knife point guard

Chapter 221 [I will teach you how to win Olympic gold medal]

Chapter 221 [I will teach you how to win Olympic gold medal]

The American team watched Su Xi lead the Chinese team to smash Puerto Rico to pieces, and they didn't feel the slightest bit happy in their hearts.

The stronger the Chinese team is, the more useless they are.

The dog media in the United States have begun to call them a 'nightmare team', a team that does not live up to expectations.

Originally, everyone was hoping for revenge. After all, they only won No. 5 in the last World Championships, and they were the ones who were left behind at home. If they don’t win the gold medal this year, the golden sign of the Dream Team will be torn down.

Therefore, the higher the interest rate charged by the Chinese team, the more unhappy they will be.

But what can you do if you feel unhappy?

Hold on.

Just get used to it.

With the concerted efforts of Su Xi, Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi and others, the Chinese team used fast to defeat slow, high to defeat short, and strong to defeat weak.

They beat Puerto Rico by 28 points.

Another hearty victory, another unstoppable promotion.

The land of China is boiling.

As the schedule advances, the Olympic Games are actually coming to an end.

The Chinese team ranked second behind the United States in the gold medal standings.

Originally, the men's basketball gold medal had long been reserved for the Dream Team, but judging from the current situation, they are not far superior to other competitors.

Instead, the Chinese team showed its dominance.

This is the historic entry of the Chinese team into the semi-finals.

The whole country is rejoicing. For this reason, no one is pretending anymore. Fans' wishes converge into a torrent on the Internet: Someone always wants to win the Olympic gold medal, why can't it be the Chinese team?
After the victory over Puerto Rico, a CCTV reporter asked Su Xi directly: "Su Xi, do you think we have a chance to win a gold medal this year?"

Su Xi was taken aback.

"Try your best to fight for it." Su Xi said.

With Su Xi's words, the reporter felt relieved, and the viewers in front of the TV also had some confidence.

For domestic fans, Su Xi's words are edict.

Since Su Xi said she would try her best to fight for it, she must be confident.

Besides, even if you don't get the gold medal, it would be nice to get a silver or bronze medal.

The Chinese team has never reached the semi-finals before.

Shortly after the Chinese team entered the semi-finals, Argentina also defeated Lithuania, the first in Group B, and occupied the second semi-finals.

Subsequently, Italy defeated host Greece and entered the semi-finals.

The Dream Six team defeated Spain after a tough and fierce battle and became the last four semi-finalists in the Athens Olympics.

Spain was unlucky, they were exhausted in the final stage.

Moreover, they only lost one game in the group stage and met the Dream Six team instead. Who would have thought that the American team would be so useless.

With the semi-finals announced, the opponents in the semi-finals have also been determined.

The Chinese team faced off against Italy.

Team USA meets Argentina.

Italy and the Chinese team have already played them once in the group stage.They're a little strong, but not that strong.

Since Italy defeated Greece, the land of China has been in a state of excitement. Not only the fans are rejoicing, but the commentators on TV also said: This time the silver medal is guaranteed.

No one takes Italy seriously.

It feels like Italy during World War II.

In contrast, Dream Team [-] couldn’t laugh.

The domestic media in the United States even said sourly: The Chinese team is so lucky.

Su Xi laughed angrily when she saw this comment on ESPN.

Do we call this good luck?Why don't you say you are weak?You lost to Italy in Germany, and you lost to Puerto Rico in the group stage. Aren't these teams that defeated you?Wherever you go, you always say that the environment is not good?Being timid before fighting is not the style of your dream team.

What was your previous hair shape?You have to stand up.

Interestingly, before the semifinals between Argentina and the United States, Suhi met Carlos Boozer, LeBron James, and Carmelo Anthony in the player tunnel inside the arena.

All three of them were stretching nearby.

When he saw Su Xi, Anthony stretched out his hand to say hello, and Abu even ran over and high-fived Su Xi.

Only James pretended not to see it.

It stands to reason that these three people were all Su Xi's teammates and should have a good relationship with each other. How could it be that the little king couldn't get along with each other?

