Chapter 296 Coach’s Game

"Should WBG choose to ban Silas? Chovy's laning performance in the last game was quite good. It can be seen that his proficiency is no problem at all."

Listening to Colonel Guan's analysis, Miller added, "But once they choose to ban Silas, GEN will most likely steal the Czar."

"Then it depends on whether Xiaohu can come up with something new."

This year's top four teams in the World Championship rarely have two completely different styles. Most of T1 and GEN's BP games focus on mid-jungle linkage, while WBG and DRX focus more on support due to the diversity of the bottom lane players' hero pools. and AD selection.

Only the team that wins the final can prove that they are the answer to the version.

However, amid the analysis in the commentary box, WBG's third team still chose to press down the big tree that could swing up and down in this version.

As a professional coach, Dani thinks more about the components of a complete system.

Through the analysis of various data in the group stage by the own training team, the GEN players have almost reached perfection in the tactical development of the top-field linkage and the swing of the big tree system.

If the opponent's coach is hiding a move, it will definitely involve the design in this regard, and he will kill this possibility in advance.

At the GEN battle table.

Watching the big tree's portrait on the big screen slowly dimming, Coach Score had an imperceptible smile on his face.

He actually guessed their tactics in advance, but unfortunately not too much.

"According to the plan, grab the pig girl first."

Score turned to look at Little Peanut, and patted his shoulder with an expectant tone, "Wanghu, it's up to you."

"Do your best."

At this moment, Peanut's eyes were firm and he looked up into the distance. Through the dreamy light, he seemed to see the coveted trophy.

In 98, he was already 24 years old. For a professional player, he had already reached the end of his career. I wonder how many more opportunities he would have to come to this stage again.

Not everyone can become a faker, they all have reasons why they cannot lose.

The flashing light of the selection frame drove the heartbeats of the 18,000 spectators at the scene to continue to accelerate, and the beating of the war drums resounded throughout the State Agriculture Arena!

【Tamp them down! 】

An unexpected hero appeared in GEN's selection box, and he locked it in seconds without much thought!

"A grab for the pig girl!? The strong mid laner, Silas Czar, all opens to WBG for selection. Isn't this wrong?"

Colonel Guan was puzzled, and his tone of voice rose in vain according to his mood, "What is BP doing? Is GEN going to do scientific research?!"

His heart became more and more tangled.

Although Xiaohu's performance in the World Championship was visibly weak, at least he was still within the operational level of the first-line mid laner. GEN's move to give up the blue side's BP advantage with such contempt was a complete waste of Chovy's carry ability.

"You dare to let me choose. WBG backhand locks Silas on the first floor! There is a ready-made pig girl's ultimate move that can be stolen. Silas must not miss it."

Miller was overjoyed!

This is completely giving an opportunity. As long as WBG can seize this opportunity to bring the score to 2-0, even a flying god will not be able to save GEN.

The hope of ending the game is now.

"Brother Tiger, how do you feel?"

Weiwei still felt a little nervous and asked angrily,

Under the emphasis of Gu Chuan and Danni, Xiaohu did several days of special training in the training games in the past few days, just to improve his Silas training level.

Unfortunately, the final result was of little effect.

There may be some heroes whose attributes and skills just don't suit their personal style. Even with the careful guidance of Knight, the master of Silas' housekeeping, Xiaohu's level can still only be maintained at the usable stage.

Of course, it is also possible that the guidance process is not thorough enough due to language barriers.

"It's okay, trust me." Li Yuanhao moved his Adam's apple up and down, forced a smile and nodded.

He always likes to bury the pressure in his heart.

At this stage, you have to play even if you can't, otherwise Dany's BP will have to add a ban position to the middle by default.

They are already on the red side and are seriously short of bans. Banning Sylas means they have to release other versions of T0 heroes, which will only cause more troublesome problems.

WBG did their part to win Lenata again on the second floor.

Liu Qingsong's Liena Tower is at the top of her game whether it's to start a team first or to defend the team with a backhand. It can restrain the opponent's pig girl rush system and can be used with various types of ADCs at the same time.

"The opponent took the bait! What do you guys want to get from the bottom lane?"

Score smiled and slapped the tabletop, holding the microphone excitedly, "The only goal of the bottom lane in this game is to be stable! I want to be in the bottom lane and nothing will happen! The jungler can't waste time in the bottom half later."

To a certain extent, RGE's idea of ​​confronting WBG in the quarterfinals was not wrong, but it was just because the players' strength gap was too big that it could not be effective.

