Quenched long order

Chapter 43 Spare Ships

Chapter 43 Spare Ships
If it was just an ordinary fight, the guards would not have arrived so quickly, but the appearance of Kerry and the death of the debt collector were all seen by the nearby miners. Even if they didn't see it very clearly, they would definitely notify the guards. After all, no one knows if they will be the next person to die on the island.

Regis stopped kowtowing, his forehead was dyed red, but he didn't know if it was his own blood or Kerry's blood.

He stared at Kerry, opened his mouth, and seemed to want to call the latter's name, but at this moment, the words seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say a word.He crawled over, touched Kerry's still warm fingers with both hands, and suppressed sobs came out of his mouth, then he stood up abruptly, seeing that Saul's eyes were red, then he stepped forward and swung his right hand violently.

Sauer didn't stop using air perception. He could easily feel Regis's every move, and he could easily avoid it. He didn't even need to deliberately dodge. However, he didn't avoid this punch. At this moment, he even hoped that someone could give him a punch.

In this way, he will feel better in his heart.

Regis' right fist landed on Saul's face, leaving a small livid scar.

"You...are you still human?" Regis asked crying, he raised his right hand again, but this time, his wrist was held by Sauer.

"Kerry has long been hopeless." Saul looked at Regis with cold eyes, "If you don't kill him, it will be me and Garland."

His tone was not explaining, but stating the facts.

Regis took two steps back and withdrew his right hand. He shook his head and said, "Yes, you're right. Kerry is hopeless. He's been polluted and should be dealt with." He glanced at Kerry's body, then turned his head back, and asked, "But why didn't you hesitate when you killed Kerry? Did he treat you badly?"

Having said that, he stretched out his left hand and pointed at Garland, "Ask Garland, ask him, will he do it without hesitation like you?"

Saul looked in the direction of Garland, and Garland also looked at Saul, but his eyes were different from before. It seemed that there was a sense of distance.

"Enough." Garland whispered, his voice hoarse, "Stop making noise."

At this time, the guards who came from the path had already surrounded the three of them. The spears in the guards' hands shone like stars in the sunlight. As long as the three of them made any abnormal moves, these spears would stab them without hesitation, leaving several holes in their bodies.

Not far away, the inspector was slowly approaching.


Garrison Army Prison.

The three were separated in cells.

Now is the observation period. After coming into contact with the polluted miners, there will be an observation period. In fact, because it is a special period, the inspectors are more inclined to solve it directly. However, because Sauer is a quencher, and because Saul has seen gold mines twice and is still healthy, and Garland and Regis are miners who lived with Sauer, they are all left for observation.

In the afternoon, Saul was taken alone to the inspector's room.

"You go out first." The supervisor looked at the two guards and said.

"Yes." The guard nodded, then left the room, closing the door behind him.

The inspector looked Sauer up and down, as if he was observing or testing. He put his hands behind his back and walked around Sauer.

"Is this an interrogation?" Saul said calmly.

The inspector shook his head and sat on the chair behind the desk. He stretched out his right hand as a gesture of invitation.

Seeing this, Sauer looked puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions, but sat directly on the chair opposite the inspector. After that, he adjusted his sitting posture and waited for the inspector to speak.

Now he doesn't want to talk much, he needs a little time to slow down, not too long, but it takes time.

"Anyway, first of all, I want to congratulate you for not being polluted." The inspector crossed his hands and fingers on the table. Then, he leaned his upper body forward and moved a little closer, and then continued, "Your friend's body has been burned together with several other people for the safety of Stewart Island. As for the piece of gold, it is temporarily placed in the residence of the psychic scholar. Through my shallow alchemy and Luna's secret technique, it seems to be temporarily sealed. Fortunately, the effect of the curse is not strong, and it should be able to last for a while. .”

After finishing speaking, he seemed to have remembered something, and added, "I hope so."

Saul stared at the inspector's face. This confident face showed a tired expression. It seemed that the outline of dark circles could be vaguely seen near the eye sockets.

"There is one thing I don't understand. The mine has been closed, so why is the gold in Kerry's hands?" He asked.

"This is also a question I want to know the answer to." The inspector leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair. "I have sent someone to check the entrance of the mine. The ore has not been touched, and the guards have not seen any suspicious people." At this point, he stopped and fell into deep thought. After two seconds, he continued:

"Actually, there is something I didn't tell you."

"You haven't told me many things." Saul said calmly, "But judging by your expression, could it be related to the appearance of gold?"

The inspector sighed, stood up, and walked towards the window, "Actually, after you told me what the opionite scholar said, I sent out five carrier pigeons that night. The next day, the five carrier pigeons were found by the guards and died by the sea. Afterwards, I tried to use the red whisper of the relic to make contact. As a result, the relic was completely damaged and could not be used."

"Could it be that..." Saul didn't say the rest.

"That's right." The inspector nodded. "The investigation team still hasn't received any news from me. Stewart Island is now a completely isolated island, unable to communicate with the outside world. The curse of the gold mine you saw at that time may have directly affected the entire island. The gold in your friend's hands may also be the same reason."

Sauer frowned. He didn't expect the situation to be so serious. He thought for a while and asked, "That is to say, we can only wait for the arrival of the cargo ship in four days?"

The inspector didn't nod, he sighed, and replied: "I'm afraid, the situation is more serious than we thought. In fact, since that day, I ordered the renovation of the Stewart, and the progress has already passed halfway." Having said that, he turned around, "If the cargo ship doesn't come by then, we will board the Stewart and leave the island."

"Stuart?" Saul was a little surprised, "Us?"

The inspector nodded, "The Stewart is a spare ship of the garrison island corps, used to deal with special situations. Sauer, you are not an ordinary miner, no, you are no longer a miner, but a member of the Stewart Island investigation team." He smiled, "I have one thing to ask you for. I want you to help investigate the gold. I think there may be hidden secrets that we don't know. In addition, if other miners are polluted, I hope you can deal with them as soon as possible to prevent the pollution from spreading."

(End of this chapter)

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