"Jack, your momentum is a bit strong." Carlos Boozer said to Su Xi: "Kill Italy and you can enter the finals. Your Chinese team has never entered the Olympic finals before. You are really lucky. Wherever you go, you win.”

Su Xi chuckled.

Carmelo Anthony next to him said: "Jack, come on. I'm waiting to kill you in the finals! I'll get the gold medal, you get the silver medal."

At this time Su Xi smiled, and he said half jokingly and half seriously: "Cameron, your draft pick is third. Maybe you will win the bronze medal this year."

"Screw you."

Anthony cursed and emphasized loudly: "According to what you said, we still have the No. [-] pick. LeBron is the No. [-] pick, and we will definitely win the gold medal."

Hearing this, James pricked up his ears.He wanted to hear what Su Xi had to say.

But hey.

Su Xi just laughed twice.

it is more than words.

This is frustrating the little king, the Chosen Son. You keep talking. If you have an opinion, keep talking. What do you mean by hey?What's the point? Are you looking down on me?


Susie said goodbye to Anthony and Carlos Boozer and wished them good luck.

But the Argentines made America cry.

Although the Dream Team has strong players, its status in the NBA is much higher than that of Ginobili, and even Duncan is Ginobili's boss.

But...this is FIBA, not the NBA.

Players of this generation in Argentina have grown up together and have a tacit understanding.Moreover, their tactics are very smooth and the whole team is united.

In contrast, Larry Brown is too stubborn, and his tactics remain unchanged. Many experts in the United States have long criticized Larry Brown for not knowing how to adapt and that he has been eliminated by the times.

However, his authority on the team is still not reduced by half. As an assistant coach, Popovich has no right to make suggestions at all.

The Dream Six team fell into decline step by step like this. Argentina suppressed them and played harder and harder.

In the end, they beat the Dream Team by 15 points.

The basketball dream team became the basketball nightmare team.

They failed and didn't even make it to the finals.

ESPN's commentators went on a TV rampage, claiming this was the darkest day for American basketball.They scolded Larry Brown, Iverson, Duncan, Odom, Marion...

They themselves say this team sucks.

This was completely different from their previous expectations.

They came with the idea of ​​​​teaching Su Xi a lesson to avenge her shame and win the gold medal.

But now, they haven't even touched Su Xi.Unless the Chinese team loses to Italy next, they will have a chance to compete with the Chinese team for a bronze medal.But what if the Chinese team wins?

That dream team is so embarrassing that they opened the door for shame. It's so embarrassing.

Not to mention avenging previous humiliation, Dream Team [-] is even more humiliating than being in Dream Team [-].

This team should be kicked off the Dream Team.


Three hours later, the last hope of the Dream Six team was shattered. The Chinese team did not give Italy a chance. They defeated Italy easily.Although Italy led by 3 points in the first quarter, after entering the second quarter, the Chinese team worked together and they were unable to parry.

The Chinese team defeated Italy 101:81 and reached the finals historically.

They will compete with Argentina for the gold medal in this year's Olympic Games.

It quickly became the most glorious moment for the Chinese Olympic team this year, and sports fans across the country were discussing this historic breakthrough.Although Liu Xiang's gold medal breakthrough in track and field is also very amazing, the mass base of track and field and basketball is still quite different.

Suhi occupied the front pages of all sports media during this time, and his name was chanted repeatedly.In the streets, old, weak, women and children, everyone is talking about Su Xi's name, such as Su Xi the little sheep, the God of Basketball, and No. 1 in history.

Under the overwhelming publicity of the media, Su Xi's fame has reached the national level...a level higher than the national level. Even the old rural women who don't care about basketball at all know that China has a basketball god Su Xi, who leads the Chinese team. Reached the finals at the Olympics.

Chinese people's worship of 'god' is by no means the kind that is casually talked about in the United States, nor is it the kind of island country where you can become the god of sushi by just making any sushi.Chinese gods are worshiped from the heart and require incense to be worshipped.If you have not made great achievements and have no "supernatural powers" that have been passed down by word of mouth, who will believe you?Who takes you seriously?