They are going to recreate it today.

"I'm going to be an orphan again."

Emperor Chi and Lehends thought together tacitly. At this time, they happened to look at each other and simply started discussing in a low voice.

They made a final decision quickly.

"On the second and third floors of GEN, we locked Karma and teamed up with EZ, showing off our bottom lane duo." Colonel Guan said, "This combination is definitely much faster than Lenata in pushing the lane, and the laning intensity is also Not losing to the policewoman at all, it seems that GEN’s coach couldn’t accept the laning disadvantage of the bottom lane in the previous game, so he took the lead in changing the formation.”

Miller analyzed it carefully, "It is a helpless move for them to raise the priority of the bottom lane so high. In this way, Chaowei will not be able to select the Czar in the first round. The only strong mid lane hero that they can get in the second round is Not too much.”

WBG quickly locked the jungler Wei on the third floor.

Weiwei, who plays confidently, continues to choose to maintain his style. Moreover, GEN's combination of EZ and Karma is destined to pull and hit output. Next, they have to make up for the rush system to crack it.

This is also in line with Dany's expectations.

The two sides officially entered the second round of ban.

Since the bottom lane is destined to be ineffective, the coaches on both sides unanimously set their sights on the top lane.

GEN sent the wine barrel and weapon master to the ban position, seeming to be brewing some plan.

Dany was a little confused about this;

Cheng Lu's hero pool is rich and messy. Generally speaking, it is difficult to impose too many restrictions on BP. The use of these two ban positions is only a drop in the bucket.

It’s hard to understand why Coach GEN would behave so irrationally.

But BP's short time did not allow him to think too much. Since the opponent's focus is on the top half, Dolan's crocodile and Gnar naturally cannot be released.

"Verus is revealed on the fourth floor of WBG! Brother Chuan, are you going to teach Ruler Emperor? This is not how Verus plays, let's see the correct demonstration?!"

Miller shouted excitedly, "Do you really want to lock it? Don't tell me that this combination is very strong in laning. Verus is used to match Lenata." With the sonorous sound of unsheathing, the countdown ended. Ruth's avatar confirmed!

The audience screamed again!

Obviously, both teams are very angry. If the first game was a test, then the second game will be full of gunpowder and sparks hitting the earth!

The director didn't mind watching the excitement and cut the camera to the faces of both ADs.

Gu Chuan's calm expression didn't seem to change, and he occasionally exchanged words with Danni behind him.

To him, all this is just an ordinary tactical arrangement, and he has no interest in considering what the opponent's mentality will be.

On the other side, at the GEN battle table.

The ruler's expression was serious, and the occasional sneer showed that he was not as calm as he imagined.

"The red side's counter position is given to top laner theshy. GEN now needs to determine all the heroes, and Dolan can't get many heroes."

The fourth floor of GEN seemed to be quite satisfactory, with the mid laner winning the Czar first.

No matter in terms of proficiency or personal laning strength, Chaowei's overall ability is still much stronger than Xiaohu. The Tsar picked up the code and established the right to the middle lane 15 minutes ago.

But when they finalized the final hero, there was another exclamation from the audience!

The monster holding a huge stick knocked on the floor, and its ice-blue skin and ugly face were impressive.


Colonel Guan's eyes were as big as bells, staring at the small screen in front of him in shock.

"Ah?. Is it really possible to play like this?!" Miller quickly reacted after being distracted for a moment, "Is it the pig jungler or the troll jungler?!"

In the WBG voice, the team members were also discussing intensely about the selection of GEN.

"The troll top laner can't play at all. He must be a pig top laner."

Cheng Lu confirmed GEN's plan at a glance.

Although this version prefers warrior-type attacks on the top lane, a semi-tank like the Troll, which has no displacement, can hardly reach the C position and has no way to enter the field.

"But I've never seen a troll jungler. Can this version still be playable?" Weiwei scratched his hair and asked.

Although a jungler like Troll looks similar to Poppy, it is more extreme than a functional hero like Poppy. With the damage of the current mythical version completely overflowing, once you are at a disadvantage, there is no possibility of getting close to the enemy. , only one pillar can barely be considered controllable.

In addition, the S12 version is biased towards defensive counterattacks, making it difficult for the dominant side to end the game directly in the early stage. This is doomed to the fact that the trolls will disappear in S12.

"Peanut played a troll in the 2022 LCK Spring and Summer Split and lost, but he used it once in the group stage when playing 100T,"

The assistant coach on the side whispered in the earphones, "Its main function is to set the rhythm in the early stage and try to penetrate all the way through the hunger strike military training method."

