do with you, he'll be at the windbreak stone."

Leader? Why do I seem to have such a good relationship with the investigation team? Moreover, if these are "my" memories, then when did it happen? I remember when I woke up, I was already in the mine on Stewart Island... What happened here, and when did it happen?

Sauer fell into deep thought. Anyway, he didn't need to control this body now. However, even so, he could feel the difference in the touch of his left hand, which was a good left hand.

"Yeah, I'll be there right away." Sauer nodded in memory, tidied himself up a little, and then walked out of the tent.

Outside the tent, it was dark night, and the smell of burning wafted in the air. However, with the memory of Sauer, he raised his head and looked at the night sky.

Sauer felt suffocated in his heart.

Because this night sky is completely different from the night sky dotted with stars that we usually see. This is a bright starry sky, a colorful starry sky, all kinds of colors are mixed together, like a beautiful picture hanging above your head. , anyone can’t help but stop when they see it for the first time.

This was not the first time that Sauer had seen it, and he had seen it more than once. Such a starry sky was exactly the starry sky that appeared above Berry's head when he used his ability called star magic.

But this time is different, this time it is not a small piece, but endless, without boundaries.

Here... what exactly is this place? If the soldier just now is a member of the investigation team, then this place is... under Stewart Island, the world after passing through the Door of Life...

Sauer felt like his brain was in confusion.

The only good news now seems to be that Daniel can only peek into his memory, but cannot know his current thoughts.

In his memory, Sauer didn't look much. After leaving the tent, he walked towards the windbreak stone not far away.

Next to the windbreak stone, a woman wearing silver light armor and long golden hair was looking into the distance. Perhaps she sensed the approach of Sauer in her memory. The woman in front turned her head. In her beautiful face, a pair of bright eyes His eyes were looking at the visitor, and then, a slight smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

Sauer recognized the woman standing by the windbreak stone as Miranda, the leader of the Stewart Island survey team.

(End of this chapter)

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