Huang Xiaoman was very surprised. She originally guessed that Su Xi would gain greater popularity and national support through this trip to the national team. After all, no matter how well she plays in the NBA, she is not contributing to the country.

But now, Su Xi has brought the Chinese team to the finals, which has a completely different meaning.

"Now the whole country is watching this final, and everyone has very high expectations for you. If you win, you will truly become the No. 1 player in the country, the pride of China and the god of Asia."

Huang Xiaoman followed public opinion and said to Su Xi: "Now this game has become a game that unites national confidence. You must not lose."

Huang Xiaoman is very serious.

The rising public opinion and the participation of more and more non-fans make it impossible to analyze things rationally.

Everyone has such high expectations. What they want is to win and what they want is a gold medal.No discounts can be given at all.

Once they only get the silver medal, even though they have broken the historical record of the Chinese men's basketball team, it can be said to be a great success.

However, the passion ignited by public opinion has formed a "mass unconscious" excitement.

The flowers are blooming, and the fire is cooking oil.

Not only Su Xi felt this pressure, Yao Ming also caught it, and his agent was also talking to him about the domestic situation.Nowadays, ordinary people regard the men's basketball team as a gold medal point, and the society has created an atmosphere of 'nine out of ten'. After all, Su Xi is the 'god of basketball'.

In the United States, a foreigner can defeat so many strong black men and win the championship. Why can't he do it in the Olympics?Isn’t the United States already defeated?Argentina is certainly not a problem!

Public opinion is sometimes a double-edged sword.

When more and more ordinary people who don't understand basketball join in, it will be difficult to analyze it from a professional perspective.

The men's basketball team leader also specially held a meeting with the players to convey the leadership's message.

Leaders encourage everyone to keep up their efforts and reach new heights.The most important thing is to hope that the men's basketball team can follow the people's will and win the championship.

At present, the country is engaged in economic construction, and the men's basketball team has become a "hot spot" at this time, gathering the national fighting spirit. Everyone hopes to use this hot spot to make the nation's self-confidence burst out more vigorously.

Sports are the easiest thing to build consensus and create miracles in peacetime.

The fans all felt this heavy trust, and everyone's pressure suddenly increased.

During training, everyone shut their mouths and practiced in silence.

After Isiah Thomas saw it, he was a little worried. He couldn't help but ask Su Xi: "Jack, why are your teammates suddenly so silent and suddenly not excited? This is not a good thing. You have to tell them, don't Frightened by the failure in the group stage. Argentina are not invincible and we have the means to defeat them."

Suzy smiled.

He thinks Isiah Thomas doesn’t understand Chinese culture very well.

He said: "Chinese people are not extroverted. Most of us are very reserved. If you know what they are thinking behind their silence, you will know how excited they are."

"For us, now is the time to honor our ancestors. Do you know what it means to honor our ancestors? Do you know how attractive it is to open a single page of a family tree? Do you know how powerful it is to hang an Olympic gold medal plaque in the ancestral hall? Is this a battle? Although this battle is very stressful, the motivation is even stronger. If you win, everyone will be a national hero!"

Susie said to Isiah Thomas.

Isiah Thomas opened his mouth wide, dumbfounded.

Can this be done?
of course can.

Yunus is also a foreigner. When he was leaving the arena, he was mobilizing on the bus and said some words of encouragement.

But feedback from players has been relatively lackluster.

At this moment, Su Xi stood up and clapped his hands to focus everyone's attention on himself.

"I think everyone has heard about the domestic situation, and people across the country are waiting for our triumph. Basketball has received unprecedented attention, and we must cherish this opportunity."

He said: "Brothers, the time to make achievements has arrived. I know everyone is very excited, but don't be too excited. Let's stay normal. I will feed you the ball and play to our normal level. We can lift the gold medal." .”

"Brothers, win this game, let's return home in glory and honor our ancestors!"

Su Xi's voice was loud, and her teammates' faces were all flushed with excitement.

Everyone knows that this is the most glorious moment in their lives.As Su Xi said, if you win, you will be a national hero, honoring your ancestors and returning home in glory.

