Alliance: The Wind Goes On!I play AD on Weibo

Chapter 196 The Road to Fearlessness

Chapter 196 The Road to Fearlessness
After a brief rest period of 20 minutes,
Everyone in WBG sat around in the training room again,
Everyone had different expressions, thinking about today's training match. Xiaohu, who was always optimistic, also had a serious expression at this time, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

Only the already relaxed Sofm was quietly nibbling snacks in the corner, fearlessly.

The manager of WBG once approached him alone before, mainly to communicate with him whether to list his name and go out to find other teams. There are not many possibilities to stay in the team and play, and it may be a waste of time.

The club can provide free termination without charging additional transfer fees.

Now that they have just won the MSI championship, it is actually relatively easy for SOFM to find a team for the starting lineup.

But from playing in S6 to now in S12, the money he earned in LPL has been enough for him to live a very wealthy life. In addition, his girlfriend has urged him to get married several times.
So he decided to go back to Vietnam to get married and have a baby as soon as the contract period ends this year.

It would be great to be able to get paid while lying down now.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourselves. Consider that our team has only been formed for a few days."

In the video, Liang Daren's eyes were shining and he said with joy, "I saw your performance in the training match. Everyone played very well."

He lowered his head and looked at the detailed laning data in his hand. As a coach and analyst who has been in charge of many top LCK teams, he could tell at a glance how much potential this newly reorganized team had.

At the same time, I felt very lucky and wished I could fly to China as soon as my visa was approved.

Thinking back to last year,

At the end of 21, due to the poor record of the T1 team and his initiative to ask Faker to rotate, he was directly kicked out by the T1 players and management Gong Dou, which almost made him unable to find a job.

After a long time in the first half of this year, I was frustrated and could only return to DK as an analyst at the invitation of my old club to do some auxiliary and behind-the-scenes work.

This is undoubtedly equivalent to staying behind the scenes and slowly gaining qualifications. It may be that when DK wins the championship again, he will be able to stand out for the second time.

But in the process of studying MSI events, a team from the LPL quickly attracted his attention.
He is obviously just an ADC, but he also serves as a coach.
Moreover, his performance on the field is even more astonishing. Not only can he serve as the commander of the team, but he is also unmatched in terms of operation.
In his impression, even the screen-cutting maniac Faker and doinb, who had their own system at the time, could not achieve this level of ability to read the game.

Coupled with the reorganization after winning the championship, the team's shortcomings have now been completely made up.

This is completely a top team that can compete for the S championship.

Fortunately, I accepted theshy's invitation without hesitation, otherwise I might have missed the most critical opportunity in my coaching career.

"Time is tight. We will officially participate in the first LPL game in two days. The top priority now is to determine the command authority within the team."

As theshy was translated into Chinese meticulously, everyone in WBG gradually focused their attention on the iPad.
"Cough cough."

Liang Daren cleared his throat, "The command in the early stage will mainly depend on Xiaohu and Liu Qingsong. In the mid-term, you can discuss team formation or switching lanes. You should ask Xiaochuan's opinion more."

"Okay, coach."

"Okay, coach."

Gu Chuan nodded thoughtfully. Liu Qingsong, who was sitting aside, pretended not to care and was biting his nails. In fact, his ears were raised high and he was eavesdropping on the conversation of his teammates.

"I have already talked about the problems within the team. Now let's talk about the problems we face in the summer version."

Danny remotely opened the curtain of the conference room, which showed OPGG and various Korean server ranking information of professional players from various major competition regions.

"The focus of this version's changes is to increase the tankiness of all heroes, increase the damage of defense towers, and reduce the overall healing and shield effects."

He carefully circled the two lines in the middle with a red pen, "This is obviously in response to the dominance you and T1 showed at MSI, the hero's tankiness improvement and the defense tower's damage bonus, and the combination of the two What consequences will it cause?”

Gu Chuan tapped the desktop, carefully recalling the specific changes in rank in the past few days, "It seems to have become more advanced, and it can easily be delayed until three or ten minutes later."

"That's right!"

Danny nodded with satisfaction, "Now the survival rate of the crispy ones will be higher. At the same time, because of the increased tankiness of the defense towers, there is room for late-stage heroes with lower fault tolerance rates to play."