As a professional team that takes money to do things, no matter how unpopular the information is, the three-person training team has done various research early on.

Every victory of WBG is not only due to the efforts of the players on the field, but also the support of more behind-the-scenes work to become a dominant team.

"They should be planning to control the dragon around the middle and bottom lane,"

Dany nodded and walked quickly behind Cheng Lu, "What hero are you going to get? This is a situation that requires you to open the road."

Gu Chuan listened to the exchange between the two and felt that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Time waits for no one. In the last 10 seconds, TheShy finally decided to lock Qinggang Ying.

If you want to beat the thick-skinned pig girl, you must bring some real damage to your skills. The key is that your favorite AD top laner cannot be used, and Qinggangying not only has the upper hand in the mid-term in single lane, but also needs to fight in a team. At the same time, he can also enter the field together with Weiwei's Wei to form a double-lock top and jungle system.

The final choice of the red side WBG was confirmed, and the two sides began to quickly exchange heroes and select corresponding runes.

The mystery of who is the top laner is soon revealed.

In order to prevent various swing positions from affecting the opponent and causing players to be unable to choose the corresponding restraint runes in time, Riot Games has clearly stipulated in the event regulations that all players can no longer exchange heroes in the last 20 seconds. Once this happens The original BP will be maintained and raised again.

"This game may be the most critical game in our World Championship. Remember not to leave any regrets for yourself." Coach Score looked at the players seriously. "If something goes wrong, it will be my coach's responsibility. Just let go." beat!"

After saying that, Score quickly put down his headphones and faced Dani who was waiting for him again with a calm smile.

Since the top four are destined to be kicked out by the management when they return home, then get crazy on the last night!

Hearing the coach's firm tone, the GEN players were inspired again. Even the battle-hardened veterans Peanut and Chaowei felt a rush of blood rushing to their brains.

I secretly vowed to fight for that breath for the coach!

As the camera zoomed out, the lineups of both sides were finalized on the big screen.

GEN blue side: top laner Pig Girl, jungler Troll, mid laner Tsar, bottom laner Ezreal paired with Karma.

WBG red side: top laner Qinggang Shadow, jungler Wei, mid laner Silas, bottom lane Verus and Lenata.

"Analyzing the overall lineup, WBG is actually better."

"Even more disadvantaged!" Miller reacted in time, "Silas in the middle does not have lane rights to fight the Czar. The combat capabilities of Wei and Qinggangying in the early stage are obviously not as good as GEN's Ueno Troll and Pig Girl. How to deal with it? Passing Level 6 is a big problem.”

But this casual analysis was well-founded and successfully impressed the senior colonel.

"GEN has the absolute initiative in the first half of the early stage. With EZ and Karma in the bottom lane, the push will definitely be faster. The three lane rights are combined with Xiao Peanut's early offensive rhythm. WBG should be careful, Xiaolong's rhythm may be slowed down. It has to be pretty quick.”

Zeyuan suppressed the corners of his mouth that raised crazily and said worried words.

"That's right, that's right."

Miller nodded wildly in approval.

As the time gradually reaches the popular time in China, most viewers start to get up and go to work, and the barrage in the LPL event live broadcast room becomes more and more intensive.

The live footage was fixed on this year's Summoner's Trophy, gradually blurring out.

The next second, the scene of Summoner's Rift came into view!

As soon as the five people on the blue side went out, they ran wildly towards the bottom road. When they came to the grass on the bottom road, they scanned the code and pushed forward!

They have an absolute advantage in the first-level group with heroic attributes. Even if they accidentally bump into the WBG personnel head-on, they will not panic at all.

But everyone in WBG naturally knows this. According to the conventional long snake formation, they will steadily block various intersections to ensure that the opponent can be seen clearly when entering the wild area.

Until one minute and 40 seconds, there was no friction between the two sides.

"The junglers on both sides started mirroring. Peanut and Weiwei both started from the red BUFF. If nothing else, there shouldn't be much collision with the junglers in the early stage."

The director's shot was first shown to the bottom lane.

If GEN's bot lane combination was at a disadvantage in the previous game, and Gu Chuan and Liu Qingsong relied on their heroes to gain the advantage, then the strength of the two sides' bot lane combinations in this game is almost the same. Naturally, the one with the advantage will have stronger personal abilities. .

The former world champion faced off against the temporary No. 1 ADC!

(End of this chapter)

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