Alliance: The Wind Goes On!I play AD on Weibo

Chapter 206 Zika’s determination

Chapter 206 Zika’s determination

"EZ here means that the bottom lane must withstand pressure. IG's idea in this game should be to operate in the upper half." I remember that I am not surprised by this. "They have already tried targeting WBG's bottom lane in the last game. , but the effect is obviously not very satisfactory.”

"But WBG said that everyone should reciprocate, and your bottom lane is going to suffer badly in this round!"

Just when the selection box in the center of the big screen just lit up, the second and third floors of WBG locked the classic Shadow Island combination without hesitation!
"Skate shoes and thresh."

Coach Xiaolong frowned, "Lucas, how are you doing with Tam? The opponent needs to speed up this game."

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Thresh, who once helped Liu Qingsong win the S championship, will naturally have no problems in operation. As for his partner Gu Chuan, after a season of competition, no one dares to doubt his proficiency with Kalista. .

Facing WBG's up-and-coming lineup, the best support is Lienata or Tahm, who have strong backhand abilities.


Lucas had a little hesitation on his face, "You can take it, I've practiced ranking a lot."

There was another sentence that he never said out loud in his heart.

Although he has practiced a lot, his rank winning rate has never been very high.

However, this game is destined to have to resist pressure in the bottom lane. Tahm is not very difficult to operate as a hero. At critical moments, he can just swallow one person, so he is not too worried about this.

"IG got Tahm Kench on the third floor. Both teams started with the jungler and bottom lane duo, so the focus of the second round of banning will be on the mid to top lane position."

"But here we pair EZ with Tahm. Isn't this bottom lane combination a bit abstract?"

Colonel Guan racked his brains and came up with a less offensive adjective.

The two sides officially entered the second round of ban,

WBG chooses to target Zika who is in better condition on the road and press down the weapon first.
At the same time, it also announces to the opponent from another aspect that without weapons to target, my top laner Cheng Lu can play the big core C position.

On the other side,
IG, which had no room for error, could only be led by WBG, and immediately banned the captain after 2 seconds.

Seeing this scene from far away in Korea, Danny calmly crossed his legs.

With the blue side's absolute BP advantage, everything the IG coach could do in the first few steps was within his calculations, and there were no surprises.

Then he will give the final fatal blow.

"IG's last board on the fifth floor was given to Xiaohu's Czar. Now WBG is lacking in output as a whole. It's obviously not enough to rely on a Kalista to fight the team and do damage."

"But WBG remained unmoved and chose to press down Yanque with his backhand. It seemed that he wanted to lock Yue Kai on the middle line."

"Do you think these skateboard shoes are for theshy?" Colonel Guan started to have his own whimsical thoughts, "And then suddenly add a tool man to the mid laner, and then get a big C in the bottom lane?"

I remember my eyes lit up, "It's really possible. Brother Chuan's Aphelios and Zeli have a 100% winning rate so far!"

"Then WBG should make this decision?"

The audience in the audience also became excited and looked at the big screen with anticipation.

Since the removal of Scarlet Blade and the various nerfs intentionally made by the designers, top laner Kalista has not appeared in the game for a long time.

Is it possible that they can still see the scene of "don't eat, don't eat" today?
IG's coaches and players are not idiots, so they naturally thought of this level of consideration.

"Yue Kai, let me play the mid laner for you first. What do you personally want to play? Our lineup is a bit lacking in control, so we have to rely on you to stabilize the lane."

Xiaolong walked behind his mid laner and gently kneaded his shoulders with his hands, trying to ease his nervousness.

Another implication is,
The last counter position must be left to the big daddy on the road. You can choose one who can stabilize and avoid death. When the time comes, you can give him some control in the group.

Yue Kai licked her dry lips, feeling her throat full of bitterness, "Bring me an Ice Girl, I can guarantee that the line will be stable in the middle."

Although he debuted relatively late, he understood the cruelty of this industry early on after years of hard work in the RNG team.

In e-sports, without the support of personal strength, there is no right to speak, whether on or off the court.

Thinking of this, Yue Kai clenched his fists tightly.

One day, everyone in the city will look up to me!
"Lissandra, IG took out Ice Girl on the fourth floor to ensure the combat intensity of the midfielder in the early stage. There are few natural enemies in the lane, and at the same time, the counter is given to the top laner."

"Now the question is thrown back to WBG, who are they going to choose in the top lane, or are skateboard shoes really the top laner?" Colonel Guan stared ahead impatiently.

The director also wisely cut the camera to the WBG players' bench.

theshy was talking and laughing, seeming to be communicating with his teammates.