His words were unanimously recognized by everyone,
In previous versions, development-type heroes would often be specifically targeted in the early stages. They had so-called late-stage abilities, but they had no effect at all in disadvantageous situations.

In the LPL competition area, where there are often big fights, this type of hero is usually unpopular. You can't watch your teammates fighting while you are the only one doing the last-ditch damage.

In the end, I spent a long time tinkering with the sword. I am a squishy person, and I might have to kneel on the spot if I accidentally get into a fight.

But one version after another, one god after another,

Now with the tower father and the early tankiness blessing, even the Mercy, who was not as good as a dog in the early stage, and Kassadin, who has 19 armors, are constantly increasing in appearance rate and winning rate.

"This has led to changes in the entire ecological chain of Summoner's Rift,"

Danny switched to the next drawing, "The mid laner, who originally focused on tool players, can start playing C again. Whether it is Tsar or Kassadin, even clockwork and airplanes have a certain space to play."

"However, when faced with this type of AP core mid laner, you can also use a physical mid laner like Yongen Yasuo, paired with Bright Moon, to counterattack."

The big screen began to play the mid-jungle system that G2 often played, the double flying combination of Haoyue and Yasuo.

Xiaohu slapped his thigh excitedly, "Really? I, Yongen, am actually playing quite well!"


Cheng Lu on the side couldn't help laughing. Even Sofm stopped eating and looked over blankly.

They had seen Xiaohu Yongen in ranked, and the gesture of always making a big move was still vivid in their minds.

"Please don't use your doubtful eyes to insult my noble personality." Xiaohu made a gesture of double swords and said righteously, "Starting tonight, I will spend the day with you one by one to have a good experience. What does Fengchen Jue Nian Slash mean?"

"Pfft hee hee."

When Cheng Lu heard this, she finally couldn't help laughing, and covered her mouth with both hands.

"Forget it, Brother Tiger, it won't happen, it won't happen."

Liu Qingsong, who was maintaining a cold persona on the side, could only try his best to smooth down the curve of the corner of his mouth, "The master I just named, go find them to cause trouble, they will share more."


The relaxed atmosphere instantly broke the awkward silence, and everyone had a smile on their face.

Although Dani behind the screen could not understand Chinese, she was happy to see this scene.It is always said that if a family has an elder, it is like having a treasure, and it is even more famous in the league.

In his opinion, players like General Tiger who can adjust the atmosphere and integrate the team are really valuable.

According to his understanding, if the RNG next door was not forced to sell players to make a living, Xiaohu would probably have to receive his pension insurance from Bai Xing in this life.

"Ahem, please be serious."


After briefly expressing the majesty of the head coach, Dani continued to talk about detailed tactical adjustments.The team members were also looking at the PPT on the big screen carefully, listening to Cheng Lu slowly translating sentence by sentence.

Although the two parties have never met formally, such detailed information was obviously collected and compiled bit by bit by the newly appointed coach. In such a short period of time, he may have spent a lot of effort.

In today's complicated society, sometimes only sincerity can win sincerity.

Time passed little by little, and the laptop I had been working on gradually became hot to the touch, and the fan made a whirring buzzing sound.

It wasn't until Danni felt her mouth go dry and she raised her wrist that she realized that three hours had passed.

"Finally, I want to say that each of you is the best. The only thing you have to do now is to believe in your teammates more. Remember, concentrated strength can break through stubborn rocks!"

After saying that, Liang Daren looked at his team members with sincere eyes, especially the bottom duo.

Everything is a fan of the authorities,

He is now lowering Gu Chuan's command just to help relieve pressure.

As long as he is a team leader, he cannot avoid the need to frequently cut the screen to observe the three lanes. In addition, he often did not have the protection of junglers and assistants before. This made Gu Chuan unconsciously develop a habit of always adopting a defensive counterattack in the lane. posture, waiting for the other party's mass beating at any time.

But in Coach Dani’s view, this is a complete waste of his perfect personal talent.