Lost...even though it was a super victory.

However, the enthusiasm of domestic fans will inevitably be poured cold water on.

It is far away from Guangzong Yaozu.

Moreover, who doesn’t want a gold medal in basketball?

Why should we take second place if we can take first place?

When the Chinese team arrived at the stadium, the Dream Six team won the bronze medal. They defeated Italy, avenged the warm-up match and reserved themselves the chance to appear on the podium tonight.

But for them, this award is the biggest failure, a humiliating honor.

Moreover, they must watch as Su Xi and his Chinese team ascend to a higher podium than them, either as runner-up or champion.

If he is the champion, Su Xi will become the first player since Jordan to win both the Finals MVP and the Olympic gold medal in the same summer.

Moreover, Su Xi's gold medal is far more valuable than Jordan's.

After all, even someone as strong as Jordan can only win as a team.

Su Xi led an Asian team that had never reached the semifinals to win the championship.

You can say that Yao Ming is his right-hand man, but you can never say that Yao Ming and he are dual-core... As long as you watch the game, you will find that Su Xi is the absolute core.

Su Xi met members of the U.S. team in the tunnel.

LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony as well as Allen Iverson and Lamar Odom.

Wade, Anthony, and Iverson all greeted Susie, high-fived and hugged her.

Su Xi congratulated them on winning the award. Although this was not the honor they wanted, polite greetings were necessary.

Iverson said: "Come on, Jack. Don't underestimate Argentina. Their team is very resilient, like a dexterous snake. As long as you relax a little, they will bite you and give you a fatal blow. You must Maintain the highest level of defensive vigilance.”

"Ginobili's physical condition is not good, wear him down." Iverson reminded Su Xi in his ear.

They have a good relationship, and Iverson wants Susie to win.

Wade and Anthony also feel the same way.

Although Su Xi was a rookie in the 2003 class, it made them feel uncomfortable to leave them so far behind.However, instead of watching Argentina, who defeated them, stand on the gold medal podium, it would be better for Suhi to win the gold.

In the 2003 class, the three of them plus James were originally the four Musketeers with the best relationship. Now James and Su Xi no longer speak.The two remain close to Susie.

Suhi thanks them.

At this time, a sudden voice sounded.It’s Lamar Odom.

This person has been wandering in a fuzzy state, unable to figure out his situation.He actually said to Su Xi: "Su, you should be lucky that you didn't meet us in the group stage. Otherwise, you would never have gotten to where you are today."

Su Xi frowned.

What nonsense are you talking about.

This year's Dream Team [-] is like a ball of loose sand, there is no need to scatter it at all, it just takes two steps and it will disperse.

A team that can't even win against Italy and Puerto Rico still wants to stop the Chinese team?
But Suzy didn't argue with Lamar Odom.

Although Odom is considered an elite player, he is not on the same level as Su Xi today.

There is no point in arguing with him.

Su Xi said goodbye to Iverson, Wade, and Anthony, and walked to the court. He was going to warm up.

Not long after the bronze medal match was played in the arena, staff were still cleaning the venue, and some media were also assuming live broadcast equipment.

Su Xi found an empty field and began to practice jump shots with the ball.

The loss to Argentina in the group stage was because other players were locked up at critical moments and could only forcefully take action.Although those two forced shots allowed him to combine and improve Kobe's super offensive talent by 2 points.

But now, winning is the most important thing.

"Hey, Jack, isn't it a little late to practice again at this time?"

Suddenly, Su Xi heard a familiar voice.

He turned his head and saw a familiar figure. He, Kobe Bryant, was standing on the sidelines wearing a sports suit. He looked at Su Xi with his short hands on his hips and smiled.

"How did you come?"

Su Xi was surprised.

Kobe raised his eyebrows: "I came to see the Dream Team [-], and I wanted to see you by the way."

"Then you came just in time." Su Xi raised her finger at him: "Come on, practice two moves with me."

Kobe frowned, what the hell are you talking about?I traveled all the way from the United States to be your sparring partner?

"Come on, I'll teach you how to win an Olympic gold medal."


(End of this chapter)

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