knife point guard

Chapter 84 [Start of the talent show]

Chapter 84 [Start of the talent show]

Su Xi put on a suit and asked the hotel to borrow a small meeting room.He then meets here with Jerry Krause and his assistant Potter.

The Bulls had to quickly adjust their draft plan because of Jay Williams' serious injury. They originally planned to pick a shooting guard... If Dwyane Wade, who was born in Illinois, fell to the seventh pick, they would not hesitate to pick Walk
But right now, they're swinging between three point guards: Kirk Hinrich, TJ Ford and Suzy.

Both Hinrich and Ford went to Chicago for workouts, but Suzy didn't, even though he had been in Chicago for nearly a month.

Klaus had a bad relationship with Grover, and he couldn't get specific data from Grover.So, when they came to New York, they tried to find out the phone number of Su Xi's agent, and then came to see Su Xi.

It's like an interview.

However, when they took their seats, they found that the initiative was not in their hands.

More like... Suzy interviewing them.

Suzy asks them about Jay Williams' injury.

Klaus replied: "It is more serious than reported in the news. It is not just a career reimbursement. It is very likely that there are obvious defects in physical signs."

"The news is that he's driving dangerously in violation of the terms of his contract, so there's a chance you'll take him off the roster and not pay him the rest of his contract?" Suzy asked.

"Yes. We have the right to do so." Klaus said: "However, the boss has agreed that even if he abandons his contract, he will still provide him with 300 million US dollars so that he can recover from his injury."

"very good."

Su Xi smiled: "You did the right thing, and many players will join you because of your tolerance and charity."

Klaus laughed too, and said, "Are you friends with Jay? I remember you both growing up in New Jersey."

"No, we are not." Su Xi shook his head. He recalled some memory images, and he said: "In fact, we used to be the fiercest opponents. He once threatened to eat my piece of 'sushi' in one bite."

Klaus raised his eyebrows.He said appreciatively: "I am delighted by your kindness and integrity."

"However, are you going to talk to me about this? When you see me, you don't plan to fight for it. Show your strengths and introduce your experience. This should be us interviewing you."

Klaus asked Suzy.

Su Xi said honestly: "The reason I want to meet you is because I care about Jay Williams. I don't have anything else to show."

"You don't like the Bulls, you don't want to play in Chicago?" Krause asked Suzy, and he looked into Suzy's eyes.

Su Xi has always remained calm.Sitting there, he didn't look like an 18-year-old boy. He gave people an unprecedented sense of calm, like a peaceful sea, deep, mysterious, broad, and confident.This breath of calm exudes is fascinating, whether it is a man or a woman sitting across from him.

"I don't reject any options. This matter is not up to me." Su Xi said: "I am a loyal fan of the Bulls' two dynasties."

Klaus stood up, and he offered to extend his hand. He said to Su Xi: "I always feel that we can continue to deal with each other in the future. Thank you for interviewing me."

He made a joke.

Su Xi smiled and sent him out.

This is a brief meeting.

Assistant Porter said to Krause after going out: "This guy doesn't seem interested in the Bulls."

"No, he is very interested in the Bulls. However, he is very good at restraining his emotions. Otherwise, there is no need for him to ask about Jay Williams." Klaus said confidently: "He is confirming his appearance Opportunity, and defining the style of our team. He's a top-notch smart guy."

"So... are we really going to take him with the seventh pick?" Porter asked.

Klaus hesitated.

The figure of Kirk Hinrich has been lingering in his mind. Although he was defeated by Su Xi in the NCAA Finals, Hinrich's style of play is more mature and experienced, and his organizational skills are also very good.

Moreover, he is very simple.He will definitely not do risky things. After the dangerous driving of the talented player Jay Williams caused his career to be scrapped, their entire management hopes to get a more controlled player.

Su Xi is obviously difficult to control.

But he is really charming.

Kirksinrich is like a girl next door with a plain face, and Su Xi is like a plump and graceful sister with a protruding front and back, delicious and juicy.

It's really hard to choose.

After Klaus left, Su Xi returned to the room, and he and Huang Xiaoman discussed domestic advertising sponsorship for a while.Then, he couldn't help leaning towards Huang Xiaoman, and began to rub his hands, wanting to stick them together.

"Didn't you say that falling in love affects playing?"

"It doesn't affect it now, it doesn't affect it."

After a rustling sound... the room was full of happy air.


Su Xi had a good night, Huang Xiaoman was in pain and happy.

After he woke up the next day.

Su Xi's name is all over the major basketball media, and there are many discussions on the Internet.

Because Suzy's training videos appeared on Channel 974, Channel 35 and Playboy-TV.All three are well-known adult channels.

From 12 o'clock last night, every time they play a film, they will play a Suzy basketball video.

The content of the video tape includes the picture of Su Xi winning the championship at Syracuse University, the picture of Su Xi training alone in the Chicago training camp, and the picture of Su Xi defeating Banks in the training camp battle.

The most important thing is that there are mosaics in this Su Xi promotional film!
Can you take it?Mosaic!
Why is there a mosaic? Mike O'Connor said that he would take the videotape to the TV station, and Su Xi said that he would put a mosaic on the opposing player Banks.

Mosaic didn't pay much attention if they didn't hit others, but once they hit...everyone knew who it was.

And it's a shame that this tape appeared on the adult channel itself.

Who would have thought that after watching a wonderful hand-to-hand combat, he could watch another wonderful basketball promotional video?
"You can even watch basketball on Playboy-TV, David Stern should give Jack the best basketball salesman award."

Su Xi turned on the TV, he wanted to watch some draft news, after all, he was going to participate in the draft tomorrow.