"You can choose if you want. I'll tell you what you're afraid of."

Gu Chuan said plausibly, "Anyway, you usually practice a lot with RNGK. If you don't win, you won't win."

"I'll go up and help you later, brother Shy, don't worry."

"I don't even want AD anymore. Four guarantees and one top order."

Liu Qingsong and Xiaohu were also making noises nearby.

Operating around the bottom lane system will destined the top lane to become a one-on-one arena for both sides, and the opponent's attention will be forced to focus on the lower half.

Different from Redmi's team leadership idea, if 369 is present at this time, there is almost no need to consider Thain or Ornn.But Danni hopes more that WBG can fully utilize his personal abilities and does not need to deliberately cater to the team.

As time disappears little by little, the holy angel holds the sword of victory and occupies the entire big screen!

【Welcome to the trial! 】

[The goddess of victory is smiling. 】

"Locked! Angel plus card."

"WBG is finally willing to buy something new!"

"Angel's top laner has been particularly popular in the high divisions of the Korean server recently. After getting the two-piece set, he began to enter a strong period, and his winning rate increased steadily in the later period." Colonel Guan analyzed it carefully, "And the entire WBG lineup still lacks a rhythm player. , Xiaohu is also an old card, so there is no problem with the final reinforcement."

I remember locking my eyes on IG's last hero selection box, "Then what choice will IG come up with against Angel? Raven?!"

[The day when the broken sword is reforged, when the knight returns! 】

"IG! Come on!"

"IG! Come on!"

The shocking drum sound stopped abruptly with the finalization of the white frame!The audience kept echoing the shouts of IG fans!
Raven's face was pale, and he was holding the broken rune blade like a broken IG team. However, facing a strong enemy, Zika still chose to use his sword at the last second!

The lineups of both sides are officially confirmed, blue side WBG: top laner Angel, jungler Wei, mid laner Card, and bottom lane Kalista paired with Thresh.

Red square IG: top laner Raven, jungler Foyego, mid laner Ice Girl, bottom lane EZ paired with Tahm.

"IG's lineup in this round is obviously focused on the top half. A strong lane hero like Raven will definitely be bloody. Theshy has to be very careful."

"On the other hand, WBG mainly relies on the two ultimate moves in the middle and jungle to drive the overall rhythm. Card and Wei's fixed-point control can pose a great threat to single heroes. Now it seems that Lucas, Tahm, has quite the essence. ." Colonel Guan couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, "Personally, I still prefer IG's lineup. It can play both forehand and backhand, and it has team-fighting and single-player."

"The opening game of the 2022 LPL Summer Split! The second game between WBG and IG is about to begin! Whether WBG will complete the crushing and score a point, or IG will turn the tide and regain a victory, let us wait and see!"

The director rotated the camera in a circle above the auditorium, stirring up waves of people, and finally the screen focused on the team flags of WBG and IG.

The next moment, Summoner's Rift appeared on the top of the big screen!
Gu Chuan bought a lot of Orchid Swords and went out with first blood. He walked to the bottom lane and stood guard on the triangular grass as usual.

Neither side wanted to disrupt their offensive rhythm because of the unstable first-level regiment. They watched their opponents across the river in a long snake formation without the slightest idea of ​​taking action.

At 1 minute and 37 seconds, the soldiers officially met in the middle.
As soon as Gu Chuan came online, a white energy bomb was fired at him, but his extremely quick reaction allowed him to dodge with a slight twist. Liu Qingsong next to him also took the opportunity to occupy the middle of the bottom lane.

Seeing that the first attack failed, ez immediately turned around and distanced himself, and carefully hid behind Tahm to finish the attack.

The two sides officially entered the laning period,
The director's footage is on the road,
Theshy's angel changed his usual attitude. When he came up, he pressed forward very aggressively, hoping to find a chance to exchange blood.
But Zika naturally also understands this routine. He moves his Q back into the grass and only sticks the tail knife on the edge to eat the remaining blood, which seems neither arrogant nor impetuous.

Angel with a deadly rhythm at level [-] is not as fragile as imagined, not to mention Raven, who only reaches a strong stage at level [-].

"Xun here chose to brush from bottom to top. If the line of troops continues to push forward, there may be a wave of GNAK opportunities when they hit the third level." Colonel Guan was keenly aware of this detail.

"And WINKEZ is too cautious here in the bottom lane. Medicine King adds TP and goes home as soon as the blood volume is low. I feel that WBG is not easy to kill in the bottom lane, and we still have to wait for the card to reach six."

A white light flashed across Gu Chuan and Liu Qingsong at the same time, reaching the second level at the same time.

