Quenched long order

Chapter 238 Times are different

Chapter 238 Times are different
Ms. Paulina's home was in a prosperous area of ​​the town, and her death was a big news in Twin Towers Town.

The arrival of the two Sauers was not welcomed by the owner of the home, Ms. Paulina's husband, but the security guard was present and did not refuse.

After Daniel's conversation, the security officer investigated the two men.

"This Mr. Sauer is a famous disaster hunter."

Daniel introduced it this way.

On the way to the crime scene, the security officer briefly introduced the situation. There were no signs of fighting in the house, and no gold, silver, or jewelry had been stolen.

"Where is her husband?" Sauer asked.

"I wasn't at home last night, and there was a witness." The security guard didn't say much, but his tone was very sure.

Sauer didn't ask further questions. Judging from the conversation eavesdropped last night, the relationship between the couple was not harmonious.

The three of them came to the second floor.

Ms. Paulina was lying on the ground, keeping her head turned. There was a gold-encrusted dagger stuck on her back. It didn't look like a murder weapon, but more like a work of art. It was more of an exhibition than practical.

"This weapon is probably not something ordinary people can have." Daniel stared at the gold-inlaid dagger carefully.

"Indeed." The security guard nodded, "It's the guy in the house."

"Oh?" Daniel was curious.

The security guard pointed to a nearby room.

Sauer walked over, took a look, was a little surprised, and asked: "Does this dagger come in a set? Who else has it?"

In the room, on the handicraft display cabinet, the gold-inlaid dagger was placed on one side and was not lost.

"I asked, and there was only one handful." The security guard shook his head.

"What?" Daniel didn't react for a moment, so he stood up and looked into the room.

Sauer walked in, using his air sense to probe deeply, and carefully compared the two daggers, including various scratches and traces of depreciation. However, except for some minor details, after excluding the interference of blood, other aspects were basically the same.

These two daggers may be the same one.

"Just take a look and you'll know." Daniel squatted next to Ms. Paulina, holding his right hand empty. Soon, a green frog appeared in his palm.

He placed the Peeping Frog on the ground.

The peeping frog slowly jumped into the dead man's ear.

The next second, Daniel closed his eyes.

After a not too long wait, the Peeping Frog jumped out, Daniel opened his eyes and took it into his hand.

Daniel stood up, his expression serious.

"How's it going? Mr. Daniel." The security guard urged, the envy in his eyes could not be concealed.

Peep into the memories of the dead.

What a dream it would be to be a detective or a security guard.


Both temperers and mystics seem to have more prospects.

"Hmm..." Daniel's eyebrows twisted into earthworms.

He is considering.

"Mr. Daniel?" the security guard increased his voice.

"I don't know if I saw it wrong, but..." Mystic Daniel paused, "...the person who killed Ms. Paulina was herself."

"What!" The security guard looked shocked.

"Are you sure?" Sauer looked at the corpse on the ground, and then glanced at the gold-inlaid dagger in the room.

"Not sure." Daniel shook his head. "What I peeked into was only the memory, not the truth. It might be a hallucination before death."

"Maybe it's not an illusion." Sauer pointed to the gold-encrusted dagger.

"Oh my God." The security guard closed his eyes and sighed.

"What exactly did you see?" Sauer's eyes fell on Daniel.

Daniel found a chair and sat down, crossed his hands with his fingers in front of him, and replied:

"Ms. Polina has been having nightmares lately."

"The first thing I saw was that Ms. Paulina was awakened by the noise outside the bedroom."

"She was so frightened that she quietly made her way to the exhibition room but was killed on the way."

"At the last glance, she saw her murderer clearly through the moonlight." "It was herself, wearing the same pajamas."

After saying that, he fell into deep thought.

"So, it's...a disaster?" The security guard's face turned ugly.

"You continue to investigate. If it is a disaster, I will find a way. Daniel, let's go." Sauer gave an answer that satisfied the security officer.

The two left.

Some things are not easy to discuss when outsiders are present.


On the path where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

The two were heading to the tower.

"How did you come to Twin Towers Town?" Sauer asked.

Tempered ones can resist the transformation of disaster.

Ask a quencher and you're more likely to get the answer you want.

"How come..." Daniel seemed not to understand the meaning of this sentence, "...what does it mean?"

"Have you ever heard of the town of Uitin?"

Daniel thought about it carefully and replied: "Isn't this the former name of Twin Towers Town?"

"When you came here, was this place called Twin Towers Town?" Sauer asked.

"Yes." Daniel nodded, but his expression was very confused, "When you came here, was this place called Uiting Town?"

Sure enough, it was the same as my previous speculation.

What 17 said, it turns out that the reason I couldn't go to Twin Towers Town before was because Twin Towers Town hadn't appeared yet, so no matter how much I asked, I couldn't find it.

If Uitin Town was called Twin Towers Town after that, how long was the time difference?
Sauer thought.

He was about to continue asking, but he saw that the mystic Daniel was also deep in thought. It seemed that the information just now made him realize something.

"Daniel, we need to confirm the time, the year is not accurate." Sauer thought of the latest news he learned.

"You said it." Daniel nodded.

"When was the last time the Kingdom of Pelos and the Vanzee Empire fought?" Sauer thought of this.

When he was in the underground space, Naven from the small world was guarding Ximu Port alone. He provided information that a war was going on between the Kingdom of Pelos and the Vanzee Empire. In fact, in the real world, the war between the two countries had only started recently.

Although many details are different, if the two worlds are similar, then some major events may be inevitable, just like anchor points for positioning.

This is the reference anchor point chosen by Sauer.

"Last time? I'm not sure." Mystic Daniel shook his head. He paused and added: "However, this time the fight is not over yet. It has been more than ten years."

"Where are you?" Daniel asked.

"Just... not long after it started..." Sauer said.

The air seemed to gradually solidify.

The two looked at each other.

Ms. Pauline's death was not an illusion.

He indeed died from the effects of the disaster.

The source of the disaster is most likely Twin Towers Town itself.

The black and purple tower not far away is getting closer and closer, and the surrounding scenery is still the same, but it seems to be shrouded in a cold atmosphere.

"We don't live in the same era? Or are we people from two worlds?" Daniel, the mystic, said what he was thinking.

"I guess it's the former. Which one it is, we may need to investigate to find out." Sauer pointed to the tall tower in front of him.

He discovered that there was a house below the tower. To be precise, the tower grew out of the house.

"Whose house is that?" Sauer was a little curious.

"Hmm... it should be Brad's house." Daniel hesitated a little, but soon confirmed it, as if he got a positive answer from his own memory.

"Brad..." Sauer thought for a moment.

"You heard the other day that Brad is Lisa's father and Annie's mother." Daniel explained.

Anne...is the person that the deceased Ms. Paulina fears.

(End of this chapter)

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