Then, he saw the commentators laughing together on the TNT channel.

Kenny Smith said: "There is no doubt that this is a genius idea. I have a friend who was bored last night and turned on channel 974. When he saw the basketball promotional video, he was shocked. He Thought I was reading it wrong... but there is no doubt that this is a genius creation. Sheep Su Xi, very well, my... that friend remembered the name."

"This is the GOAT of the adult channel. Let me tell you, Michael Jordan has always wanted to be on the cover of Playboy, he wanted to show his sexy side. But, he never succeeded. Now, he sees Suzy the lamb, he is very Touched. Finally a basketball player did something he didn’t.” Charles Barkley was also talking about his friend Jordan.

Only Earl Johnson is serious: "There is no doubt that this is a wonderful publicity. It surpasses many players who go around talking and provoking various NBA players. This is a perfect exposure for Jack's draft. His team once again proved that it is good at packaging Players, close the distance between players and ordinary fans."

"Don't underestimate this promotion. Most of the fans are users of the midnight pay channel, and the more experienced the fans, the higher the level of paying. This is a vertical promotion for the field of basketball fans. The name Su Xi the lamb passed through this time Exposure, surpassing him scoring 50+ once in the NBA."


Su Xi's cell phone rang, and he turned it on.It was sent by Aaron Goodwin: "Jack, your team is too strong. This is an unprecedented promotion case, directly into the depths of the fan base, which has never been thought of by any NBA star. This is more than the Nike team recently. The effect of two weeks on LeBron's packaging."


Su Xi was stunned.

Half an hour later, he showed up in Mike O'Connor's room.

O'Connor was very excited. He said to Su Xi: "Boss, look. I received an advertising offer from Durex."

Su Xi didn't expect it.

"My friend told me that this time the effect is very good. At least 1000 million paying users in the United States have watched your basketball promotional video. Everyone has a deep memory of you."

"Playboy would like to invite you to take a group of promotional photos and put them in their women's magazine. How about it? Boss, did you do a good job this time? We'll handle both the male group and the female group at once." Mike O'Connor said proudly.

Su Xi thought about it, and then he said, "Well, it's a good job."

He forgot that he had come to blame O'Connor.

It has to be said that this propaganda has indeed achieved a subversive effect.

When LeBron James saw Su Xi again, he couldn't help but said to Su Xi: "Brother, why don't you take me with such a cool thing?"

Su Xi reached out and touched his head. "You are the chosen one and should not be associated with adult channels. It's not good for your image."

James thought about it carefully and nodded.

If Su Xi told him in advance to let him go together, he would definitely refuse.After all, who knew it could achieve such good results?

Moreover, the reason why Su Xi can achieve such good results is also inseparable from his handsome appearance.

Viewers of adult channels are very picky about their looks.

Some viewers don't even watch the ones with tattoos.

James' appearance appeared on the adult channel, so he could only act as a monster and put it in the novelty column.

"The draft is coming up tomorrow, are you nervous?" James asked Suzy.

Suzy said, "It's okay, don't be nervous. What about you?"

"I have already figured out what to say when I go up first." James said with a smile.Then he said to Su Xi: "I think you should also prepare a speech on the stage, and it is best to mention my name. Maybe there will be a surprise."

"You're such a stinky fart." Su Xi gave James an angry look.

At this time, Wade and Anthony also came.

The four met again, chatted happily, and joked about Su Xi's adult channel promotional video for a while.Then smugly looked forward to, James, Wade, and Anthony were full of energy, and they all firmly believed that entering the NBA would overturn the entire league, break the decadent old pattern, and establish a new NBA order.

In contrast, Su Xi is still very low-key.He said: My goal now is to enter the league, fight more with superstars and super talents, and strengthen my own strength.

"You still want to be a genius terminator." Even Wade knew Su Xi's name, and joked: "You must not terminate me, I am not a genius."

If it wasn't for the elf falling asleep, Su Xi really wanted the elf to scan this 'Versailles'.

James made the final decision: "Brothers, the four of us must occupy the four spots in the best rookie team in the new season. I believe we can do it."


At 2003:6 pm on June 26, 03, Su Xi, wearing a suit, walked into the Madison Garden Theater with Huang Xiaoman, Mike O'Connor and Qin Xing under the tracking and shooting of CCTV cameras.

Backstage, journalists were not allowed in.Su Xi soon ran into Larry Bird, and Larry Bird secretly gave him a look to hint that he was sure that something wonderful would happen tonight.

Su Xi also nodded.

Before signing a sponsorship contract with Nike, he actually didn't consider joining a team other than the Pacers. He felt that the Pacers were very strong, and with himself, he would definitely win the championship within five years.Moreover, Bird's 'super distance talent' made him too greedy.

However, after the Nike contract was signed, Su Xi began to feel that going to a strong team seemed to be detrimental to her personal development. Engineer player.

And in the terms of the contract signed with Nike.Including entering the All-Rookie team in the first season, being selected as the best player of the week for more than 3 times in the first two seasons, being elected as the All-Star in the first three seasons, and being selected as the best player of the month for more than 4 times in the first five seasons.

To achieve these terms, if it is only a team player, it will not work.

Therefore, after Su Xi entered the venue, he was inexplicably nervous.

He didn't know what kind of turning point his fate would take tonight.

To the Pacers, or to another team?
Time is passing slowly, and some wars without gunpowder are also starting.

For rookies like Su Xi, this is a turning point.

For the NBA team that chooses them, it is also a gamble that determines future success or failure.

The decisions they make tonight will be judged by time in the future.

Who can pick the real jade in the rough, who will be nailed to the pillar of shame and ridiculed.

The annual talent show begins.


(End of this chapter)

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