But at this time, the two IG bottom laners who were well prepared have already pulled back to the defense tower. They only need to take a step back to return to the tower.

Taking advantage of WINK's last strike, Liu Qingsong in the grass was unwilling to throw a hook at the extreme distance.

The crisp sound of chains sounded, and the Q skill's death sentence successfully hit EZ.

But before Gu Chuan could press forward with his martial arts stance, EZ pressed Purify to forcefully offset the short-term control.

The two successfully pulled them back to the tower, and there was no big change in their blood volume.

"The bottom lane on the other side is too timid." Liu Qingsong could only shake his head helplessly.

"Don't worry, play with them."

Gu Chuan controlled Kalista to keep jumping back and forth, and used his Q skill to inadvertently penetrate the remaining health minion. He then basic-attacked and pulled out the spear again.

The first attack that WINK just had on CD was knocked out by damage again, and when he was forced to move, he couldn't avoid missing another shot.

The line of troops advanced uncontrollably towards the bottom tower of IG. In less than 4 minutes, Liu Qingsong had successfully fired the explosion.
The first layer of coating on the defense tower shattered!After finishing the lower half of the area, Weiwei was already squatting in the bottom river, waiting for Xiaolong to refresh.

"The bottom lane is too suppressive. Isn't it too much to ask Goddess EZ to come out in tears?"

I remember frowning, "I feel like he wants to earn enough money to go home, so that he can directly transition to a time period when EZ is not so weak, but how to earn enough 700 yuan now is a problem."

Just as they were making plans, something unusual seemed to happen on the road.

Foyego, who has cleared the jungle, has reached level [-]. He is heading towards the triangle grass with all his skills.
Because the shy angel is pushing the line unscrupulously, and the only eye position is at the river next to the vanguard.

"Zika is deliberately controlling the troops in front of the tower. If you continue to move forward, the angel will be in danger!"

At this time, the director suddenly cut his field of vision to the middle.

The card took a blue card and connected with Q to push all the troops in front of IG's middle tower. Ignoring the ice girl, she suddenly turned around and walked towards the top road.

Xiaohu just stepped on xun's river crab altar sign and moved closer to the upper half of the area. Under the eyes of everyone on IG, he came to the grass on the river on the upper road.

At this time, Foyego, who was squatting in the triangle grass, was still hesitating. Suddenly, an artificial eye was inserted from the side, immediately exposing his whereabouts.

Seeing this, Xun had no choice but to leave.

Under Xiaohu's intimidation, theshy next to him also successfully pushed a large wave of thread into the tower, turned around and left without any regrets.

"He really knows the top lane very well, and he is worthy of being a man who has played in the top lane before."

Colonel Guan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "A card that starts wandering before level six, would rather lose a wave of troops to protect Brother Shy. Xiaohu is really a team player."

"This card suddenly reminds me of an old friend." Seeing this scene, I remember feeling as if I was back in the canteen.

"Oh? Can you tell me more about it?"

"It's not good. We'll study it over the weekend."


Angel, who was holding a support sign in the audience, suddenly felt a chill and couldn't help but sneeze.

"I'm so stupid! Why is the air conditioning in this venue so powerful today?"

On next to him squinted his eyes and looked at him speechlessly.

Stupid people have stupid blessings, but Sabi does not.

Without any intention of reminding him, On continued to watch the game on the screen.
He would like to take a closer look to see how Liu Qingsong, the champion support player, is better than him.

IG's first wave of attacks on the top lane was forced to terminate, but WBG's rhythm was still progressing steadily.

Due to the solid line rights in the bottom lane, the first dragon that was just refreshed was easily taken down by Weiwei, and he turned around and continued to replenish his level.

Seeing that his bottom lane was being suppressed crazily, Xun still had no intention of coming down to help. After replenishing his equipment, he squatted in the grass in the middle lane again.

IG midfielder finally found a wave of opportunities when Xiaohu pushed the lane.

The moon-opening Ice Girl suddenly attacked. As her E crampons moved forward, the vast scorched earth on the flanks spread out!
The card handed over his flash at the moment when the ice ring was about to fall, and avoided Qianzai Youyan next to him to the limit.

"Missed! Xiaohu reacted so quickly!"

"You must not hesitate about this flash. He just handed over his T. Even if he is disabled, he will definitely lose blood this time."

"But there are still 2 minutes until the vanguard. The card flash will not turn well at that time. The top angel will definitely not be as effective as Raven. Does WBG really want to take over?"

As the time for the Vanguard refresh gets closer and closer, the smell of gunpowder in Summoner's Rift is gradually getting stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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