With such terrifying personal suppression ability, he should invest all his energy in the lane.
Whether it is like a sharp knife that stabs the enemy's heart in the early stage, or it develops steadily and makes the opponent frightened in the later stage, it will definitely be several times more powerful than it is now!
As an assistant, Liu Qingsong is not in his prime either.
He spent half a year in BLG in vain, and the two ADCs he paired with were only ranked in the middle and lower reaches of the entire LPL in terms of strength. In addition, the jungler and mid laner in the team never took the initiative to do anything.
As a result, he only thought about how to protect his teammates and how to make a beautiful first move during the game, completely losing the agile roaming and sharp line-up he had in S9.

Danni believes that as long as these two can get along well, they will definitely become the strongest bot lane duo in the LPL and even the world!
"Come on in the game! We will win!"

"come on!"

Gu Chuan and Liu Qingsong glanced at each other inadvertently.
Both of them saw the desire for victory in each other's eyes.

On the other side, the IG team is also carefully planning the game. When everyone thinks they are going to make a background board,
Now IG is wholeheartedly trying to find a way to win this good start.

Anyway, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. BO3 is not like BO5. It is not impossible to use special tactics to steal two small rounds.

Of course, this is also related to another more important thing,
After investors and Principal Wang withdrew their capital one after another, their management still focused on one plan in the past few seasons.
That's selling piglets!

Now, both the top laner Zika and the jungler Xun are considered the top operators in the league. As long as they maintain their value in the summer split, they can immediately sell them to teams in the league trying to compete for the championship at a high price next season. ,

Then during the transfer period, the LPL team's quota will be used to draw cards again. In this way, relying on the huge dividends given by the official league every year, plus the transfer fees of rookie players, they have been doing a business of making sure profits without losing money.

Players who are sold like this have to go back and thank them.
After all, as a perfect springboard, charging some "handling fees" that are not expensive is something you and I are willing to do.

Of course, the prerequisite for accomplishing all of this is to have star players in the team, and they are not willing to let go of this summer split debut.

at night,

Gu Chuan sorted out the clutter on his desk and opened his live broadcast room out of habit.
After returning from MSI, his Korean server account was banned as expected.
The reason for the ban is unknown.

As a result, the first position was finally taken by Xiaohuatuan, who had worked hard for half a year. His high score of more than 1800 made the people below basically unable to think of catching up.

Unexpectedly, when the broadcast started, the live broadcast room with a black screen was immediately covered with barrages!
"Huh? Who are you and why are you on my grandpa's watch list?"

"The missing person returns, and he sits up in shock while dying of illness!"

"Okawa, are you crazy? You won't recognize your brothers after winning the championship."

"It's so exciting tonight. I actually saw the famous pigeon start broadcasting?"

"Listen to the song! Listen to the song, we want to listen to the song! Open the video of the Fearless Road!"

"Yes, hurry up!"

The traffic in the entire backend suddenly increased several times, and countless barrages and gifts flooded the screen, causing the entire live broadcast room to freeze, and people who came afterward could not even enter.

Before the supervisor, who was trying to catch a fish, had time to react, he was woken up by a call from his leader, and he quickly put Gu Chuan's live broadcast room at the top of the home page.

"Brother Meng, it's not that I don't want to broadcast it. There are too many things happening recently. I just came back from vacation."

Gu Chuan nervously picked up the Coke on the side and took a sip, "I still want to listen to the song. The MV is really not good, so why not? Why don't you just watch me play games."

"Double queue with Songsong tonight, the two of us will kill all the Hanbok players."

But at this time, the rhythm in the live broadcast room was completely stimulated, and everyone was listening to the song.

Recently, as the game day gets closer and closer, the Internet has become more and more popular and lively.

In order to increase the popularity, LPL officials decided to gather all the players and launch a new theme song.

That's the song! [The Road to Fearlessness].

As a popular newcomer who just won the championship this year, Teng Jing was naturally treated very favorably. The entire section immediately following was reserved for Gu Chuan and Ah Shui's duet.

But he was a complete music idiot. During the recording, it was only through the hard work of millions of tuners hired that he managed to produce a listenable part.

In Gu Chuan's opinion, watching his MV in the live broadcast room is simply a public execution. He doesn't know how the neighbor's posture can be so natural.

With the rich man's reward for Zang Baotu's pictures, he was forced to love endlessly and had to open the video of station B.

“Walking through the fog to find light.”

(End of this chapter)

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